InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Sacred Treasure and a Hanyou ❯ Dances at Onadoru ( Chapter 1 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: I'm not really sure what happened with this...I went to add the rest of the chapters for this story, accidentally deleted the first one, and now all of the chapter numbers are screwed up. Since I'm not patient enough to figure out what happened, I'm just leaving it. All the chapters seem to be in place, so... *shrug*
Chapter 1
Dances at Onadoru
He watched, as always, mesmerized by the image before him. She was new at Onadoru, the gentleman's club, had only been working there a couple of months. But, for those past few months, the two nights a week she performed, the club had been filled to capacity.
The lights dimmed and when out. His eyes easily saw her in the darkness, walking out onto the stage. A soft, blue glow appeared behind her, making her form little more than a silhouette but showing long legs made longer by black boots with a tall heel on them. She wore fishnet stockings and a man's white long sleeved button down shirt. The shirt had only the middle two buttons fastened and stopped just at the top of her thighs. Around her neck she wore a necktie, loosely tied so that the knot fell between her breasts. Her head was down; face obscured by the fedora that she wore tilted to the side and low on her brow. As it always was, the light and the hat effectively made it so that no one could see anymore than the tip of her nose and her lips.
Inuyasha blinked. This was new. Usually she wore clothes that, although they were tight and showed every curve, covered her more. He leaned back in the soft embrace of his couch, twirling the glass of juice in his fingers, waiting for what was to come.
The music started playing and her body started moving.
Hips snapped suggestively side to side to music that was far more seductive than anything she had danced to before. She walked forward, toward the crowd of men, her hands running along her sides, her stomach, the crease where her legs met her hips. As she walked, lifting her legs from her knees so that each step caused her hips to move even more, she reached for the tie around her neck, undoing it. She stopped, hip snapping out to one side before walking away, sliding the tie from around her neck. When she turned to face the audience again, she tossed the tie to the side and began doing small dips, bending her knees, pivoting slightly, hands brushing down her thighs and then around to her ass as she straightened. Everyone watching collectively held their breath as she crawled her hands down her legs before tilting her head up and running her hands up her legs.
Inuyasha leaned forward, uncomfortably, when she did another small dip that ending in her smacking herself on the ass. The juice was forgotten as she ran her hands up her body, her torso and hips rolling suggestively. Hands on hips, she started snapping them side to side again, then rotating them. When she started to walk forward again, her pace increasing after a few sultry steps, almost every man in the club gave a shout when she stopped, stepped out so her legs were apart and stuck a finger in her mouth, hips bouncing back and forth, leaning forward. From his seat, Inuyasha could see her lips spread in a smile as she ran her hands down her legs, sinking down, closing her knees and then sliding down her arms onto the floor. Long legs came up, opened, came together, opened again before closing as she arched her back. Dropping her feet to the floor, sliding her body up again, her hands grasped her ankles. She spread her legs, knees bent, crawled her hands down her legs before sliding them up again. She put her hands to her knees, closed her legs, almost demurely, pivoting on her hip and bringing herself to her hands and knees, back arched sharply.
Inuyasha's breath hitched when he saw the small smile on her lips again. Suddenly, she was on her feet, hands on the floor, grasping her ankles, then running up her legs as her back arched again and she stood. She faced away from the audience, turning her head to look over her shoulder at them, before doing a small dip and smacking herself on the ass again.
The roaring crowd was plunged into darkness. Even over the noise, Inuyasha's keen hearing could pick out the click of her heels as she walked off the stage, could faintly hear the almost relieved sigh she let out before she disappeared from his hearing entirely.
When the lights came back up, the crowd was still talking loudly, giving occasional hoots and shouts for her to come back on stage. Inuyasha waved a waitress over and ordered another drink.
When she reached for his empty glass, he tapped her gently on the hand to get her attention. Warm, chocolate brown eyes turned to him, curiously.
"I want a private dance," he said, his voice soft and low.
The waitress blinked and then smiled at him. "With who?" she asked, her voice equally soft.
He nodded his head toward the now abandoned stage. "With her. What do you call her again?"
"With Jingi?" Eyes widened a fraction.
Inuyasha licked his lips and tilted his head to the side. "Jingi, is it?" His eyes wandered back to the stage and he nodded again. "Yes, with her."
Once warm eyes became fractionally colder, but the smile remained on the waitress''s face as she bowed her head slightly. "I will see what I can do," she murmured, before walking away.
Twenty minutes later, Inuyasha found himself in a room painted a deep red. The wall to his right was a solid mirror, the solitary chair that stood in the middle of the room reflecting in it. The lights were very low, making him grateful for his enhanced eyesight as he walked further into the room.
"Have a seat."
The voice came from the opposite side of the room. It was low, almost sultry, brushing against his ears seductively. He sat on the chair, watching as she stepped out of the shadows. She was still wearing the button down shirt, the knee-high heeled boots, the tie was once again around her neck. Gone were the fishnet stockings, leaving only long bare legs.
And that hat still hid her face.
"Take your hat off," he said, as she neared him.
She shook her head. "You do not make the rules here," she said, not rudely, but firmly. She stood behind his chair, hands on the back of it, and he watched her reflection as it leaned toward him. He felt warm breath near where his ear should have been. "Here are the rules," she said, her voice low. "I do not take my hat off, you do not take it off, nor request it again. You may say whatever else you wish to me. I may touch you as much as I like, but you will keep your hands to yourself at all times. There are bouncers outside of both doors. At any time that I no longer feel comfortable, they will be called and you will be escorted out." There was a pause and he could feel her lick her lips. "Do you understand?" He nodded. "Any questions before we start?" He shook his head. "Good," she breathed. "Relax and enjoy yourself."
A low, pounding beat filled the room. Inuyasha felt her place her hands on his shoulders, watched her reflection as her hips snapped back and forth. She ran her hands down his chest, leaning far enough forward that he felt her breasts press into his back. When her hands reached his thighs and spread his legs, he was trying to remember what she hand said about not touching. Her hands ran along the insides of his thighs, back up his chest, and she kept one on his shoulder as she began to walk around him, hips swaying. A fingernail grazed his chin as she walked in front of him, ran along his neck as she walked behind him. She came to a stop on his left, lifted a leg up and planted the long, deadly heel forcefully between his legs, close enough to his crotch to make him squirm a little. She ran a hand down and up the leg, replaced it with the other and repeated the caress. When she stood on both feet again, she closed his legs, planted her palms on his thighs and arched her back, bending one knee and then the other so that her ass bounced.
It was when she stood before him, her back to him, bent her knees and swayed her hips in front of him, that he thought he might just have to face the consequences of being dragged out of the club. She faced him as her hips bounced back and forth to the music. He watched her reflection as she walked around him again, undoing the tie around her neck. When she stood at his side again, she flung it around his own neck, pulling him toward her. When their faces were so close that he could almost taste her lips, she let go suddenly, walking in front of him, taking a few steps away before turning to face him again. She flicked her wrist slightly, and the tie snapped out and caught him across the front of the thighs. It didn't hurt, but it was enough of a sting to make his breath hitched noticeably. He saw her grin before she tossed the tie to the side and faced the mirrored walls again, hips swaying.
When she arched her back and sat down on his knees, he balled his hands into fists at his sides, trying to control himself. He watched her reflection as she placed her hands on her knees and spread her legs. She started rotating her torso in a way that would cause her to lean back, caused her ass to push more firmly into his legs. He watched, mesmerized, as she closed her legs, shifted so she was sitting sideways on his lap. She ran her hands down her legs to her ankles and then arched her back, sliding them back up.
When she lifted a leg, shifted so that it was between them, perfectly straight, and then sat facing him, straddling his hips, he heard a small moan escape his lips. She grabbed his shoulders, arched her back so that her breasts pushed into his chest. She started rotating her torso again, running her hands up her sides, over her breasts. Her hips moved and he could feel them rubbing against his crotch, causing a not so unpleasant burning sensation there, making his hands clutch at the seat of the chair so hard his knuckles whitened. He licked suddenly dry lips as her fingers began playing with the two buttons that were closed on her shirt. Hips still moving, she slid the shirt off one arm and then the other, flinging it away from her.
Just when he thought he might loose it, just as he uncurled his fists to reach for her, she pushed herself up off him. She stood in front of him, clad only in a form fitting tank top, a pair of dancers' shorts, those heels and that hat. She faced away from him, slid her hands down her thighs, arching her back, making her ass stick out. She slid onto his lap again, leaned back so that she rested against his chest, dropped her head back onto his shoulder. She ran one hand up his neck, into his hair, as she raised one leg and then the other, keeping them together before letting them fall apart. His eyes widened as she turned her head toward his, her other hand running up her leg and then down the inside of her thigh.
He felt something wet and firm on his neck.
Before his over stimulated brain could tell him what it was, before he could react to it, she had pulled away from him. Her feet came to the floor, she ran her hands down them, arching her back, pushing her ass into his crotch again as she slid up, causing his brain to momentarily shut down again. She stood, turned to him, leaned over so that he had a wonderful view of her breasts, and ran a nail across his jaw line.
"Thank you for your interest, Mr. Takahashi," she said, her voice husky. Before he realized what was happening, her hips were swaying again as she walked away from him, toward the door she had entered through. Before he could protest or stand, he saw a dark object being tossed lightly through the air. It landed at his feet.
Inuyasha leaned down, uncomfortable though it was around his erection, and plucked the fedora from the floor.
He smiled to himself, put the hat on and made his way out of the club.