InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Meeting Unknown ❯ The Question ( Chapter 1 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A meeting unknown
Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha and characters. If I did, I wouldn't have Kikyo come back and mess up InuYasha and Kagome as an item, so there!! :-P~~~
Vell: if you are a Kikyo fan, DON'T read, I hate her, um.. I was told by a reader in an e-mail that I can't use curse words in here anymore... but dangit I wanna use it!! Anyway, this is a OOC fanfic!!! OOC!!!!! Ok? Got it? Good!! Now then... on to the FIC!!!!! Why you still reading this? I SAID ON TO THE FIC!!! READ THE STORY NOT THIS!!! DANGIT, why you still reading this? *huffs* don't make me come over there and make you read the fic.... *EVIL grin with red glowing eyes* I have my ways...
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A girl around the age of 16 was seen sitting in a tree in Shikon High's courtyard. She was wearing long, black, baggy pants with silvery chains hanging over the branch, a black tank top with a fishnet long sleeved shirt over it with the words `Don't hate me because I'm beautiful, hate me because I'm a bitch!' in blood red letters across the chest. Her raven black hair was loose, flowing freely down her back, with lightning silver and lightning blue streaks. Her black army boots with blood red flames coming up from the toe and heel dangled carelessly from the branch.
She was working hard on a picture that she was drawing for art class as she kicked one foot in time to the beat of her CD player. The picture was of her long time crush- a silver haired boy of 17, InuYasha Youkai. He was the leader of the school's top gang. His half-brother, Sesshoumaru, had appointed him so after his graduation last year. The boy had all of her classes, and when they had PE, he would take off his shirt and let every girl, and even some female teachers, have a good, long look at his well built chest, upper body and strong arms. He was every girl's, and woman's, dream. He was smart, though he didn't show it much, drop-dead GORGEOUS, and had an ass to kill (AN: sorry, had to put it, I've seen it WAY too much not to, and besides, I LOVE HIS ASS!!!!!).
The girl in black was the leader of one of the girl's gangs, the other leader being the school slut (AN: all you Kikyo haters should know who I'm talking bout here, if not, I feel for you). The leader of the other female gang was Kikyo, the head cheerleader, not to mention slut of the school.
Nearly falling off of her branch from being startled, Kagome turned off her CD player and looked down to see who had called, only to see that it was her second in command, and best friend, Sango, a tough girl with a heart of pure gold (AN: man, that was lame... -`_'-). She could take on any, except Kagome, who came and wanted to cause trouble, or just annoyed her or any of her fellow gang girls.
Kagome smiled, "Hey Sango, what's up? Why ya yellin so loudly? I'm not deaf... yet," she said with a grin. Sango stuck out her tongue up at her, but smiled nonetheless.
"Well, I just came to warn you that your crush of the year is coming, and word is, he's lookin for you." Sango pointed at the red and green faced girl, who was now shaking.
"W-w-w-wha... What do you mean? He's lookin for me?" She paled at the thought of being forced to talk to him. "Oh, dear GOD!!!" she whispered in panic.
"What do I do? I can't talk to him!!! I won't even be able to say hi!!!!" She turned and started to climb the tree higher, to try and hide before...
To late… the fates were too cruel...
She stopped dead, red faced, and shaking. Slowly, she turned to look down and see the proud and smirking man of her dreams. He was wearing a tight red muscle shirt that said ' I'm bored, you got a gun, or something sharp and pointed to play with?' written sideways over the front. It looked like it was spray painted on in black letters. He was also wearing long, black, baggy pants with chains hanging from it and black and red sneakers.
She blushed darker at the sight of him. His shirt left next to nothing to the imagination, and the red and black looked good, oh hell, great, on him! And the smirk just topped it off. His long silvery white hair, hanging long, free, and wild gave the impression of a wild person untamed by the city life. His golden eyes burned holes into her purple-blue ones- just telling her he wanted to have a little, private chat with her. Groaning inwardly, `Don't drool, don't drool, don't drool, don't…' she chanted over and over in her head, trying to force the blush from her cheeks, praying that InuYasha couldn't see it.
"Y-yes?" she stuttered out. Clearing her throat, she tried again. "Yea? Whatcha want?"
He smirked wider after hearing her stutter, and said very calmly, "Well, I was wondering if we could talk privately," he looked pointedly at Sango, who in return put up her hands, looked up at Kagome, winked, turned, and left. He turned back to Kagome, smirking again, and spoke, "Well, now all we need is for you to get down, and we can talk, well... whatcha waiting for? Come on down here."
Kagome gulped and began to slowly climb down the tree. She was trying hard to fight down her blush and strengthen her nerve, or she might run if he even looked at her. She finally got down and turned to face him and asked, "So, whatcha wanna talk `bout InuYasha?"
InuYasha smirked, and pulled her close to him. He wrapped one arm around her shoulders and whispered in her ear in a low, husky voice, "Its private, Kags, so we need to walk a little ways before we're at a safe distance to talk."
Kagome nodded dumbly, "Uh-huh," and walked with him to wherever he was taking her.
They walked for about 15 minutes before they came to an old looking building. It looked fine, just old, and scary to anyone who didn't know about it. It was InuYasha's hideout for his gang.
They walked in and InuYasha took her to his room in the house, on the top floor. After leading her in, InuYasha unwrapped his arm to close and lock the door. Turning to face Kagome, he smirked once again at her blushing face. He walked over to her, stopping not a foot away from her, his eyes locking with hers.
"I've been keeping my eye on you for some time now, Kags," he reached out, and took some of her hair into his hand, playing with it idly, before continuing, "and I've liked what I've seen. You're strong, beautiful, smart, and the leader of a gang that has always helped out mine." He smirked at her and leaned in a little closer to talk in a lower voice, a near whisper, "and I need someone to help me out. This place has enough room for another gang, and I hear that you're in need of a hangout, so I was thinking..." he paused to lightly graze his lips over her cheek before whispering in her ear, "I was wondering if you would do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend and fellow leader to my gang, and have yours stay here as well. We need a woman's touch here, and I need a strong woman, who is loyal to her man." He leaned back enough to catch her mouth with his. He kissed her deeply, with passion and promise. This was a kiss that would work up to something more... or so they hoped…
Then there was a knock on the door.
But it would seem that the fates hate us...
InuYasha broke the kiss, growling, "I'm going to fuckin KILL SOMEONE!!!!!" InuYasha said, steadily working up to a full-blown roar. InuYasha stormed over to the door and nearly broke the door when he opened it. "WHAT!?" he shouted at a young male teen cowering before him.
"S... s... Sir?... I... I have the report you wanted..." the boy squeaked out, holding up a tan folder with a quivering hand.
With a scowl, InuYasha snatched the folder from the kid and slammed the door closed. He was grumbling about something like `no respect for privacy around here` as he walked over to his desk while looking through the folder.
"Um..." Kagome just stood by and watched the exchange, then when the door was slammed, she turned her eyes to the floor. InuYasha was walking by her and nearly made her jump out of her skin when he pinched her ass on his way by. Kagome turned to face him, looking pissed, "What the hell made you pinch my ass for?" Kagome glared at him as he just continued to sit in his chair and look through the folder. She marched over behind his chair, put her hands on the back, stepped back about four feet, and pulled. His chair toppled backwards as a yelp came from him. Kagome just stood over him laughing like a maniac. Her arms were wrapped around her waist, and she had tears running down her cheeks. She couldn't breath because she was laughing at InuYasha lying on the floor.
Growling, InuYasha got up slowly. He dusted off and straightened his clothes, righted his chair, and fixed his hair, since it got disheveled when he fell. He looked at the laughing girl before him and slowly walked over to her with his arms crossed and asked her, "So... you think that's funny?" Unable to answer with her voice, Kagome only nodded at him.
AN: don't hate me, I'm a new-be MERCY! Hey, if ANYONE would be as so kind as to help me with this, I WOULD LOVE YOU MUCH!!!!!!! Please? Oh, and the all loved reminder, please R & R please?!!!
I LOVE ME, wait.... no I don't!!!! @_@
But I do love my Editor!! *hugs*