InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Mission to Fulfill ❯ A Walk in the Park ( Chapter 3 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters. It's all Rumiko Takahashi!
A/N: Well, here's the third chapter. This took a while, but I was only retouching it yesterday so it's been sorta done for a while now. I hope you like this chapter cuz this time Kagome and Inu Yasha actually meet!
Please R&R!! ^^
Chapter Three-
A Walk in the Park
After his landing at approximately 3:57 A.M., Inu Yasha had a good hour ahead of him until he reached the shores of Yokohama, where he would then take a subway to Tokyo. The hour was long, but he wanted to make sure that no one detected his presence in the Pacific Ocean. After hiding the spacecraft behind huge rocks where no one in their right mind would look behind, he started up the beach.
Of course he wasn't stupid enough to go in front of everybody. Instead, he sort of walked in the shadows (which there were very few of) until he reached the subway. He was just in time to wait in line for half and hour before he finally got his ticket. Now all he had to do was wait another twenty minutes before they started to let people enter.
Inu Yasha slumped to the ground, leaning against a post to keep from toppling over completely. The twenty minutes of torture went by way too slowly for him. He woke up to the sound of people bustling, trying to get in so they could find a decent seat.
Yawning, he managed to get inside without falling asleep again, and he also found a good seat where no one had seen, probably too busy getting the front seats. He sat down with a thud, glancing out the window. Slowly, he fell asleep yet again.
When he woke up it was time to disembark off the sub.
Tiredly, he got up and stretched, waiting for the crowd of people to get off. When he checked the time, it was already 7:04 A.M. He sighed and took a bus to where he knew (from his map) that a place where he could rent a car would be. After 15 minutes of riding, he was guided to the area where there were spectacular cars, all used and begging to be bought. Literally. He just couldn't make up his mind... Sesshoumaru had given him plenty of money to buy what he need for the first week...but he never said anything about renting a car...
Ah, what could it hurt? I'm gonna return it anyway.
Inu Yasha spent quite a lot of his money on the car, but he still had many left (just where does Sesshoumaru get the money?). He drove it out of the rent-a-car section after filling out many, many forms. That took 40 minutes and by the time he reached his apartment, it was 8:36. (And that was including the minutes to the apartment from the rent-a-car lot.)
It wasn't till 9:35 did him actually enter his apartment room, which was pretty decent. The landowner took a drastic amount of time listing off the do's and don'ts that he must follow, along with a brief (meaning twenty minute long) explanation on the key that would unlock the gate with just a push on the blue button while two other keys were the keys to his apartment room. And he also could use the pool, gym, and laundry room for free (though the laundry machines insisted on getting paid before you could actually start them).
Luckily, Sesshoumaru had ordered a bed to be set up in the bedroom and he had all the basic stuff that he needed. A dresser, a refrigerator with a freezer to the left, a television, a desk, two lamps, a small round dining table, nightstand, shower curtains, all his bathroom essentials, a bookshelf filled with books that there was no way in hell would he read any of them. The only thing that was missing was the clothes for the dresser, the food for the fridge and cupboards, paper and other items that belonged on a desk, and sheets for the bed.
All in all, it was a 2 hour trip getting everything and managing to stuff them in the car.
It took another hour to set up everything so that it looked like home. Thank kami-sama for his strong reflexes.
Ok, now for some sleep!
Inu Yasha bounced onto the bed, which was decorated with a dark blue comforter with cerulean sheets. The only bad thing was he had no desire to sleep anymore. Grunting, Inu Yasha sat up, rubbing the back of his neck in annoyance. He was bored, that was for sure.
Sigh...I guess I should just walk around...hmm...maybe I'll go to that park near here...
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Kagome didn't wake until 10:00 after that whole fiasco with the gleaming thing in the sky. She watched Saturday Morning cartoons with Souta a while, before her mom decided to go out shopping and left Kagome in charge of Souta.
“We'll be back in a couple hours,” Mom said after half past 11. “If we take a little longer than that, it'll probably because your grandpa is arguing on just how ancient dumplings really are.” She pecked Souta and Kagome on the cheek. “Now you be good while your sister's in charge, ok Souta?” She directed her gaze at the little boy in front of her.
“Ok, Mom,” Souta agreed, earning a big motherly hug.
After they had left, Kagome asked Souta what he wanted to do. He shrugged, but went over to the Television to play video games. Sighing, Kagome sat down beside him and joined his game. After fifteen minutes of kicking his butt, Souta complained that she was cheating.
“Hey, it's not my fault I'm better at this game!” Kagome taunted, sticking her tongue out childishly at him.
“Nuh-uh!! You're just cheating!” Souta pouted, sticking his tongue out at her as well.
“I am not!”
“Are too!”
“Am not!”
“Are too!”
“You little brat!”
“You oversized witch!”
Kagome grinned. “Witch, eh?”
Gulping, Souta backed away a bit, amusement in his eyes.
“I'll get you for that!” Kagome declared, launching herself at the helpless little boy. She immediately started poking him- the result was him laughing so hard tears spilled down his cheeks. When Kagome was laughing hard as well, he took advantage and started tickling her, causing her to beg for mercy. He didn't stop though, and Kagome was forced to try and attack him, but he was quick and dodged her hands in favor of tickling her feet. By far, it was her most ticklish spot as she was rolling around, exclaiming that her sides were going to surely split in two.
They tackled each other for a couple of minutes before they were completely breathless. Kagome sat panting with her arms still enwrapped around her sides while Souta was huffing happily, his head bent so that he was looking at the floor.
“Hey, brat,” Kagome whispered after she was done trying to catch her breath.
“Yeah, witch?” Souta replied in a happy way.
“How about we go to the park?” Then a devilish grin appeared on her face. “Maybe your girlfriend will be there.”
Souta blushed a dark crimson red before he protested in a squeaky voice, “Hitomi's not my girlfriend!! She's...just a friend! Besides,” Souta gave her a childish smirk. “What about your boyfriend Hojo? Huh?”
Kagome turned a light pink, mostly from anger than embarrassment. “You! Hojo is not my boyfriend!! Hey, you come back here!”
Hurriedly, Souta bounced around the room, dodging her hands as he giggled and slipped out the door to start racing to the park.
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Hardly anyone was there, which was very odd. Usually, the park was flooded with people walking their dogs or kids playing on the swing set. There were adults and children there, but not as much as the usual Saturdays were like.
Keh. Who am I to complain? Maybe this way I'll be able to nap in peace.
Spotting a bench that was empty and had some shade from the large tree a few meters away, Inu Yasha gratefully slumped down, hands behind his head and his eyes closed. His leg was crossed over the other and he looked like an average teenager. Except that he wasn't.
A couple passed by him, flirting with each other as they grinned at the other. Inu Yasha really could care less. All he wanted was to go to sleep and forget about the mission he was on and just who he was supposed to be looking out for. He opened his eye a bit when he noticed a young teenage girl and a little boy enter the park, huffing and mumbling things under their breaths that got the other to laugh. The girl held something behind her back and grinned at the boy. Taking the hint, the boy started off in the opposite direction.
He watched as the girl took a stance as if she were going to follow him, but instead she took a step and raised her hand into the air, releasing a Frisbee that went speeding through the air in the direction of the boy. The boy ran a little farther before jumping up and catching the Frisbee with his small hands. The girl clapped her hands and congratulated him on a nice catch.
It was actually a very entertaining scene. The girl, `Kagome' the boy had announced, had found a young girl with bouncy, curly hair. She wore a small dress with a yellow breathable sweater. The boy, `Souta', or so Kagome had said, started blushing like mad when Kagome looked towards him and pushed the girl gently in his direction. Souta immediately started sprinting about until he stopped behind the tree where he was carefully hidden behind the low branches.
The little girl looked away with a light blush and Kagome laughed, nudging the girl with her elbow before whispering something in her ear. The girl grinned at her and nodded, waving as she departed.
There was a short cry behind the tree before Souta raced towards Kagome, tackling her to the ground in what was probably mock anger. She doubled up in laughter as he tried to tickle her to get retribution. Before he could attack her most ticklish spot, he was distracted by a blue colored Frisbee that zoomed past their heads. Their Frisbee was yellow, so seeing this color made them turn around to see a boy barely taller than Souta waving cheerfully.
Immediately, Souta jumped off his older sister and zoomed over to join his friend who was just as overjoyed to see him as Souta was.
Inu Yasha chose to look at the girl in favor of the two boys. She stood up, not at all feeling abandoned as she went over to where both blue and yellow Frisbee had crashed into the ground. Her hair billowed around her in the slight breeze. When she looked up, she locked gazes with Inu Yasha. He stayed perfectly calm, having been trained to ignore the eyes of a stranger. She, on the other hand, abruptly turned away with a light red on her cheeks.
Inu Yasha smirked. It was truly amusing to see her quickly walk over to the small boys and forget what had just occurred as she started a game with the both of them, passing the Frisbees around in a triangular motion. They continued this until the boy who had brought the blue Frisbee was called over by an old woman, probably his grandmother. She requested he bide his farewells as it was time for their leave. The boy nodded, waving goodbye at his friends.
A little suddenly, Kagome called out to him. He turned around and barely caught the blue Frisbee that was thrown at him. He grinned, appreciating it. And as swiftly as he had come, he left.
Inu Yasha had expected that to be the end of it until Kagome turned around and saw that Souta was no longer next to her.
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
After embarrassing her brother in front of Hitomi, Kagome thought that retrieving the Frisbees for the boys and herself would be a good idea. She spotted the Frisbees easily. Miraculously, they had landed together and she could pick them both up without having to run across the other side of the park.
There was a slight breeze and she was tempted to throw her hair like all the movie stars did, just for laughs from her brother, when she spotted a young man at a bench staring curiously at her.
Don't look at him! Whatever you do, Kagome, don't look at him! Only a weirdo would stare at a perfectly normal girl while she was bending down!
Despite her conscious fervently commanding her to not look up, she did. And she wished she hadn't.
He was staring at her intently, not embarrassed in the slightest at being caught. Although she wanted most in the world to have a calm aura around her as this guy seemed to have...she didn't. Instead, her cheeks grew hot with embarrassment and she quickly looked away. That same pulsing sensation flooded her. It was the one she had felt last night and when she arrived at the park.
I need to calm down. Err, ah! I'll just play with Souta and Kohaku.
Kagome got up quickly and fast walked to Souta and his friend. She passed a Frisbee to the newcomer and they started a round of catch and throw to each other. It was fun to watch Souta struggle with catching and throwing and he fell down a few times at his failed attempts. Kohaku giggled while Kagome snickered, having to press her hand against her mouth lest she burst out in a fit of laughter.
The sad thing was when Kohaku's supervisor (Kohaku insists on calling her Grandma though she is not his biological grandmother) called for him to say goodbye and depart with her. Souta groaned, but dare not object to Kohaku's Grandma's whims. Instead, he waved his hand manically at his friend.
“Wait, Kohaku!” called Kagome. Kohaku immediately turned around and barely captured the blue Frisbee that almost zoomed past his head. He grinned, thanking her, before leaving the park.
Kagome sighed. It was just her and the brat again. She turned around and to her surprise; `the brat' was gone. She frantically looked around, calling out his name as she cupped her hands around her mouth to project her voice.
Relief flooded her mind and body when she saw he was merely trying to climb the large tree that had stolen his Frisbee.
“Souta, wait,” Kagome ordered. The boy looked at her anxiously, darting up a glance at the speck of yellow in the branches. “I'll get it for you, sport.”
Obediently, Souta stepped away, allowing his sister access to the thieving branches. She managed to climb to the lower branch without too much difficulty. But, when it came to reaching up to the Frisbee...that was a whole different story.
“Can you reach it?” Souta asked, not wanted his sister to get hurt.
Kagome smiled. “Yeah. Just hold on a sec.”
She stretched her arm upwards, her other arm keeping her unsteady balance. She made a clumsy snatch, but didn't get the toy.
“Watch out, Kagome!”
Kagome looked at her brother with a curious look before she felt her hand slip and she started tumbling down.
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Inu Yasha caught her instantly, her body a little oddly caught as her leg was in the air, barely hitting him in the head and her shirt was slightly pulled up. She had her eyes closed shut, as if expecting the end to happen. When it didn't happen, she opened her eyes and stared straight into his eyes.
“Keh. Stupid girl,” Inu Yasha taunted lightly, wondering why he had even bothered to rescue her.
Noticing the state she was in, Kagome blushed madly and squirmed out of his grasp, mumbling a thank you before he leapt up into the tree, snatched the toy and came back down, handing it to the boy.
Souta was absolutely struck speechless at the astonishing hero that had saved his sister from `certain death'. (More like a painful pain on the rump) He grinned from ear to ear, obviously finding his latest hero.
Kagome pressed a hand to her chest, catching her breath as her cheeks flared. Soon, the heat of her cheeks was lost as realization hit her. When he had caught her, like a shining knight in armor rescuing a damsel in distress, she had felt that pulsing sensation again, yet much stronger. When she looked at his chest, she could see a light pink gleam from what must have been underneath his shirt. But why would he be glowing pink- and in only one place no less?
It doesn't make sense... Kagome looked at him. He was pulling twigs from his shirt, acting as any normal person would.
When he caught her staring at him, he raised an eyebrow. “What? Something on my face?”
“Uh, no!” Kagome stammered. Then, her gaze fell upon the top of his head. Are those...
Inu Yasha saw her curious intent look directed to the top of his head. Mentally slapping himself for forgetting a hat, he looked away.
Those are! Dog ears! Kagome reached to try and touch them, but he chose that moment to turn back. He quickly grabbed her wrists to stop her action, causing her to stumble slightly before tripping over her feet. She fell against him, causing him to lose his balance and join her in the fall.
“Hey!” Inu Yasha shouted. “Get off `a me!!”
“Sorry! Sorry!” Kagome quickly apologized. She hastily got up, leaning against the tree for support. “It's just; your ears.....are so cute...”
“Yeah?” Inu Yasha got up, looking away. “Well I'm not human if that's what you're trying to ask.”
“Oh, I know that,” Kagome assured him. “But you don't look all that demon either...” Her heart was pounding from embarrassment, but she could also feel the pulsing that seemed to only get stronger the closer to this stranger she got to.
“Excuse me?” Kagome asked, not quite grasping what he had spoken.
“Half,” repeated Inu Yasha, crossing his arms. “I'm half human, half demon. I'm not full anything.”
“Oh, wow...” Then, she remembered that he was a total stranger. Sticking her hand out, she hurriedly introduced, “Oh, sorry, I haven't introduced myself, have I? My name is Kagome and this is my little brother, Souta.” She nudged Souta to show some respect and immediately Souta bowed his head, grinning the whole time.
Before Inu Yasha could even begin to say his name, Souta interrupted him and exclaimed, “Are you really half demon? Wow! You are so cool! You saved my sister like a hero! Will you be my hero? Hey, sis was blushing just now- does that mean she likes you? Huh? Do you like her? Are you gonna marry her and become my brother? That would be so cool! Do you like cats? We've got a cat named Buyo who's very, very fat! Wait, if you have dog ears does that mean your half dog demon? Dogs don't like cats, do they? Well? Huh?”
“Souta!” Kagome scolded. She grabbed his arm and pulled him towards her. “Don't butcher this guy with your annoying questions!”
“They're not annoying!” Souta protested.
“As annoying as can be!” Kagome admitted.
“You're a stupid witch, you stupid witch!”
“You stinking toad!”
“You smelly witch!”
“What did you call me?!” Kagome fumed. She was ready to strangle him, but he dodged and went up to the stranger hero.
“What's your name?” Souta asked curiously, completely ignoring his sister. His eyes shone with pure curiosity.
Blinking a few times, he cleared his throat before saying, “My name's Inu Yasha.” He looked over to Kagome who looked like she was really holding back the urge to throttle her younger sibling. “Is she always like this?”
“Yeah, she's a monster.” Souta smirked at his sister as she turned red in the face with anger. “Sorry, gotta go!!” He dashed off while Kagome chased after him.
Watching them a while, he shrugged and wandered off, headed back to the apartment for something to eat.
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
“I'm surprised. He left just like that?”
“He accepted his duty and followed through your commands, sir,” mechanically replied Sango. She had previously been trained to treat Naraku and Sesshoumaru with the utmost respect. “Now that is left is the awaited success of the mission.”
“Excellent,” Naraku nodded in an approving way. “Well then, Sesshoumaru, you are in charge of further orders.”
“Indeed,” Sesshoumaru simply said.
Motioning to Kagura, Naraku patiently waited while she articulated, “Sir General Naraku has ended the conversation. You are now allowed to go on your daily duties as of now.” Everyone relaxed a bit. “Recruits,” they tensed up a speck, “be sure that Inu Yasha performs his contractual obligations in a well ordered manner. That is all.”
The screen was shut down and everyone in the room gave a sigh of relief, with the exception of Sesshoumaru.
“Prepare to head in the direction of Orion.”
A/N: Chapter Four should be done in a while, but don't count on it! Sorry, I'm not that fast of a writer; it's just that sometimes some chapters come easier for me. This chapter happened to be one of them! Well, again, here's the vocabulary! If you would like some more Japanese words, I can help you out a little, but I don't know a lot. Just e-mail me at kagura615(at)sbcglobal(dot)net. And here's a fun little proverb! (or it could be considered a saying)
You're a drip! A drip is a drop and a drop is water and water is nature and nature is beautiful. Thanks for the compliment!
Youkai- demon
Ookami- wolf
Inu- dog
Hanyou- half demon
Miko- priestess
Kami-sama- god