InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A New Friend; Or A New Foe? ❯ Nighttime Encounter ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Night had fallen, and the fire had long since died down. The only illumination was the few beams of moonlight that managed to pierce the thick canopy of the trees, casting dark shadows around the camp. Everyone was spread out around the clearing in their favorite sleeping positions: Kagome and Shippou were lying in her sleeping bag, Sango was curled up around Kirara, and Miroku, Inu Yasha, and Risa sat with their backs against various trees. Slow, deep breathing indicated they were asleep, but two pairs of lungs did not join in the nighttime symphony.
One green eye cracked open, glowing in the darkness. “Inu Yasha,” whispered Risa. Inu Yasha did not move, but an ear flicked involuntarily, showing he was listening no matter how much he may try to hide it. “You have not slept at all. Is something wrong?”
Inu Yasha snapped his eyes open and pounded his fist on the ground. Fortunately, the thick moss cushioned the sound preventing anybody awakening from the noise. He leaned forward towards Risa, his eyes narrowed angrily. “I'll say. No matter how willing the others may be to trust you because of some fancy title, I ain't buying it. How is it I can smell only your location, and even that only barely!”
Risa's other eye opened. “It's simple, Inu Yasha. As a kitsune, I was born with the power of illusions and secrecy. Being Guardian of the Forest only boosts my powers, and I was strong to begin with. I'm a master of illusions, and can hide anything I wish. Would you like an example?”
Inu Yasha only growled, which Risa took to be a yes.
“Watch,” she whispered. She dragged her claws through her hair, removing a single seed. She blew on it, and it flew through the air to land on Kagome. It flashed black before disappearing into her dark raven hair.
Inu Yasha panicked. Somehow, he couldn't smell Kagome anymore. It was as if she wasn't even there. His senses felt muted, cut off from the girl he could see lying right in front of him. Before she knew it, his hands were wrapped around Risa's throat. “What have you done to her, kitsune?!” he snarled.
Risa didn't so much as blink at his outburst. She calmly removed his hands and set them by his side. “It's understandable, Inu Yasha. You see, the seed I just used has the power to hide the scent of anything I use it on. It's a shortcut in the ways of illusion, but it is easily removed, unlike pure magic.” She reached over and, without disturbing a hair on Kagome's head, removed the seed.
Inu Yasha couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Kagome's scent was back, and as sweet as ever. He turned and glared at Risa, opening his mouth to yell at her.
Before he could say any words, however, Risa held up a hand. “As you can see, if I had wanted to defeat, torture, and/or kill you, I could have done so and you'd never even notice. However,” here she turned to stare straight into his eyes, “I do not approve of killing. Now, I suggest you get some sleep.” She leaned back and fell asleep immediately; her light snoring was proof enough of that.
Inu Yasha stayed facing the youkai. He did not trust her one bit, and did not want to give her a chance to sneak up on him, even though deep down he knew she could do so no matter how many precautions he set up. Although he was reluctant to admit it, he knew she had a point. He needed to sleep, especially if he was going to have to protect Kagome from the next youkai attack. He closed his eyes and slowly slipped into the darkness of unconsciousness.
*Author's Note: Word of advice: do not try to type a fanfic while watching Fairly Odd Parents. It sooo does not work*