InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A new life, Old problemss ❯ Chapter one ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The screaming woke him up…
“You stupid bitch, how can you let him do so bad in school!?”
A man's voice…His step-father…
“He's so mistreated there, how can anyone do well under those conditions?”
A woman's shill and somewhat frightened reply…`Mother'
“He's making it up, he just wants the attention!”
A chair scrapes back and footsteps come closer to his room.
“You little shit!”
The covers are pulled back and he's thrown from his bed. Inuyasha stares at the man he has come to hate. More of his tears had been shed at the hands of this monster than anyone else in his young life.
`No matter what I do, he will always be angry at me.'
The man's words were as piercing as a fist. What in the hell makes you think you can fail five subjects!?”
His mother lays a hand on his arm. “It's three in the morning, leave him alone!”
“Shut the fuck up, this is my house and what I say goes!” He looks Inuyasha in the eyes.
“You're fucking worthless, you'll never be anything.” He grabs him by the shirt. “Do you hear me? You should never have been born…
The words are burned into his mind and his heart. Would he ever escape this? Would he ever have some one love him?
`Could I just die and leave this pain behind?' These are his last thoughts before the darkness came and he thought no more.
He had woken up in the hospital a few days later with massive head trauma. His step-father had beaten him nearly to death, and was sent to prison for life for attempted murder. But his mother had never recovered from her physiological ordeal and he was sent to live with his grandparents.
`It's been six years since then.' He sighed.
“Inuyasha, are you paying attention?”
Waking from his thoughts, the teenager looked to the not-so-amused face of his Chemistry Teacher, Mr. Ewaku.
“Yes sir” he replied.
“Then perhaps you can tell me what I just said” The teacher looking at him with annoyance.
`Aw shit…come on think…' he thought desperately. (A/N: No pun intended)
“Umm... Never eat the red berries?” `Aw, fuck me; I really did it this time'
“Detention, Inuyasha Shojiku!” yelled the teacher over the explosive laughter.
`Well at least it's just detention, I can finish my homework in there'
And, a two page essay about Hund's rule and its importance with today's lecture” Ewaku said with an almost evil smile.
`Dammit, that bastard is gonna make me fall behind…again'
“Don't forget, I'll want it single spaced, number eight font, and annotated” He added cheerfully.
`Aw, fuck me sideways…'
“Now, if we may continue…” Ewaku said.
Sighing, Inuyasha didn't even bother to pay attention, he knew it all anyway. While he wasn't a strait A student, he was probably one of the smartest students in Takahashi High. Instead of skipping grades, he decided to just hang back and make it easier for himself. It gave him plenty of time to do what he wanted.
`Shit, I've got to teach a weapons class tonight' He thought with yet another sigh.
Martial Arts were one of his passions. He had picked it up after moving in with his grandparents, mainly because he was bullied so much. It also gave him a sense of pride that he'd never had before. After 5 and a half years of harsh training, he received black belts in Kenpo, Tae Kwon Do, and Aikido almost simultaneously. In the last few years he'd been promoted to 3rd Degree black in Aikido, 2nd Degree black in Kenpo and picked up Weapons training. He was told he was a natural with weapons, mainly with swords and staffs.
A slight tapping on his shoulder brought him back to reality.
“Hey, you got some balls to cut up in this class”
Inuyasha looked to his right and found the source of this comment. It was a gorgeous girl he had noticed but had never spoken to.
“It just sorta…slipped” he replied sheepishly. Not sure whether she found it amusing or not.
“I think it's about time someone did, though not advisable” She grinned. “I'm Kagome, by the way” she added.
“I'm Inuyasha…on most days…” he remarked.
She giggled and began rummaging in her bag. She pulled and a sticky note and a pen and wrote something down.
“Here, this is my E-mail address, write me sometime” she said handing it to him.
“Umm… thanks I think I might just do that” he replied almost nervously.
She returned to the lesson, but Inuyasha just kept starring at her. Somehow he knew his life was going to get pretty interesting from this point on.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
“Both of your hands should be on the Bo at all times!” Inuyasha barked at the students of the dojo.
There was an immediate shuffling of kids hurriedly placing both hands on their respective weapons. One student in the back seemed to be having more trouble than his peers. He looked distinctly embarrassed and a tad bit nervous.
“Miroku, get up here and lead the class in some basic combos” he ordered as he walked towards the nervous student.
“Yes sir!” his friend said obediently. “Everyone, Lotus combo now…”
“I'm sorry, I'm not very good with weapons” the young boy said at once, the mortification and self-disgust evident in his tone.
“Don't be stupid, this is only your second class…umm…sorry, what was your name again?
“Shippou Soromaru, sir”
“Okay Shippou, don't be hard on yourself, it took me a few years to get as good as I am”
The boy reminded him of himself and how he used to be. Something in his eyes told of a horrible past, of fear, and….of loneliness. His heart went out to him.
“I tell you what, if you want, I can arrange private lessons with me every Thursday at…let's say…6:00 p.m” He said looking at the class schedule on the wall.
“Really!... I…I mean if it's no t-t-rouble” Shippou stammered, excitement evident in his voice.
“No trouble at all….”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
`I can't believe I'm getting private lessons with Inuyasha!' Shippou thought as he lined back up with the rest of the class.
`No doubt I need them, damn I'm hopeless…'
The memories of screams and smell of blood came back to him, bringing a chill to his spine and tears to his eyes. The sound of carnage and the quiet whimpers of a little boy hiding in the closet. Memories he wished to get rid of, the night when his life was shattered.
`I'll become strong, I have to…or I'll never be able to protect anyone…never be able to forget…Please Father, give me the strength…'
A/N Chap one done, W00t. I'll update as soon as I can. Please Review, I need feedback, and Ideas. Let me know what you think!!