InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Restless Night's Dream ❯ The First Dream ( Chapter 1 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A Restless Night's Dream
Disclaimer: I do not either the plot nor the characters of Inuyasha; they belong to Rumiko Takahashi. I also make no money from the writing of this fic.
Summary: All it takes is one restless night's dream...
In a small clearing, where a fire was taking it's dying breath, a small form tossed and turned, encased in a flimsy material which rustled as it moved. A barely audible groan sounded from the confines of the bag-like structure, and, abruptly, a slim hand shot from beneath it, forcefully pushing away from the suffocating heat in favor of the cool night air. A face was revealed, and the dwindling firelight played across the features of a girl, her pitch black bangs sticking to her sweating forehead. In her troubled sleep, she turned her face to the breeze, her pink mouth opening and closing in some sembelance of silent speech.
The fire shifted, the last flame sinking within the glowing embers, and, in the sudden absence of warm light, the girl opened her eyes and sat up, confused.
"Inuyasha?" Her voice was muddled with sleep, and she pushed her sleeping bag away from her sweaty limbs, her shirt sticking to her back.
"Go back to sleep, Kagome." The rough voice sounded from her right, and she turned, blue-brown eyes wide.
"Inuyasha, the fire went out." Still half asleep, Kagome rubbed her hands across her eyes, watching as a red clad figure dropped from a nearby tree. The silver haired hanyou stalked past the tiny human and threw something onto the embers, crouching to blow against them gently. After a moment, the recently perished flame sprouted up again, licking eagerly at the branch Inuyasha had offered.
"There. Now lay down and go back to sleep." Kagome looked at him, and his golden eyes stayed locked with hers for an instant before he turned away.
"Okay," she answered, sinking back down into her sleeping bag and ignoring the stickiness of her sweat on the fabric. She closed her eyes, ad Inuyasha watched her for a moment, waiting until her breathing fell into an even pattern before turning toward the aura at the edge of the clearing. He walked away, the dead priestess' call too much to resist. Kagome, however, did not have a contented sleep for long. She tossed and turned, her quiet moans not enough to wake the four on the other side of the clearing, all of them sleeping soundly and oblivious to her struggle.
In her dream, she was unbelievably aroused, the heat in her belly burning her insides with its intensity. She squirmed, trying to find some kind of reprive, some sort of release for the intense ache in between her legs. She rubbed her thighs together, to no avail. She tried to reach, to touch, but her arms wouldn't move, and she could only torture herself with the enticing thought that her fingers twitched in an effort to respond. In a last ditch attempt to relieve her horrid lust, she thrust her hips, imagining with all her might that there was someone, anyone, laying atop her, moving their body over hers in a heated dance.
And then her mouth fell open in a silent gasp; she could almost feel him, his lithe form moving against hers, his lips leaving feathery kisses along her cheek and the line of her jaw. His hands gripped her hips, the tight hold never wavering as he continued to slide his hot length into her wet folds. The sensations were so utterly delectable that she didn't mind when he captured her wrists in his hand, the other coming to rest against her cheek, the strong, clawed fingers trailing over her soft skin before grasping her chin and holding her head in place as his mouth descended, his lips hot, forceful. She gasped again, and he didn't waste any time, his tongue plunging into the moist cavern, dipping and swirling as though to memorize every crevice. She did not simply give up, though; together they battled for dominance, even though she knew he'd win.
He ground against her, his thrusts slowing to an almost unbearable pace, his hips angled so that each roll caused his pelvis to press deliciously against her engorged clit. She arched her back, a throaty moan escaping her lips. The sound was devoured by him, and she thought for a moment that he would never let her up to breathe, but as soon as the thought crossed her mind, his mouth lifted, and he moved just enough to bury his head into the crook of her neck. She twisted her arms, but his claim on her wrists would not be lifted, and she was forced to remain unable to touch him, to clutch at his back like she wanted, to dig her fingernails into the strong muscles of his shoulders. A cry tumbled from her bruised lips, and, suddenly, his thrusts became primal, filled with need. His hips met hers, the sound of their slapping skin echoing in the darkness, a life-old song. She lifted her hips again and again, meeting him in the middle every time, doubling the pleasure she gave him, and taking what he gave her.
Suddenly, his head lifted, and she was shocked and startled to behold the intense golden eyes and the red color twirling into them, like blood on the battlefield. Her breath hitched, and she panicked even as she came, hearing his voice even as her world shattered into a million shimmering pieces of blazing fire.
With a loud, prolonged gasp, Kagome shot straight up, trembling and looking around in complete and utter disbelief. Had she seriously just dreamed that... that she and Sesshomaru had...?
A laugh interrupted her thought, and it took her a moment to realize that the harsh sound had come from her own throat. Clamping a hand over her mouth, she quickly looked to make sure that the noise hadn't awoken her friends, letting out a tiny sigh of relief when she observed their sleeping forms in the moonlight. Sighing again, she pushed back her sleeping bag and climbed out of it, almost ashamed at the wetness in her shorts. She needed a bath.
After taking a moment to remember where she had seen the last creek, she masked her scent and her aura, taking a deep breath as she ventured into the trees. Her mind was whirling, and she resisted the urge to laugh again at the thought of Sesshomaru, Mr. High and Mighty, laying in bed with her, a human miko. And not just any human miko, she reminded herself, but the Shikon Miko who travels with his despised half-brother! She allowed herself a small chuckle at that, and quickly dismissed the dream from her mind as she neared the creek.
She bathed quickly, silently cursing herself for not grabbing an extra pair of underwear out of her bag. Grudgingly, reluctantly, she pulled her shorts back on after rinsing them as best she could in the ice cold water, wincing when the chilled fabric met her skin. As she walked back to camp, relatively clean and more than just a little cold, the last image of her dream suddenly flashed into her mind, and the remembered sight of Sesshomaru, eyes blood-red with lust, fangs bared, caused a jolt to run through her system. She sighed.
This was going to be a long night.
Author's Note: Just a little bit of something I was inspired to write while doing homework... Yes, odd I know. Anyway, let me know if I should continue.
Disclaimer: I do not either the plot nor the characters of Inuyasha; they belong to Rumiko Takahashi. I also make no money from the writing of this fic.
Summary: All it takes is one restless night's dream...
In a small clearing, where a fire was taking it's dying breath, a small form tossed and turned, encased in a flimsy material which rustled as it moved. A barely audible groan sounded from the confines of the bag-like structure, and, abruptly, a slim hand shot from beneath it, forcefully pushing away from the suffocating heat in favor of the cool night air. A face was revealed, and the dwindling firelight played across the features of a girl, her pitch black bangs sticking to her sweating forehead. In her troubled sleep, she turned her face to the breeze, her pink mouth opening and closing in some sembelance of silent speech.
The fire shifted, the last flame sinking within the glowing embers, and, in the sudden absence of warm light, the girl opened her eyes and sat up, confused.
"Inuyasha?" Her voice was muddled with sleep, and she pushed her sleeping bag away from her sweaty limbs, her shirt sticking to her back.
"Go back to sleep, Kagome." The rough voice sounded from her right, and she turned, blue-brown eyes wide.
"Inuyasha, the fire went out." Still half asleep, Kagome rubbed her hands across her eyes, watching as a red clad figure dropped from a nearby tree. The silver haired hanyou stalked past the tiny human and threw something onto the embers, crouching to blow against them gently. After a moment, the recently perished flame sprouted up again, licking eagerly at the branch Inuyasha had offered.
"There. Now lay down and go back to sleep." Kagome looked at him, and his golden eyes stayed locked with hers for an instant before he turned away.
"Okay," she answered, sinking back down into her sleeping bag and ignoring the stickiness of her sweat on the fabric. She closed her eyes, ad Inuyasha watched her for a moment, waiting until her breathing fell into an even pattern before turning toward the aura at the edge of the clearing. He walked away, the dead priestess' call too much to resist. Kagome, however, did not have a contented sleep for long. She tossed and turned, her quiet moans not enough to wake the four on the other side of the clearing, all of them sleeping soundly and oblivious to her struggle.
In her dream, she was unbelievably aroused, the heat in her belly burning her insides with its intensity. She squirmed, trying to find some kind of reprive, some sort of release for the intense ache in between her legs. She rubbed her thighs together, to no avail. She tried to reach, to touch, but her arms wouldn't move, and she could only torture herself with the enticing thought that her fingers twitched in an effort to respond. In a last ditch attempt to relieve her horrid lust, she thrust her hips, imagining with all her might that there was someone, anyone, laying atop her, moving their body over hers in a heated dance.
And then her mouth fell open in a silent gasp; she could almost feel him, his lithe form moving against hers, his lips leaving feathery kisses along her cheek and the line of her jaw. His hands gripped her hips, the tight hold never wavering as he continued to slide his hot length into her wet folds. The sensations were so utterly delectable that she didn't mind when he captured her wrists in his hand, the other coming to rest against her cheek, the strong, clawed fingers trailing over her soft skin before grasping her chin and holding her head in place as his mouth descended, his lips hot, forceful. She gasped again, and he didn't waste any time, his tongue plunging into the moist cavern, dipping and swirling as though to memorize every crevice. She did not simply give up, though; together they battled for dominance, even though she knew he'd win.
He ground against her, his thrusts slowing to an almost unbearable pace, his hips angled so that each roll caused his pelvis to press deliciously against her engorged clit. She arched her back, a throaty moan escaping her lips. The sound was devoured by him, and she thought for a moment that he would never let her up to breathe, but as soon as the thought crossed her mind, his mouth lifted, and he moved just enough to bury his head into the crook of her neck. She twisted her arms, but his claim on her wrists would not be lifted, and she was forced to remain unable to touch him, to clutch at his back like she wanted, to dig her fingernails into the strong muscles of his shoulders. A cry tumbled from her bruised lips, and, suddenly, his thrusts became primal, filled with need. His hips met hers, the sound of their slapping skin echoing in the darkness, a life-old song. She lifted her hips again and again, meeting him in the middle every time, doubling the pleasure she gave him, and taking what he gave her.
Suddenly, his head lifted, and she was shocked and startled to behold the intense golden eyes and the red color twirling into them, like blood on the battlefield. Her breath hitched, and she panicked even as she came, hearing his voice even as her world shattered into a million shimmering pieces of blazing fire.
With a loud, prolonged gasp, Kagome shot straight up, trembling and looking around in complete and utter disbelief. Had she seriously just dreamed that... that she and Sesshomaru had...?
A laugh interrupted her thought, and it took her a moment to realize that the harsh sound had come from her own throat. Clamping a hand over her mouth, she quickly looked to make sure that the noise hadn't awoken her friends, letting out a tiny sigh of relief when she observed their sleeping forms in the moonlight. Sighing again, she pushed back her sleeping bag and climbed out of it, almost ashamed at the wetness in her shorts. She needed a bath.
After taking a moment to remember where she had seen the last creek, she masked her scent and her aura, taking a deep breath as she ventured into the trees. Her mind was whirling, and she resisted the urge to laugh again at the thought of Sesshomaru, Mr. High and Mighty, laying in bed with her, a human miko. And not just any human miko, she reminded herself, but the Shikon Miko who travels with his despised half-brother! She allowed herself a small chuckle at that, and quickly dismissed the dream from her mind as she neared the creek.
She bathed quickly, silently cursing herself for not grabbing an extra pair of underwear out of her bag. Grudgingly, reluctantly, she pulled her shorts back on after rinsing them as best she could in the ice cold water, wincing when the chilled fabric met her skin. As she walked back to camp, relatively clean and more than just a little cold, the last image of her dream suddenly flashed into her mind, and the remembered sight of Sesshomaru, eyes blood-red with lust, fangs bared, caused a jolt to run through her system. She sighed.
This was going to be a long night.
Author's Note: Just a little bit of something I was inspired to write while doing homework... Yes, odd I know. Anyway, let me know if I should continue.