InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A New Look ❯ waking up to a dog ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hey! Here's the next chapter! Oh,I forgotto mention that I don't own Inuyasha; though I wish I could chain him to a chair and playwith his ears. I WANT EARS LIKE THAT!... or maybe Spike chained to a wall so I can have my way with him… or maybe Celastinefrom Oh! My Goddessthe Movieoh how I wish I owned them all but (sigh)I don't
Chapter 2
Kagome woke up slowly, slightly confused about where she was. She remembered that she had fallen unconscious in the clearing by the well after Kikyo had turned to dust and returned her soul.
She looked around and saw that she was in her room. `Inuyasha must have brought me home after everything. That day had been weird: he kissed me in front of Kikyo. I thought he loved her… but she didn't seem surprised that he kissed me. She died and gave me the rest of my soul back. She left Inuyasha with me. I hope he didn't mind. She did say something about the gods not allowing him to go to hell… or was it that if Inuyasha went to hell I would have to go too. I did say that I would never leave him, after all.'
Kagome turned slightly and felt an arm around her waist. Since it wasn't her own, she knew that arm had to belong to the hanyou that she loved. She turned all the way around to face Inuyasha. His face was calm and relaxed; the ears perched on the top of his head were also relaxed and unmoving.
She took all of this in despite the minimal pre-dawn light. Glancing at the clock she saw that it was only 4 o'clock; her mom wouldn't be up for at least another 2 hours.
Kagome couldn't resist the temptation: he never let her touch his ears and now was her chance. Her arm reached up and she started to tenderly rub the small triangles on his head. She heard a soft growl and then an even softer purr. She continued rubbing them as her mind wandered.
She felt different; like she was whole. She knew she was different now that she had a full soul; before well, she had felt some part of her was missing. This hadn't changed when Kikyo had retained a part of her soul, but now she felt somehow… whole.
Inuyasha pulled her closer to him and she stopped, snuggling into his warm chest.
Oi, wench, why'd you stop? I was enjoying that.”
Oh Inuyasha, you're awake?”
Well, duh, I'm talkin' to you and I don't do that in my sleep.” Kagome looked up at his face, but he hadn't opened his eyes.
Yes you do. I've had heaps of conversations with you while you were asleep.”
I don't talk in my sleep,” Inuyasha grumbled.
Fine, whatever you say. So, how long have you been awake?”
Since you started to stir.”
Oh, sorry about the ear rub.”
Don't be. I said I was enjoying it. It felt nice.”
Really?” Kagome cocked an eyebrow at him and buried her face back in his chest. `Why is he being nice? It's not normal… oh well, take what you get and don't just give it away.'
“Hey,” Kagome said. Kagome pulled her face out of his chest and looked into Inuyasha's eyes.
“Mmm?” was all she got from him as he started to nuzzle her neck.
“You wanna come to school with me today?
Umm… I'm not sure. Maybe I'll go with you if you tell me some thing,” said Inuyasha, pulling his head out of her neck and immediately missing the contact. Inuyasha resisted the urge to return since he needed to do say this; needed to tell her. He looked down at her and she moved about, trying to get comfortable.”
What's wrong?” Inuyasha asked.
Oh, nothing.” Kagome let out a breath.
“There is something bothering you. Now tell me!” demanded Inuyasha.
Kagome blushed, but decided to tell him anyway. “Umm Inuyasha with me on my side like this, and you holding me like this… not to say that I don't like it it's just that my bra is digging into me. Just let me lie back and it should be alright.”
Inuyasha let go of her and she lay on her back.
“So, what were you saying?” asked Kagome.
“I'll go to school with you, but you have to tell me how you… um…..feel ….How you feel about me?” asked Inuyasha, staring into her eyes so that she couldn't lie.
Oh,” said Kagome. She blushed but didn't look away. I love you. Always have, and I always will.
Upon hearing those words, words that he never thought that Kagome would say to him, his heart raced faster. He stared into her eyes, seeing the love and longing that he had never noticed before and he smiled down at her.
“That's good, because I love you too, wench,” whispered Inuyasha.
Kagome barely grasped that he had told her that he loved her; had truly said those words to her face. He was the one who he always called ugly, said that she smelt bad, and was horrible to be around. He was now saying he loved her.
Inuyasha watched her eyes; the emotions flicking though her eyes were too numerous and meaningful to count. He couldn't resist any longer: that kiss the night before had been short and sweet, but Inuyasha had hungered for Kagome for two years. He had convinced himself that she could never love him, but now here she was, lying on her bed, the longing clear in her eyes.
Leaning over her to look into her eyes, he closed the space between them and their lips met. Inuyasha rolled over, his lips still pressed against Kagome's, so that he was now lying on top of her. Kagome's arms went up around his neck, pulling him closer.
He licked and nibbled at her bottom lip, asking, almost begging for more. She parted her lips and they started to taste each other, pulling the other closer. Inuyasha broke the kiss, smiling down at the girl pouting from the loss of contact.
Then he started to trail kisses down her neck, alternating kisses with nibbles and nips. Kagome moaned and tipped her head back, giving him better access. Once he was finished with her neck, he started to kiss her collarbone and down the `V' that was the neckline of her school uniform. He reached the edge of the top of the material all too soon.
He growled. His nails were continually running up and down her sides and he swiftly slipped his hands underneath her shirt and made the motions to pull it off, lips again locked with Kagome's.
Suddenly, Inuyasha pulled away without warning and swore under his breath. Kagome heard it.
“What's up Inuyasha?” whispered Kagome so quietly that Inuyasha just barely managed to pick it up.
“Your mom is up,” Inuyasha whispered back.
“Damn, she's gonna come and check to see if I'm gonna go to school.
“You don't have to go, do you?
“Yes, unfortunately Kagome grumbled.
“To see what I've missed.
“But you've spent more time in mine than here.
“I know that.
“Shhh, your mom is coming.
They lay back on the bed to be how they were when they woke; Inuyasha hugging Kagome around the waist. The change was now his head was buried in her hair, inhaling her scent and placing soft kisses at the base of her neck. There were footsteps outside the door just before it swung open and Kagome's mom came in.
She strolled over to the bed, cupped her hands to her mouth, and yelled, KAGOME, INUYASHA, UP! NOW!”
The teens cupped their hands over their ears and winced at the noise.
“Mom, you could've done the gentle, `wake-y, wake-y, rise and shine,' that you normally do,” groaned Kagome, hands still clamped around her head.
Rain just giggled and said, “Time to get up for school. You are going, aren't you?”
“Yes mama, and Inuyasha is coming too,” replied Kagome, trying to sit up. The arm around her waist prevented her and she blushed at the way they were laying and the realization that her mom had seen her like this.
Rain just smiled and said, “Come on, get up. She gently hit Kagome's arm to encourage her daughter out of bed.
Kagome tried once again to sit up, but Inuyasha still wasn't letting her.
Rain chuckled to herself as she left the room to prepare breakfast.
“Feh,” said Inuyasha as he leaned over Kagome for a kiss. He kissed her softly and pulled back slightly after a moment, lips still resting on hers.
She whispered, “I have to get up, her lips brushing against his with every syllable.
“Why do you have to? Why go to that school?” whined Inuyasha.
“To learn,” Kagome said simply and kissed him passionately. She broke the kiss and pushed Inuyasha off of her and rolled out of bed.
Kagome pulled out a pair of jeans and a shirt for Inuyasha, and grabbed her spare school uniform before heading for the bathroom. Closing the bathroom door behind her, she pulled off the dirty uniform that she had slept in last night and stood in front of the mirror for a quick glance at her appearance before she finished changing.
What she saw made her scream, and a second later Inuyasha came barging forcibly into the bathroom. The sight that greeted him made him freeze in shock and embarrassment.
Kagome stood there in front of the mirror, wearing only her blue lace bar and matching panties. Her body was smooth and pale; he had a clear view of the scar from where the jewel had come out of her body.
As he was enjoying her body, he noticed that her hair had grown considerably overnight; it was now long past her butt and the tips were an electric blue. Every couple of inches along the length of her hair there was another band of that same electric blue. Her bangs were now blue as well, and on top of her head were two small, black triangular ears that were tipped with blue
“OH MY GODDESS!” yelled Kagome, still staring at her reflection. Her body seemed to have matured, her curves more defined as well as increased, and she was a bit taller than before. Inuyasha just stood there, staring at her beautiful form.
“Kagome,” he whispered, sounding as though he couldn't believe his eyes. Kagome blinked once, hearing her name being called and turned to face the stunned Inuyasha.
What will happen next? Naughty Inuyasha, peeping on Kagome in the bathroom. Lucky she wasn't nude. It would be mean to do that this early in the story… mwahahahahahaI am anevil midget! Believe mewe have a club! Anyway maybe I should go back to Miroku and Sango and have fun with them allwell ja ne!
Special thanksfor myboomerangwontcomeback, you're my first reviewer. Thanks for the tip;some things will be cleared up soon.
Blessed be and merry meet again!