InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Mate for Sesshomaru ❯ Control is the key ( Chapter 9 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 9-Control is the Key
When they finally arrived at Inu Yasha and Kagome's home. He had developed a new found respect for Aine. She was a fighter and he vowed to help her any way he could. He looked at her and said, "Let's find Kaede, she may know where Myouga-san is." "No need, my boy, I'm right here. A little doggie told me you might need some help.", said the tiny flea demon, right by Inu Yasha's ear.
"And who is this lovely young thing with you?", but the "thing" dropped to her knees and begged the forgiveness of her sensei. "Master Myouga-san, please accept my humblest apology in not seeking you out as I arrived. I was unaware that you were here." "Inu Yasha, you could learn some manners from Aine.", the flea said. "How do you know her name, you haven't met her yet.", Inu Yasha demanded. "I told you a little doggie sent me. Your brother has made a mess of things. Now we have to straighten them out.", Myouga replied. He looked down to Aine and said,"You start new training tomorrow at dawn. Since you should have arrived sooner than you did, you will sleep outside tonight, no fire. You are to be Sesshomaru's punishment or his prize, but either way he will learn." "Yes, master. May I bathe now?", she said. "Yes, child go ahead. I need to speak with Inu Yasha.", was the reply.
After Aine left, Myouga looked at Inu Yasha, and said,"I'm to assume she refused him?" "She refuses to speak of it. She said she didn't have enough control." InuYasha replied. "That's good, she is realizing how to use her abilities, now we just have to hone them. I will need everyone's help for this,if not for your brother, do it for Aine.", Myoga said.
The next morning, her first task was to find Kagome, Sango, Miruko, and Kouga. To prove that she had found them, she needed to bring something back. She decided it would be Kouga. When she found the group, she cloaked herself and snuck up on the group. She taunted Kouga with, "See, even I can sneak up on you. Bet you I could beat you home, and ran off, laughing."
They hit the clearing about the same time. Aine was laughing at Kouga, because he said she cheated. His jewel shards given to Kagome after Naruku's defeat. "You're just mad, because I kept up. You must be getting slow in your old age, if you let a human girl beat you in a race." "Aine, I assume this is your proof?", Myouga asked. Aine whirled around to find both Myouga and Sesshomaru standing there. Immediately, she dropped to her knees in front of Myouga,"Yes, Master, will this proof do?" Myouga looked to Kouga, "Is Kagome walking, Kouga-san?" "Yes, Myouga-san," was the reply. Myouga looked down to Aine,"No it's not enough. Get me Kagome, and carry her home on your back." "Yes, Master", she rose, ignoring Sesshomaru, turned and ran in the direction, she had just come from. "She's my best student.", Myouga told Sesshomaru.
"She is NOT your student.", Sesshomaru snapped. "I have been told that I am her sensei in the future, therefore, she submits to me here. I'm told she needs special training and that she is powerful. That's why I'm here, to train her.", Myouga replied. "Who sent you?"he demanded. "Your Father, My Lord.", Myouga answered blandly. Sesshomaru snorted and said,"I just wanted to make sure the girl's wound healed, and that she was unharmed." He created a cloud and took off.
When Aine reutrned with Kagome. Myouga looked at her and said,"Excellant, my girl. but, we have a lot of work to do. Just remember, control is the key."
When they finally arrived at Inu Yasha and Kagome's home. He had developed a new found respect for Aine. She was a fighter and he vowed to help her any way he could. He looked at her and said, "Let's find Kaede, she may know where Myouga-san is." "No need, my boy, I'm right here. A little doggie told me you might need some help.", said the tiny flea demon, right by Inu Yasha's ear.
"And who is this lovely young thing with you?", but the "thing" dropped to her knees and begged the forgiveness of her sensei. "Master Myouga-san, please accept my humblest apology in not seeking you out as I arrived. I was unaware that you were here." "Inu Yasha, you could learn some manners from Aine.", the flea said. "How do you know her name, you haven't met her yet.", Inu Yasha demanded. "I told you a little doggie sent me. Your brother has made a mess of things. Now we have to straighten them out.", Myouga replied. He looked down to Aine and said,"You start new training tomorrow at dawn. Since you should have arrived sooner than you did, you will sleep outside tonight, no fire. You are to be Sesshomaru's punishment or his prize, but either way he will learn." "Yes, master. May I bathe now?", she said. "Yes, child go ahead. I need to speak with Inu Yasha.", was the reply.
After Aine left, Myouga looked at Inu Yasha, and said,"I'm to assume she refused him?" "She refuses to speak of it. She said she didn't have enough control." InuYasha replied. "That's good, she is realizing how to use her abilities, now we just have to hone them. I will need everyone's help for this,if not for your brother, do it for Aine.", Myoga said.
The next morning, her first task was to find Kagome, Sango, Miruko, and Kouga. To prove that she had found them, she needed to bring something back. She decided it would be Kouga. When she found the group, she cloaked herself and snuck up on the group. She taunted Kouga with, "See, even I can sneak up on you. Bet you I could beat you home, and ran off, laughing."
They hit the clearing about the same time. Aine was laughing at Kouga, because he said she cheated. His jewel shards given to Kagome after Naruku's defeat. "You're just mad, because I kept up. You must be getting slow in your old age, if you let a human girl beat you in a race." "Aine, I assume this is your proof?", Myouga asked. Aine whirled around to find both Myouga and Sesshomaru standing there. Immediately, she dropped to her knees in front of Myouga,"Yes, Master, will this proof do?" Myouga looked to Kouga, "Is Kagome walking, Kouga-san?" "Yes, Myouga-san," was the reply. Myouga looked down to Aine,"No it's not enough. Get me Kagome, and carry her home on your back." "Yes, Master", she rose, ignoring Sesshomaru, turned and ran in the direction, she had just come from. "She's my best student.", Myouga told Sesshomaru.
"She is NOT your student.", Sesshomaru snapped. "I have been told that I am her sensei in the future, therefore, she submits to me here. I'm told she needs special training and that she is powerful. That's why I'm here, to train her.", Myouga replied. "Who sent you?"he demanded. "Your Father, My Lord.", Myouga answered blandly. Sesshomaru snorted and said,"I just wanted to make sure the girl's wound healed, and that she was unharmed." He created a cloud and took off.
When Aine reutrned with Kagome. Myouga looked at her and said,"Excellant, my girl. but, we have a lot of work to do. Just remember, control is the key."