InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A new life ❯ An idea and Hard Work ( Chapter 2 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 3= An idea
Kagome's POV (point of view)
I went out to the well house on the seventh morning after Inuyasha had come for me. I had been harsh and regretted it. It was hard enough explaining about Inuyasha to Hojo with his ears and all, but the guilt trip is even worse! I still feel bad about saying what I did to Inuyasha he really looked hurt. Not just his ego, he was still bleeding! Why didn't I go back sooner!?
I entered the well house. Right on the ground in front of the well was Inuyasha haiori! There was a note on top of it. I read the note it was horrifying. He was gone from my life forever. He loved me. I started to cry and ran up to my room putting on Inuyasha's haiori.
Normal POV (in the morning)
“Inuyasha went where!?” yelled Miroku as Sango told him about the note.
“What is all the noise about Miroku?” asks a sleepy Shippo as he walks out of a hut.
“Inuyasha is gone Shippo.” Sango answers solemnly.
+Shippo starts crying+ “No! Inuyasha where did you go? Whaaa!”
“No more tears now Shippo we will find him but first I need to speak with Kagome.”
Sango walks off towards the well with Inuyasha's jewel shards in hand. `Please let me go through it is Inuyasha's wish that I go to Kagome.' Sango jumps gracefully into the well. A ladder hangs in front of her she climbs up it into the well house on Kagome's side. “So this is where Kagome lives,” Sango says to herself as she walks up to the door of Kagome's home. She knocks on the door. Kagome's mother answers. (I am just going to say mom now)
“Hello, are you Kagome's mother?”
“Yes, I am are you looking for her?”
“Yes, my name is Sango I need to speak with her about Inuyasha.”
I went out to the well house on the seventh morning after Inuyasha had come for me. I had been harsh and regretted it. It was hard enough explaining about Inuyasha to Hojo with his ears and all, but the guilt trip is even worse! I still feel bad about saying what I did to Inuyasha he really looked hurt. Not just his ego, he was still bleeding! Why didn't I go back sooner!?
I entered the well house. Right on the ground in front of the well was Inuyasha haiori! There was a note on top of it. I read the note it was horrifying. He was gone from my life forever. He loved me. I started to cry and ran up to my room putting on Inuyasha's haiori.
Normal POV (in the morning)
“Inuyasha went where!?” yelled Miroku as Sango told him about the note.
“What is all the noise about Miroku?” asks a sleepy Shippo as he walks out of a hut.
“Inuyasha is gone Shippo.” Sango answers solemnly.
+Shippo starts crying+ “No! Inuyasha where did you go? Whaaa!”
“No more tears now Shippo we will find him but first I need to speak with Kagome.”
Sango walks off towards the well with Inuyasha's jewel shards in hand. `Please let me go through it is Inuyasha's wish that I go to Kagome.' Sango jumps gracefully into the well. A ladder hangs in front of her she climbs up it into the well house on Kagome's side. “So this is where Kagome lives,” Sango says to herself as she walks up to the door of Kagome's home. She knocks on the door. Kagome's mother answers. (I am just going to say mom now)
“Hello, are you Kagome's mother?”
“Yes, I am are you looking for her?”
“Yes, my name is Sango I need to speak with her about Inuyasha.”
“Come in please. Sango was it? How do you know about him?”
“Thank you,” Says Sango as she enters the house. “I am a friend of Kagome's from the other side of the well. Is Kagome here or is she at school?”
“Kagome is here she is in her room. Follow me upstairs.” Kagome's mom leads the way up stairs to Kagome's room. Faint sobs escape from her room. Mom knocks on the door.
“Kagome dear.... someone is here to see you can we come in?”
In between sobs “Who… Is, is it?”
Sango answers, “It's me Sango. Can I come in Kagome?”
“S… Sango? Ho… how did you get here?”
“I came through the well Inuyasha told me to come and see you in a note that he left before leaving. I followed his instructions and came to see you.”
“Come in.”
Sango, Kagome and her mother talked for a long while about almost everything. Funny, happy, and sad things (and maybe what Sango should do with a certain perverted monk). Kagome found out about how Inuyasha ran as far as he did, how Kikyo dumped him and how he was out cold for a week. She was terrified that his wounds had not healed and the fact that she sat him so many times after he got back from the fight with Kikyo he needed Miroku to help him out of the hole. “I know what I need to do. Where can I find him Sango?”
“That's the problem. We don't know where he went. He did not leave a trail of any kind. Even Kirara couldn't pick up his scent. He very well maybe gone forever.”
`I have to find him whatever it takes I will find him.' Kagome vowed to herself.'
“Thank you,” Says Sango as she enters the house. “I am a friend of Kagome's from the other side of the well. Is Kagome here or is she at school?”
“Kagome is here she is in her room. Follow me upstairs.” Kagome's mom leads the way up stairs to Kagome's room. Faint sobs escape from her room. Mom knocks on the door.
“Kagome dear.... someone is here to see you can we come in?”
In between sobs “Who… Is, is it?”
Sango answers, “It's me Sango. Can I come in Kagome?”
“S… Sango? Ho… how did you get here?”
“I came through the well Inuyasha told me to come and see you in a note that he left before leaving. I followed his instructions and came to see you.”
“Come in.”
Sango, Kagome and her mother talked for a long while about almost everything. Funny, happy, and sad things (and maybe what Sango should do with a certain perverted monk). Kagome found out about how Inuyasha ran as far as he did, how Kikyo dumped him and how he was out cold for a week. She was terrified that his wounds had not healed and the fact that she sat him so many times after he got back from the fight with Kikyo he needed Miroku to help him out of the hole. “I know what I need to do. Where can I find him Sango?”
“That's the problem. We don't know where he went. He did not leave a trail of any kind. Even Kirara couldn't pick up his scent. He very well maybe gone forever.”
`I have to find him whatever it takes I will find him.' Kagome vowed to herself.'
Inuyasha ran as far as his body would carry him over the next few days, he finally stopped at mount Fuji. He decided that this would be far enough away from Kaede's village. He settled at Lake Shoji the smallest of mount Fuji's five lakes. He rested for another week before his wounds healed. It was then time to think of the future.
Chapter 4= Hard work
Inuyasha's POV
What can I do with my life now that Kagome and the others are gone? If I search for the jewel then the others will find me. And there is no point now in searching for and killing Naraku, only to help my friends. But if I search for him I will find the others. There is no village demon or human that will take me in I am a hanyou. Why can't there be a place where my kind and me could live in peace. Not being chased by humans or demons, no longer being hurt for being different that's it! That's what I will do! I will be the one to create a village to live in where safety and comfort of all hanyou's is the only priority.
Normal POV
Inuyasha worked long and hard to create hanyou village. He first cleared the
land where the village was to be of all of its trees and filled in the holes where the stumps were. Carefully he sliced all of the trees into planks for the houses and other buildings. It took him a long time to build all of the houses for he made each with precision and care. Each house had a raised sleeping area, a fire pit in the center of the hut for warmth, light and cooking. He made storage space in each home for weapons, food, and personal items
or other things. After each house he just kept saying to himself. 'One more, one more got keep it up... it will be worth it in the end.
After Inuyasha had finished nineteen houses before he started on his own. He made it a bit smaller than the rest of the houses for he was to be the only one living in it. Inuyasha made two rooms within the house, one for him and another as a living space. He carved designs into the doorframe with his claw, a personal touch.
In the center of the village Inuyasha made a large fire pit for stories or meetings among other things. He placed some extra boards on stumps to sit on Kagome had always called them benches. How he missed her and the others. He also used rocks to outline a pathway to walk on from house to house, to the center of the village and Lake Shoji. Lake Shoji was always brimming with fish and the soil was fertile enough to grow plants to eat and make medicine from.
Inuyasha decided that now that it had been two months since he ran away he should go find some other hanyou for the village. First he went to see Shiori (bat hanyou), Jijenji (I think he is a bug hanyou of some kind…) and all the other hanyou he knew from his travels. He asked them if they wished to join the village all of them said yes and he also asked them to try and find as many other hanyou as possible. At each hanyou's home he said this “I will return for you and any others that you find in two weeks time. Be ready with anything that you wish to bring, goodbye for now, I shall return.”
It took Inuyasha a week to ask all of the hanyou to join the village he returned to his home at Lake Shoji and created two baths within the hot springs a short walk from the village. He lined the baths with small flat stones to protect the bathers feet when in the bath. He also placed rocks within the bath to sit upon. The baths were far enough apart so that no one could peek in on the other gender. The week ended quietly as Inuyasha departed again to get the rest of the hanyou for the village.
In total there where 25 hanyou living in the village including Inuyasha. Also there were two humans and three demons the family of one or two of the hanyou. Each had their own special talents. Jijenji (a bug hanyou) and Miharu (a bird hanyou) were to be the village healers. Inuyasha was the village leader, trainer and protector along with Emi (white tiger hanyou) Sayuri (dragon hanyou). Other important jobs were priestess, which was taken by Yoko (cat hanyou). Hunter taken by Itoe (a panther hanyou) and Yamashita (raven).
Inuyasha's POV
The village lived in harmony for the first few months until the humans from a near by village sent out warriors to attack us we lost three hanyou that day. I taught all the others to only kill when necessary unnecessary killings would be pointless and more reason for the human to attack us. Sayuri had lived a hard life just as most of us had but she was scarred. Her anger and frustration she took out on others in battle. Emi needed to restrain her during the first battle with the humans. Some of the young hanyou were injured by the warriors but kept on fighting following my example, as I did not stop when I was hit but a sword. Yoko had helped in battle much with her bow and arrows; she took over handling Sayuri when the fight dragged on. There was only one human killed he was taken out by one of our dead comrades.
Kagome, Sango, Miroku and Shippo searched the wilderness for 3 months before ending their search. Kagome returned to her on time to finish school and train, Sango went with her for a few weeks. Sango and Kagome trained hard at the gym and ended up winning many tournaments and awards for their achievements. Kagome in archery, Sango in fighting and throwing hiraikotsu to set a world record.
The to girls gained much strength for battle, money for food and other supplies. Every weekend Kagome would return to the feudal era to search for Inuyasha. When Kagome finished school (she did it in a year less than the rest of her friends) she moved to the past in hopes that it would be easier to find her lover. Five years passed Kagome was now even more powerful than Kikyo. Her life was devoted to finding Inuyasha wherever he may be.
Enlisting the help of Koga, Ayame, Sesshomaru, Kaugra, and Sesshomaru's army
the group was able to defeat Naraku. The entire jewel had then been collected except for one piece…
Normal POV
Inuyasha worked long and hard to create hanyou village. He first cleared the
land where the village was to be of all of its trees and filled in the holes where the stumps were. Carefully he sliced all of the trees into planks for the houses and other buildings. It took him a long time to build all of the houses for he made each with precision and care. Each house had a raised sleeping area, a fire pit in the center of the hut for warmth, light and cooking. He made storage space in each home for weapons, food, and personal items
or other things. After each house he just kept saying to himself. 'One more, one more got keep it up... it will be worth it in the end.
After Inuyasha had finished nineteen houses before he started on his own. He made it a bit smaller than the rest of the houses for he was to be the only one living in it. Inuyasha made two rooms within the house, one for him and another as a living space. He carved designs into the doorframe with his claw, a personal touch.
In the center of the village Inuyasha made a large fire pit for stories or meetings among other things. He placed some extra boards on stumps to sit on Kagome had always called them benches. How he missed her and the others. He also used rocks to outline a pathway to walk on from house to house, to the center of the village and Lake Shoji. Lake Shoji was always brimming with fish and the soil was fertile enough to grow plants to eat and make medicine from.
Inuyasha decided that now that it had been two months since he ran away he should go find some other hanyou for the village. First he went to see Shiori (bat hanyou), Jijenji (I think he is a bug hanyou of some kind…) and all the other hanyou he knew from his travels. He asked them if they wished to join the village all of them said yes and he also asked them to try and find as many other hanyou as possible. At each hanyou's home he said this “I will return for you and any others that you find in two weeks time. Be ready with anything that you wish to bring, goodbye for now, I shall return.”
It took Inuyasha a week to ask all of the hanyou to join the village he returned to his home at Lake Shoji and created two baths within the hot springs a short walk from the village. He lined the baths with small flat stones to protect the bathers feet when in the bath. He also placed rocks within the bath to sit upon. The baths were far enough apart so that no one could peek in on the other gender. The week ended quietly as Inuyasha departed again to get the rest of the hanyou for the village.
In total there where 25 hanyou living in the village including Inuyasha. Also there were two humans and three demons the family of one or two of the hanyou. Each had their own special talents. Jijenji (a bug hanyou) and Miharu (a bird hanyou) were to be the village healers. Inuyasha was the village leader, trainer and protector along with Emi (white tiger hanyou) Sayuri (dragon hanyou). Other important jobs were priestess, which was taken by Yoko (cat hanyou). Hunter taken by Itoe (a panther hanyou) and Yamashita (raven).
Inuyasha's POV
The village lived in harmony for the first few months until the humans from a near by village sent out warriors to attack us we lost three hanyou that day. I taught all the others to only kill when necessary unnecessary killings would be pointless and more reason for the human to attack us. Sayuri had lived a hard life just as most of us had but she was scarred. Her anger and frustration she took out on others in battle. Emi needed to restrain her during the first battle with the humans. Some of the young hanyou were injured by the warriors but kept on fighting following my example, as I did not stop when I was hit but a sword. Yoko had helped in battle much with her bow and arrows; she took over handling Sayuri when the fight dragged on. There was only one human killed he was taken out by one of our dead comrades.
Kagome, Sango, Miroku and Shippo searched the wilderness for 3 months before ending their search. Kagome returned to her on time to finish school and train, Sango went with her for a few weeks. Sango and Kagome trained hard at the gym and ended up winning many tournaments and awards for their achievements. Kagome in archery, Sango in fighting and throwing hiraikotsu to set a world record.
The to girls gained much strength for battle, money for food and other supplies. Every weekend Kagome would return to the feudal era to search for Inuyasha. When Kagome finished school (she did it in a year less than the rest of her friends) she moved to the past in hopes that it would be easier to find her lover. Five years passed Kagome was now even more powerful than Kikyo. Her life was devoted to finding Inuyasha wherever he may be.
Enlisting the help of Koga, Ayame, Sesshomaru, Kaugra, and Sesshomaru's army
the group was able to defeat Naraku. The entire jewel had then been collected except for one piece…