InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A New Look ❯ going to school but coming home again ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hellos people! Welcome to chapter 4 of ANew Look! Just to recap (since I've nothing better to do): Kikyo has killed herself (sorry,kikyo bashers, but it seemed to fit the storyline. Maybe I'll writea story with lots of kinky ho bashing next time)…what happened next?...oh yeah, Kagome and Inuyasha confessed their love for each other, Inuyasha got afreeshow,and some answerswere givento Kagome after her transformation. Now for thestory' continuance:

Chapter 4
Going to S
chool; But Skipping it
After Kagome had finished in the shower, she had dressed and went down stairs for breakfast.
Souta was already there inhaling food, and ducking out of his meal, he raised his head to greet Kagome. His mouth was still full of food when he took in her new appearance; within an instant his food was forgotten and his mouth dropped to show Kagome his half eaten mouthful.
She wrinkled her nose at him and sat down to eat, Inuyasha watching her every move; he had finished his own food some time ago. The teenage girl ate most of the food that had been served to her before pushing the plate towards Inuyasha to finish it off.
Kagome went back to her room to grab her school bag and when she came down the stairs Inuyasha was leaning against the door.
You ready to go? asked Inuyasha.
Kagome nodded her head, taking in his appearance for the first time that morning: he had on loose jeans that hung on his hips and a blood red tee that seemed to show off his toned muscles. A smile quirked her lips. `Schools gonna be interesting,' she thought as they walked out of the house, down the shrine stairs, and started heading towards Kagome's school.
The two walked side by side, continuing on like this until Kagome laid her head on his shoulder. Inuyasha stopped abruptly.
“Do you want a ride?” asked Inuyasha, cocking his head to the side and looking over at her.
“No thank you, we're almost there anyway. May I ask you a question?” responded Kagome.
Inuyasha nodded his head and continued walking, Kagome falling into step just behind him.
“Wellwhy do you smell like chocolate?
Inuyasha stopped and turned around to look at Kagome. “Why do you smell like strawberries?”
“Same here."
“Ok then. Oh, we're here,” commented Kagome as they walked through the school gates and looked around.
The yard was littered with cherry blossoms, making it seem like a picture out of a manga. Students clustered around in small groups, talking about their weekend and what was happening around town.
Inuyasha followed Kagome as she headed towards the office; she needed to get a day pass for Inuyasha. A couple of people glanced their way because of Inuyasha's unique appearance while a few other students walked past before taking a double take and openly staring at the pair.
They had known, or at lease seen Kagome, in the last two years. People also knew that Hojou, one of the most popular boys in the school, was after her. Until that day none of them had realized how beautiful she was.
Kagome suddenly seemed a lot more mature than the majority of the girls in school, and several students envied the man that was walking confidently beside Kagome or Kagome for getting his attention; most of the girls in the school were drooling over silver haired man and most of the boys started to think inappropriately about the now sexy Kagome.
Feeling the accusing and penetrating gazes, Inuyasha wrapped an arm around Kagome and pulled her against him; she didn't resist.
Kagome's nose was unexpectedly hit with the mixed smells of teens and false odors of deodorants. As they continued walking toward the front desk, some smells spiked strangely.
Getting confused, Kagome whispered to Inuyasha, all the while wrinkling her nose in distaste. “Inuyasha, why are these people's scents spiking? They smell funny.
Looking down at Kagome, he answered, “We're hot babe and there's nothing we can do about it.
“When did you learn something like that, Inuyasha?” asked Kagome, arching a eyebrow.
“Keh. That tele-thing-a-ma-bob.
She giggled quietly. “Oh, the TV? So, why do these people smell funny?” Kagome asked again.
“They are lusting after us, as sick as that is. Humans can't smell things like demons can. They can't tell that we are each others intended, or that our scents are all over each other in places only mates can touch,” replied Inuyasha, his eyes narrowing at a group of guys that had been eyeing Kagome.
“Oh,” Kagome sighed. `Does that mean that we're mates? Or going to be? I've only known that I'm a hanyou for a couple of hours, but when those people are staring at us, I feel uncomfortable…that is until Inuyasha put his arm around me. Maybe we are intended to be together.'
They were still walking towards the school when they heard a yell from the other side of the yard. Kagome's three friends had called out to her and were starting to run over to them with Hojou trailing behind.
Kagome stopped when she heard her friends' cries and buried her head into Inuyasha's chest, he taking the initiative and wrapping his arm more tightly around her. They stayed like that until they were surrounded by the talkative trio.
Kagome, who is this?” asked girl number 1.
“Why is he holding you?” asked girl number 2 as she leaned closer to Kagome.
Is he your two-timing, arrogant, aggressive, possessive boyfriend that you're always angry about?” asked girl number 3, eyeing Inuyasha suspiciously.
“Well,” replied Kagome, “his name is Inuyasha, Eri. He is holding me because I feel safer when he does, Ayumi. And yes, Yuka, he is the boyfriend that I'm always angry at. But we've resolved the two-timing issue; turns out he never was. I guess I just needed a bit more faith in him.
Inuyasha looked down at Kagome, who was still hiding behind one of his arms, amazed that she had answered all of their questions and introduced them to him all at once.
Then Hojou stepped forward. Kagome, may I speak to you alone?”
Kagome shook her head in reply, pulling Inuyasha's arm more tightly around her in an attempt to get Hojou to realize that the man holding her was her intended.
“Please Kagome, I really would like to speak to you alone. You know, without your bodyguard?” pressed Hojou.
Both Inuyasha and Kagome began growling as they shifted their bodies, waiting and preparing for an attack if the clueless idiot said anything more that was negative about their mate.
“Hojou, I'm sick and tired of your whining. I have tried to reject you every time you ask me out but I get set up.” Kagome stepped in front of Inuyasha, raising her chin in defiance. “See this person behind me?” She flicked her hand to indicate the silver-haired hanyou. “This is my boyfriend. I've been with him for two years.
We met the day I started to have health problems, but whenever my friends decided that they wanted me to date you, I was too nice to say anything… urggg… I'm leaving. Coming, Inuyasha?” With that out of her system, Kagome spun on her heel and headed out the gates of the school grounds, Inuyasha following behind her.
The three girls and Hojou turned to face each other, nodded their heads, and followed the retreating pair.
88888888888888888888888WITH KAG AND INU888888888888888888888888
“URGGG! I hate it when he does that! Just because he's popular, he thinks he can justgrrrr,” muttered Kagome as they walked towards the shrine, heading down an alleyway.
They stopped for a minute. Kagome was hyperventilating and pacing back and forth, still angry that Hobo would do something so idiotic.
Suddenly she found herself in Inuyasha's arms, head tucked under his chin and his arms around her back. The contact slowly brought her back to present time, calming her and cooling her temper down
“Arigato, Inuyasha,” whispered Kagome after a good minute of just standing there in his embrace.
“Feh. I'm just glad that it ain't me you're angry at. You're very intimidating when you are angry; even when you were a human,” said Inuyasha a small smirk of suppressed pride.
Oh, but I'm not human anymore, Inuyasha. That means I'll be even scarier now! Mwahahahahahaha!” Kagome laughed evilly and Inuyasha shuddered a bit, picturing what she could do to him now.
He looked down at the goddess that resided in his arms. “Come hop on and I'll give you a ride.” Inuyasha bent down, waiting for Kagome to hop on his back. As soon as she was in place he stood up, his hands running up and down her smooth legs trying to find the most comfy place to hold on.
Kagome sighed at the feel of his rough hands caressing her legs softly from the top of her knees to base of her school uniform. Leaning into him to put her body flush against his back, she moved up to whisper in his ear.
“Inuyasha, you're more of a hentai with me than Miroku is to Sango.
Inuyasha blushed at this comment, still very red in the face when he grabbed her right under her butt, gripping her upper thighs and jumping to land on the roof of the nearest house before bounding of to the Shinto shrine.
That's it for this chapter. Goddess,it was long. It took me forever: fromwhen I posted the last chapter. Goddess, I writeslowly,but that'smy fingers' fault at the moment: I have a problem where my jointsstiffen up and I can't move. Man I'm missing a whole lotofschool (not like I care for it,I just miss my friend). This has been going on for three weeks and,well,sitting at the computer all day is every teenagersdream. Unfortunately,I'm not allowed on the net during the day,but all'swell! Just telling you sinceit's takingalong time to writeright now.
Here'sa short note for all of you giants out there (people over 5 foot 5):
Take care of your midgets, because someday they will rule the world!
Blessed be