InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A new life for Kagome ❯ Chapter 5
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
"So you're leaving immediately?" a voice spoke off in the distance. The shadowy figure nodded. "And, you know your objective?" Again it nodded. "Then, I will not keep you. Take only of the pack for protection, and no more." The figure started walking away. "And" it stopped. "Don't screw up this time, or don't bother coming back..ever."
The voice faded as the figure left the cave. Golden eyes gave off a glow, as it illuminated the darkness. "or don't return."
~Kaede's hut~
"Alright, everyone, let's go." Kagome hugged Kaede and left the hut. It was decided that Sango and Miroku, as well as Shippou would be in the wedding. Since exposure to the outside life would cause problems, it was decided that they would have a small wedding.
They arrived in a short amount of time. Kagome had Shippou, and Inuyasha had Sango and Miroku. In they jumped, as the well transported them from one time to the next, until their feet landed on the surface of the present era.
They left the well house, and walked to the Kagome's house. Her mother and grandfather sat in the kitchen, with disturbed looks on their faces.
"Mo.." she paused. "What's wrong." She bit her bottom lip. "It's your brother. He has changed too." Kagome ran into the living room, only to see a toned demon boy sitting on the floor. "Sis" the demon child ran to her, and hugged her.
She grabbed his face and looked him over. 'They shall be ours.' a voice spoke inside her head. She shook it off as she continued the embrace with her younger sibling. Sota jumped away and ran up the stairs. He returned downstairs with a package.
"Look what mother gave me." On his side lay a sheath, and pulled out a sword. "Mama, has one for you too, but since you are older, you get a better one."
He looked at his mother, and she nodded for him to get it. He ran to the closet and pulled out a chest, and inside lay an almost identical one to Inuyasha's, and a blue suit. "And look Kagome, I have one too. It even has a hole in the back for our tails. Isn't that cool? You wouldn't believe how many pants I had to rip to feel comfortable."
He stopped in dead air, and started sniffing. He came over to Kagome, inhaling her scent. "Kagome? Why do you smell funny?" She looked over at Inuyasha, and nodded.
"Well, that is the reason we came back...I have an announcement. We are going to have pups." She had this big grin on her face, as her mother, and grandfather came over to hug her. "We are going to get married as soon as possible." Her mother got up and rubbed her daughter's stomach. "I'm going to be a grandmother. We need to get started then, don't we." She wiped a tear from her eye and grabbed the phone, calling everyone she knew she could trust.
After many hours, of being on the phone, it was arranged for the next day.
Sango, Kagome and Shippou decided to go into town to buy baby clothes. Kagome had her suit, that her mother gave her on, as she put up her hood to hide her ears. She dressed Shippou the same way.
Sango changed into one of Kagome's outfits, so the people of her time wouldn't be intimidated by her demon slayer outfit. After two hours of shopping, they had more than enough for her pups. Halfway home though, Kagome would stop and sniff the air.
"What's wrong, Kagome?" Sango grabbed Shippou and held him. The scent seemed familiar but was a threat, nonetheless. Kagome clenched her fists and started growling. "I hate this alley, you always feel like your being followed. Her eyes spotted the figure, and followed it in the shadows. In an instant, the figure disappeared as fast as it came.
"Mama?" Shippou clung to her for protection. "Let's go Sango, I need to tell my mate."
~Kagome's house~
Kagome told Inuyasha what happened and hugged each other, and Shippou. "Let's get some sleep, we have a big day ahead of us."
"Inuyasha? You and Miroku will have to sleep in the living room. It's against our rules for you to sleep with her before you're married. Sango, you can share Kagome's room along with Shippou, just like we talked about." She smiled at her, as Sango nodded. They all fell asleep, to dream beautiful peaceful dreams.
The voice faded as the figure left the cave. Golden eyes gave off a glow, as it illuminated the darkness. "or don't return."
~Kaede's hut~
"Alright, everyone, let's go." Kagome hugged Kaede and left the hut. It was decided that Sango and Miroku, as well as Shippou would be in the wedding. Since exposure to the outside life would cause problems, it was decided that they would have a small wedding.
They arrived in a short amount of time. Kagome had Shippou, and Inuyasha had Sango and Miroku. In they jumped, as the well transported them from one time to the next, until their feet landed on the surface of the present era.
They left the well house, and walked to the Kagome's house. Her mother and grandfather sat in the kitchen, with disturbed looks on their faces.
"Mo.." she paused. "What's wrong." She bit her bottom lip. "It's your brother. He has changed too." Kagome ran into the living room, only to see a toned demon boy sitting on the floor. "Sis" the demon child ran to her, and hugged her.
She grabbed his face and looked him over. 'They shall be ours.' a voice spoke inside her head. She shook it off as she continued the embrace with her younger sibling. Sota jumped away and ran up the stairs. He returned downstairs with a package.
"Look what mother gave me." On his side lay a sheath, and pulled out a sword. "Mama, has one for you too, but since you are older, you get a better one."
He looked at his mother, and she nodded for him to get it. He ran to the closet and pulled out a chest, and inside lay an almost identical one to Inuyasha's, and a blue suit. "And look Kagome, I have one too. It even has a hole in the back for our tails. Isn't that cool? You wouldn't believe how many pants I had to rip to feel comfortable."
He stopped in dead air, and started sniffing. He came over to Kagome, inhaling her scent. "Kagome? Why do you smell funny?" She looked over at Inuyasha, and nodded.
"Well, that is the reason we came back...I have an announcement. We are going to have pups." She had this big grin on her face, as her mother, and grandfather came over to hug her. "We are going to get married as soon as possible." Her mother got up and rubbed her daughter's stomach. "I'm going to be a grandmother. We need to get started then, don't we." She wiped a tear from her eye and grabbed the phone, calling everyone she knew she could trust.
After many hours, of being on the phone, it was arranged for the next day.
Sango, Kagome and Shippou decided to go into town to buy baby clothes. Kagome had her suit, that her mother gave her on, as she put up her hood to hide her ears. She dressed Shippou the same way.
Sango changed into one of Kagome's outfits, so the people of her time wouldn't be intimidated by her demon slayer outfit. After two hours of shopping, they had more than enough for her pups. Halfway home though, Kagome would stop and sniff the air.
"What's wrong, Kagome?" Sango grabbed Shippou and held him. The scent seemed familiar but was a threat, nonetheless. Kagome clenched her fists and started growling. "I hate this alley, you always feel like your being followed. Her eyes spotted the figure, and followed it in the shadows. In an instant, the figure disappeared as fast as it came.
"Mama?" Shippou clung to her for protection. "Let's go Sango, I need to tell my mate."
~Kagome's house~
Kagome told Inuyasha what happened and hugged each other, and Shippou. "Let's get some sleep, we have a big day ahead of us."
"Inuyasha? You and Miroku will have to sleep in the living room. It's against our rules for you to sleep with her before you're married. Sango, you can share Kagome's room along with Shippou, just like we talked about." She smiled at her, as Sango nodded. They all fell asleep, to dream beautiful peaceful dreams.