InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Shippou on a mission ❯ Continuation. ( Chapter 2 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters.
And I do not intent to gain any kind of gain for this work of
~A Shippou on a Mission~
“I wanted some time for us, as a couple” Admitted
timidly Kagome eating her second riceball.
Inuyasha was propped on his elbow looking at her. “You
did?” asked confused. A doubt started to form in his head.
Had he been ignoring her? He did remember spending most of his time
working or with Senkai, but he tried to have the pup with him in
the afternoon so she could rest… but she was right.
“I'm sorry…”
Kagome put the food beside her and got closer to him. “Why
are you sorry?” The voice she used for the question was
utterly confused. That, confused him.
He looked at her face. For a moment he got distracted with her
eyes, they were mesmerizing, and filled his chest with pride the
fact those eyes only looked at him with that loving expression. Her
stormy grey eyes looked only at him with that intensity.
“Inuyasha, what are you sorry about?”
“Huh?” He blinked. “I'm sorry because I haven't
been paying attention to you”. He admitted. Waiting for her
to agree with him.
“Stupid” was her only answer.
He sat up in his usual manner and pulled her up too to sit beside
him. Now he wanted, needed, to talk about it.
“What, wench?” his voice was low.
“I said: stupid” Kagome was trying to hide her smile,
she loved when he got all worked up for something dumb.
“And why am I stupid?” the question was now more a
growl than anything.
“Because” She stood up and tried to put the rest of the
food back in the basket but clawed hand trapped her wrist.
“That's not an answer, bitch” He looked up at her with
molten gold eyes.
“You want a real answer?” her tone was defiant and
Inuyasha only growled in answer.
She turned to him with a serious face, walked the closest she could
and surprised the hanyou when she fell on his lap straddling him.
Using his surprise on her advantage, she circled his head with her
arms. Almost without noticing he circled her waist.
“You are stupid, because I wasn't talking about you ignoring
Inuyasha opened his lips to say something but stopped when his
brain finally noticed the playfully sexy tone and eyes she had, and
only tilted his head.
She played with his forelocks for a moment “I was talking
about how since Senkai was born we have been adapting as parents,
but we haven't been able to be a couple recently. It isn't your
fault, or mine. This is something new we need to learn and
She pecked him on the lips “That's why I wanted time with
you… as your mate”.
Kagome felt him change at the sound of the word… now he knew
for sure what she was talking about. She pulled him from his locks
and kissed him.
The hanyou's hands went up to the sides of her head at the same
time hers went to the knots of his robes. Inuyasha broke the kissed
and looked at her with concern.
“Are you sure? I can wait…” his breathy voice was
low, focused on stopping until she gave her permission.
“I've been sure for a while, Inuyasha” His eyes went
wide, for a moment he didn't move. “But Miroku
It was Kagome's turn to look confused, then she got mad.
“What did Miroku say?”
By Kagome's reaction he knew it had been a mistake to trust the
monk, and now he was ashamed. “He… he said that after
having a pup, the female did not want to mate for almost a year,
around when the pup started to walk”
Kagome was outrage with the lie “and you believe
him…” Inuyasha nodded sheepishly. “Alright…
we will talk about this later” he nodded again.
“But I'm really fine with this… I've been waiting for
you to do something…”
Inuyasha groaned “You've been waiting for me?” he
waited for her answer with his eyes fixed on her face. His eyes
glowing with that intensity only the ones with youkai blood
All courage to seduce her husband abandoned her under that gaze.
Suddenly he back was on the ground and his lips were on hers.
“No more waiting wench” he said in between kisses,
making her giggle before sealing her lips with his again.
Shippou's knew his plan had been successful before reaching the
hut. The only thing that could go wrong was the baby. If Senkai
woke up, they will be on trouble. They had supper and the baby was
still nestled between the pillows. The night had come and the
couple hadn't come back. He was starting to get nervous but didn't
say anything… silence was better in this case.
Everything was good until the monk appeared with his youngest,
asking with a voice way too loud if the dayt had been good, and to
make it better he let the curtain fall on the frame, finally waking
the baby.
Senkai woke up slowly, turned on his belly, raised his head and
looked around. When it became obvious his parents weren't on his
sight, he started to sniff, and he pulled his little body to each
of the pillows moving them around. It also became obvious to him
his parents were not with him.
After that moment he had not stop screaming, screeching, crying or
whining. He would take turns to change of sound, but only stopping
to take more air.
They had forced Miroku to stay and try to calm him, but the baby
didn't want him, and Senkai let him know that clawing him where he
reached. Miroku's child started to cry too. The sound startled
Senkai for a moment, stopping to look at the other baby. But his
surprise was short and he came back to screaming.
They send Miroku home, two crying baby were too much.
Senkai was now holding each pillow on his hands and pulling them to
his face to whine.
Shippou knew the baby was scared, feeling his pack deserted him.
And he also knew he would not stop until one of his parents
The couple was up in one of the Goshimboku branches watching the
stars. She was resting with her back on his chest. She turned her
head and waited for his eyes on her. “I think we should go
back” A growl was his response. Kagome tried again
“We've never let him alone. If he wakes up…”
Inuyasha interrupted her at the same time he hold her to get down.
“He will think we abandoned him…”
“What?” Kagome asked with something close with a
“If he wakes up and neither of us is there, his instincts
will tell him we the pack abandoned him” he explained while
they both put everything together.
Inuyasha took everything on his hands and kneeled down “Get
As soon she hold onto his back he was on the air.
“Even if he woke up before we get there… let's find the
way to have moments like this”
Kagome smiled and snuggled closer to him “Yes”
Suddenly Inuyasha growled “Fucking bad luck… he's
They left their things outside and walked inside as fast as they
Senkai was screaming, his face red and spotted for the strength
needed to make that sound.
Inuyasha growled before entering and Senkai started whimpering,
rolled onto his back and raised his hands. Kagome was first to
reach him, and placed him against her chest. Inuyasha came closed
and hugged Kagome, leaving the baby between their chests at the
same time a deep, slow rumble came out of his chest.
Kagome kept talking to the baby and Inuyasha kept growling softly
until Senkai fell sleep. The hanyou enveloped them with his haori
and separated from them.
They looked around for the first time, noticing the ashamed faces
of the children and the tired look on Kaede's face.
“I'm sorry for making that to the baby” Said Shippou
with a voice so low Kagome could barely hear.
“It was not your fault Shippou” Kagome said looking at
Shippou with a smile.
“Yes it was… If I didn't have that stupid idea, Senkai
would have never know how it feels to lose your pack” Big
tears trailed down his cheeks.
“We fucked up, runt. Not you” Inuyasha's voice was hard
and Shippou looked up. The hanyou was looking at him with and
intensity only few times he showed. Inuyasha broke contact and
picked up the baby thing in the hut.
“Were going home” Shippou nodded and sat down
“Thank you for everything is was a great surprise… I
really loved it” Kagome said as a good bye.
Inuyasha took Shippou by the tail and put him on top of the
“Wha… what are you doing?”
“I said we're going home and you weren't moving… We
don't have your time!”. Inuyasha started to walk outside.
“But you don't need to take me”
“Yes, we do”
“No, you don't”
“Don't argue, runt. You're gonna wake up Senkai”
“But, but why are you taking me there”
Inuyasha stopped his walk to look at Shippou's green sparkling eyes
“You need to start sleeping home for Senkai to know you are
part of the pack” Shippou blinked trying to hold back his
“For the time being you're gonna sleep with the pup.”
Shippou contemplated the idea, Senkai slept between them to be able
to feel the both, and the hanyou want him to sleep there?
Inuyasha paused and looked at Kagome who was also blinking to hold
back the tears “When we need mates time, I'll tell you and
you can sleep with the hag” Kagome gasped and blushed up to
her ears, and rapidly looked at the other side. She didn't see the
solemn nod Shippou gave to Inuyasha.
“Good! Let's go home!” Announced and together they
walked to the only hut close to Inuyasha's forest.
A/N: Aaanndd… this is the end.
This part started as a fluffy extra on the Inukag end but it
changed along the way.
I hope it is of your liking. I still want to know what you think of
This this little piece needed to go out of my chest to be able to
work on the series.