InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Miko's Tsuyosa ❯ The plan, and a surprise from Inuyasha ( Chapter 2 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A Miko's Tsuyosa ~~~~~~~~***
2~ The plan, and a surprise from inuyasha
I do not own Inuyasha! For th love of god, don't sue me. These characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi-sama. I am just using them for my little idea's ^_^
The Yasha gang had gone to Kaede's hut to seek information on the well. Kaede, unfortunely, had no information on what could have caused it at all. The old priestess had to take time, in oder to figure most of all this out. The old miko needed time to check; So the group went off.
Onto a couple of days later.......
The Yasha gang wanderd off a little farther in Japan. The entire gang bad been shikon shard hunting almost all of the day, but not a single shikon shard was found at all. stopped to camp out for the night; It was dusk at the time, and almost nightime; The place they settled in was a grassy area; the gang gatherd logs but haden't started a fire.
Kagome sat on an old log; Inuyasha himself had went to go gather more logs, it was his mere excuse to have some time to think about the hole situation, and how to deal with it.
"Houshi-sama," Sango spoke, she haden't sat not much father than Kagome. Concern drifted over the demon slayer, and sympathy for her friend shown. But at the most, she was concerned on how kagome acted; Sadness, and sorrow filled Kagome, much unlike her character. Do you think the well has a time limit on being sealed? I do sense quite a powerful force that gives a barrier around the well, do you have any throey on how long it may last?" Sango scratched the back of her neck, she didn't know what to think herself. But hopefully, the well would be unsealed soon; She quorked an eye-brow.Hai. The power you sensed, must have had to have come from someone because it could not become sealed on its own." The monk spoke with confidence, and focus. "The well had gotten sealed by a dark mysterous power, indeed a person. From what I am sensing, it just might be Naraku's power. But I cannot be sure, this power is very diffrent from the naraku we know. Starting tomorrow, we must head back to the bone eaters well and see if there is any sign of evidence." So your saying, that we are going to have to delay shard hunting for even longer?" Inuyasha asked, walking out of the woods, throwing down some logs to the side. gong to have to. Its important that Kagome-chan gets back to her time, so she may continue with her schoolwork, education is important to a girl." Sango tilted her head to the side, and smiled reassureingly to Kagome; sort of had to force a smile, and nodded to Sango. She sighed. What could she do? What would she do? 'So, much has happend in this short time. I hope everything is fine and everything gets back to normal,' She sighed and laid her back agianst the tree she sat at.
" What? Your gotta be joking! The shards are important and we gotta beat Naraku!" Kagome stood up, those former flames returned, everyone shrunk back.
Inuyasha coverd his ears.
" Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! SIT!" Kagome shouted and walked off; ' Inuyasha is so selfish! Thats all he thinks about are those shards! I'm tired of all of it! I only have so much patience!' Kagome thought, walking away Normally she could tolerate his immature behavier. But all this stress, it really got to her.
Inuyasha's roserary glowed brightly, and the weight forced him down on the ground; Eating a mouthful of dirt. Unfortunely, for Inuyasha, the last sit was the most powerful; he laid in a 11 feet deep hole; His doggy ears twitching;
Miroku sighed and sook his head. " Inuyasha always makes poor Kagome-sama mad. It seems to never change... Oi..."
" I couldn't agree more, houshi-sama." Sango walked over to Inuyasha with her boomerang, and with a swift thrust downward she hit him with the bone, cauing a huge bump to form. Which did not help with Inuyasha's situation.
slayer looked to the monk, with a deep sigh. " Do you think Inuyasha will ever grow up?
Well.... if it takes this long for a hanyou to grow up.." Miroku thought, rubbing his chin.
he may never grow up! " Shippou spoke up, and concluded for Miroku; Still being perky; Completely unaware of the pissed off hanyou. Also, the possibilty of him being beaten to a bloody pulp. got of his rather large hole, not even bothering to brush himself off; He picked up shippou and through him a great distrance away. "AHHH!H!!" Shippou screamed as he went into the distance' Lets say, he was the superman of his day.sweatdropped and walked off. She too, become fed up with Inuyasha. She mumbled something about an annoying hanyou.
Miroku rolled his eyes "You should apolgize to Kagome-sama. To her, you have her feelings. She has done well to tolerate you Inuyasha. Myself, I will go and bring sango back to camp." Before Inuyasha could reply to the monk, went off running; Giving his advice he didn't expect an answer from his hanyou friend. crossed his arms. ' I'm not going to apolgize. But..' He looked into the woods where Kagome walked off to. ' I should have been more careful with my words. Shes being cut off from the world she knows.. I should be more continous towards that. Well, this won't be easy. And beside the hole damn fact, no one else is here it watch.' He headed off into the woods, turning around once or more time to make sure no one was watching him.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ trailed off to find sango. "Sango-sama!" He yelled. "Please stop! Inuyasha didn't mean it! You know he always is a baka!" Miroku yelled, his head was turned to the side; And he crashed into into sango
"Itai!" Sango said falling down; Mr. perverted monk on top, he groped her.
HENTAI!" Sango slapped miroku, leaving a huge red, burning handprint on his left cheek.
"I couldn not help it... my hand sometimes has a mind of its own....." He sighed. "I'm sorry Sango-sama......" his one hand rubbed the hand-print.
" Like hell you are!" Sango yelled; An anime frustratin apapperd..
At this moment the monk groped her agian, and sango through him in the air and kicked him far away like a soccer ball. (heh. Got that from Ranma 1/2. Thanks Rumiko Takahashi-sama.)
" Kagome?" Inuyasha approched from behind her, taking slow paces so not to startle the miko; But in hopes of calming her; He placed a clawed hand on her shoulder. The concern for her, he didn't hide; He let it out through his eyes; She didn't look into his eyes; She was all too frustraded at him at this momemt, or so she thought;
Inuyasha, please. Just leave me alone." She jerked away from him and took a couple steps away from the hanyou. Tears triceled down her cheek, with all this stress; She couldn't push away those emotinos she felt when Inuyasha had his---his moments;
He smelled the salt, and the water. "Hey. We can work this out. Stop being such a bitch and...." his ears flattend agianst his head; He wasn't helping her one bit with that conversation, he should have been more continous; Contuos, was the word he had to be. "I know, I'm not helping you. I hate seeing you like this, dammit. It doesn't suit you. " she tried turning her but she didn't budge. " You don't have to cry....I don't like to see you that way..."
Kagome turned to look at him. " Inuyasha...."
You don't get it." She clamped her eye-lids shut; " All these times.....with everything you've done... you've.."
cut her off. " I think of the shards of the shikon jewel. Blah, blah, blah, bitch. Do you think I'm fucking stupid?"
" I..." she trailed her head down. "Its just. It seems that practicly those shards mean more than anything. " Kagome shrugged her shoulders and stared at her shoes;
Oi, you honestly think that?" He questioned; Lifting up an eye-brown and looked at her.
Hai, I do.I know I shouldn't but.." She sighed; " Its how you act. I feel like I am just a shikon shard dectector. But I am here to help you to find the shards... I feel so stupid.... "
" Fuzakenaideyo." He looked down at her. " Ochitsuite. You should just focus. Yeah, yeah i know. I act like a baka kusotare some of the time. But you shouldn't think down of yourself. When your by me, I feel happy and cheerful. But I feel as if I shouldn't be. But you do make me happy, bitch. You should never think otherwise, So, Baka yamete-yo, because weather you believe it it or not, I care about you, dammit. "
Honto?" She looked up at him; Surprise in her eyes. She saw his concern inb his eyes, she felt like he ment it, but she wasn't so sure; Her brown eyes gazed into his eyes. Allright, she decided. He ment it.
Chikusho... of course, baka." He smiled a little bit down at her; " I don't think any less of you. You should quit thinking low of yourself. I want to see the old Kagome; I promise, we'll un-seal the well. If it takes for ever. So, quit acting like a baka... "
"Inuyasha. Arigatou.." She smiled and wiped her eyes.
Fuck. Dou-itashimashite. I keep you around because your not so bad." He smirked. " And beside the fact, your a good jewel dector."
Inuyasha growled.
She watched for his reaction.
he looked around and waited to crash to the ground; But nothing happend.
I didn't say it, Inuyasha." She smiled. " I don't have to."
thats....just... great. Arigatou, wench..." He looked at her suspicously. " And why? Are you trying to trick me or somefin'?"
She said surprised; Sarcasticly." Its because I trust you, baka. I trust you now. I know you will protect me..And you always will," she bent up, and kissed him on the cheek.
"Well... err... er...umm...." inuyasha was dumb-fonded; " Oi...!" he chocked out; His ears twitched he heared something.
little kitsune held his breath. ' Inuyasha.. is such a baka! A-haha!' He thought amusedly; But his amusement disappeared when a clawed hand picked him up by his furry tail. " So..." an angery voice spoke. " You little shit..." He snarled. "You where spieing....weren't you little dolt!" Inuyasha spoke and flexed his claws.
"Er... umm... Kagome!!!!!" shippou yelled;
Shippou.." Kagome scolded. " You shouldn't have spied, that wasn't very nice. You know I don't---" She was cut off when the kitsune and the hanyou where running circles around her.
You little brat!"
"ha-ha! You cant catch me!"
"The hell I can!" he growled and ran even faster at the kit.
picked up his speed and jumped over Kagome; Inuyasha crashed into her.
Shit!" Inuyasha said as they colided into each other;
Yipes!" Kagome screetched; He fell on top of her, awekward postion, ne?
O.o Shippou looked and held back his laughing. He was a bit more shocked than amused;
silence, Inuyasha and Kagome just sat there stareing at each other.
" Inuyasha... I didn't think you had the gull..." A familuar voice said, a slightl amusemnt.
to the jap. words I used:
Ochitsuite- You are confused
Don't be stupid
yamete-yo- Don't act stupid.
Honto- really?
Chikusho- Dammit
Arigatou-thank you
Dou-itashimashite- your welcome
kusotare: Stupid shit-head.
Idiot/ Jerk
Please review!
2~ The plan, and a surprise from inuyasha
I do not own Inuyasha! For th love of god, don't sue me. These characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi-sama. I am just using them for my little idea's ^_^
The Yasha gang had gone to Kaede's hut to seek information on the well. Kaede, unfortunely, had no information on what could have caused it at all. The old priestess had to take time, in oder to figure most of all this out. The old miko needed time to check; So the group went off.
Onto a couple of days later.......
The Yasha gang wanderd off a little farther in Japan. The entire gang bad been shikon shard hunting almost all of the day, but not a single shikon shard was found at all. stopped to camp out for the night; It was dusk at the time, and almost nightime; The place they settled in was a grassy area; the gang gatherd logs but haden't started a fire.
Kagome sat on an old log; Inuyasha himself had went to go gather more logs, it was his mere excuse to have some time to think about the hole situation, and how to deal with it.
"Houshi-sama," Sango spoke, she haden't sat not much father than Kagome. Concern drifted over the demon slayer, and sympathy for her friend shown. But at the most, she was concerned on how kagome acted; Sadness, and sorrow filled Kagome, much unlike her character. Do you think the well has a time limit on being sealed? I do sense quite a powerful force that gives a barrier around the well, do you have any throey on how long it may last?" Sango scratched the back of her neck, she didn't know what to think herself. But hopefully, the well would be unsealed soon; She quorked an eye-brow.Hai. The power you sensed, must have had to have come from someone because it could not become sealed on its own." The monk spoke with confidence, and focus. "The well had gotten sealed by a dark mysterous power, indeed a person. From what I am sensing, it just might be Naraku's power. But I cannot be sure, this power is very diffrent from the naraku we know. Starting tomorrow, we must head back to the bone eaters well and see if there is any sign of evidence." So your saying, that we are going to have to delay shard hunting for even longer?" Inuyasha asked, walking out of the woods, throwing down some logs to the side. gong to have to. Its important that Kagome-chan gets back to her time, so she may continue with her schoolwork, education is important to a girl." Sango tilted her head to the side, and smiled reassureingly to Kagome; sort of had to force a smile, and nodded to Sango. She sighed. What could she do? What would she do? 'So, much has happend in this short time. I hope everything is fine and everything gets back to normal,' She sighed and laid her back agianst the tree she sat at.
" What? Your gotta be joking! The shards are important and we gotta beat Naraku!" Kagome stood up, those former flames returned, everyone shrunk back.
Inuyasha coverd his ears.
" Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! SIT!" Kagome shouted and walked off; ' Inuyasha is so selfish! Thats all he thinks about are those shards! I'm tired of all of it! I only have so much patience!' Kagome thought, walking away Normally she could tolerate his immature behavier. But all this stress, it really got to her.
Inuyasha's roserary glowed brightly, and the weight forced him down on the ground; Eating a mouthful of dirt. Unfortunely, for Inuyasha, the last sit was the most powerful; he laid in a 11 feet deep hole; His doggy ears twitching;
Miroku sighed and sook his head. " Inuyasha always makes poor Kagome-sama mad. It seems to never change... Oi..."
" I couldn't agree more, houshi-sama." Sango walked over to Inuyasha with her boomerang, and with a swift thrust downward she hit him with the bone, cauing a huge bump to form. Which did not help with Inuyasha's situation.
slayer looked to the monk, with a deep sigh. " Do you think Inuyasha will ever grow up?
Well.... if it takes this long for a hanyou to grow up.." Miroku thought, rubbing his chin.
he may never grow up! " Shippou spoke up, and concluded for Miroku; Still being perky; Completely unaware of the pissed off hanyou. Also, the possibilty of him being beaten to a bloody pulp. got of his rather large hole, not even bothering to brush himself off; He picked up shippou and through him a great distrance away. "AHHH!H!!" Shippou screamed as he went into the distance' Lets say, he was the superman of his day.sweatdropped and walked off. She too, become fed up with Inuyasha. She mumbled something about an annoying hanyou.
Miroku rolled his eyes "You should apolgize to Kagome-sama. To her, you have her feelings. She has done well to tolerate you Inuyasha. Myself, I will go and bring sango back to camp." Before Inuyasha could reply to the monk, went off running; Giving his advice he didn't expect an answer from his hanyou friend. crossed his arms. ' I'm not going to apolgize. But..' He looked into the woods where Kagome walked off to. ' I should have been more careful with my words. Shes being cut off from the world she knows.. I should be more continous towards that. Well, this won't be easy. And beside the hole damn fact, no one else is here it watch.' He headed off into the woods, turning around once or more time to make sure no one was watching him.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ trailed off to find sango. "Sango-sama!" He yelled. "Please stop! Inuyasha didn't mean it! You know he always is a baka!" Miroku yelled, his head was turned to the side; And he crashed into into sango
"Itai!" Sango said falling down; Mr. perverted monk on top, he groped her.
HENTAI!" Sango slapped miroku, leaving a huge red, burning handprint on his left cheek.
"I couldn not help it... my hand sometimes has a mind of its own....." He sighed. "I'm sorry Sango-sama......" his one hand rubbed the hand-print.
" Like hell you are!" Sango yelled; An anime frustratin apapperd..
At this moment the monk groped her agian, and sango through him in the air and kicked him far away like a soccer ball. (heh. Got that from Ranma 1/2. Thanks Rumiko Takahashi-sama.)
" Kagome?" Inuyasha approched from behind her, taking slow paces so not to startle the miko; But in hopes of calming her; He placed a clawed hand on her shoulder. The concern for her, he didn't hide; He let it out through his eyes; She didn't look into his eyes; She was all too frustraded at him at this momemt, or so she thought;
Inuyasha, please. Just leave me alone." She jerked away from him and took a couple steps away from the hanyou. Tears triceled down her cheek, with all this stress; She couldn't push away those emotinos she felt when Inuyasha had his---his moments;
He smelled the salt, and the water. "Hey. We can work this out. Stop being such a bitch and...." his ears flattend agianst his head; He wasn't helping her one bit with that conversation, he should have been more continous; Contuos, was the word he had to be. "I know, I'm not helping you. I hate seeing you like this, dammit. It doesn't suit you. " she tried turning her but she didn't budge. " You don't have to cry....I don't like to see you that way..."
Kagome turned to look at him. " Inuyasha...."
You don't get it." She clamped her eye-lids shut; " All these times.....with everything you've done... you've.."
cut her off. " I think of the shards of the shikon jewel. Blah, blah, blah, bitch. Do you think I'm fucking stupid?"
" I..." she trailed her head down. "Its just. It seems that practicly those shards mean more than anything. " Kagome shrugged her shoulders and stared at her shoes;
Oi, you honestly think that?" He questioned; Lifting up an eye-brown and looked at her.
Hai, I do.I know I shouldn't but.." She sighed; " Its how you act. I feel like I am just a shikon shard dectector. But I am here to help you to find the shards... I feel so stupid.... "
" Fuzakenaideyo." He looked down at her. " Ochitsuite. You should just focus. Yeah, yeah i know. I act like a baka kusotare some of the time. But you shouldn't think down of yourself. When your by me, I feel happy and cheerful. But I feel as if I shouldn't be. But you do make me happy, bitch. You should never think otherwise, So, Baka yamete-yo, because weather you believe it it or not, I care about you, dammit. "
Honto?" She looked up at him; Surprise in her eyes. She saw his concern inb his eyes, she felt like he ment it, but she wasn't so sure; Her brown eyes gazed into his eyes. Allright, she decided. He ment it.
Chikusho... of course, baka." He smiled a little bit down at her; " I don't think any less of you. You should quit thinking low of yourself. I want to see the old Kagome; I promise, we'll un-seal the well. If it takes for ever. So, quit acting like a baka... "
"Inuyasha. Arigatou.." She smiled and wiped her eyes.
Fuck. Dou-itashimashite. I keep you around because your not so bad." He smirked. " And beside the fact, your a good jewel dector."
Inuyasha growled.
She watched for his reaction.
he looked around and waited to crash to the ground; But nothing happend.
I didn't say it, Inuyasha." She smiled. " I don't have to."
thats....just... great. Arigatou, wench..." He looked at her suspicously. " And why? Are you trying to trick me or somefin'?"
She said surprised; Sarcasticly." Its because I trust you, baka. I trust you now. I know you will protect me..And you always will," she bent up, and kissed him on the cheek.
"Well... err... er...umm...." inuyasha was dumb-fonded; " Oi...!" he chocked out; His ears twitched he heared something.
little kitsune held his breath. ' Inuyasha.. is such a baka! A-haha!' He thought amusedly; But his amusement disappeared when a clawed hand picked him up by his furry tail. " So..." an angery voice spoke. " You little shit..." He snarled. "You where spieing....weren't you little dolt!" Inuyasha spoke and flexed his claws.
"Er... umm... Kagome!!!!!" shippou yelled;
Shippou.." Kagome scolded. " You shouldn't have spied, that wasn't very nice. You know I don't---" She was cut off when the kitsune and the hanyou where running circles around her.
You little brat!"
"ha-ha! You cant catch me!"
"The hell I can!" he growled and ran even faster at the kit.
picked up his speed and jumped over Kagome; Inuyasha crashed into her.
Shit!" Inuyasha said as they colided into each other;
Yipes!" Kagome screetched; He fell on top of her, awekward postion, ne?
O.o Shippou looked and held back his laughing. He was a bit more shocked than amused;
silence, Inuyasha and Kagome just sat there stareing at each other.
" Inuyasha... I didn't think you had the gull..." A familuar voice said, a slightl amusemnt.
to the jap. words I used:
Ochitsuite- You are confused
Don't be stupid
yamete-yo- Don't act stupid.
Honto- really?
Chikusho- Dammit
Arigatou-thank you
Dou-itashimashite- your welcome
kusotare: Stupid shit-head.
Idiot/ Jerk
Please review!