InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Nexus of Satisfaction ❯ 001: ends. ( Chapter 1 )
STANDARD DISCLAIMERS APPLY: The series Inuyasha and all its characters do not belong to me. They belong to their rightful owners. This is for entertainment purposes only. No copyright infringement intended.
Title: A Nexus of Satisfaction
Author: Gladiel
Series: Inuyasha
Genre: General, Romance
Rating: PG
Word-count: 248
Summary: A collection of interconnected SessKag drabbles. - Indulging yourself with daydreams isn’t such a bad idea, not unless it doesn’t gratify that craving for satisfaction.
001 – ends.
First loves are confusing things. Some days they taste bitter; other days they taste sweet. First loves are addicting things that draw one in, consume one with bliss to have that need for love satisfied, until one day reality breaks that chain of ephemeral goodness. First loves are hard to forget. Perhaps they’re permanently embedded into the memory of a person as a seed of experience—a product of victories and mistakes. All first loves have a beginning but not necessarily an end.
Kagome’s first love was something she considered a blessing. It was a mixture whose constituents included friendship, camaraderie, innocence, hate, anger, patience, annoyance, and love. She relished the sweetness and joy of spending happy hours with him, treasuring each day like a fragile doll that needed tending. She yearned for the mutual return of her innocent affections, something she desperately hoped to be possible.
However, time proved that she stood no chance against the woman, a walking corpse in fact, and was forced to satisfy herself with friendship, patching heartache with an exhausted resource of band-aid.
Still, she considered that to be a blessing.
Well, now at least she was no longer a virgin on the subject of love. She no longer feared pain, but rather opened her arms in joyous welcome because she knew that love, too, has its rewards.
With a genuine smile adorning her face, she found herself ready to accept the fact that this first love had to have an end. 001 end.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: The first two to three chapters may be a prelude to the whole SessKag theme in general so things may not be as interesting at first. Themes for this compilation are from the LJ community, fanfic_100.
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