InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A New Story Begins ❯ Chapter 4 fight for what you want ( Chapter 4 )
Along the waterfall, flowers in full vibrant bloom along the edges. All different shades of purple and blue, kagome looked around her eyes lit up at everything that laid out in front of her “koga. This” she struggled to find words, he knew what she ment and smiled lovingly she continue “it’s so beautiful.” she sat her down and sat beside her, shippo nuzzled into her lap. He wrapped his arm around her and she in return nuzzled into his chest, her head laying on his shoulder. Her hair had grown in the last few months, her waist had shrunk. Koga tried his best to keep her nourished but it wasn’t enough she lost weight, it saddened him. They sat there enjoying the view, the breeze and each other's company. Her scent filled his nose.
The others finally caught up to inuyasha, they found him standing in one spot absolutely still, as they had gotten closer they looked for whatever had captured his attention and there they saw their friend, right off the bat all of them noticed Kagome's altered appearance. The group stood there watching, none of them knowing how to approach until inuyasha spoke dumbfounded and heart broken. “Ka...kagome, what are you doing….how did you get here, why did you leave without saying anything…” The two jumped, automatically koga stood without second thought and stood in front of kagome, the sight of inuyasha infuriated him thinking of all that inuyasha put kagome through, thinking of the day he found kagome, close to death. He snarled viciously and protectively. Inuyasha began to scream at kagome. “Get up. Now. you and shippo are coming back with us right now.” he walked closer to kagome but stopped when koga’s growl got louder. “She isn’t going anywhere with you mutt face. Because of you she almost lost her life, if I hadn't found her she would have.” he could feel his inner demon break it’s chains and take over, he staggered as his hand went to his head, kagome tried to get up, but still her legs wouldn’t let her. This didn’t escape notice from sango, instantly she ran to kagome she bent down “kagome, what's the matter” she looked at her sister friend worriedly, kagome smiled shyly “i’m ok, really! I’m still recovering from the cold, koga has been taking care of shippo and I” she looked at koga worried. In the midst of the silence, Koga spoke “your dead!” koga started towards inuyasha, inuyasha in return sent out a slash from tetsusaiga. When the smoke cleared and Koga wasn’t where he was, he came down from the air with a foot ramming into inuyasha’s face. The two tumbled over the edge of the falls into a valley. “I almost lost her because of you, you were supposed to protect her and once again you failed!” he smirked, which quickly faded away “don’t get me wrong dog breath, i’m happy you chose the walking graveyard instead of my sweet kagome. But in the end you hurt her, i can’t allow anyone to hurt her.” He continued to punch and kick at inuyasha, inuyasha jumped back and held his sword in front of him in a defensive manner, inuyasha smirked he managed to get a hit on koga, a small deep cut appeared on his cheek. “I look at it this way ya scrawny wolf, why have the copy when you can have the original.”
The group above could hear every word from below. While kikyo smirked, kagome began to cry and she turned to kagome “you know he’s right. This shouldn’t have happened, I shouldn't have died and you shouldn’t be in his era.” sango rolled her sleeves up and started towards kikyo, before she could have said or done anything to the undead priestess a loud bang was heard from below. Inuyasha was inside a cater that his body made as it flew through the ground, he was alive but very weak it refused to move. Koga had his head down, fangs showing his fists balled tightly by his side and he started slowly to walk towards inuyasha. Kagome handed shippo to Sango and said, “watch him, i’ve got to do something before they kill each other.” sango stared at her “but kagome you can’t stand there isn’t anything you can do, besides you’ll get yourself killed.” kagome stood herself up shakily and staggered to the edge, she slid down the rough and jagged cliffside leaving fresh bruises and cuts all over her legs. She attempted to stand but fell, she tried again. After three tries and fails she finally started stumbling towards them until she was finally walking “koga!” she yelled for the wolf lord but he kept walking towards inuyasha she moaned sadly and closed her eyes knowing this was going to hurt, she started running her legs sent jolts of pain through her body, she wanted to puke.
Koga walked over top of inuyasha’s still body, his claws extended in one fluid movement he lifted his arm with claws toward inuyasha he was going to rip out his heart and devour it. Everyone on top of the cliff held their breaths in anticipation, unsure if this would be the last time they would see their companion alive. Koga stood there for a minute unsure of what was touching him, he turned and saw kagome he slashed at her and left a gash across her stomach she let out a scream of pain and agony, but again she tried to talk him back, she latched on to him her arms wrapped tightly around his stomach “koga please don’t, your better than this. Let's go home. please. “ His eyes began to change colors ``ka..kagome,'re walking” he smiled happily and hugged her. The wind picked up and his nose filled with the scent of her blood “your bleeding, where” she let him fuss over her checking all her bruises and cuts, it kept him happy and occupied there it was again, that weird feeling. What was it she kept feeling around him. Kagome looked up from koga and her eyes widened, without a word she shoved him to the ground and let out an agonising screech. Inuyasha had done Iron Rever Soul Stealer, a bright light engulfed kagome no one not even inuyasha knew if he had killed her in unison Sango, Shippo, Miroku, Inuyasha and Koga screamed for their friend “Kagome!” Koga laid there unknowing if the love of his life just died right before his eyes……
The light faded, the dust cleared and the faces of everyone who stood there paled. There in the dirt laid kagome, all was left of the pelts she wore covered her breasts and her maidenhood. Kogas whines could be heard, shippo buried his head into sango, sango was held by miroku the trio all crying, while inuyasha just stood there staring at kagome their mourning filled the large valley within the sounds of different pain filled cries a cackle could be heard this caught everyone's attention they all looked towards kikyo “Looks like i get my soul back anyways.” sango put shippo down and rolled her sleeves up. “Ok bitch that’s it. I’ve had enough of this. I’ve had enough of better than everyone, can do no wrong, bossy, no consideration ass.” kikyo looked at sango. “Oh. go cry orphan, don’t you have something more important to do like trying to save your kind before you go extinct.'' Sango grabbed a hold of kikyo’s kimono “admit it, you told Inuyasha to build your hut beside kagomes because you knew it’d drive kagome away didn’t you. But when you saw she was still here and not in her own era it pissed you off didn’t it.” Sango threw a punch and struck the undead priestess kikyo fell, she looked to inuyasha “Mate, come. Let's go, we don’t need anyone else.” her eyes widened when inuyasha told her no. Her eyes only widened even more as a moan was heard. Everyone stopped what they were doing and watched to see where the noise was coming from. Sobs stopped and celebration took its place filling the valley for all to hear, again everyone in unison screamed “Kagome!” inuyasha just stood there not saying a word, kagome slowly sat up only to be tackled by koga and held in a fierce hug “i was so frightened i thought i lost you forever, i’m so happy your alive” he nuzzled her lovingly and in front of everyone, he placed a hand on her cheek and kissed her lips the kiss was brief but it was deep, loving and full of passion “it’s up to you kagome, you can return to the village with your friends or you can come home with me and become apart of our pack, become my mate. I know everyone in the pack would love to have you,” she looked at him, then to her friends and then finally to inuyasha until her gaze finally settled back on to Koga.