InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A New Look ❯ die kinky ho die ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Ok so here is my story. I'm just going to say that its my first story and it may get confusing at times, but I reckon it's alright. Basically it's an Inuyasha and Kagome all around and stuff. Look, I suck at summaries and so read the first chapter. If you like it review, if you don't then review telling me why and then don't read on; I don't care.
P.S.S. Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes; if any one knows how to spell them corrections are welcome.
Chapter 1
“GET BACK HERE WENCH!” yelled Inuyasha running after the `wench.'
“NO INUYASHA! I NEED TO GET BACK TO MY TIME! I'VE BEEN GONE TOO LONG!” yelled Kagome as she glanced over her shoulder to see where the hanyou was. She stumbled and almost fell, but righted herself in time. She continued running. `Almost there,' thought Kagome.
A small “Oof” escaped her lips as she thudded into Inuyasha. He wrapped his arms around her to stop her from falling. She leaned against him to help her regain her footing and then she tried to pull away but he didn't let go.
`All I've got to do is continue to hold her and she won't sit me; she'll get hurt if she does,' Inuyasha thought with a smirk, tightening his arms around her. Kagome stood there marveling at how strong he was, but when she collected herself and tried pulled away again he refused to let go.
Then it dawned on her: `He's standing over me. If I sit him I sit myself. Damn.' Her eyes widened at this thought.
Inuyasha smirked, liking the embrace and positive that his plan would work.
Inuyasha let me go,” whispered Kagome dangerously.
“Oi wrench, what you gonna do if I don't? Sit me?” said Inuyasha in a cocky voice.
“I might just do that,” Kagome whispered again, pushing against his chest. Unfortunately, she was tired from the run from the village and she slumped against him. Upon feeling Kagome's breasts pressed up to him, Inuyasha began to blush, but he still held her to him.
“Oh no you wouldn't. You would hurt yourself as well,” stated Inuyasha, pretty sure of himself; until he saw the look of determination on her face. `Would she really do that? Hurt herself to get at me?'
“Are you so sure, Inuyasha?” whispered Kagome.
Inuyasha let go, not so sure of the girl in front of him. He looked at the ground, missing the grin on Kagome's face as she started to run to the well.
Inuyasha heard her move but continued to look down, waiting for the sit he thought he was going to get. After a minute of waiting and nothing happening (no yell of “osuwari,” no thudding to the ground) he looked up to find Kagome running for the well, her laughter trailing behind her. He watched her for a second and then tore after her.
She stopped suddenly at the edge of the clearing that housed the well (in a manner of speaking) and Inuyasha caught up to her. What he saw made him subconsciously pull Kagome to him, his arms wrapping around her waist.
The newcomer stood there regally and undead, the wind blowing her hair around. Inuyasha was surprised to find that all of his lingering feelings for her were suddenly gone. He didn't love her anymore.
He felt a tug at his arm; it was Kagome trying to pull away murmuring, “Please let me go Inuyasha. I don't want to be here with you and Kikyo. I'll just go back to the village and come back later. Please let me go. Please, Inuyasha.
Inuyasha ignored Kagome's pleas and pulled her closer, his hands gripping her hips tighter. Kikyo just stood there unmoving, unspeaking. Her eyes narrowing at the sight of the hanyou gripping her copy like a lifeline. Why and how this happened she didn't know; she always stayed within sensing distance of the shards and had a soul collector trailing them. It would report back to her after they had gone to sleep so as not to alert Inuyasha to her presence, but nothing had warned her of this development.
Inuyasha was starting to crumble under the cold stare of the dead priestess, but picking up his courage he turned his attention to the struggling girl in his arms. She continued to whisper for him to let her go, tears running down her face. He had to find a way to shut her up and tell Kikyo how he felt about her now.
He glanced at the priestess from the future and then brought his spare hand up to wipe away the tears on her cheeks. Kagome stopped talking and looked up at the half dog demon that was refusing to let her go. One hand was now placed on the small of her back; the other was under her chin.
He closed the distance between them and he kissed her soft and gentle, but filled with more underlying passion than Kikyo had ever seen. She knew at that moment that Inuyasha could not go to hell with her: the bond that he shared with Kagome was so pure that the gods wouldn't allow for them to separate. For Inuyasha to travel to hell with Kikyou she would have to drag the copy with; she really didn't want to spend eternity watching Inuyasha be with this copy, this cheap imitation.
Inuyasha broke the kiss and looked in her chocolate colored eyes as she looked in to his golden ones. She whispered so quietly that Inuyasha knew that Kikyo couldn't hear. “Inuyasha.
He kissed her lightly on the lips again and then glared at Kikyo as if to say, this is my choice; like it or leave it.” Kikyo just simply inclined her head, shocking the hanyou and the imitation. She started to gather her soul collectors while staring at the couple and decided that it was time.
“Inuyasha, copy, you have come a long way together and I must confess that I come here to start my descent towards hell. I was planning on taking Inuyasha with me, but the gods have spoken. If I do take him, then I have to take the copy with me, for the bond you now share will not allow one to leave with out the other. I suppose now I have just come to return my imitation her soul.
I noticed something while it resided in my body; part of you has been hidden behind a wall or a spell. It will reveal itself soon with the return of your soul. My time on this planet is almost done; I was not meant to live a second life. Though I sometimes wish we could have been together, Inuyasha. But I guess you were meant to live and I to die. So this is goodbye, my Inuyasha. I hope you take better care of my copy than you did me.
“Goodbye my copy, may your powers grow once our soul is rejoined,” finished Kikyo. As she was saying her goodbye she started to levitate, soul collectors cocooning her in a ball of glowing blue light. The lower demons started to turn to dust that floated down to the ground in a slow spiral.
Soon all that was left was the ash remains of kikyo mixed in with the remains of the eel/dragonfly like demons. The souls that Kikyo had collected over the three years she had existed as the living dead were all different colors, lighting the clearing majestically. They quickly started to float off to wherever souls of the dead went, but one remained and hovered there. It was a bright bluish pink soul of a miko.
It shot towards Kagome after a moment and hit her chest with a force that could knock over even Inuyasha. The light enveloped her, hiding her from Inuyasha's sight. She was lifted into the air and slowly circled in the light as it gradually dimmed and seemed to sink into her skin.
Once all the light was gone, she fell suddenly to the ground. Inuyasha was there in an instant and caught her.
“Kagome, I hope you told everyone where you would be. Carrying her bridal style he leapt down the well. Within minutes was placing her on her bed and curling up next to her.
A couple of hours later Kagome's mom, Rain (don't know her name so I gave her this one), came in to close the window that she had opened earlier to air out the house. She found her daughter asleep in the arms of Inuyasha.
The window closed with a sharp snap that caused Inuyasha's ears to flicker around to try and find out if the noise was dangerous or not. Rain stood very still waiting until his ears stopped moving and then headed out of the room. She paused and looked back at the pair, seeing Inuyasha pull Kagome closer.
Once she was out of the room with the door closed and heading towards her room she sighed, “He will make a fine mate for my little girl.”
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Tank all for reading and I hope you liked it.
By the way, it's not up to me if you review, but it would be nice.
End chapter