InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ a New Beginning for the Old Thing Called Love ❯ New Beginnings for that Old Thing Called Love ( One-Shot )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: Blah Blah Blah! I don't own Inu Yasha! Blah Blah Blah!
AN! Alright Normally I write these droning long fics! But I kinda lost my flow on my other stories and decided to toss in a one-shot. A slightly long one-shot but one none the less. This is a what if. I loves those because you can make an ending that you thought was kinda lame into something you want. Well we all know that scene when Inu Yasha first turns demon when (THIS IS CORRECT SPELLING!!!! MANGA SPELLING AND ANIME!!!) Tetsusaiga is broken right? Well what if Kagome's Sit command DIDN'T Work?! Better yet what if she didn't think to say it?! Hehehe Well this is what I would think would happen!
HA! I wasn't able to put this in because of their new policy but I informed on my message board what's up.
Oh Two warnings. One I'm leaning heavily on Inu Yasha being a half DOG demon. SECOND! THIS IS A LEMON! SO ANYONE UNDER THE AGE OF 18 GET LOST!!!! (not that I could do anything to stop you but its something I have to say!) This is rated NC 17 FOR A REASON!
New Beginnings for Old Loves
ONE SHOT! (May have a sequal not sure?)
Miroku held her fighting and clawing in his arms as she struggled to get to Inu Yasha. Kagome looked at Inu Yasha with worried eyes and finally broke loose and slowly she approached her friend, companion, and secret love.
"Inu Yasha?" She murmured feeling tears come to her eyes. She ignored her instinct creaming at her to run and continued to aproach him with worry in her heart.
"Don't come near me!" his guttral voice was barely decipherable.
She felt her tears spill down her cheeks and whimpered slightly in pain. *I can't LOOSE HIM!!!*
"Inu Yasha please." Kagome whispered and flung her arms around his neck and burried her head in his shoulder, sobbing.
Inu Yasha growled and his eyes seemed to glow. He raised his claws and ignored the hurt and shocked cries from the foolish humans nearby.
Crying and whimpering Kagome raised her head and nuzzeled his chin giving it a small kiss. "Don't leave me, Please... Inu Yasha don't leave me alone!"
The demon in him was placated by her act of submission. Whether Kagome had meant to or not she had hit on a dog instinct within him. To show submission was to lick a dogs chin and whine and whimper and show there belly. By Kagome nuzzeling his chin and kissing it she was showing submission. By exposing herself willingly to his claws and crying and making those small sobbing noises and pleading she was telling him she wasn't a threat and was willing to die if he chose.
Her sumbission gave his demon time to take stalk of her. Her scent filled him and calmed the blood lust. Nuzzeling her neck and filling his nose with her scent and let out a soft whimper. Her scent had placed another type of hunger within him. He could hear her continuously pleading with him but her words were mixed and jumbled so that even he could not understand. He could feel the wound up tension within her and new that she would faint in bit from stress.
"Ssshhhh...I won't leave you... I'll protect you..." He murmured as he pulled her gently into his arms and burried his nose in her hair. He lightly began to stoke her back in a calming way.
"Inu Yasha..." Kagome murmured before slumping limply against him.
Picking her up he glanced at the shocked humans and demons near him. He recognized their scents and recognized that their scents were on him as well as his on them. Especially the little fox kit. He narrowed his eyes and walked over to the kit to scent him more carefully. He was careful to hold the girl in his arms gently but firmly so she would not fall. After a careful inspection of the kits smell he realized that the kit was the girl's adopted pup and so his pup.
"Return to my lands, and protect the kit. I will be back," Inu Yasha snapped out at the houshi.
"Yes my lord," Miroku bowed and nudged Sango to do the same. She reluctantly did so.
"Good!" Inu Yasha growled and lunged away, carefully holding Kagome to his chest.
"Oh god, Miroku what do think is going to happen!?" Sango whispered as she watched both of her friends vanish into the distance.
"Dog Demons, though they share many aspects of the their canine counterparts, are different. Should they find a competent and worthy opposite, they will mate with that being and stay by their side for all eternity." Miroku murmured. "Kagome has shown great power and even more so an inner strength that I have yet to see matched. Even by you. It would be a great fool who did not recognize that."
"Oh god he's going to RAPE HER!" Sango cried out horrified.
"Actually no. Another thing about Dog Demons is their sense of honor and loyalty. He will not force himelf on her. Court her or entice her but that only comes if she rejects him and he wishes to continue to pursue her. It is against their code to rape a woman." Miroku sighed. "Also Dog Demons have great stamina and do not stop mating until they are certain that a pup has been created. They are VERY canine in that aspect."
Sango dropped her boomerang on his head. "I did not need to know THAT!!!!" She muttered blushing brightly.
Inu Yasha quickly found a cave within his forest and knew immediately that it was one of the places he went when he needed cover. There was a nest of furs in the back and wood already stacked. Smirking he laid Kagome down on the furs and started a fire to warm the cave. After ensuring the fire would last he raced out to hunt for food.
A few hours later Kagome slowly woke. A trendous boom of thunder made her shriek and shiver as she snapped awake. Inu Yasha was there in an instant. He held her close purring to calm her as he nuzzeled her neck and shoulder and gently nipped.
Another boom of thunder had Kagome grabbing hold of Inu Yasha's Haori (sp?) and burring her head in his chest as she trembled with fear. His arms pulled her closer so that she sat on her knees between his thighs and was tucked firmly against him as he tried to calm her. Another flash and boom caused Kagome to yelp and jump slightly in his tight grip and shiver.
"Shhh." he purred softly, his purr was designed to placate and calm a mate as well as entice them.
Slowly Kagome calmed down, despite the loud thunder and lightning. "Sorry..."
"Hmmmm," Inu Yasha continued to purr, "eat."
He unwrapped his arms and went over to the fire where several rabits had finished cooking. He brought them back and sat her in his lap to ensure that she ate. Startled Kagome looked up at him curiously. He was being far more affectionate then he had ever been before. It frightened her slightly but something inside her told her that she had nothing to fear from him and that he would always protect her no matter what his form.
"Eat," He commanded and nipped at her nose making her squeak in shock.
Kagome did as he demanded and began to eat the piece of rabit her had set before her. She was hungry though the storm outside had her wound with nervousness and anxiety. As she ate Inu Yasha purred behind her and held her close. His legs to either side of her and his arms wrapped around her stomach with one gently rubbing her stomach. His nose was buried in her hair and everyonce in a while he would lick or kiss her neck making her jump, but she soon calmed and relaxed in his grip.
Once she was relaxed his purr seemed to changed and it vibrated from his chest into her back making her tingle and breathe. Her eyes lidded half way and she was glad she had finished the piece of rabit because her fingers seemed to go numb. Inu yasha was resting his head her shoulder growling in her ear. His hand rubbing her stomach had changed. He was still rubbing her stomach but now he was using his claws and his hand was getting bolder in its motions.
"Inu Yasha?" Kagome whispered softly her heart thudding painfully in her chest and feeling an odd sensation in her stomach.
"Mmmmhhhh, sssshhhhh," He growled lightly and nipped her ear lightly before placing a tender kiss behind it making Kagome shiver against him.
Smirking he began to kiss and lick down her neck. As he did this his hand found its way under her shirt and he flexed his claws against her bare skin making her temble and give a soft moan.
Kagome blinked, startled by what was happening and her reactions. Gasping at the sensation his hand and mouth made she barely noted his other hand pulling her shirt up. She felt almost as if she was falling into a trance as she raised her arms so he could tug her shirt off. Whimpering softly when his mouth was forced to move away from her and the vibrations of his purr was lost, and sighing when it returned. She felt heated all over and breathless though she was certain she was getting plenty of air with her gasps and slight pants. The odd feeling in her stomach had increased and she realized it wasn't her stomach but lower.
*All this with purring and a tummy rub?* Kagome thought as she arched foreward when the hand that tugged off her shirt cupped her breast. *I heard some girls were sensitive but this?*
*Good, she's accepting,* Inu Yasha's demon mind thought as dipped his hand lower and pressed her back against his arousal. *She's mine...*
"Oh god," Kagome moaned softly.
Lightly grazing his fangs against the back of her neck, Inu Yasha growled possessively. With a couple quick flicks of his claws Kagome's bra landed with her shirt on the ground. Kagome yelped at the sudden movement and almost drew out of the haze that had filled her mind but Inu Yasha's purr increased and his hand had returned to groping her breast. Kagome moaned softly as he needed her breast and kissed along her jaw.
*God what the hell am I doing! This isn't even Inu Yasha doing this! Well its him but its... Oh god!* Kagome let out a hiss.
Inu Yasha's other hand had unknowingly removed her skirt and panties, bringing her up to her knees before him, and was now kneading her upper thighs, teasing her with its claws as they grazed her heat.
Inu Yasha growled darkly as his mate's heat scent filled the air. His eyes turning a deeper shade of red that looked more like molten lava then the pure blood red color of before. The blue had turned back to black. He increased his growl and gave into the urge to touch her heat. The center of that delicious smell.
Her cry rang in his ears making him clamp his teath against the back of her neck not breaking the skin but applying pressure, punishing her for the sound. His ears flicked wildly upon his head listening for any sign of danger. Right now that was the only sense that was free to keep them safe. His nose was filled with her scent and that of the rains. And though the thunder and lightning still exploded with noise and light he could hear the creatures of the nearby forest and rocks scurrying for shelter. Nothing however came near the cave.
Mating was very dangerous, especially for newly mated demons. But it was worse for fog demons and other canines. Although they were among the strongest demon kind they were weak during their chosen matings. They would mate until a pup was ensured and only would mate to create pups. Though it was semi agreed that first matings were sacred there were many who would attack despite this. So mating was performed in safe places with silence.
His bitch seemed to get the point for she became silent except for her gulping breaths and soft moans. Grinning he decided to reward her for her acceptance of his dominance. Pulling her close he slowly spread her thighs and increased his seductive purr making her gasp.
Again he touched her heated core but this time she made no sound above a hitching breath. Keeping his fangs pressed against her neck he rubbed her, seeking the hidden jewel that would pleasure her. His thumb grazed it and she arched into his hold gasping and whimperings breathlessly.
Grinning he continued his senous attack upon her core. Slowly slipping a clawed finger into her tight passage as he rubbed her clit. Her thread flew back and she gave a soft whispered cry of pleasure. Growling a warning to keep quiet he pressed his fangs firmly against the place where her shoulder and neck met.
His thumb flicked over her niple as he pressed on her clit and shoved a second finger into her. Kagome tumbled over the edge with a soundless cry that seemed to scream though the cave but that nothing could hear.
*Oh my fucking god! What is he doing to me!* Kagome thought in shock. *How the hell COULD he do this to... okay who fucking cares... this feels...*
She lost herself in mindless haze as Inu Yasha pushed her foreward so that she rest on her elbows and knees with her but in the air. He was still pressed against her with his teeth pressing against her shoulder but not yet piercing the skin. His hand had left her breast and was now wrapped around her hips, but his other hand had yet to stop its assault.
Then she could feel it, him, pressing against her, filling her slowly. Surprisingly he was incredibly gentle letting her adjust as he entered her. His purring had changed again and though it still tugged at her and enticed, it was aslo calming and soothing, making her relaxe and melt in his grip.
She felt him hit something inside her and yelped softly. He purred and licked lightly where his fangs were pressed before driving himself and his fangs deep within her. Beneath him his mate tensed and let out a silent scream. Holding her close and soothing her with his purr he waited for her to adjust to him. He could smell the salty sweet smell of her tears and sighed inwardly.
He waited patiently for her to relax and become aware of him again. Dog Demons were much like wolves in the aspect of finding true mates. They were tender and giving to the ones who were chosen. They were patient and loving and it was a great curse that would befall any who harmed their mates. Inu Yasha was uncertain of why, but he knew that the female beneath him was his mate in the truest sense of the word. They would belong together even through time.
Kagome slowly felt the fires that had burned so intensly within her begin to stir. With a soft moan she pushed back against her friend and lover and holder of her heart and soul. He meant everything to her no matter what his form.
He began to move within her, slow deep movements that made her want to cream and beg for more. Yet something inside her insisted to remain quiet and that being heard could be deadly. So she contented herself with quiet moan and hisses of pleasure.
"Please... Inu Yasha..." She panted, his pure once again changed into that seductive erotic sound that vibrated through her very bones.
He moved faster growling lowly in her ear though his fangs were still deep within her shoulder. The hands that had been rubbing her clit wrapped around her waist and pressed against her lower belly while the hand that had been wrapped around her hips braced him so that his wieght didn't crush her. His movements became harsh and eratic as he became stuck within her tight passage.
Snarling he slammed into her biting harder into her shoulder while focusing every sense of his body upon her pleasure. He could feel her coming close and purred with satisfaction.
"Mine, forever," He rasped hoarsely through his mouth, his fangs pressed deep within her flesh. "My, mate, my Kagome..."
With one last trhust he filled her and sent them both flying into ectasy.
"My Inu Yasha," Kagome murmured softly as she yawned and let him pulled her to the nest of furs and wrap her close within his embrace. "My heart and soul."
Inu Yasha grinned his now gold red eyes glinting beautifully in the fire light as he held her close still inside her. It would be a long week but she had given him something no one else had. Her unconditional love and the ability to control his demon blood. He had given him his soul.
"Its a new beginning for that old thing called love." Inu Yasha murmured. "Its our beginning for our old love, that will last for eternity, my Kagome."
Kagome sighed and smiled, drifting off into a deep sleep and knowing she was protected and loved. Her heart no longer doubted what was always a certainty. They were soul mates, she wasn't Kikyo but their souls were destined to be together, no matter what the form.
Wow and to think I actually wrote that. Amazing and SCARY! The virgin practically nun has written a pretty damb good lemon! WOW! Patting myself on the back. Maybe this will get rid of my writers block. Oh and If you want a sequal you'll have to review and I'm open to ideas! If you don't like my story review and tell what you thought sucked! just REVIEW! THANKS!