InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Reincarnation Of Worrier Miyoki ❯ A Women A Worrier? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A Reincarnation Of Worrier Miyoki
Chapter one: A Women A Worrier?
Inuyasha and the gang were having a `vacation' thanks to Kagome. Anyway they were in Kaeade's hut resting. Inuyasha was sitting against the wall and Kagome was sitting down by Sango playing with Shippo. Sango was sitting next to Kilala against a wall n so was Miroku. Inuyasha's ear twitch and everyone looked up they all heard someone yelling.
“Lady Kaeade!” a women shouted from outside. Everyone went out to see what was going on and they saw a women and Kaedae talking and they could hear their conversation. “yes Kayami what is it ye want?” Kaeade asked the women. Kayami nodded and went on, “ well Lady Kaedae it has past 116 years already.” Kayami said. Everyone was confuse and walked towards them. “Hey old hag what's going on?” Inuyasha asked. Kaeade sighed. “ Yes I know it has past and now It's time to find her.” Kiyami nodded and walked off.
Everyone looked at Kaeade. “ Uh.. Lady Kaeade find who?” Kagome asked. Kaedae looked at them all. “ Have you all heard of Miyoki?” Kaeade asked. Everyone shooked their heads no except Kagome. They all looked at her. “Well I learnd a little bit of her. In the books it says that she was the first women worrier.” Kagome said. Everyone just looked at her then turned their heads to Kaeade. “Yes that is true, but she is also the most strongest worrier. Though one day an evil spirit worn her out and the only thing she could do was to seal it up to stone. She then died afterwards it had happened 400 years ago and the spirit is still sealed up.” Inuyasha was listening and so was everyone else the story was intresting.
“What's going to happen to the evil spirit?” Sango asked. “ Well child the spirit will be unsealed someday and we are thinking it might unsealed in 3 months.” “but who will seal it up again my lady?” Miroku asked. “Well monk every hundred years she is reincarnated again but none have succeed in finding the spirit or to destroy it. So it now has past 116 years and one women must destroy the evil spirit before the world is taken over.” Kaeade said. Everyone was shocked. “So only one person can do it?” Inuyasha asked. Kaeade nodded. “ and I want you all to find her.” Kaeade said. Everyone went wide-eyed. “How?” Shippo asked. “ We think in Kagome's time.” Kagome just stared at her. “ why in my time?” Kaeade looked at her.
“Because we had found out about her 12 years ago her parents died and she also had a brother but he also died when searching for his parents killers. We had told a Magic Demon to take the little one to a different place so she wouldn't get hurt. So she took her to a different time so please you all must search for her and bring her back.” Kaeade said. They all nodded. “ But how are they going through the well? Only Kagome and I can remember?” Inuyasha said. They all looked at kaeade for more answers. “Well you don't go through the well. You must find the demon who took her to Kagome's time. Her name is Miyomi search for her in that direction where the village she had once live they should know where she gone off to.” Kaeade said pointing in the direction they must go.
They all nodded and gotten there stuff and headed to find Miyomi The Demon Of Magic…

Next Chapter is called: The Magic Demon Siblings: Miyomi,Kai and a human girl Kazumi.
Well thankxz 4 reading only miyoki is my character. Miyomi, Kai, and Kazumi is my sisters characters she wanted me 2 add them in this fanfic soo anyway plz review so I can update the next chapter THANKXZ!