InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A New Way of Seeing Life ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Now, this part is shorter, because it was supposed to be a one part story. Gomen ne for the short chapter, but it sums up the rest of the story. Yes, again-a bit rushed of a story but I hope that you enjoy it just the same. Thanks to all that already reviewed this, and look for the story at Ookami-chan's page. ^^

A New Way of Seeing Life

Part 2

By: Lazuli


Does she know how long I've waited to be with someone? How long I've been alone and waiting for someone to share my life with? His hands tightened around her even further as he deepened the kiss, nibbling on her lips to taste her-and he felt her body tense in anticipation, her hands reaching around his neck to pull him even closer. It was like some separate part of their bodies knew what was to happen and were rushing the process along, as eager to be joined together as their minds were.

Kagome finally pulled away, her breath coming shortly as she gazed up at him, a predatory light in her eyes. He had awakened something deep within her-something she wanted completed-needed completed. Her new instincts told her that this was her chosen mate-to take him as hers before she lost him-something in the primal ages of when there were many youkai and the risk of losing ones mate was a high one.

He noticed it and felt guilty about what he changed in her. If she was her normal self-she wouldn't be acting like this. He had noticed her so many times before she had been brought to him like a hand picked present. There were always people watching her-some with distaste, but others with a hidden lust-they always approached her-but she never let anyone close, either. If she had noticed those boys after her and had ignored it, why was she with him now?

Kagome ran her hands through his hair when she noticed his hesitation, his uneasiness about what had just happened. "Inuyasha… it's okay. I haven't turned into some wild animal." She joked lightly. "I'm still me-and… I want this." She whispered. "You're my mate-and Inuyasha… " Her eyes were a little sad. "Some part of my instincts are pushing this-but it doesn't make it any less real or sincere. Please…" She whispered before she leaned up to give him a deep kiss, guided by those that had gone before her, her senses alight with the taste of him.

Inuyasha groaned and lifted her against him, kissing her even harder now---listening to the voices inside of him that told him-urged him to complete the act that they had started. He nipped at her lips and then tasted her even more when she opened his mouth to his urging-his insistence. He was barely aware of him carrying her back to the bedroom, back to where she had first woken up to see him staring down at her with that possessive look.

The look had grown even more now, and Kagome felt her body heat at how he was gazing down at her. There was still Inuyasha there, but it was backed by something more ancient…something waiting. She smiled and leaned against him. "I'm ready for this." She tugged at his shirt. "I know… its sudden and all-but I want this too, Inuyasha."

Inuyasha smirked against her skin and began nibbling at her jaw and her throat, licking and tasting what was offered to him. He was a much older youkai/hanyou then many of the ones that were around here. He knew what it was like to be hunted, and not just taunted. That was why what was said about him today didn't hurt him as much as what was said before. "Good." He murmured. "I'm ready to claim you, Kagome. My Kagome-my mate." He tugged at her clothing and soon had her bared to him, his eyes moving over the smooth skin, unmarred by any marks or scars.

Kagome blushed under his intense gaze, but the same blood that wound its way through his veins was in hers and she waited with intense eyes as he touched her reverently, claws tickling over her skin and making patterns that stayed for a moment before vanishing-only to be replaced by new ones. His chest rose and fell in steady rhythms and Kagome followed the movements of his muscles with her hands, both of them exploring the other at the same time, matching each other's movements as if they were half of a whole, waiting to be completed.

Inuyasha was the first to make the next move, murmuring her name as he bent down to trace his tongue over her breasts, sucking lightly at her sensitive skin, nuzzling it and sharp fangs nipping and heightening the feelings that washed through her. Kagome gasped and arched her back, unprepared for the intense wave and she squeaked out his name as the only hand kneaded and tended to the other breast before switching and repeating the experience all over again.

Her taste… gods, so sweet. She is ready for me even now-I can feel it. He moved away from her chest and gave her a long, considering look. "Do you want me, Kagome?" He whispered. "I want to make you mine…complete the both of us."

Kagome nodded, tears in her eyes from what he had already performed. "Hai, Inuyasha…" She was no longer a child in her mind, but a young woman that wanted the completion that he offered. He removed their remaining clothing and she leaned up to touch him reverently, smiling as she kissed him once more, hands already creating a pattern that would be known to her alone. She growled lightly at the way his skin warmed, his movements underneath her, and she explored further, touching his hips. She was unprepared before the way he moved her beneath him, a warning growl in his throat and vibrating through his chest.

"Na, Kagome… I want to be in you when that happens." He smirked at her and pressed down slightly. "You feel that?" He murmured. "Gods, Kagome-you have no idea how long I've waited for something like this… someone like you." She moaned beneath him and arched her hips into his, wanting the ending now. He smirked at the way she responded to him and shook his head. "Not yet, Kagome. I want you to want it more. I've been waiting a very long time for this."

His hands went to her hips, holding them still and preventing her from moving completely with her, driving his need even closer to the peak as the light growl in his chest became a constant sound that reverberated through both of their bodies. He moved his mouth to hers again, kissing her fiercely, wanting her to feel the need that he felt-have her yearn in the same way that he was… the hand moved and settled on the warm spot between her legs, touching and caressing gently until Kagome thought she would fly apart from the warmth that arose in her. She wasn't able to take much longer, and she whimpered beneath his touch until he drew his hand away and smirked at her arrogantly.

Kagome growled and nipped at him. "Now, Inuyasha… " He shook his head fiercely. "Kagome… there…" He groaned as she ran her claws down his back, shivering the skin there and awakening even more nerves. He crushed her to his chest and thrust his hips against hers, not entering her yet but having her feel the repressed passion that was there.

Kagome whimpered slightly when he moved his hands up her arms to her wrists, pinning her firmly to the bed with the strength of his body. He moved his mouth to her skin again, dragging his tongue down, drinking up her essence as he moved around the tip of her breasts, sucking on the aroused tips. He groaned at the taste and Kagome whimpered, trying to move in his grasp so that they could move together, the way they were supposed to be.

Inuyasha finally looked down at her, a insatiable look in his eyes. "Mine." He whispered, his voice a low growl as he kissed her fiercely. "Mine." That was when he rocked his hips against hers, pushing them together and making them one. The intense feeling of her insides wrapping around him had him growling loudly, her answering growl in his ears as dragged himself out of her slowly, only to move downward again.

Kagome felt like she was being pulled apart from the inside out, all of her body moving with Inuyasha, incredibly melded together, then separated once more. Her mind was incoherent at the sensations-it was the most beautiful experience in the world. She writhed beneath him, feeling her body raising to a fever pitch, all the responses within her combining with him-only him. She wasn't aware of her family or anyone outside of the room.

Inuyasha groaned as he moved move above her, his thoughts centered on what they were doing together-and what it meant. For so long, Kagome-you're the only one… please stay with me. I don't want to lose you, any part of you, You're mine completely. He felt her body tense and as she arched her back completely and moaned loudly. He covered her lips with his own as he came to his own peak, his feral scream drowned in her mouth, her sweet kisses and warmth. Once his body had ridden it out, he relaxed on top of her, careful not to crush her beneath him. She panted for breath, her eyes bright and glassy, drowsy with contentment as she kissed him gently this time, the passion having worn both of them out.

Turning her in his arms, he nuzzled her gently, giving her a contented smile that matched her own. Her eyelids were drooping, though-the joining that they shared had worn her out, and he was delighted enough to have her in his arms, his mate in truth and forever. Nothing can part us, Kagome. Nobody at all.


The next few days was spent with them talking with each other. Simply learning about their lives-Kagome's main life, of course, had been on public television and in newspapers, her family's opinions displayed for all to see. Inuyasha was quick to get some of her personal memories-her life the way it really was.

"I .. I never agreed with my family's opinions." She shrugged easily from the comfortable position in his arms. "My mother was descended from miko lineage. She wanted to keep bloodlines pure and eradicate all youkai. She believes that anything of mixed blood is unnatural."

Inuyasha was quiet, letting her continue. These aren't her feelings. Remember that. She's only saying what her parents think. One hand was delicately stroking her hair as she continued to talk. "They would rather kill themselves than be forced into a marriage to a youkai-or a half breed." She snuggled in closer to him. "It's strange-this new marriage and new feeling of connection-but I only feel happy."

Inuyasha gave her a sad smile. "You know… you're not the first person my parents-my brother tried this on." He said quietly. "There were others… daughters of political leaders-ones that were so outspoken… " He swallowed. "This has been happening for many years. Before even your parents were born."

Kagome's eyes opened wide in shock and she pulled away from him enough to stare him in the eyes. "But… where are they then? Did.. did something happen to them?" She noticed Inuyasha's pained look and touched his hand lightly. "I was just curious, Inuyasha.. you were alone…"

Inuyasha nodded, arms tightening around her as he leaned back into the fluffy sheets of the bed, the sounds from the outside the only noise for a few moments. Kagome heard a car rush by, other following in it's wake before a screech of tires signaled the sound of an abrupt braking. She didn't push him, just simply waited for him to speak. "They killed themselves." He paused. "They would have rather died then to be in my hands, my family's hands."

Kagome's silent gasp of shock went uncommented on as he continued to speak. "One by one… over the centuries-whatever girl was given to me, shortly killed herself afterward. She never made it to the mating ceremony, never joined with me. Most never even saw me. They were horrified by the very fact that they were changed, their humanity cut in half and replaced by something evil."

Gentle hands reached up and stroked over Inuyasha's face, touching the silent tears that landed there. Her eyes were soft and sympathetic looking as he bared out his soul to her. "None of them…" He whispered. "You're the first one who didn't treat me like a disease-who felt our connection and accepted it, instead of blocking it. Now do you see why I was so harsh and disbelieving at first?"

Kagome nodded swiftly. "I.. can't even imagine the type of pain you must have been in. I'll always be here for you." She whispered. "I won't let you be alone again." She nuzzled him softly.

He smiled gently at her and kissed the top of her head. "You're something else, Kagome." He was about to say more when the door of his bedroom flew open and Sesshoumaru stood there, a smirk gracing his features.

"Time to face your parents, Kagome." He gestured to the hallway. "They're waiting to see you." It was clear that he was enjoying the situation a great deal, but his entire attitude towards Kagome had changed, becoming warmer. "I see that she survived the night and the mating ceremony, brother." He nodded at Kagome. "Welcome to the family, little sister. We'll do everything we can to make sure you stay with us."

It sounded more like a promise than a threat and Kagome gave Sesshoumaru a genuine smile. Suddenly his earlier treatment of her made sense and she sat up to kiss Inuyasha a solid kiss. "Time to face the firing squad." She said softly. "Are you ready?"

Inuyasha nodded at her and then looked up at his brother, an understanding passing between the two of them. Sesshoumaru nodded and left them alone to get ready for the day. It didn't involve much. Kagome adamantly refused to get dressed up like a doll again, but conceded to wear one of the simpler kimonos that her mother in law gave her. "I don't see why I have to dress up." She muttered. "I'm more comfortable in jeans."

Inuyasha grinned at her. "Only in private." He said, pulling on his old robes from before he was 'civilized.' "I told you, my mother and father want us in formal attire when we're doing something public like this." He brushed the hair away from her face and smiled at her. "Be brave now. I know everything will work out."

Kagome smiled but there was still that nervous look on her face, the fear of losing Inuyasha. That won't happen. They'll probably throw a fit or something, but come around to my choice. They're not stupid people, just prejudiced.


Keichii and Sora Higurashi looked waited impatiently in the hall for their daughter to come out. The head of the inuyoukai family exchanged a look with his wife, a small tender smile as he squeezed her hand. The act sickened Sora. That shouldn't happen… he's a youkai and she's human. Doesn't she feel unclean every time she touches him? She couldn't suppress the slight shudder and was shocked to see the tender smiles turn to triumphant grins.

"The children should be down soon." Inutaisho said softly, looking up towards the staircase. "They're still getting used to the novelty of their bond, you know." Sora shook her head slowly, dread slowing growing in her stomach. "I wanted to make sure that they were properly attired before visiting with such… distinguished… guests." The pauses in his voice were deliberate as he eyed them.

"Where is our daughter?" Keichii demanded. "I swear that if you have done anything to harm her…" His voice stopped suddenly and he gasped for air as he was met with the sight of his daughter-with the hanyou that they had sought to get rid of. She was tucked up into his side as they walked down the staircase together, her eyes bright and happy as they had never been when she lived at home. It took him a moment more to realize that she was changed… and not for the better.

Sora cried out, falling back a few steps as if she could erase the image in front of her. Her daughter… was no longer her daughter. She pointed at her, not caring of the rudeness at the moment. Kagome was changed into something that was little better than a dog. "All… all negotiations are off!" She shrieked out. "That is not my daughter!" She fell against Keichii, sobbing at the sight of what they did to her daughter.

Keichii stepped forward bravely, looking at the couple seriously, but there was an obviously pained look in his eyes as he faced the girl hanyou, who was curling up further in Inuyasha's embrace, a hurt expression crossing her features.

"Kagome-I'm sorry that this happened to you. That we weren't faster." He reached out to touch her, but pulled back at the last second, hesitant to even lay a hand on her shoulder. He took a deep breath. "We'll find some way to reverse this." He nodded, assured that she would agree, that she would thank him-knowing that they wouldn't want her to hug them-yet-not until she was back to normal.

Kagome shook her head slowly, eyebrows drawing in as she stared at her father. "What if I don't want to change?" She asked calmly. "What if I like being like this?" She tilted her head and assessed his reaction, wanting to see what he would do. "Do you think I'm something … wrong?" She asked slowly. "You can't even touch me…"

Keichii blinked in surprise. It never occurred to him that Kagome wouldn't understand that part. "Kagome… you're a hanyou now. We can't have you in our household until you've changed back. Surely you understand." He looked to Sora for support and she nodded along with him.

Inuyasha looked disgusted. "Keh, you call yourselves parents?" He asked harshly. "She knew that it would be hard for you to accept her, but to totally deny her a home?" He snorted and pulled Kagome into his side, glaring at them with narrowed eyes. "You're not fit to be parents, you bastards."

Sora's mouth dropped open in shock. "You… you freak of nature! You have no right to talk to us that way!" She was about to say more when Kagome stepped in front of him, a low growl coming from her chest, fists clenched and eyes narrowed as she faced down her parents.

"Shut up!" She shouted. "You don't know a thing!" There was a constant growl about her as she finally was able to speak to her parents they way she had been needing to for years. "This family has been more accepting of me in the few days that I've been here than you have my whole life. They didn't mind that I was human at first-they don't mind that I'm a mixed blood. And you will not say anything bad about them, or Inuyasha."

Midori Taisho smiled at Kagome, enjoying how she was acting, not stopping her at all or correcting her for rudeness. She was actually pleased at how she was defending her son-

Inuyasha snarled at seeing the tears appearing in Kagome's eyes, and his own glinted with the long ago anger of rejection, of having the one person who accepted and loved him hurt like this. "At least I was created out of love." He bit out. "My mother and father married for love and created me out of that union. Kagome was the best thing that came out of you two."

Now Inutaisho was smiling proudly at his son, and the Higurashi's were helpless in the face of the attacks on them. They opened their mouths to defend themselves, but nothing coherent came out. Sora finally looked pleadingly at her daughter. "Don't you want to be normal again?" She asked, staring at her as if she couldn't believe her daughter actually liked being turned into this creature.

"Do you hate me because I look different?" Kagome countered. "I'm still your daughter-as much as I'm ashamed to admit that fact." The corners of her mouth turned down in distaste. "I haven't changed in my personality or anything drastic beyond appearance-and a new loyalty to Inuyasha." Her eyes warmed as the hanyou wrapped his arms around her, chin resting on her chin, breathing in her scent.

Sora shook her head, and bit her lip-she was at a total loss for words. What she was seeing was something that defied her eyes. Here was her daughter-sweet and intelligent-locked securely in a hanyou's arms, both of them looking ancient and almost untouchable.

Kagome's long, thick hair lay loosely around her shoulders, the normal rich black muted into something that shone in the overhead lights with a silvery cast to it. Her once gray blue eyes were now a dark silver blue and slit like those of a cat. She was wrapped in an ancient kimono and the boy behind her was equally out of place looking with his silvery white hair and amber eyes. Both had furry, triangular eyes in place of normal human ears but nobody seemed to mind that. In desperation, Sora turned to the Inuyoukai family.

"They're not one of your kind, either!" She said frantically. "Look at them! They.. they'll always be freaks-not part of the human world or the youkai world-" Midori stopped her with a shake of her head.

"Inuyasha has accepted that in life-and apparently, your daughter has well. She has never been a part of your family or having the views of what you have tried to teach her in her life with you. She was not accepted at school because of what you spoke of all the time. She and Inuyasha might actually be more accepted now-they are not alone anymore and they will create a new life from their love together."

Keichii shook his head, holding his wife tightly. "You have taken a daughter from us." He began harshly. Inutaisho shook his head, stopping him.

"We may have originally taken her into our home-but she is staying here freely. She was able to go at any time after she was with my son. She willingly bound herself to him and became his mate."

Sora had tears in her eyes as she looked at Kagome, who had no intention of moving from Inuyasha's arms. "All I wanted to see if you were going to accept me, Mother. I thought at least you would accept your own daughter." She shook her head, as if saddened by her mother's loss.

Keichii just led his wife out the door, not even looking back at the daughter that he had lost. It was as if she didn't exist to him anymore, and she wondered if that was true. She had ceased to be Higurashi Kagome. She watched them leave, not saying a word as the last link to her old life vanished out the door, and she realized that she didn't feel any connection to those that called themselves her parents.

She turned back to Inuyasha with a smile, hugging him tightly. "I guess this will be my new way of seeing life, Inuyasha. Through your eyes-through the eyes of a hanyou." Inuyasha still looked concerned, touching her face lightly.

"Are you sure it's okay?" He asked quietly. "They just…." She shushed him gently with the tips of her fingers.

"I'm sure, Inuyasha." Nuzzling him softly, she began to lead him back to their rooms. "Now let's get out of this stuffy robes and into something more comfortable."

The older couple didn't hear the rest of the conversation, just smiled and went back to their rooms, happy that their son had finally found a mate, and that there wouldn't be anything more to disturb his happiness.