InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Shocking Secret ❯ A Shocking Secret ( Chapter 2 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A Shocking Secret
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Inuyasha. But I do own Lacara Fushigi, Tara Fushigi, kersino, and Azalie.
Akakagome: Hey Azalie! Do you see them anywhere?
Azalie: (looks around the corner) No I don't see them. I think the coast is clear. ^-^
Akakagome: Cool!!! ^-^ Let's get out of here. (Akakagome starts to run for it.)
Azalie: Hey!?! Get back here. I thought we were in this together. (Runs after Akakagome)
Akakagome: See ya! Hahahahaha!!!! ^o^
Fans: Hey, look there's Azalie! Get her!!!
Azalie: uh oh! I've got to get out of here. (runs down the street turns the corner and ends up in a dead end.)
Fans: (the fans go around the corner and see Azalie) Well, well well. Look at what we have here. (they all have devilish grins on there faces) So Azalie are you ready for your torture?
Azalie: (sees akakagome sneaking by) I have a better idea.
Fans: -_- huh? What could be better than torturing you?
Azalie: ^-^ Torturing akakagome!!! Who is right behind you.
Fans: 0o0 WHERE! OOO!! WHERE!! (They look everywhere and then look behind them.) There she is akakagome get your butt back here!
Akakagome: (Looks) 0.0 >0< NOOOOO! AAZZZALLLIEEEE!!!! YOU TRADER! (runs like hell with the fans right on her tail.)
Will akakagome get way or will her fans get her instead? Well you have to ready my next chap to find out.
Chapter2: To the well.
I left you off where Lacara just found out on her birthday she was a powerful demon and that her parents were in fact not her real parents. So on with the story.
“So you are telling me that my parents are demons and I am a demon. And you found me in a well.” exclaimed Lacara. “Hunny I know this is hard for you to take and understand and especially on your b-day. Believe me I did not know that you would change into your demon form on your birthday. Your father and I did some resceach while you were still young and found out that you were going to develop your demon characteristics at the age of 16. So when you did not develop those characteristic then we thought we had no problems and we would not have to explain until the time was right. But you were a late bloomer I guess.” Tara said looking with complete sadness in her eyes. “So when were you going to tell me or were you going to keep this from me?” yell Lacara “We were going to tell you as soon as you graduated hunny. Honest!” cried Tara Azalie just sat their shocked a speechless at what was going on. “I need sometime to think this through everything that has happened to me. So I would like to walk on my own with no body interrupting or interfering. Ok, thank you!” and with that she walked out of the room and out side. She walk to the well and sat on the well and suddenly hands grabbed her from behind and cover her mouth.
Sorry its so short but I was really tired and it is 11:30pm and I have to go to my job, Make a cake and do decorations for my grandmothers b-day tomorrow. So as you can tell it's a lot to do. I also have put chapter 2 of Sesshoumaru's Lover on floppy so I can put it up for all of you tom. and will try my best to get it up at least every two weeks. I will make it up to you in the next quiz it will be longer. ~_~ So what happens to Lacara!?! You'll have to read the next chapter to find out. Muhahahahahaha!!!! ^O^ Well you will have to email me to find out what happens. Hey even hit me up with some reviews or at my email ( and give me some ideas of who you want it to be or who you think it is. And if I like your idea I will even use it and give you some credit for the idea. But I won't be able to do that unless you review me. So tell me how you fell about my story and tell me if you like it or not. Come on be truthful I can handle it I'm a big girl you know but I bet you won't be able to guess my age. And whoever guesses it right get their ideas put in my story for the next chapter. K! ^-^