InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Miko's Instincts ❯ A Miko's Instincts Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A Miko's Instincts Chapter 3
By Majicman
Disclaimer: No, I certainly do not own any of the characters in InuYasha.
Miroku was beginning to come to his senses. The first thing he noticed was that he was moving, although not of his own accord.
Miroku frowned.
He remembered the time when he was twelve, no thirteen, and Master Mushin had decided he was old enough to accompany him to a drinking house. There had been plenty of sake and geishas and, although Master Mushin had only allowed him to have a little sake, that had been enough. He had fallen asleep and had awakened to find himself being carried along a back street by one of the biggest women he had ever seen. Evidently she had taken a liking to the monk-in-training and…
“InuYasha! Put me down!”
InuYasha placed the monk on his feet. “That's gratitude for you,” he declared. “If I had left you to wake up back there, Sango might have damaged your head permanently, not that anyone could tell.”
“I'm sorry, InuYasha,” said Miroku as he gave an involuntary shudder. “Being carried brought back a…an unfortunate memory.”
“Some angry villagers chasing you because you tried to run off with one of their daughters?”
“No.” Miroku shuddered again. The years had exaggerated the memory and now the image of a giant, 300 pound geisha carrying him back to her hut swam before him. He had barely escaped and found his way back to Master Mushin before he was left to…to… Again he shuddered.
“You'd better pull yourself together, bouzu. The girls should be back in a few minutes.”
After a peremptory breakfast, the group resumed shard-hunting.
By unspoken agreement, InuYasha and Miroku walked ahead of the girls. Sango and Kagome walked together, far behind. Kirara and Shippo walked in between, playing along the way.
“I am so embarrassed, Sango,” said Kagome. “I don't know if I can stand it.”
“You just live with it, Kagome. It's a two-edged katana. InuYasha may be able to smell when you're…ah…thinking about him, but it also means he can smell your fear and come to your rescue.”
“I know that, Sango. But how would you feel if Miroku could tell what you were feeling just by…”
Sango glared at Kagome. “So what? He would just smell my anger.”
“Are you sure, Sango? Are you sure that's all he'd smell when he touched your butt?” Kagome gave Sango one of “those” smiles.
Sango continued to glare at Kagome, but a deep blush crept slowly across her features. She looked away for a moment.
“I…I see your problem.”
“So, what do I do, Sango?”
“Just don't think about him.”
Now it was Kagome's turn to stare at Sango.
“Oh, sure. That's like being told not to think about that 500 pound goril…ummm…demon standing beside you.”
“Where? Where?” Sango looked around quickly.
“Are you girls okay?” InuYasha called out to the girls.
“Everything's fine.” Kagome answered. “If only that was true,” she thought. She looked away from InuYasha and reddened.
“Oh boy,” said InuYasha, looking ahead.
Miroku raised one eyebrow. “What was that, InuYasha?”
“Quiet, bouzu. I don't need any help from a lecher like you.”
“Ah, this has to do with Kagome.”
“Shut up, monk.”
“Come on, InuYasha.”
“That was some kiss she laid on you. You must tell me how I can get Sango to…”
Way behind them the taijiyah raised an eyebrow, but said nothing.
Miroku rubbed his head where a nice-sized bump was rising. “Admit it, InuYasha. You liked being kissed by Kagome.”
Despite his best efforts, a smile appeared on InuYasha's face. A dreamy look clouded his eyes. He started stroking his lips with his fingers. “Yes, it was…”
As quickly as the smile appeared, it disappeared. “It's not important, bouzu!” The hanyou started to walk faster.
Miroku almost had to run to keep up. “But, InuYasha, don't you find it interesting that Kagome responds to you on such an instinctual level?”
“Feh! I've known that.”
“You have?”
InuYasha pointed to his nose.
“Ah, the famous demon sense of smell.”
“Feh. I can tell when she's in danger `cause I can smell her fear.”
“And you can smell when she's…excited?”
The hanyou nodded. “Afraid, angry, excited.” InuYasha sighed. “It's hell sometimes, Miroku. I can even tell when she's in heat.”
“In heat? InuYasha! Ningen women do not go into heat.”
“You might not be able to smell it, but I can.”
Miroku suddenly looked thoughtful. “Say, InuYasha. Can you smell when Sango's…”
Sango turned to Kagome. “I think they're talking about us.”
“You think?” Kagome smiled sheepishly.
“Come on, Kagome. It's not that bad.”
“But he knows.”
“And you know that he knows.”
“I know.”
“And he knows that you know that he knows.”
“Please stop, Sango. You're giving me a headache.”
“All I'm saying is that InuYasha wouldn't take advantage of you.”
“I've gotta figure out a way to take advantage of this.”
“What was that, InuYasha?”
“Shut up, bouzu.”
“Thank you, Sango,” replied the miko. “I know he wouldn't, but it's still embarrassing.”
Suddenly a slightly confused look appeared on Kagome's face.
“Shard! There's a shard, InuYasha!”
InuYasha and Miroku came running back.
“Where is it, Kagome?” asked InuYasha.
“It's…uhh…it's ummm…straight down.”
“Yeah. Several feet down, I think. I sense a youkai, too. Not a very powerful one, though.”
InuYasha looked down and searched all around. Eventually he found a burrow and called Miroku over.
“I think it's a gopher youkai, InuYasha.”
“Shippo!” InuYasha called. “Hey, runt! Make yourself useful!”
Shippo approached the youkai gopher hold. “You want me to go down there? But I'm just a little kid!”
InuYasha turned to Kagome. “How far down is it?”
“Umm, about fifteen feet, I think.”
“I don't wanna!” yelled Shippo.
“Oh come on, Shippo. It's a lousy gopher youkai!” yelled InuYasha as he started pushing the kitsune towards the burrow.
“Would you do it for some pocky, Shippo?” asked Kagome.
Shippo turned towards Kagome. “I'll always be brave for you, Kagome.” The kitsune drew himself up and strode to the burrow.
Shippo looked back at Kagome. Kagome smiled at Shippo.
“But…I want two boxes of pocky.”
“Get going, runt,” growled InuYasha.
Shippo shot one last look towards the others and disappeared down the gopher hole.
The others didn't have long to wait as, after a few minutes, they heard a rumbling from under their feet. Everyone looked at each other and edged back as the ground started cracking under them.
Suddenly the ground split open and a huge gopher youkai arose with dirt cascading off him. Shippo had his teeth buried in the back of the gopher youkai's neck and was hanging on for dear life.
“Where's the shard, Kagome?” InuYasha yelled.
“In its neck, InuYasha!”
The gopher youkai turned towards the hanyou. “How dare you disturb the King of the Gopher Youkai in his royal burrow!”
“King of the Gopher Youkai, huh? Consider yourself deposed!”
Fortunately, even with the shard, the gopher youkai was quite weak and InuYasha disposed of him with one swing of his Tetsusaiga, cutting off his head.
“Hey!” Shippo screamed. “You almost got me with that!”
“But I didn't, did I, runt?”
“Yes, Kagome?” said InuYasha, giving Kagome a big smile.
All of a sudden Kagome's cheeks reddened and she turned away. “I'll get the shard,” she said, as she fished through the gopher youkai's neck. Finding the shard, she concentrated briefly, purifying it, and placed it in the bottle she kept on a chain around her neck.
It was only then that Kagome realized how badly her hands and arms were covered with the youkai gopher's remains.
Kagome laughed and sang: “Great green gobs of greasy grimy youkai guts…”
Sango, Miroku and InuYasha looked at her quizzically.
“What was that, Kagome?” asked Sango.
“Just an old scout song, Sango,” replied the miko. “I got it from my brother, Sota. He was a Japanese Boy Scout for a year. It's just a silly camp song for children.”
“Teach it to me, Kagome,” said Shippo. “Have you got any more?”
“Sure,” said Kagome. “Next time I come back, I'll bring a lot more of the songs with me. But for now,” Kagome said as she looked at the gopher guts on her hands, “I think I need another bath. Care to come, Sango?”
“I didn't really get anything on me, Kagome. I'll just…”
Kagome glared at Sango.
“Of course. I'll be right along.”
“I'll be quick, InuYasha,” promised Kagome.
Sango returned with her bath items, and the girls retired to a nearby hot spring InuYasha knew of.
After quickly setting up a makeshift camp, InuYasha caught Miroku sneaking out of the camp.
“Where do you think you're going, bouzu?”
“Why, InuYasha. We've run into one youkai today. Perish the thought, but another could appear and attack the girls. It is my noble cause to protect Sango…and Kagome, of course.”
“Feh! You look after Sango. I'll look after Kagome.”
“Why, InuYasha.”
“Now, I know a place to hide where we won't disturb the girls.”
Miroku chuckled. “I didn't know you had it in you, InuYasha.”
“Shut up.”