InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Miko's Rhythm & Romance ❯ The First Day at College ( Chapter 2 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I DO NOT OWN INUYASHA! HE IS PROPERTY OF RUMIKO TAKAHASHI, I just like to torment them and watch them suffer angst and endless love stories...
BUT I DO OWN MY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS: Kagome's short black skirt, Professor Matsumoto, Ibuki and a few others that will be mentioned later on.
Written by me, edited by me, beta is me, but if you are interested to be my beta, please inform me :-)
*Note: I have read my fair share of Inuyasha Fan fiction, and still have not found anything compared to what I am brewing up, but if you feel your story has been compromised by my storyline, please inform me, I am in no way trying to plagerise anybody, period.*
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“7:00 a.m. Shibuya Arts and Culture College, Tokyo Japan”
Kagome had an easy time informing herself of what home room she had been assigned as a freshman and who was her Counselor, also registering her first credits for the semester she picked Mythology of Ancient Japan I, Shinto and Buddhist Beliefs, Plastic Arts: the Introduction for Freshmen, Natural Arts, and last but not least she saw that the obligatory subject this semester was Dance Culture, wondering what that would be about she shrugged and decided for the subject to be her wildcard for the semester missing some surprise and danger in her life.
“Yeah right Kagome, like it will sprout another head and fangs and then jump out and kill you? How hard could it be? It’s probably traditional dances like those that famed maiko and geisha performed.”
“Actually dear, it has to do with a little bit of everything, traditional dances and a little bit of Kabuki Theater and also some modern dance. I will be waiting in home room don’t be late”
Kagome had not noticed she was not alone in area where the registration computers were located, a woman in her mid thirties stood behind her; Kagome turned around and bowed her respect.
“Hi, I’m Higurashi, Kagome freshman in Mythology & Arts Major”
The lady bowed in a courtly manner she had only seen executed in Sengoku Jidai “Nice to meet you dear, I am Professor Matsumoto, Ibuki, and if I am not mistaken I am your homeroom teacher also, so lets go the bells are about to ring, you wouldn’t want to be late for your first day of class right?”
The woman smiled and walked toward the elevator located in the lobby holding the door open for a shell shocked Kagome. They rode the elevator in silence, once it pinged signaling their arrival at the second floor the professor lead the way to the classroom, sliding open the door she let Kagome in first and introduced herself to the class. Kagome took a seat in the middle of the row next to the windows, she absent-mindedly remembered this was her seat in middle and high school also, primarily because if certain dog-eared friend decided to show up she would be the first one to see him.
She looked out the window wondering what he might be doing right now, if he might be pounding on the monk or Shippou. She giggled and the teacher called her name. She stood waiting to be addressed. “Higurashi, it is already the first day of class and you are disrupting my class, I shall assign a special project to you as punishment, do I make myself clear?”
Kagome bowed and accepted without knowing that the teacher had a hidden agenda up her sleeve. Matsumoto had caught up to her on the way to work, admiring her physical build; it complemented that of a dancer or runner. Ibuki wondered if she would be assigned to her home room since the “International Art of Dance Competition” would be held this year in Tokyo and she needed a new dancer having lost her best dancer in the school which was the dance team captain to a car crash last year leaving their team incomplete. She would not back down, waiting for Kagome to slip in the most minimal thing she would use that as a reason to make it her punishment to join the dance team and help her with the competition. Her physical build was perfect, strong legs and torso, lithe arms and her neck was not brawny, she was very feminine indeed. The perfect mirror of her other six dancers.
Kagome huffed sitting back down, “great her first day of class and she already screwed up in homeroom even,” she didn’t even go homeroom without thinking of him. “Seriously? Wasn’t there anything else her pea-brain could think about other than him? He didn’t want her, so why was she stuck on wanting him to love her?”
The rest of the day went well until she reached the hall were the Dance Culture class was held. She peered inside finding gorgeous women stretching on the horse all dressed in close fitting sweats with the school insignia on it. The male class was being hosted on the other side of the extended hall by a male teacher making this class more personal. Matsumoto saw the girl the minute she peaked inside the dance hall, looking like a curious little mouse snooping around.
“Don’t just stand there Higurashi, get your ass in gear and change into a fresh set of sweats that are in your locker, and use the shoes that are inside the locker also, if you use your leather shoes you will slip on your ass the minute you step on the polished floor.”
Kagome tried to hide her anger at being ordered around by a professor that had it in for her since the first day of class, literally, she bowed and turned on her heel towards the locker room on the right hand side of the room. Changing into her sweats she joined the group that was standing in the middle of the wax polished floor. Professor Ibuki then greeted the class and announced that they were the students chosen for the team representing the college at the “International Art of Dance Competition.” The rest of the girls cheered and started talking giddily. The professor stomped her right leg silencing everybody and called there attention.
“I understand your reason to be excited, only the elite of the girls I have hand picked have been selected for the team, I require determination, practice, hard work, practice, rhythm and a good ear to dance to the music and more practice!”
“This is not a party girls, this is an opportunity I am handing you your future on a silver platter, I hope you know how to take advantage of that!”
“We will start with warm ups, and individual free floors, to see your degree of expertise while dancing, then I will hand out a copy of the mix we will be dancing to, to all of you, there are three choreographies to be learned I have already composed them, so lets get started then!”
With that said Professor Ibuki clapped her hands and started the warm up routine she wanted them all to learn and practice every morning before school to keep their body in top condition. Then the free floors started it was fun to watch, the student that was dancing was told to stand in the middle of the polished floor and the lights were dimmed a little while the rest of the team sat on the wood bleachers to the side of the hall watching while professor Ibuki looked for potential for a certain part of the choreography. The group was composed of eight girls in total including Kagome, when it was finally her time for her free floor Professor Ibuki switched the music to a hip hop song by an American diva called Beyonce.
Thanks to the extensive English program provided by her school and the time she spent watching the music channels at home while away from the well she started dancing with no worries, grinding twisting and turning to the exact same choreography the song had in the video, the Professor impressed turned up the volume and relaxed in her chair while she watched her new center stage dancer perform. The rest of the team catcalled and whistled loud enough for the male dancers to stop and stare also.
One of the freshmen had pulled it off and earned center stage just on performing her free floor time for the professor, that was much to say. The small slip of a woman, with dark hair pulled away from her face in a sloppy ponytail and school sweats was beautiful. One of the sophomore male students came upon this conclusion and decided to introduce himself after class. Meanwhile he leaned back and admired her body move in sync to the music.
Inuyasha had decided that with that short skirt he would not let her traipse through the city alone dammit. He used his youkai speed and caught up to her right after she accessed the front gate of the Arts College. Loosing himself in the sway of her hips in that short black skirt. He sat atop the building in front of the room she had been assigned to, then for the last class she ran down to a large hall of sorts and hurriedly walked inside. Inuyasha jumped over the side of the building so not to be seen and positioned himself on a branch that allowed him an ample view of the dance floor. What he didn’t expect was for Kagome to change into something that left Sango’s Slayer suit to shame, the fabric was form fitting leaving nothing to the imagination, her pert and ample breasts held captive inside something shorter than her usual shirts, he recalled her telling Sango it was a sports bra and the pants to the outfit were branded on the right back side with the school insignia, as if marked.
Inuyasha growled, “the only one that could mark her was him dammit!” Not paying attention to his own musings he saw as the group started contorting to stretching positions, which were O.K. with him, nothing hurt more than a pulled hamstring, he knew that from first hand experience. Then they took turns dancing for the teacher person, but his Kagome decided to go last. He heard as the teacher called her to the center of the floor and the music started, he heard it perfectly fine since the echo bounced off all the dance hall walls.
What was to come next would be scarred in the hanyous’ delicate subconscious for the rest of his days, Kagome, his Kagome started twisting, grinding and turning in an extremely sensual manner to the so called music, her flared hips swayed to the beat of the music, she dipped and turned, and grinded and swayed like those ladies on Souta’s hidden stripp-er tapes. He held his hands in tight fists while growling like a crazed animal as he heard and saw the male students stop and stare at Kagome, his Kagome dance like a temptress, a creature mind set to please and pleasure anybody. The music was over and clapping was heard, the rest of the girls stood and applauded, he smiled finding himself proud of their acceptance. The teacher announced she was the top dancer, center stage and the team hugged her.
Suddenly Kagome locked directly at the window where he was perched. As if she knew he was there and smiled, then she went back to celebrating her small victory and followed the girls towards the locker rooms. She showered and changed back into her uniform, taking the two sets of sweats in the complementary gym bag provided by the dance program along with her shoes. And her backpack and ran for the college entrance, towards home.
Inuyasha decided to not let her know he had followed her to school; he used his speed and ability to outrun her and leaped in the well as soon as he arrived at the shrine, running for the safety of Kaede’s hut, startling the demon slayer and monk out of their pacific conversation. But neither chose to inquire about his sudden apparition. He closed his eyes and leaned bonelessly against the wall of the hut with his eyes closed, all the while imagining that short black skirt as it swished from side to side while she walked back home.
"Yes Kagome, his Kagome would be the death of him, Kagome and that short black skirt!"
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Reviews are not expected but are welcome!
Every review is like a jewel to an author a small glimmer of hope that somebody enjoys their writting as much as they do.
BUT I DO OWN MY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS: Kagome's short black skirt, Professor Matsumoto, Ibuki and a few others that will be mentioned later on.
Written by me, edited by me, beta is me, but if you are interested to be my beta, please inform me :-)
*Note: I have read my fair share of Inuyasha Fan fiction, and still have not found anything compared to what I am brewing up, but if you feel your story has been compromised by my storyline, please inform me, I am in no way trying to plagerise anybody, period.*
========================================================= ====================================================
“7:00 a.m. Shibuya Arts and Culture College, Tokyo Japan”
Kagome had an easy time informing herself of what home room she had been assigned as a freshman and who was her Counselor, also registering her first credits for the semester she picked Mythology of Ancient Japan I, Shinto and Buddhist Beliefs, Plastic Arts: the Introduction for Freshmen, Natural Arts, and last but not least she saw that the obligatory subject this semester was Dance Culture, wondering what that would be about she shrugged and decided for the subject to be her wildcard for the semester missing some surprise and danger in her life.
“Yeah right Kagome, like it will sprout another head and fangs and then jump out and kill you? How hard could it be? It’s probably traditional dances like those that famed maiko and geisha performed.”
“Actually dear, it has to do with a little bit of everything, traditional dances and a little bit of Kabuki Theater and also some modern dance. I will be waiting in home room don’t be late”
Kagome had not noticed she was not alone in area where the registration computers were located, a woman in her mid thirties stood behind her; Kagome turned around and bowed her respect.
“Hi, I’m Higurashi, Kagome freshman in Mythology & Arts Major”
The lady bowed in a courtly manner she had only seen executed in Sengoku Jidai “Nice to meet you dear, I am Professor Matsumoto, Ibuki, and if I am not mistaken I am your homeroom teacher also, so lets go the bells are about to ring, you wouldn’t want to be late for your first day of class right?”
The woman smiled and walked toward the elevator located in the lobby holding the door open for a shell shocked Kagome. They rode the elevator in silence, once it pinged signaling their arrival at the second floor the professor lead the way to the classroom, sliding open the door she let Kagome in first and introduced herself to the class. Kagome took a seat in the middle of the row next to the windows, she absent-mindedly remembered this was her seat in middle and high school also, primarily because if certain dog-eared friend decided to show up she would be the first one to see him.
She looked out the window wondering what he might be doing right now, if he might be pounding on the monk or Shippou. She giggled and the teacher called her name. She stood waiting to be addressed. “Higurashi, it is already the first day of class and you are disrupting my class, I shall assign a special project to you as punishment, do I make myself clear?”
Kagome bowed and accepted without knowing that the teacher had a hidden agenda up her sleeve. Matsumoto had caught up to her on the way to work, admiring her physical build; it complemented that of a dancer or runner. Ibuki wondered if she would be assigned to her home room since the “International Art of Dance Competition” would be held this year in Tokyo and she needed a new dancer having lost her best dancer in the school which was the dance team captain to a car crash last year leaving their team incomplete. She would not back down, waiting for Kagome to slip in the most minimal thing she would use that as a reason to make it her punishment to join the dance team and help her with the competition. Her physical build was perfect, strong legs and torso, lithe arms and her neck was not brawny, she was very feminine indeed. The perfect mirror of her other six dancers.
Kagome huffed sitting back down, “great her first day of class and she already screwed up in homeroom even,” she didn’t even go homeroom without thinking of him. “Seriously? Wasn’t there anything else her pea-brain could think about other than him? He didn’t want her, so why was she stuck on wanting him to love her?”
The rest of the day went well until she reached the hall were the Dance Culture class was held. She peered inside finding gorgeous women stretching on the horse all dressed in close fitting sweats with the school insignia on it. The male class was being hosted on the other side of the extended hall by a male teacher making this class more personal. Matsumoto saw the girl the minute she peaked inside the dance hall, looking like a curious little mouse snooping around.
“Don’t just stand there Higurashi, get your ass in gear and change into a fresh set of sweats that are in your locker, and use the shoes that are inside the locker also, if you use your leather shoes you will slip on your ass the minute you step on the polished floor.”
Kagome tried to hide her anger at being ordered around by a professor that had it in for her since the first day of class, literally, she bowed and turned on her heel towards the locker room on the right hand side of the room. Changing into her sweats she joined the group that was standing in the middle of the wax polished floor. Professor Ibuki then greeted the class and announced that they were the students chosen for the team representing the college at the “International Art of Dance Competition.” The rest of the girls cheered and started talking giddily. The professor stomped her right leg silencing everybody and called there attention.
“I understand your reason to be excited, only the elite of the girls I have hand picked have been selected for the team, I require determination, practice, hard work, practice, rhythm and a good ear to dance to the music and more practice!”
“This is not a party girls, this is an opportunity I am handing you your future on a silver platter, I hope you know how to take advantage of that!”
“We will start with warm ups, and individual free floors, to see your degree of expertise while dancing, then I will hand out a copy of the mix we will be dancing to, to all of you, there are three choreographies to be learned I have already composed them, so lets get started then!”
With that said Professor Ibuki clapped her hands and started the warm up routine she wanted them all to learn and practice every morning before school to keep their body in top condition. Then the free floors started it was fun to watch, the student that was dancing was told to stand in the middle of the polished floor and the lights were dimmed a little while the rest of the team sat on the wood bleachers to the side of the hall watching while professor Ibuki looked for potential for a certain part of the choreography. The group was composed of eight girls in total including Kagome, when it was finally her time for her free floor Professor Ibuki switched the music to a hip hop song by an American diva called Beyonce.
Thanks to the extensive English program provided by her school and the time she spent watching the music channels at home while away from the well she started dancing with no worries, grinding twisting and turning to the exact same choreography the song had in the video, the Professor impressed turned up the volume and relaxed in her chair while she watched her new center stage dancer perform. The rest of the team catcalled and whistled loud enough for the male dancers to stop and stare also.
One of the freshmen had pulled it off and earned center stage just on performing her free floor time for the professor, that was much to say. The small slip of a woman, with dark hair pulled away from her face in a sloppy ponytail and school sweats was beautiful. One of the sophomore male students came upon this conclusion and decided to introduce himself after class. Meanwhile he leaned back and admired her body move in sync to the music.
Inuyasha had decided that with that short skirt he would not let her traipse through the city alone dammit. He used his youkai speed and caught up to her right after she accessed the front gate of the Arts College. Loosing himself in the sway of her hips in that short black skirt. He sat atop the building in front of the room she had been assigned to, then for the last class she ran down to a large hall of sorts and hurriedly walked inside. Inuyasha jumped over the side of the building so not to be seen and positioned himself on a branch that allowed him an ample view of the dance floor. What he didn’t expect was for Kagome to change into something that left Sango’s Slayer suit to shame, the fabric was form fitting leaving nothing to the imagination, her pert and ample breasts held captive inside something shorter than her usual shirts, he recalled her telling Sango it was a sports bra and the pants to the outfit were branded on the right back side with the school insignia, as if marked.
Inuyasha growled, “the only one that could mark her was him dammit!” Not paying attention to his own musings he saw as the group started contorting to stretching positions, which were O.K. with him, nothing hurt more than a pulled hamstring, he knew that from first hand experience. Then they took turns dancing for the teacher person, but his Kagome decided to go last. He heard as the teacher called her to the center of the floor and the music started, he heard it perfectly fine since the echo bounced off all the dance hall walls.
What was to come next would be scarred in the hanyous’ delicate subconscious for the rest of his days, Kagome, his Kagome started twisting, grinding and turning in an extremely sensual manner to the so called music, her flared hips swayed to the beat of the music, she dipped and turned, and grinded and swayed like those ladies on Souta’s hidden stripp-er tapes. He held his hands in tight fists while growling like a crazed animal as he heard and saw the male students stop and stare at Kagome, his Kagome dance like a temptress, a creature mind set to please and pleasure anybody. The music was over and clapping was heard, the rest of the girls stood and applauded, he smiled finding himself proud of their acceptance. The teacher announced she was the top dancer, center stage and the team hugged her.
Suddenly Kagome locked directly at the window where he was perched. As if she knew he was there and smiled, then she went back to celebrating her small victory and followed the girls towards the locker rooms. She showered and changed back into her uniform, taking the two sets of sweats in the complementary gym bag provided by the dance program along with her shoes. And her backpack and ran for the college entrance, towards home.
Inuyasha decided to not let her know he had followed her to school; he used his speed and ability to outrun her and leaped in the well as soon as he arrived at the shrine, running for the safety of Kaede’s hut, startling the demon slayer and monk out of their pacific conversation. But neither chose to inquire about his sudden apparition. He closed his eyes and leaned bonelessly against the wall of the hut with his eyes closed, all the while imagining that short black skirt as it swished from side to side while she walked back home.
"Yes Kagome, his Kagome would be the death of him, Kagome and that short black skirt!"
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Reviews are not expected but are welcome!
Every review is like a jewel to an author a small glimmer of hope that somebody enjoys their writting as much as they do.