InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Once Forbidden Love ❯ Thoughts ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Yawn. |-0

Too…Tired…To…Write…But…I…Mu st…Do…So…

A write-out to my friends…

And readers…

I can't check my e-mail for some stupid reason…

So you'll just have to give me reviews…(ahem, nebnikbard. Yes, you.)

Do I use too many of these? (…)

I think I do…


Please buckle your seatbelts and enjoy the flight!

Sesshoumaru sat by the girl silently, dwelling upon his own thoughts. `She is a miko, though. That must be accounted for. Tenseiga was a sword forged from a demon's fang. A demon sword, no matter what its powers. She could have resisted some of it, even in death. But is that really possible?'

Absorbed in his own thoughts, Sesshoumaru was ignoring Rin and Shippou. He knew that the kitsune had gotten on, and could guess at the reason. This miko was the closest thing he had to a mother, and the kitsune would want to stay with her. He could understand this. Rin did not like being separated from him for a long amount of time-especially if she had to stay with Jaken.

On the other end of the cloud, Rin sat telling Shippou about the castle. "There's a really big garden, and a hot spring, and Ah&Un-Lord Sesshoumaru lets Rin ride them sometimes. Oh, and there's Jaken too." She added, somewhat disappointed.

" I remember Jaken! He's the little toad that follows…him…around so many times" said Shippou, not sure of what to call Sesshoumaru. Rin saw this, and said, " Just call him Lord Sesshoumaru. It's okay." Shippou nodded.


Shippou shook his head, trying to clear his vision. Rin had described the castle to him the best she could, but he was still astounded by the sheer size of it. Seeing his reaction, Rin giggled. "Shippou-chan, you look funny!"

"I do not!"

"Yes you do!"

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

"Stop!" The two children ceased squabbling and looked up at Sesshoumaru, who was in turn looking at the girl. "Lord Sesshoumaru, why did you shout?" asked Rin timidly. "Are you angry at Rin and Shippou?"

" I am not angry with you, Rin. The girl shouted, not I." Sesshoumaru was not looking at her, but was looking at the miko with an unknown look in his eyes.


Sesshoumaru was amazed. The miko had shouted out a word in her sleep. The word did not matter as much as the scent that came with it, though. A scent came of longing, heartbreak, and betrayal wafted from her body-such a strong scent that Sesshoumaru's sensitive nose almost could not bear it. Not that he could mind most humans' scent anyways. Rin's he could stand, as she was a child and he was used to her still-weak scent. This girl's scent, however, was rather…pleasant. She smelled of some exotic spices he had smelt when he was traveling on the continent. Cinnamon…and some other thing he could not remember.

Suddenly, he realized what he was thinking of and cleared his head. `You are a demon lord. You are not to think of such things. Do you want to end up like your father?'

Ah, yes. His father. He had mated with a human who had given birth to his half-brother, InuYasha. Disgusted with his elder's actions, there had been a terrible fight between father and son, and the son had left for the continent for five years. Sesshoumaru's travels were interrupted when a messenger had come from his father, calling him to his deathbed to receive his blessing. Tempted to ignore his father's message, Sesshoumaru suddenly remembered that he still had a brother that would need to be trained in what little demonic power he had.

Standing at his father's side, Sesshoumaru was given the title Lord of the Western Lands, and a curious sword…the Tenseiga. The sword that had the power, if the wielder had a compassionate heart, to bring back a thousand beings to life in one sweep. His little brother, InuYasha was given the sword with the opposite power: to kill a hundred demons in one sweep. The Tetsusaiga.

Angry with his (now dead) father once more, Sesshoumaru was now never around, constantly patrolling his lands. His little brother was also on his list, too. How dare his father give him a sword that the hanyou could obviously never wield!

Okay-that's all I can write for now…

I'm gonna go take a nap now…

Just give me some reviews, okay?


|-O |-o |-O |-o

(it's snoring…)


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