InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A past Then my Present ❯ Another one Here? ( Chapter 2 )
Declaimer: Inuyasha characters are not mine but others are so please don't sue!
(Just so anyone asks, I don't like Hojo at all. I am very sorry if Inuyasha's nickname offends anyone. I will try to go through the chapters to delete it if anyone can truly not stand it.)
Chapter 2 Another one here?
Inuyasha had felt like he was being hit as he passed to people arguing in the hall. It was some girl yelling a Hojo. That dude really needed to get some help. He had way to many girls around him, sweet talking and every thing. Homo was Inuyasha's personal name for him. Inuyasha had to stop to lean against the wall to breath. He was sure of it now, someone was a youkai, or a hanyou.
He looked at the girl again. She had black raven hair, her lips were red, the real red, without the hell of that makeup crap. She had on the school uniform, that in his opinion reveled a little to much of the girls around here, but he couldn't help like just right now. Her hands where clenched around her books. He could not see her eyes, they were hidden behind her bangs. *Nice looking girl, wonder what her eyes are like.* he thought. He was about to walk to his class when he felt the hit again. *What the hell?!* he looked down at himself.
No nothing was wrong that he could see. He looked back at the two. *WHOA* Her hands had grown claws. He tried to see her eyes. *I bet anything those are turning.* he thought. He was right, she looked up slightly, not enough to let Homo see, but just enough to let him see. They were beautiful, flashing from a chocolate brown to a beautiful silver. It reminded him of bells. Suddenly the Homo left, a good thing to in Inuyasha's opinion. He saw the books in her hands, her claws had left their marks on them.
*Guess I am not alone here.* Inuyasha thought. Suddenly as if she woke from a dream she looked down at her books. Her eyes were normal and the claws were gone. She had a puzzled look to her face, and then it seemed that she realized something and started to her class. *Ding, Ding, Ding!* Inuyasha watched her run. *She is beautiful.* Inuyasha thought. He looked around, the halls were empty. *Baka! Your going to be late for class!* Inuyasha left the hall his black hair flying from his speed.
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Kagome had just made it before her teacher began to take roll. The new teacher was from Germany, and had bad eye sight so she had to ware glasses. It was a good thing to because it made it easier to sneak in and stand by her desk.
"Here!" Kagome said loudly as Ms. Ziegler called her name. Kagome sat down and got out her belongings for language. Soon class begun and all that was heard was the scraping of pens on paper and a musical type of voice. This was one of Kagome's favorite classes because Ms. Ziegler had tried to make it not so boring. Today though was studying and more studying because finals for the quarter were coming up and so they all wanted to work real hard.
3hrs. Later………………………… …….......
Well, it was official! Kagome was beat. All of that studying had her up. Not that she had to really study, she was the top in the class. It was just that she needed to help everyone else with their problems so it made her study more then she needed to.
It was lunch time and her and her friends were all real hungry. Clovey, one of her best friends wanted cheese burgers with french fries. She had been to America and stayed there for a real long time. When she came back not only was she a cheese burger maniac, she was a book-alcoholic! Every where she went, she had a good book to read in case anything was boring. Kagome really didn't mind at all. If Clovey wanted to get into a discussion she would, and because of her being into books no one really thought of whispering so, you could say she knew just about everyone in the school's secrets. This always was good when the girl wanted to gossip. They all had lunch and started their conversations on rumors and such. All avoided the subject of finals.
"So Kagome why were you late again today? I mean come on, that was like the fifth time in this two weeks! What's up?" Clovey asked.
"Just my mother, she was trying to suck up to me." Kagome said, she didn't really want to discuss the thing with Hojo.
"So, what was it this time? Take care of the house while she goes to another vacation? Go to work for a month again? Oh! How about that one time she asked you to go and sell yourself to get you at of her hair?" Asked Mika. That was her best thing, asking questions and
bringing up bad memories.
"Mika, I think that you are going to far. It was probably to clean the house again for another boy friend. Am I right Kagome?" Clovey asked patiently, she knew the answer already.
"Yeah, that is right. She has a new boyfriend with a kid with it too." Kagome said lazily. Everyone knew that Kagome's mom was known to go out with just about anyone.
She hadn't had the name slut, but had been close to it.
"Hey, is it anyone here?" Mika asked again. She looked like she was going to miss the good stuff.
Kagome sighed and answered truthfully. "Just some idiot that goes here. You guys won't really know him." 'Well, almost' She was right though. Hojo was an idiot and her friends didn't know him in person well.
"Well, I think that is enough on that subject." Clovey said abruptly. "Kagome, I will help you with your house if you want me too." She said.
"Domo Arigotu, Clovey! That would really help me out a lot!" Kagome said cheerfully. Her smile returned.
"I would but can't, Kepo after school." Mika said. "Gomen."
"That is alright, last time you got hit with glass when my mom came home from the bar, so I don't think you want to relive that experience." They all laughed and started to talk about different things other than Kagome's hard life at home.
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Inuyasha sighed. Kagome, the girl he saw earlier was sitting and laughing across the lunch room with her friends. He found out her name from his friend Sango. He also found out that they had been in the same school for some time but it disappointed him that he had never gotten to know her. He sighed again, oblivious that Miroku and Sango's conversation that
started with him was now stopped and their eyes watched him.
Miroku followed his eyes. He saw Kagome with a group of friends. Miroku had to admit, she was very beautiful with her long black hair and the way the informs seemed to help along with her figure. Other then that, he was more interested in the girl who was sitting right next to him.
Sango had also followed Inuyasha's eyes after watching him, and found that they landed on Kagome. This was real weird. Everyone knew that Inuyasha was real tuff to be friends with, Miroku and Sango after being best friends with him over so many years, still did not know him all that well. Something she did or is, had to be good to get his attention . If only someone would stare at her like that. 'I wish that Miroku would…..' Suddenly she felt something on her back, it went lower. "MIROKU!" ~slap, slap~ "Stupid hentai!
Miroku, who know had one big red mark across both of his cheeks, just looked at her trying to be as big of a puppy as Inuyasha could be. It didn't pass, so he tried a different approach.
"Oh come on Sango, don't be mad! Take it as a complement." That didn't seem to work to well. Sango closed her eyes and clutched her first.
"Miroku!" She said warning. Miroku got the point. "Okay okay, I am sorry Miss Sango!" He said bowing his head again and again. Sango just turned her head and looked back over at Inuyasha. The poor guy. He had never been with anyone besides Kikyo who dumped him for Hojo. It was real bad too, that Hojo was a real perv. Miroku could not even be that bad if he tried. Suddenly Inuyasha turned around. Sango saw that Kagome and her friends were leaving the cafeteria. The violet eyed boy sighed once more and looked down at his food.
"Inuyasha, if you want I can go talk to her!" Miroku said excitedly. He was about to get up when both Inuyasha and Sango hit the top of his head.
"What do you think you are going to do ask her what you asked me? 'Miss. Kagome, will you please bear my child?' Please! If anyone should not go out to talk to her, it would be you Miroku!" Sango said. Miroku how was now on the ground shocked that he got two attacks against him moaned. Why did he always end up being beaten?
"If you want me to, Inuyasha I will go talk to her! I would always like new friends." Sango said. Inuyasha grunted.
"You don't have to Sango. It isn't like I like her or anything." he said as he put his arms on the table to lay his head on them. Inuyasha always did try to keep his feelings in check with the people around him. "It's okay. I think that I will go sit outside for a while." He stood up, and left. Sango watched him go. He seemed really confused and sad. His black hair swayed as he walked out, his red shirt blazing out from under it.
The three never wore school uniforms. Inuyasha had kept to red, Sango at least wore the shirt but stayed with pants thanks, and then Miroku kept with his purple and black. They were not the most popular group, they were the group most people tried to avoid, because of their rebellious actions. It worked for Inuyasha just fine. He really didn't really like a lot of people all over him. Messing with his pure black hair and might even find his puppy ears.
Inuyasha walked outside to the cooler air. It was around November and it was good for him to be outside again. It was way to warm inside the school and too crowed. It felt like a cage most of the time. He never really understood the reason why people couldn't teach outside but humans were the weird. He walked over to his favorite tree, jumped into it and got comfortable. Inuyasha was a hanyou, plain and simple. The thing was, he looked completely human. His father had taught him to make illusions before he died that summer. It was not common to be able to do that but Inuyasha could. He didn't have it perfected though. He could not get rid of his puppy ears but he could get them to be black with his hair and as long as he kept them flat and his hair down, no one noticed. No one knew that he was a hanyou, or that his famous brother was a demon. Nope, no one believed in that type of stuff anymore.
Inuyasha suddenly woke up from his thinking on math and Kagome when non other then the girl came out of the building with no friends behind her. 'Wow, closer up she is even better!' Inuyasha thought.
Kagome sighed, she looked really sad in his eyes. She came up to the tree and sat down placing her lags under herself. 'What is wrong with her? Is it something that Homo did?' he wondered. He watched her as she leaned herself against the tree for support. Kagome placed her hands to her face, needing to think. 'What was she going to do? Her mother was so stupid going and doing that to her. It was not right. And Hojo? That baka needed some serious help with himself and young women.' Kagome thought.
Inuyasha did not like it when she started to cry out of her frustration. She wept silently, bringing her legs up to her face as she rested her hands on them to hide her tears. Not being able to do anything much, Inuyasha jumped down from his tree to see what was wrong. Kagome didn't really noticed, that is, until he put his hand on her shoulder.
"Please stop crying." Inuyasha requested. It was strange to him to be acting so calm, he usually yelled at anything that was making him angry or sad. Both were not a good thing but because for some reason it was Kagome, he did not yell but spoke gently. Kagome looked up into the violate eyes that seemed to be pleading.
"Oh, hi Inuyasha. W-what do you want?" Kagome asked as she tried to wipe her tears away as if they were never there.
"I asked if you would stop crying." he responded, losing some of the comfort in his voice. He still though had the worry in his voice. "How do you know my name?" he asked.
Kagome smiled a little at the guy she had known since kindergarten. "I know who you are, you have made quite a reputation as trying to be an outcast for the school. We have always gone to the same schools and such." Inuyasha nodded his head. Now that he thought of it, he did know Kagome forever. "Inuyasha, what are you doing here. Shouldn't you be eating with Sango and Miroku?" She asked. She looked down again to look at the interesting ground. She had always thought that Inuyasha was cute and interesting. She had wanted to talk to him when they were younger but because her 'twin' got to him first she thought it better to stay away.
" I talk to them but I thought that I could get a breath of fresh air up in the tree." he told her. Inuyasha watched her as she just sat there. He looked at her face and neck and realized that his hand was still on her shoulder and quickly took it away. Kagome looked startled at the removed warmth at her shoulder. She looked up at Inuyasha wanting to say something to him, but the bell rang. Inuyasha stood and then held out a hand for her to take. She took it and at the moment something between them flashed. Kagome could -just for a second- see in front of her a young man with silver angelic hair with dog ears placed on top. His eyes were golden and wide. Then it was gone. Replaced once more, to black hair and violate eyes.
Inuyasha for that moment say Kagome's true beauty. Her hair was black but in some parts were lightly touched with the beautiful silver so alike to his own. It was like charcoal with the frosting of a late night snow fall. Her eyes were a silver/gray and sparkled. Atop her head were the two black and dotted like ears. She was gorges and then it faded away allowing her human beauty to return.
"Umm… thanks Inuyasha for hanging out with me. I guess I will see you around later?" She said. All Inuyasha could do was nod and let her hand free from his grasp. There was no doubt about it, Kagome was an Inu-hanyou.
Okay there is that chapter! I am so excited. Some one reviewed so I had to get this chapter in! Thank you so much! I will update tomorrow! No worries! ^_^