InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Moonless Dance ❯ Preparations ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: No, I don't own InuYasha. Nor do I plan to in the near future. I just like to play with that characters that Rumiko Takahashi created.
Italics are thoughts
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“InuYasha, osuwari.” Kagome said wearily as the hanyou once again tried to stop her from going through the well back to her era. “You can come get me in an hour. I need some time to get something ready.” And without waiting for an answer she jumped into the wooden structure. There was a flash of blue light, the sensation of falling into a deep hole, and then her feet hit solid ground. Turning to her right, Kagome grabbed a hold of the wooden ladder that hung from the side of this pit. Climbing up in this era was so much easier.
When she had at last exited the well house, Kagome made a mad dash for the house. She only had an hour until InuYasha came to get her, and then she would have to take time to convince him to come with her for the night. It was going to be a long evening.
“Hi, Mama! Bye, Mama!” she called as she ran toward her room, shoes pounding against the wooden floor. She skidded to a stop in front of her bedroom door, and then opened it silently. Then she closed it, ensured that her window was locked -she could never be too careful when the sit spell wore off- and rummaged through the mass of hangers that took up her closet. She emerged with a silky, pale blue dress that was the only thing hung neatly and un-wrinkled. She laid it carefully across her bed, before diving to the floor of her closet. She had seen a flash of red at the window, and she needed an excuse for having the window locked.
She searched the floor for what seemed like fifteen minutes, attempting to ignore the racket that InuYasha was making outside her window. Finally she muttered, “Sit boy.” and waited for the crash that signaled InuYasha slamming into the ground. It didn't come. She dashed to her window and looked down, confused. The inu-hanyou was hanging by a branch of the Goshinboku, his rosary still glowing a pale pink. She opened the window and shouted at him for a second. Then the spell wore off and he jumped though her window, swearing at her the entire time. “Why the fuck was your window locked, wench?” he finally asked, standing angrily by her bed. He had completely missed the dress lying on it, and Kagome prayed that he would continue to.
“Because my hour's not up yet.” She replied with a small smile. “Now go. You're not going to be in here while I change.”
“Feh. Wasn't planning to.” He replied, jumping out of her window as usual. She closed it and pulled the curtains across, shielding her from his view. She sighed with relief, and pulled on the silken dress. It fit her perfectly, although she had been given it just before her fifteenth birthday. Today she was turning sixteen, and her mother had demanded that she celebrate in the feudal era. It was long and flowing, and had a navy sash around the waist. In other words, it was her dream dress. The colour that would normally have taken away from her cerulean blue eyes now added to them, with the help of some amber contacts. “Perfect.” She said aloud, looking at herself in the mirror that hung on her closet door. Her hair and makeup still had to be done, but at least her dress looked right. She slipped on the shoes, which were navy with small heels-high ones wouldn't work very well with the rough feudal ground- and turned to her dresser. On it was a box containing a single pair of earrings and a necklace. They were silver, and matched the colour of InuYasha's hair perfectly. Then she walked carefully to her window and opened the curtain, being sure to stay hidden behind it. She didn't want InuYasha to see her dress before she got to the village in the past. She opened the window with one hand, and waited for the hanyou to come jumping in.
He did just that, and now he stood waiting for her to emerge. “I'll meet you in the feudal era.” She told him from behind the curtain. She saw him nod and jump out the window, being sure not to let any random passerby see him. She dashed over to her mirror as fast as the shoes would allow, and pulled out her makeup box. From there she applied pale blue eye shadow, and some lip gloss. Rushing to the bathroom to get her hair done proved to be a problem. So she called for her mother, sitting patiently on her bed. “Mama! Can I have some help with my hair?”
Mrs. Higurashi responded by coming to her daughter's aide, sweeping her hair into an elegant style. “Have fun, dear.” She said with a smile, pushing Kagome out of the room. Kagome just gave a nervous smile before walking slowly toward the front door.
~*~ In the Feudal Era ~*~
“Just put on some shoes, InuYasha!” Sango demanded, forcing a pair of straw sandals toward the grumpy half demon. He just feh'd and pushed them away, fed up with getting ready for the `party'. He was already wearing a good `suit' that Kagome had brought him last week, and his hair was actually combed. The sandals were the last straw. He wasn't going to get any more ready than he already was, nor anymore nervous.
Miroku was dressed in his best robes, and even Shippou had dressed up. His clothing was pretty much normal, but his hands and face were washed for the first time that day. His hair, much like InuYasha's, had been combed by the tough Sango, who didn't give in when he complained about how much it hurt. That woman was strong! She was wearing a beautiful green kimono with a pattern on light pink flowers on one shoulder and near the hem. It was the outfit she wore on special occasions, such as her `engagement' party last week. This time she had put on some makeup that Kagome had given her as a gift then, and she looked amazing. Sango, armed with many threats, had managed to make Miroku promise to keep his hands off that night. Surprisingly.
Decorations had been put up all around the village, including the inside of Kaede's hut. The old miko was nowhere to be found, much to the delight of InuYasha. He seemed to hate her for some strange reason. Miroku had made sure that she was conveniently off giving birth somewhere far away from the party. InuYasha's ears twitched slightly, and they all waited for the flash of pink light that would signal the well being used. It didn't come, but the hanyou did begin to growl softly. “Wolf-turd.” he spat out, an explanation for all of this. Sure enough, Kouga's trademark twister soon came spinning around the corner. It stopped suddenly, and Kouga emerged, sniffing the air disdainfully. “Mutt face.” he muttered, acknowledging the fact that he knew that the hanyou was here. “Where's Kagome?”
“Right here!” a voice called, and everyone turned in the direction of the well. Kagome emerged from the trees, carefully avoiding rocks that were sticking up from the ground. All male jaws dropped when they caught sight of her in the forest. The rosy light from the setting sun framed her, making her entire body seem like it was glowing. Her hair shone, and even her dress shimmered. Her cerulean blue eyes showed no sign of nervousness, nor did her smile. She looked perfect.
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Author's Notes: That was the first chapter of my newest fanfic, A Moonless Dance. Please R&R!