InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A New Story Begins ❯ Chapter 2 The race against time ( Chapter 2 )
Slowly Kagome became blue, her blood started to slow down, her hearing began to go in and out, her eyes began to blur all while her heart slowed to a stop. Kagome was scared, who would care for the shippo he would become an orphan again. She tried to stay awake, tried to avoid the inevitable. Her last memory was that of a figure. "Koga?" she whispered out before collapsion. Koga was ecstatic to see Kagome, as he inched closer to her he saw the color of her skin. without hesitation he threw her giant backpack onto his back and picked her up, he noticed a reddish tail fall out of the tree, he peered into the hollow trunk and retrieved the still sleeping kitsune and off the took the small boy and kagome. his kagome finally coming home, he ran with urgency so he could warm up his love before she completely froze to death. "her hearts still beating....good" within a few minutes he was far across the country. after another five minutes he was entering the wolf den territory, he began to howl. waking the other wolves and their healer he entered the den and laid her onto his pelts, slowly a waking shippo began to stir, he opened his eyes to a still, blue kagome. fear filled his tiny body and his own heart began to race. his voice cracked and crumbled as he called for his mother. "mo..." he began "momma" his eyes began to swell and overfill, a hand laid on his shoulder he looked up to the unfamiliar grasp. "koga?...what happened? where are we...what's wrong with momma and where's inuyasha and the others..." confusion, worries, and grief swirled around in my small mind. The healer walked in and laid layers of blankets over kagome. "we must slowly warm her or we'll lose her to shock." both Koga and Shippo nodded, they left the den to allow the healer to warm Kagome. A few hours later Kagome started to open her eyes. a set of big bright blue eyes looked back at her, kagome began to stir. "Not so quickly, your body hasn't had time to properly heal. You need to lay here for just a bit longer" she smiled softly, her white fangs shined. "my name is Airvianna, i am the healer for the Eastern Wolf Tribe" kagome looked at Airvana her voice cracked and gave "your a part of kogas that where i am...where is shippo? where is my son?" she started to get up, again Airvianna laid the miko down. "the young kitsune is alright, he is with koga in the main den.”
The wolf packs healer came out of kogas room, Koga, Ginta, Hakkaku and Shippo all surrounded her before any of them spoke. She put a hand out with a serious look on her face.”she is awake but she is very weak and should be asleep soon. It is very important that she rest and stay in bed for a couple days. There may be a possibility that she will be down longer, it all depends on how her body reacts to treatment. Keep in mind my practice is for demons not humans so i am unsure of how well she’ll recover with my treatment.” she gave a stearn and piercing stare. “I mean no disrespect, lord Koga. but you should have taken her back to her village not here, i may not have been as fortunate as i was in reviving her. Not only was that selfish of you to put your needs over hers but it was reckless and thoughtless.” Kogas ears dropped and hung low, he looked away but before he could dwell too much into thought she spoke again. “But disregarding that note, what is done is done. She has to remain where she is so i will try my best to help her.” Kogas face lit up, he nodded “please, do whatever you can to help her. Make her well again” the healer began to walk off but again koga spoke. “Airvianna, tell her not to worry about her pup, i’ll care for him.” she nodded “of course” she smiled softly before returning to a sleeping kagome.
Days had passed and not once had kagome woken, Airvianna stood and walked into the main den to find her leader. “Where is koga?” she asked one of the warriors that passed by her. “He is out hunting with that fox kitsune, they should be back soon they made a big enough kill. We won't have to hunt for 3 nights” his voice rang out joyfully, Airvianna smiled and stood there waiting for the wolf to return. The sun shined beautifully, a cheerful bouncing shippo pounced airviannas leg. She looked down and smiled “did you have fun?” shippo nodded, he looked back and watched as koga walked slowly towards them with a fat boar hanging from his shoulder. “What is it Airvianna, is she ok? Has she woken up yet?” Airvianna smiled “she’s beginning too, her eyes have not yet opened but her body jerks and jolts. It’s slowly starting to respond.'' Koga smiled as he let out a sigh of relief, he dropped the boar by the entryway and walked to his room to see his love. As he entered the den she saw his kagome sitting up looking around, he jolted over to her and scooped her up into his arms. “Kagome” she said her name lovingly and adoringly “i’m so happy you're ok, shippo and i was so worried about you.” Airvianna walked in holding shippo, the kitsune had hopped out of her arms. “Momma” he exclaimed happily, he climbed up koga and wrapped himself into kagome's arms. “I was so worried about you momma” he cried out between tears, kagome smiled and wiped away her child's tears away. “Shippo! I’m so happy you're ok” she patted and petted the back of his head “shush little one it’s all alright now. I promise I'm not going anywhere” Airvianna grabbed the still weeping shippo'' Shippo. Why don’t you stay here and let koga take your mother to the falls? So she can bathe.” Koga had blushed but out of the wolf den they went to the waterfall on the far side of wolf territory, away from the breeze that could carry her scent he didn’t want a certain fleabag to catch her scent and take her away from him once again. He sat her down on the warm stone ground the steam filled the air around her, Koga helped stand her up blush appeared gently across his face. “Ah. Ka..Kagome, how are you wanting to bathe? I uh….” his eyes averted and his hand rubbed the back of his head, kagome too shared in the blush. She began tugging at her priestess robes, the sash loosened with each tug until the robe draped snobbishly around her form. Koga held her up so she wouldn’t fall, his face only darkened as he helped pull the robe away from the matching sky blue lace panty and bra set which covered her modesity. “Kagome...maybe you’d be more comfortable in the hot spring” Kagome nodded grateful for the way Koga behaved….unlike a certain hanyou she came to know. Koga put Kagome on the edge of the hot spring and excused himself but to an unknowing kagome the young wolf leader still watched from afar. When she fully undressed herself, koga had become erect, his inner demon spoke to him “now, while no one is around, mate her..make her ours.” he felt disgusted with himself. “No. She's vulnerable right now. I want her to trust us, besides she has to feel for me as I do for her. You know she has to mark me and accept me as her mate before our auras mix and become one.” his inner wolf whimpered with lust and affection, he too wanted the mortal not just for sex but for companionship as well. After a while kagome yelled for the demon, he ran to her without hesitation but froze as he saw that she sat there fully undressed. Her skin so soft and supple he fought hard to resist every instinct that rose. He stood her up and dressed her, and without another word he carried her off to the wolf den.