InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A musical connection ❯ Chapter 2
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A Musical Connection
Chapter 2
The next day Kagome awoke to the sound of banging on her bedroom door.
“ ugh..."
Kagome ignore the loud voice and snuggled deeper into her cocoon of blankets.
The banging had stopped but the voice was determined to wake her sleep hazed mind.
She rolled over and put her pillow over her head.
“Kagome, Get the hell out of bed!"
“ Wake me up later, Miro..."
"Dammit! Get out of bed Wench!"
Kagome's eyes shot open at the pet name. Inuyasha was leaning over her head glaring at her.
“AHH!!" Kagome yelled, shocked at his presence.
Rolling his eyes Inuyasha crossed his arms over his chest.
“ What are you doing here at," she looked at the clock ,"Six in the morning!"
“ Well I was here at five but Miroku wouldn't let me in."
Kagome narrowed her eyes and rolled over, dead set on going back to sleep.
“Oh no you don't.” Inuyasha growled.
He grabbed hold of her blanket and yanked it down to her ankles, despite her protest.
Inuyasha's jaw dropped and his eyes widened.
Kagome was in nothing but a lace babydoll.
“You Idiot!" Kagome yelled as she pulled the blanket to her neck.
“Me?! I wasn't the one that was sleeping naked!" Inuyasha pointed a accusing finger at her.
“I wasn't naked!"
“ Damn near close!"
“ Get out!"
Inuyasha growled and stomped out of the room, slamming the door on the way out.
“What a arrogant little prick!" Kagome fumed hotly.
“I can hear you!" Inuyasha yelled through the door.
“Good asshole!"
Kagome got up and began to search through her room for something to wear.
She came out of her closet ready to face the day...or as ready as she was ever going to be.
She wore a strapless tank top and a school girl skirt in red and black, with chains hanging from it. Her shirt had a picture of a red rose on it.
Her hair was styled in pigtails and her make-up consists of eyeliner and masscara, and a clear lip-gloss.
Around her neck she wore a felt chocker decorated with a small black rose.
Taking a deep breath she left the safety of her room.
Inuyasha was no where in sight...thank god.
Kagome wandered out to the kichen, planing on getting something to eat.
Inuyasha sat at the kitchen tabled eating her food!
"I thought you left." Kagome said dryly, taking a bowl and filling it with cereal.
“Sorry to ruin your plan." Inuyasha replied sarcastically.
Rolling her eyes, Kagome began to eat. After she finished she put the dishes in the sink and came back over to the table.
“Why the hell are you here?"
“ It's not like I want to be here." Inuyasha said gruffly.
“Then why are you?" Kagome asked raising her eyebrows.
“Because...they made me." Inuyasha pouted.
“Why?" Kagome asked a bit skeptical.
“Because we have a concert in less that a month and whether I like it or not you are part of the band. Since this concert will tell if we got it or if we suck, I got to help you and vise versa."
“ Help with what?" Kagome asked
"If we got a concert we got to practise, but first we have to decide what to sing, and have to work on your vocals." Inuyasha said firmly.
Kagome did a impressive growl for a human.
“But can't someone else train me...anyone but you?" Kagome said, with a look of disgust on her face.
Inuyasha glared at her and bit back the rude remark on the tip of his tongue.
“No, no one else sings besides me and Rin."
“ What about Rin?" Kagome asked.
There was no way she was spending a whole day with this retard, much less a month.
“No, Sesshomaru will not let her leave the house or be under any stress what's so ever." Inuyasha said, he was beginning to loss his patience.
"Who's that?"
“ That's my brother and Rin's husband.” Inuyasha said.
“But I don't want to be stuck with you…”Kagome whined. She suck out her lip and pouted.
“And you think I do?”
“Of course, you should be lucky just to be in my presence.” Kagome said firmly with her nose in the air.
“Ya right, when pigs fly.” Inuyasha snorted.
“Look out the window lately?” Kagome said dryly.
“Listen bitch I've had it to here with you,” Inuyasha held a clawed hand to his neck, “And frankly I think you should take that smart ass talk and shove it up your ass for all the good it's going to do!” Inuyasha yelled, standing from his chair.
“If you don't like it, then get the hell out of my house!” Kagome retorted pointed to the door.
“I told you already, I was forced to be here!”
The two glared at each other, the tension could be cut with a knife.
“FINE! But I will make this experience a living hell for you!” Kagome warned.
“Trust me you already are.” Inuyasha muttered.
“Nothing!” Inuyasha replied hastily.
“When do I have to start this?”
“Now.” Inuyasha said with a nod of the head.
Kagome rolled her coffee eyes and head to the door, grabbing her keys and purse on the way out. They two hot-headed musicians drove to the studio, in different cars.
They hurried into the studio to start. They went into the main lobby and rode to the top floor on the elevator. The room was painted green and white. To the left a large piano sat, on the other side of the room their was a set of drums and a spare keybord. A guitar setup with four in a row sat ageist the far wall and a desk for writing lyrics sat, a small microphone placed on the table.
“Ok let's start.” Inuyasha said with a clap of the hands.
They practiced a few notes, Inuyasha pointing out what she did wrong and she did it again.
The two were civil and somewhat quiet. Exept when Kagome yelled that it was fine and Inuyasha didn't know what she was talking about.
They practiced deep into the evening; by the time seven came around they had one song down pat.
“Why don't you try singing it again?” Inuyasha said leaning back in his chair. Her wore a pair of plain black jeans and a blue t-shirt that read: You don't like me? Well fuck you every one else does.
“But I want out of here, to be free of your ugly ass!”
“Sing and you will be sooner.” Inuyasha mocked a smug look on his face.
Kagome scowled but continued anyways.
I can't run anymore,
I fall before you,
Here I am,
I have nothing left,
Though I've tried to forget,
You're all that I am,
Take me home,
I'm through fighting it,
I give up,
You're my only strength,
Without you,
I can't go on,
Ever again.
My only hope,
(All the times I've tried)
My only peace,
(To walk away from you)
My only joy,
My only strength,
(I fall into your abounding grace)
My only power,
My only life,
(And love is where I am)
My only love.
I can't run anymore,
I give myself to you,
I'm sorry,
I'm sorry,
In all my bitterness,
I ignored,
All that's real and true,
All I need is you,
When night falls on me,
I'll not close my eyes,
I'm too alive,
And you're too strong,
I can't lie anymore,
I fall down before you,
I'm sorry,
I'm sorry.
My only hope,
(All the times I've tried)
My only peace,
(To walk away from you)
My only joy,
My only strength,
(I fall into your abounding grace)
My only power,
My only life,
(And love is where I am)
My only love.
Constantly ignoring,
the pain consuming me,
But this time it's cut too deep,
I'll never stray again.
My only hope,
(All the times I've tried)
My only peace,
(To walk away from you)
My only joy,
My only strength,
(I fall into your abounding grace)
My only power,
My only life,
(And love is where I am)
My only love,
My only hope,
(All the times I've tried)
My only peace,
(To walk away from you)
My only joy,
My only strength,
(I fall into your abounding grace)
My only power,
My only life,
(And love is where I am)
My only love.
Kagome took a deep breath and blew out air.
“How was that?” Kagome asked as she took a drink of water.
“O.K, you finally got it…it took you a few tries but you finally did it.” Inuyasha said.
“Oh and I'd like to see you do better!!” Kagome yelled out raged and offended.
“You stupid Wench…I didn't mean it that way!”
“Why don't you prove that you can do better you little bastard!”
“This isn't a compition! We are supposed to work together!” Inuyasha yelled,fist balled at his side.
“Ha! That's a laugh! Me work with you? I told you once already…I will make this living hell for you!”
Inuyasha glared at the hot-headed girl and silently cursed.
“Fine! you want me to so so damn badly? Then I will!” Inuyasha took up one of the guitars ad plucked a few string: then he began to sing.
Lay me down
Wash this blood off my hands for me while i cry, cry out
Dont let me die before i go to sleep
And i cant keep going
But i cant start again
The road i walk is paved with broken promises i've made
At least a million i've fallen
But never will i break
These walls i make
They could hold me in and hold me back today
Oh but tomorrow's new and i'll walk right out and walk right over you
If you hear me screaming
Please dont let me fall again
The road i walk is paved with broken promises i've made
At least a million i've fallen
But never will i break
My time is on its way
I'll fall but i wont break
The road i walk is paved with broken promises i've made
At least a million i've fallen
But never will i break
The road i walk is paved with broken promises i've made
At least a million i've fallen
But never will i break
Wash this blood off my hands for me while i cry, cry out
Dont let me die before i go to sleep
And i cant keep going
But i cant start again
The road i walk is paved with broken promises i've made
At least a million i've fallen
But never will i break
These walls i make
They could hold me in and hold me back today
Oh but tomorrow's new and i'll walk right out and walk right over you
If you hear me screaming
Please dont let me fall again
The road i walk is paved with broken promises i've made
At least a million i've fallen
But never will i break
My time is on its way
I'll fall but i wont break
The road i walk is paved with broken promises i've made
At least a million i've fallen
But never will i break
The road i walk is paved with broken promises i've made
At least a million i've fallen
But never will i break
Kagome stared in shock as inuyasha played the final cords.His voice was like silk and velvet and it sent shiver's down her spine.Uncoutiously she ran a hand over her arms and tucked a stray strand of hair befind her ear.
“Well? You happy now wench?”Inuyasha shot uncomfortable with her silence.
Kagome glared at him and narrowed her eyes further and pursed her lips.
She spun on her heel and left the room without saying a word.
`What the hell was that?!' he thought as he chased after the stubborn girl. `This is going to be a long month.'
The songs were NOT mine
The one Inuyasha sang was by Three doors down called “Never will I break”
And the other was “October” By evancesses