InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Reason to Live ❯ A Reason to Live ( One-Shot )
It had turned out the worst possible way. Naraku had attacked the Shikon Hunters with Kohaku. This time the young boy's body had been supercharged with not 1 but 3 Shikon shards. While Inuyasha fought Naraku's golem, Kohaku attacked Sango. The only thing that kept him from killing Sango was her warrior training. She dodged all his attacks. She pleaded with him to remember and stop attacking. Her pleas fell on deaf ears. Finally she realized there was no other way.
She stopped dodging and allowed him to get near her. When he raised his chain blade for the death blow. She stabbed him through the heart with the hidden dagger in her right gauntlet. The Shikon shards popped out of his body, and Kohaku collapsed. This time it was once and for all. Inuyasha used his Kaze no Kizu to finish off the Naraku golem. The group took Kohaku's body and retreated.
They returned to the Taijiya village. Miroku and Inuyasha buried Kohaku next to his father. Sango watched the burial in silent agony. Her eyes burned with unshed tears. Her last reason for living was now gone. After they buried Kohaku, Sango went off to be alone.
They stayed at the Taijiya for three days to recover from their battle wounds. Sango was hardly seen at all. She was quiet and withdrawn, reliving the tragedy of losing everyone she loved. She was short-tempered with anyone who tried to approach her. She snarled at them to stay away, and her eyes flashed fire. She didn't eat or sleep. Staying up the whole night, staring into the distance. These bouts of depression usually lasted a day or so, with Kagome or Miroku eventually being able to lift her out by talking to her or pissing her off (Miroku, not Kagome).
This time was different. No one seemed to be able to reach her. Miroku and Kagome tried to talk to her, to no avail. Even Inuyasha tried to snap her out of it by pretending to attack her, receiving a braining with the Hiraikotsu for his efforts.
Sango finally decided she'd had enough of everyone treating her like a mental case and tersely announced that she was leaving the group to go hunting for a few days, and that no one was to follow her. She left, riding away on Kirara.
Miroku, of course, ignored this and set off after the huntress and the firecat.
The light of a new day broke over the landscape. Miroku was a fast runner and had been able to keep up with Sango and Kirara, though it hadn't been easy. He found her sitting by a river, staring off into space. Kirara was curled up by her side. The look of unspoken pain on her face just about broke his heart. He wanted to go running out, throw his arms around her and hold her close to him. But he knew she'd attack him if he did.
Miroku watched Sango from his hiding place. She was truly a woman of grace and skill. Most men he knew weren't great fighters like she was. She had been truly awesome in their last battle, and it pained Miroku that things had ended so badly for her. Oh, she was so beautiful! To Miroku, Sango was the paragon of womanhood.
Miroku was so lost in his thought on Sango that he never heard it coming. Suddenly he felt hot breath on the back of his neck. He turned around and was faced with a huge kuma youkai staring him down. The beast was maybe 18 feet tall. Miroku was like a deer in the headlights and couldn't move. The kuma youkai was about to lunge at him, when suddenly Hiraikotsu flew in and smashed it in the face, splitting its skull open right down the middle and killing it instantly.
Miroku was still shaking like a leaf, staring at the bear that had almost had him for lunch. He turned and saw a very fierce Taijiya warrior, glaring at him with burning rage in her eyes. "Why are you here?" she growled.
Miroku gulped, but couldn't bring himself to answer. Sango stepped past him and retrieved Hiraikotsu from the fallen kuma. She shouldered the boomerang and then fixed her gaze on him again.
"I asked you a question. Why did you follow me? I said I wanted to be alone!" she growled, in a low menacing voice.
Miroku finally recovered his power of speech. "It's not safe to go off alone. I came to protect you."
"You came to protect me? It seems I was the one who just saved you," snapped Sango.
"I, I don't know what to say. Just thank you! I would've been that bear's breakfast if not for you. Your skill and relfexes saved me," said Miroku.
"Well since you're here now, you can stay. But keep out of my way," said Sango. Miroku nodded.
During their discourse neither of them had noticed the sky growing dark. They were both startled by a roll of thunder. "There's a storm coming," said Sango. "We must find shelter." Sango took the bear carcass and mounted it on Kirara. The 3 of them headed off to find shelter. As they left, it began to rain, hard.
The 3 soon came upon a large cave. Sango pulled the carcass from Kirara's back with Miroku's help and ordered the firecat to go back to Inuyasha and Kagome. Once she was gone, Miroku and Sango entered the cave. Inside there was enough room for both of them, and there were even some small logs there, indicative that someone else had used the cave for shelter before. Sango looked over the logs. "These were used, but there's enough wood here to fuel a fire." She pulled out 2 flint rocks and started hitting them together to make a fire. Miroku huddled in the corner and removed his outer robe, which had been soaked through by the rain. His under robings were still dry because the outer robe was absorbent.
After the fire was made Sango sat shivering and trying to warm herself over it. "If you'd get out of that wet armor, you wouldn't feel so cold," said Miroku.
"You'd like to see that, wouldn't you," hissed Sango, her mood blackening by the moment.
"I didn't mean anything perverted," said Miroku. "I'd be willing to turn around and cover my eyes, and you could change into your yukata. That's all I meant."
Sango eyed him suspiciously. "If I see you so much as a glance this way, you'll have a lot more to worry about than a hole in your hand. Understood?" she growled.
"Houshi's honor," said Miroku, holding up a hand. He then turned around and covered his eyes. Under normal circumstances, he would've tried to steal a glimpse of a naked Sango, but something in her demeanor struck terror in his heart. Sango quickly stripped off her wet armor and pulled on her yukata. Miroku had been right, but she was in a BAD mood, so she didn't thank him. Instead she gave him the signal that it was safe to turn around.
This done, Sango went to work skinning and butchering the bear. She pulled out a small dagger and started cutting the skin along the legs. Miroku winced and gulped in disgust. Sango stopped her work and glared at him, her eyes flashing lightning.
"So now you make fun of my people's ways," she said in a low and threatening voice. "Unlike you, I didn't have the luxury of growing up in a temple with all my meals provided to me on a silver tray. I was taught from birth how to hunt and catch my own food. I am proud of what I do, and if you can't handle it you're free to leave."
"Sango-sama, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you," said Miroku. "I've just never seen a woman hunt or butcher meat before, and I've never had much of a stomach for such things. But you're right, your people lived off the land and close to nature. In this day and age, that's a rare gift."
"I am the last of my people, and I will fight to preserve our way of life," said Sango passionately. "I'll never be the good little housewife, content to sit at home and bear children while my husband goes off and does the hunting and fighting. No, I will always do my own hunting and fight my own battles, as my mother and her mother before her did."
Sango stopped butchering and dropped the dagger. She clinched her teeth and fists as the horrible visions of her people's murder came up before her eyes. "Damn that Naraku for what he did to them," she hissed, her eyes burning with unshed tears. "Who is he to wipe out an entire people and try to turn them into no more than a memory in the land? Well he failed, because I am still here. I still live, and as long as I live, so will the ways of the Taijiya!"
As she said this, she turned and started pounding the hell out of Miroku. He cringed and tried to pull away as Sango completely lost it. All the hurt and rage was finally starting to emerge from under her icy exterior. Miroku sucked in breath as Sango pummeled him.
"You don't understand! None of you understands!" she exploded. Miroku managed to reach his right hand up and caress Sango's cheek, and as he did, Sango broke down completely and collapsed into his arms, sobbing out her pain and grief.
"Sango," he whispered and held her close.
"Why did they have to die?" she wailed. "Why couldn't I die with them? Kohaku, my brother! I couldn't save him." Sango gasped for breath, trying to talk between sobs. "I want to die so I can be with my people."
Miroku held Sango close to him. He was troubled by what he heard her say. Did she really wish to die?
"Sango please don't say that," he said. "You may not believe this, but I'd miss you horribly if you went. I need you here with me." Sango was too racked with sobs to even answer him anymore. Miroku just held her close and rubbed her back gently, trying to soothe her pain.
Miroku remembered way back to when he was a small boy. He had precious few memories of his father, but he did remember one thing well. When he was small and had trouble going to sleep, his father would sit by his futon and chant an old war song to him. The words and melody were haunting and beautiful and always put young Miroku off to sleep.
The chant came to his lips now, and he chanted it as he held the sobbing huntress close. In the midst of her emotional storm, Sango heard the chanting. It was pleasant and soothing. The rage and tension started to drain out of her body, leaving a dreadful void in their wake that was quickly filled by exhaustion. Her sobs slowly started to die down.
When Miroku finished the chant, he realized that Sango was still. He looked down and saw that she'd fallen asleep in his arms. He was glad, as she hadn't slept at all in 3 days. Miroku slowly moved his left hand to her face and touched one the tear tracks on her cheek. Sango stirred when he did this. Miroku quickly removed his hand, as he was loathe to wake her.
Miroku reached over to Sango's pack, which he knew had a large cloak in it that she often wrapped up in for warmth. It was big enough for 2. He draped it over his body and hers, and then fell asleep. Miroku woke up the next morning and looked down at the still-sleeping Taijiya who was snuggled next to him. He heard her whimper a little as she started to wake up. When Sango opened her eyes and looked up at him, he smiled at her.
"Well good morning sleeping beauty," he said. Sango managed a weak smile.
"How long did I sleep?" she asked.
"I think maybe 13 hours. You needed it," said Miroku. "Remember last night?"
Sango thought and then it came back to her. She'd beaten him almost black and blue and then broken down in his arms and he'd held her until she cried herself out. She felt much better than she had in ages, having released a lot of her pent up grief and anger last night. She found herself smiling at the houshi who kept his arms so protectively around her.
"You're not mad at me anymore, are you?" said Miroku.
"I was never angry at you. It wasn't you," said Sango. "I'm so sorry I beat you up. You didn't deserve it!"
"If anyone has the right to be angry, it's you," said Miroku. "You've lost your last tie to your old life. You needed to get it off your chest."
"Thank you for understanding and listening," said Sango. "I really needed someone to talk to."
Miroku smiled and hugged Sango close to him. "Anytime," he said. "How do you feel now?"
Sango considered. "I feel empty and tired," she said finally.
"You're emotionally drained. It'll pass," said Miroku. Then he looked over and saw the uncooked bear meat.
"How about if I make us breakfast?"
"You can cook?" said Sango in surprise.
"Yes I can. Contrary to what you think, I didn't always get my food served to me on a silver tray," said Miroku with a wink. Sango blushed.
Soon the meat was cooked and they were both eating. Miroku was relieved to see Sango eat for the first time in 3 days. Sango was pensive, as if she were thinking of something deep. Miroku was curious.
"What are you thinking of?" he asked.
"Last night when I was crying, I heard you chant a haunting piece. It seemed to knock me right out," said Sango. "What was it?"
Miroku smiled. "It's an old war chant my father used to sing for me when I couldn't sleep. The chant will never leave my heart. It's one of the few happy memories I have of my father."
"Wasn't he good to you?" asked Sango.
"Oh yes, when he was around. Most of the time he was out exorcising youkai or chasing kimonos," said Miroku. "He died when I was 6, so I don't have many memories of him. Those nights when he stayed up with me mean the most of what memories I do have."
"I'm sorry Miroku," said Sango. "You've been alone all your life."
"It's OK. I'm used to being alone," said Miroku. "I'm glad he died when I was so young. It saved me the trouble of getting too attached and then missing him when he was gone. I never even cried after he died and I don't think I ever will. If I'd been older, it would've hurt more." Miroku turned his head away. To Sango, it looked suspiciously like he was fighting back tears.
Sango moved over next to Miroku and turned him to face her. "The only thing I can think of that's worse than losing a loved one is to not have any memories of them," she said. "I grieve every day for my father, but I'm so thankful for all the memories of him I have. I would not trade places with you Miroku."
Miroku lowered his head and allowed a few tears to escape. "I just wish I could've known him," he whispered. Sango hugged Miroku and stroked his hair. "I saw him die in his Kazaana. I couldn't even save him."
"You were only a child. What could you have done?" said Sango. "Don't feel guilty over a death you couldn't have helped."
Miroku looked at Sango. "You're right," he said. "There was nothing I could do. I just hated feeling so helpless, you know?"
"All too well," said Sango darkly. They were silent for a moment, then Sango spoke. "Let's face it. You and I both have pain in our hearts that we don't like to share with others. It helped me last night to let it out to you, and I believe it helps you to speak to me. Let's promise that we'll share our pain with each other so it doesn't overwhelm either of us again."
"Sounds like a plan to me," said Miroku. "You're smart as well as beautiful. A rare combination in a woman."
"You think I'm beautiful?" said a shocked Sango.
"You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen," said Miroku. "The moment I first laid eyes on you, I knew you were different from all other women I'd seen before."
"When you first laid eyes on me, I was attacking your group," said Sango, rolling her eyes.
"I know that, but I detected such a fire and spirit in you," said Miroku. "It made me realize something, something I've been loathe to say up till this point..."
"What is it?" asked Sango, her eyes meeting his.
After a long hesitation, Miroku spoke the fateful words. "You are the woman I want to spend the rest of my days with."
THUD! Sango fell over backwards. "Sango!" said Miroku and helped her sit up again.
"Did I hear you right, or were my ears deceiving me?" asked Sango.
"You heard me right," said Miroku. "Oh Sango, I know I always acted like a womanizing perv around you, but that was just because I don't know how to approach you. I've been alone so much that my social skills are a little stunted. I liked you, but didn't know how to say it. So I started groping at you, hoping you'd get the hint and then when you smacked me away, I hit on all those other girls to make you jealous. I never meant to hurt you; I just wanted you to notice me."
Sango smiled. "I always noticed you. I had a feeling that you were putting up a front because there was something you couldn't or wouldn't tell me."
"How did you know I was putting up a front?" said Miroku.
"Hunter's instinct," said Sango.
"Hunter's instinct?" said Miroku.
"Yes, a good hunter can sense when his prey is putting up a front and trying to hide a weakness," said Sango.
Miroku frowned. "Well if you knew I was hiding something, why didn't you say so?"
"Because I don't want to be a with a man who thinks he has to act like a pervert or a wiseass to get my attention.
What you did just now, admitting your feelings to me, is what I've been waiting for. It shows me that you've changed a lot since we first met and you've become a man I can see myself loving," said Sango.
Miroku turned 6 shades of red. "Oh," he said. Sango laughed.
"You really think I've changed that much?" Sango nodded.
"I think you've changed a lot too. You used to be so gloomy and distant all the time. I hoped to get to know you, but I just had no idea how to go about it. I certainly never would've pictured us just sitting together in a cave and talking when we first met," said Miroku. "I like this much better than how we used to act."
Sango smiled. "That makes 2 of us. And if I've changed, I think much of it's because of you. Eventhough you annoy me at times, other times you make me laugh when no one else can. Thank you for that Miroku."
"It's always my pleasure," said Miroku. He looked into Sango's eyes, and she into his. Their lips met eachother in a passionate kiss. Miroku slid his tongue into Sango's mouth and twisted and undulated it inside. Sango's eyes flew open at this invasion, but she didn't pull away. Instead she reciprocated. Miroku started kissing Sango on her neck, pulling at the ties of her yukata as he did. Sango didn't resist. When her yukata tie was undone, Miroku moved the yukata down her shoulders, revealing her breasts to him in all their glory. In one fluid move, Sango was out of the yukata and was naked before Miroku. Miroku grasped her and ran his hands down her back and ribs.
His hands paused at the huge scar in the middle of her back, feeling how rough the scar tissue was in contrast to her smooth skin. Sango flinched when Miroku touched her there. Gently he turned her around to inspect her scar.
"It's hideous, isn't it?" said Sango in a shaky voice.
"Just the opposite. It shows how strong and wonderful you really are," said Miroku and he hugged Sango even closer to him. After a moment he gently pushed her into a supine position and positioned himself next to her.
Miroku started kissing at her throat and then down her chest, sending shudders through her body. When Miroku got down to her breasts, he put his mouth on her right breast and started suckling and biting the nipple. He moved his right hand to her left breast and started pinching and teasing its nipple. Sango's breath came in short pants now. She'd never felt anything like this before. She started to move her hands up, but Miroku told her to lie still and let him take care of everything.
Miroku now moved his from Sango's breast and planted a trail of hot kisses her belly. He prodded her belly button with his tongue. Sango jumped and let out an involuntary laugh. "She's ticklish?!" thought Miroku in surprise. "I'll have to remember that for the future."
Miroku continued its relentless path to Sango's pleasure center. He could feel her tensing up as he came down to her vulva. "Just relax," said Miroku.
Using his tongue, he started to gently explore Sango's vulva. No one had ever touched her so intimately before and she jumped a bit. Miroku continued to work on her with his tongue. Sango shivered involuntarily. Miroku smirked and started running his tongue up and down the length of her now engorged vulva. Now he turned his attention to the orifice that made her a woman. He pushed his tongue into her vagina, but was blocked by her hymen. "She she's still intact," he thought. "That'll be taken care of before long." Miroku pushed his tongue in, then pulled it out. He pushed in and licked all around the edge of her vagina. He lapped at the juices which now flowed freely from Sango's cavity. Sango arched her back and clenched her fists. Her body was covered in a fine sheen of sweat.
At last she threw her head back as a warm wave engulfed her. "Miroku," she managed to choke out.
"Don't worry. It gets better," said Miroku.
She was ready. With Sango watching him, he removed his robing until he was naked like she was. Their eyes locked.
"You must promise me something Miroku, before I allows this," said Sango gravely.
"Anything," said Miroku.
"From now on, I am the only woman for you. You can grope me whenever you like, but you touch no one else. We belong only to each other," said Sango. "If you can promise me this, I want to be one with you."
"Houshi's honor," said Miroku, holding up his hand.
Those were the words she'd always wanted to hear. "In that case, you may enter when ready," she said, smiling.
Miroku was now poised at her entrance. "This may hurt," he warned. Then he started to push his way in. He tore through Sango's hymen as he entered her. Sango let out a sharp cry of pain and tears welled in her eyes.
"I hurt you. I'm sorry," said Miroku as he pulled out of her a bit. He knew Sango was inexperienced and didn't want her to remember her first time with any pain connected to it. Miroku hugged her close to him as she waited for the pain to subside.
"I'm alright now," she said finally.
"That was the worst part. It won't hurt again," promised Miroku. He began to push into her gently. Now that Sango was more comfortable and relaxed she was ready enjoy this new experience. Miroku began thrusting very gently inside Sango's cavity. As he did this, he rubbed on her g-spot.
Instantly Sango felt the warmth building up inside her. Miroku kissed her passionately on her mouth, down her throat and then on her breasts as he thrust into her. Sango could feel warmth radiating from deep inside her. A strange feeling of pleasure that she'd never experienced before. Miroku was experienced and went slowly so as to tantalize and torture her at the same time.
Sango started moving with Miroku's rhythm so that when he thrust up, she pushed down. She didn't know how she knew to do this, it was just instinct. The two moved steadily toward climax together, feeling every pulsebeet between them as though they'd become one person somehow.
At last Miroku spilled his seed into Sango's being. Sango threw back her head and let out a primordial cry of pleasure and fertility. All of these feelings and instincts were brand new to her and were quite overwhelming. When the wave ended, she broke into tears. Miroku pulled Sango into his arms and held her close.
Miroku gently rocked Sango and whispered to her. "A little scary the first time, isn't it?" he said. Sango nodded, but was too overwrought to speak just then. Miroku smiled and stroked her glossy black hair. This would be an experience both of them would remember their whole lives. After a bit, her sobs died down and she went limp. It had been an eventful day for her and she was exhausted. Miroku kissed the top of her head and hugged her close to him.
"Sleep well my beautiful huntress," he said. Sango went to sleep in Miroku's arms just as she had before. Miroku closed his eyes and drifted off as well. He dreamed of Sango.
When Miroku opened his eyes a few hours later, he saw that Sango was no longer by his side. He looked around and saw that her clothes and pack were missing as well. "Sango?" he called out.
Just then Sango emerged, wearing her armor and just finishing pulling her hair back. She smiled at Miroku. "I'm ready to go back," she said. Miroku nodded and stood up. Sango put her hands on his shoulders and looked him square in the eye.
"Thank you for everything Miroku," she said. "After my brother died I felt like I'd lost my one reason for living. But last night you gave me a new one. I know it'll be hard, but I can go on living, with you by my side."
Miroku smiled. "We complete each other Sango," he said happily. "I always knew this day would come, I just didn't know when." Then he thought of something. "Should we tell the others about our new relationship when we get back, or let them find out for themselves?"
Sango considered for a moment. "Let them find out for themselves. It'll give them something to do besides argue all the time," she said. Sango and Miroku both laughed.
As they headed out of the cave, Sango and Miroku held hands. Neither of them knew what the future would bring them, but they knew they could face anything, as long as they faced it together.