InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A New Friend; Or A New Foe? ❯ The Next Morning ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Oi! Are you trying to kill me, wench?!" snarled Inu Yasha as he blew on the wound Kagome had recently applied medicine to.
"It might not sting as much if you held still and allowed me to apply it properly!" Kagome retorted.
Inu Yasha glared at her. "What the hell is that crap, anyway?!"
Kagome glared right back. "It's antibacterial spray. Even if the wound is closed completely, it won't do you any good if there's infection underneath!"
Inu Yasha turned his back and snorted. "Feh."
"Inu Yasha…" Kagome's voice was soft and deadly. Inu Yasha would not have been able to hear it at all if not for his sensitive hearing. His ears twitched at the sudden change of tone. He closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable.
"Gyahh!" Inu Yasha cried out as his face was jammed into the floor.
Kagome took advantage of his inability to move to finish cleaning his wounds. "See? That wasn't so bad now, was it?" she asked, her voice filled with false cheer.
"Can't anyone get any decent sleep around here?" Miroku asked as he came out of the room he shared with Inu Yasha. He yawned and stretched, exaggerating his point. "I am going to have to perform a service to put souls to rest, since I'm sure you were loud enough to wake the dead."
Inu Yasha growled deep in his throat as he sat up, the subduing spell having finally worn off. He cracked his knuckles, his eyes narrowed and his soft white ears pressed flat against his head. "Mind if I take you up on that bet, houshi?" Inu Yasha asked, as he bared his fangs in a malicious grin.
Miroku paled as he caught on, and hastily averted his eyes. "Ah, Kaede-sama! May I ask what's for breakfast?"
"Aye, houshi-sama. It would be turnip stew." (A/N: I have no clue what the ancient Japanese ate, so I'm going on a limb with this.) "Would ye be caring for a taste?"
"Hai, Kaede-sama. Arigatou." Miroku walked over and carefully poured a small bowl of the thick, steaming liquid. He took a sip, and his eyes opened wide. "Kaede-sama, this is delicious! You truly are a good cook!"
"Kaede blushed and flapped a hand at the houshi. "Arigatou, Miroku-sama. It does an old woman good for a compliment now and then." She returned to stirring the pot, making sure it did not burn.
"I smell food!" Shippou appeared in the doorway of the hut, having gone outside to fetch more firewood. He dropped the wood in a small pile at his feet and bounded over to the big pot on the fire. "Ooo, yum! Stew! Could I have some, Kaede-sama? Can I? Can I? Please?!" He was practically jumping up and down, like a dog begging for table scraps. He opened his turquoise eyes as wide as they could go and stared up at Kaede, taking care to look as cute and pathetic as possible.
Kaede smiled at the kit's eagerness, the lines around her one good eye crinkling up in amusement. "Of course ye can, Shippou. Here-- take as much as ye like. Just be sure to save some for the others!"
"Yay!" Shippou jumped up in the air, tail wagging, before grabbing a wooden bowl and holding it up. "Arigatou, Kaede-sama!" he said, as Kaede filled his bowl. When it was full, he thanked her again and ran towards a corner (away from Inu Yasha) to eat it. "Yum! This is almost as good as chocolate!"
"I think Shippou has the right idea." Kagome said. "Let's eat breakfast."