InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Mother's Promise or a Son's Revenge ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: The day I own Inuyasha is the day hell freezes over.
“So long Mother, I'm off to play in the forest.”
“Inuyasha, come here for a moment.” Izayoi called.
Obediently, Inuyasha heeded his mother's call. “What is it Mama?” he asked innocently.
“Remember yesterday, when those village boys were throwing stones at you and then you attacked them with your claws and fangs?”
“I hate them! I wish they would all die!”
“Inuyasha please,” his mother said in a strained voice. “Promise me you will never kill a human out of anger or revenge,”
“I promise mother,”
“You may go play now” and he bounded off into the forest.
Izayoi sighed and went into the house. In reality Inuyasha was only acting in self defense, if he had not fought back he could have been seriously injured. But of course that wasn't the way things worked. Inuyasha was half demon and according to the villagers that meant everything was his fault. Once Inuyasha started hurting the boys the adults had to get involved. The village headman had yelled at her till her ears bled. He said that the villagers were being kind by letting them stay there and in return she must “stop Inuyasha from attacking innocent children while they were playing”. Innocent children, bah, they had begun stoning her son out of boredom and nothing more.
Oh Inu no Taisho, until Izayoi met him she felt she could never love a demon. But he soon convinced her otherwise. If he were here now he never would have let his family be abused like this, Inuyasha hated him for not doing so. His death had cut her very deep. He was the one true love of her life, but now he was dead. She cried for him almost every day, which made Inuyasha hate him even more.
Her son was only five years old, but he had already tasted the full force of prejudice and hatred. Her worst fear was that he would become rouge. Killing every human or demon that got in his way, not caring who he hurt. That is why she made him give her that promise, though she didn't know what good it would do. Inuyasha loved her and hated to displease her in any way, but she couldn't be here forever and his situation might force him to do the unthinkable.
Izayoi was roused from her thoughts by the sound of the door opening. “Inuyasha?” she said turning around. Instead of her son she saw a group of samurai in green armor. “How can I help you?” she asked.
“Save it demon wench.” Spat their leader clad in red armor. “We have decided you and the hanyou brat have overstayed your welcome.”
Izayoi was stunned; it was all of her worst fears coming true. She was so frightened all she could do was stutter “But what do you me-”
“You know damn well what we mean!” he shouted. “After that incident in the village yesterday we have no choice but to dispose of the both of you.”
By this point Izayoi was frantic. “You have to understand, the other village children. They wer-”
“Enough of your excuses!” he bellowed bringing his sword down heavily on her right shoulder.
Inuyasha leaped among the treetops contemplating the promise he made to his mother. Why do the others have to be so mean. I never did anything to them. All the villages treated him badly, him and his mother. It was all because his father was Inu no Taisho. And he was dead and unable to comfort his wife and child. Stupid father, he made me what I am and then left. In reality he never knew his father; he died the night Inuyasha was born. Inuyasha's hatred stemmed from the fact the he wasn't their to support his family, that and his mother's tears. His mother cried for him almost every day, although he didn't see the point. You could cry all you want but nothing would change. Mother, she was the only one who would defend and love him. He couldn't understand why the villagers couldn't care for him. What did they see that made them despise him?
The other day in the village, his mother had gone to pick up the vegetables and told him to wait by the lettuce cart. Once she was gone other children waiting for their parents started throwing stones at him. At first it was just annoying, but then they started to really hurt. One of the older boys hit him in the chest with a stone the size of his head and knocked him to the ground. The blows were getting harder and harder and he was unable to dodge them since he was face down in the road. Suddenly something had broken inside him. He jumped up and raked the nearest boy across the chest with his claws. At his scream and blood the other children knew that they were in trouble. The boy who had knocked him down tried to run away but Inuyasha was too quick. Leaping at him he closed his fangs around his shoulder, it felt so good to get back at him. His cries aroused everyone in the town square.
The next thing he knew, his mother had snatched him of the older child and was holding him tightly as the headman shouted at her. On the way back to their hut she was quiet. Inuyasha knew he had done wrong, but whenever he tried to apologize his mother gave him a sad eyed stare that silenced him. Over dinner that night she had told him that she was not sad that he tried to defend himself, but that the villagers deemed it appropriate that the human children could beat him and were appalled when he fought back. He had spent much of the night considering what she said.
The promise he made was another thing bugging him. The idea of killing someone chilled him. He hated all of the villagers but killing them was something else. The confusing thing was that his mother had made him promise not to kill humans. Did that mean she expected him to want to kill or that he might be forced to kill one day? He trembled at the thought of ending a person's life.
A scream interrupted his thoughts. That and human blood, his mother's blood. “Mother!” he cried. Then he ran at inhuman speed to the house that they shared at the edge of the village and through open the door. Inside were about a dozen samurai in green armor. Their leader was dressed in red armor and held a bloody sword. His mother lay on her back before him as if she were pushed. She was clutching her arm in pain and her eyes were wide with fright.
Upon his entry all eyes in the room turned toward him. “Well, if it isn't the little half breed himself.” The samurai leader said with an evil grin.
Inuyasha was confused. “Mama, what is going on? Who are these men?” he asked with a trembling voice.
Izayoi turned toward her child with large eyes. “Inuyasha, you must leave now. Hurry, go before-”. The red samurai kicked her in the ribs, cutting her off.
“Save the sentiments for the afterlife.” He sneered. “Both you and that abomination are going to die here.”
A cold pit of fear chilled Inuyasha to the bone. No, mother can't die she just can't. With a shriek, Inuyasha through himself at the red clad warrior, trying to claw out his eyes. In the end the most damage he was able to do was a shallow scratch going from his right temple to his chin before the man grabbed him by the hair and through him against the wall.
The samurai raised his sword high above his head in preparation to strike. Izayoi was in too much pain and fear to move. “Mama, No!” the frightened hanyou cried. But it was all in vain. The blow descended and hit. Blood splattered all over the meager furnishings in the small hut, even Inuyasha's small face. “Mother?” he said with a whimper. It was futile, she was already dead. He scurried over to his mother's body. He had heard the villages talk about death, the person was supposed to look like they were sleeping peacefully. His mother didn't look like that, she just looked dead. From this point on he was alone. Izayoi would no longer be able to comfort or care for him. As hot tears streamed down his cheeks, he knew why she cried for his father even though it changes nothing. She was to sad not too.
Suddenly he was angry. These men had no right to kill Mama. She was always good and kind and never did anything bad to anyone else. How dare they, thinking that they can decide who can live and who can die. It's not their choice, I'll show them, I'll show them all. With tears spilling out of his eyes he turned to face the samurai that killed his mother. “One day,” he said in an angry trembling voice. “One day, I'll be a big strong demon and I'll come back and kill all of you. Them you will be sorry, and then you will regret what you've done!” Suddenly unable to bear the sight of his mother's corpse, Inuyasha ran blindly into the forest. Not caring where he was going, only wanting to get away.
……………………… 8230;………………………… …………………………̷ 0;……
“Did you really take on a hanyou all by yourself Kazuki-sama?” asked a wide eyed girl.
“Indeed I did child.” Kazuki replied “and I have the scar to prove it.” He said tracing his finger over the long white mark that ran from his temple to his chin. “After that success I was being requested by all the Lords to exterminate hanyou all over the country side.” Kazuki let the children gasp and whisper about the incredible feat. It had been well over fifty years since he had killed Izayoi and he was very old now, but his hanyou exterminating skills were unrivaled. He had met hanyou and their parents who were willing to beg him take their own life instead that of the other. It didn't matter he killed all of them anyway. Demons were only filthy monsters and humans that were willing to be their mates were filthier still, but not half as disgusting as their offspring. A being born of the love between a human and demon with the traits of both races, the thought itself made him sick. Izayoi had been good woman, until she let that demon defile her. Once a person went as low as to bed with a demon death was the only suitable option. That was why he had accepted the assignment to kill Izayoi and her child. That mission was the most satisfactory thing he had ever done. It had started his whole career and the children never tired of hearing the story.
“But Kazuki-sama,” said a little boy. “You said that the hanyou ran off and escaped, aren't you afraid that he'll come back and fulfill his promise?”
“My boy there is nothing to fear.” Kazuki replied.
“R-r-really?” he asked stuttering.
“Of course, there are countless demons out there. A hanyou brat doesn't stand a chance. He was probably killed ten seconds after he went out the door. Mark my words, that brat will never return.” Kazuki said confidently.
No sooner than he had finished his sentence that there was a knock on the Inn door. “It's unlocked,” he called out. The door opened and three people stepped in. A young Buddhist monk with a rosary over his right hand, a girl with pink armor and a boomerang strapped over her shoulder, and another girl wearing a skimpy white and green outfit with a bow and arrow. Good, a monk, a priestess, and a demon slayer. This should be good business. “Welcome to the village.” He said heartily. “May I ask your names?”
“Sure.” Said the girl in the green and white. “I'm Kagome, this is Sango, and that's Miroku.”
“I hope you all enjoy your time here.” Kazuki said politely. “I shall have three rooms prepared immediately.”
“Actually,” Kagome cut in. We have another friend outside.
“Well then go get him.”
“Okay,” Kagome replied before going outside. Once she return inside the Inn with the fourth member of the group all Kazuki could do was stare and feel the blood drain out of his face. It had been countless decades since he had last seen him but he appeared to have only aged ten years. His hair, which had been long when he was young, was now longer still. The fur of the fire rat had grown to conform his height. Eyes that had been child like and full of fear the last time he saw him were now cold and hard with adolescence. Since he had last been seen he had gained only the prayer beads around his neck and the sword at his hip. The hanyou Kazuki had wronged so many years ago had returned and was ready to make good on his promise.
Tah Dah, my first fic ever. R and R please. I'll take any reviews compliments, flames, deathwishes, anything.