InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Series of Crazy InuYasha Events ❯ Mall Time! ( Chapter 23 )
Kitkat I'm using your idea for this chapter! Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha!
Mall Time!
One day Kagome decided to take everyone from the feudal era to her time to go to the mall. She drags everyone to the well and takes them to her time. They somehow climb out of the well. "All right everyone! Follow me to the bus stop!" Kagome says.
"What's a bus?" Miroku asks.
"It's like a cart pulled by a horse but with no horse." Kagome explains.
"Then how does it move?" Sango asks. Kagome stands there not being able to think of an explanation.
"Let's just go!" She says and leads everyone to the bus stop. The bus arrives and everyone gets on.
"This bus is a bit small." Koga says.
"Yeah! I need my beauty room!" Naraku says. Everyone sweat drops.
Half an hour later they arrive at the mall and get off the over crowded bus. They all enter the mall.
"Why does this have almost all our faces on it?" InuYasha asks and holds up a copy of the InuYasha movie.
"Oh they film our adventures to make into a TV show and they took our adventure with Menomaru and made it into a movie." Kagome explains.
"TV? Movie?" Everyone asks.
"Well a TV is like a magic box that puts on shows and a movie is something where you use either a DVD player of VCR that is attached to the TV to put on a certain show." Kagome explains. Everyone still looks confused. "I'll take you to an electronic store and show you." Kagome says. She leads them all to an electronic store. Along the way people look at them.
"InuYasha characters!" One boy says.
"InuYasha is here! He's so hot!" One girl says.
"I got to appears for 5 seconds in the show!" One man says.
"Well I got to appear for several minutes in several episodes!" Hojo says.
"Look it's that Hojo loser!" One lady says. Naraku walks over to them.
"I'm Naraku!" He says.
"Really? You mean that bastard that screws up everyone's lives? Take this!" Screams a lady and kicks Naraku in the groin.
The feudal gang arrives at the electronic store and Kagome explains to them about electronic stuff. Everyone understands and separates to shop on there own.
InuYasha goes to an anime store where he sees his face all over. "InuYasha!" Screams lots of fan girls. They all run over.
"I love you!" One screams.
"Can you kiss me?" One asks.
"Can I rub your ears?" Another asks.
"OK." InuYasha says and kisses the one girl and lets the other pet his ears. The girls scream.
Else where Miroku was going into some perverted store. He picks up a playboy magazine. "I like this!" He says. Perverted girls then spot him.
"It's Miroku!" One screams. They all run over.
"Grope me!" One screams.
"I'll bear your child, unlike Sango!" Another screams.
"Can I grope you?" Another one asks.
"Yes! All you beautiful ladies may be pleased!" Miroku says and gropes the one girl while the other gropes him. He then takes that one girl into a dark room.
Elsewhere Sango goes into a gym. She starts to lift weights. A bunch of fan boys then spot her.
"OMG! Sango!" One screams. They all run over.
"Teach me to slay demons!" One screams.
"Me too!" The rest yell.
"Alright, I'll teach you some basic moves." Sango replies and begins the class.
Shippo was just walking into a candy shop. "Mmmm! Candy!" Shippo screams and starts eating everything in sight. The store manager walks over.
"Excuse me, but you need to pay for that." He says.
"Huh?" Shippo says and turns around. The store manager recognizes him.
"OMG! Shippo!" He screams and gives Shippo tons of free candy.
Meanwhile Kirara ran into a pet shop and started eating all the cat food. The store manager sees this. "Is that Kirara eating all the cat food?" He asks.
"Sure looks like it." A boy replies.
Elsewhere Kaede went to some store called Granny World. "Cool! A crochet set!" Kaede exclaims. She goes to the front counter with it.
"That will be 1000 yen." The cashier says. (I think that's about $8.50 U.S. I don't know about Canadian though. $10.00 maybe?)
"What's that?" Kaede asks. The cashier stares at Kaede.
"OMG! You're Kaede!" The cashier says, "I'll pay for you!"
"Thank you!" Kaede says.
Elsewhere Naraku is trying to scare people and keeps on getting kicked in the groin.
While this was happening Koga was running around with fan girls chasing him. "Leave me alone!" He cries.
Sesshomaru was also chasing off fan girls while Jaken was being trampled.
Kikyo had the Kikyo Haters Club chasing after her with random weapons.
Kagura was at the fan shop being amazed by electric fans. 'Wow! How does it do that?' She thinks.
Kanna was at a mirror shop looking at all the fancy mirrors.
Everyone else was sitting around confused. Kagome appears. "Time to leave!" She says. They all leaves and all the fan girls and boys are very disappointed. The Kikyo Haters Club chases after them.
The end of this chapter! A Series of Crazy InuYasha events, TBC…
Please R+R!