InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Silver Shadow ❯ Preview ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

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This section includes a brief preview of my next work which will be a sequel to "A Silver Shadow" Do not expect to see them any time soon though because I prefer to put up only finished works. Naturally this will be revised a lot before I post it.

The following scene is from the sequel I'm working on. In it Sess and Kagome have entered into the well house and are sitting on the lip of the well. They are about to travel back in time to see their friends.


Sess leaned back and let gravity do its work, pulling them downward with its grasp. Normally, she would have seen the darkness of the well shattered as blue purple galaxies of light exploded around both her and Sess as they fell through time. But the next few moments held nothing but terror for her.

She stared into dark burning eyes. Eyes so filled with unquenchable hate and the promise of searing agony that they couldn't be human.

"I would love to spend the time raping you endlessly and savoring the taste your tears on my tongue, but I can't afford the time right now. I have other things to attend to, that doesn't mean though, that I'm going to let you live."

Kagome felt claws of agony rend her stomach as his blade bit into her abdomen and burst out of her back. He with drew the blade, relishing the sounds she made as he twisted it.

"Die slowly."

Darkness filled Kagome's vision and she felt strong arms around her holding her gently. A drum was beating furiously nearby trying to draw her back to reality. In the distance, someone was calling her name, but Kagome only barely perceived it, everything was in a smothering fog and she felt like she was blindly groping through it.

Sess's heart was pounding like a jackhammer and he could feel his demon blood burning in his veins trying desperately to locate whatever threat was present and tear it to pieces. KAGOME!!!KAGOME!!! WAKE UP!!

Sess was terrified and enraged by whatever was affecting Kagome. One moment, she was snuggled in his arms leaving the future, the next they were in the past and she was unresponsive with eyes rolling up into her head and shaking uncontrollably in his arms. Her mouth opened, and for a moment he thought everything was going to be fine, but then a tortured scream pierced the air sending his heart into overdrive. Then an eerie stillness swept over her and she went limp in his arms.

Leaping up from the ancient well, he sliced through the forest around them, and headed toward Kaede's village in a blur of silver.

A moment later, the towering Demon Lord stood in Kaede's doorway with Kagome clutched protectively in his arms. Walking over to the bed, he gently placed her down and then turned to the older miko with eyes that burned like twin stars. "Help her."

Kaede looked at Kagome for a moment in puzzlement. No outward markings gave sign of her injury yet clearly something was wrong with her. "Sess, go draw some water while I examine her."

Kaede took a calming breath and moved closer to Kagome, relaxing her mind, she let her perceptions of the physical world fall away allowing her to see the glow of Kagome's life force. The pinkish aura that surrounded the girl was stable throughout except for a light blue whirlpool centered above her brow. The slowly swirling funnel of the vortex was twisting deeply into the brow, penetrating the mind's eye with its tail. Kaede silently berated herself as realization struck her. No wonder, I should have known from the start. Kaede shifted her perceptions back to the physical world as she felt an immensely powerful presence waiting behind her.

"Sess, I believe I know what ails Kagome, but it would help if I heard what happened before you arrived." Kaede reached under the bed and drew out a chest with wash cloths in it while waiting to hear Sess's version of events.

Sess hesitated, "I wish I knew did happen. She was fine on our side of the well. But when we emerged on this side, her eyes had rolled up into her head and she was trembling. Then she screamed as if in pain."

Kaede was silent for a moment before wetting a cloth in water Sess had supplied and placing it on the young girls brow. "Kagome has been training hard for sometime now to better master her abilities. She was powerful before even untrained, now that she has the Shikon no Tama in her once more and has been training earnestly her powers have become phenomenal. It has happened before that Kikyou and other priestesses have glimpsed the future. Sometimes the visions they received were strong enough to overwhelm them and cause them to pass out. My guess is that Kagome was struck by such a powerful premonition that she was rendered unconscious."

Sess felt his like a weight had been lifted from his heart upon hearing that she was not being cursed or something. His relief while was dimmed however as something occurred to him. "When she screamed, it was like she was being torn in half. Whatever she saw was more than just a vision, it was a nightmare." Sess looked longingly at Kagome. He had thought that he could devote all his time to loving her in peaceful tranquility. That the world would leave them to the paradise they found in each others' arms. That future, that dream, that hope, was as clear to him as crystal. And just like all hope and dreams it shattered just as easily under the remorseless hammer of reality. The truth of tomorrow was obvious, it would be a world of pain. No matter how painful it is, I will shield Kagome from it. Sess turned to Kaede, "Is all we can do then wait?"

Kaede nodded sagely "Precisely."

Two hours later, and Sess was still patiently waiting for Kagome to wake up. He had ordered Jaken to summon Ah-Un and strategically placed the beast in front of the door to Kaede's hut, keeping out the Miroku Sango and all the others whose annoying questions and hysterics would be anything but useful. The resulting atmosphere of calm and silence was invaluable. Sess managed to smile some as he recalled how the Sango had threatened to force the dragon out of the way if everyone granted entrance, but one tremor inducing slam of the beast's tail had been sufficient persuasion to leave well enough alone.

"Sess," Kagome whispered as she tried to raise herself on her elbows. In an instant, he was beside her, supporting her and holding on to her as though she would be ripped away at any second.

Kaede maintained her distance but asked what needed to be asked. "What did you see Kagome? You had a vision of the future, try to remember what you saw."

Kagome looked up with an expression of terrifying emptiness. "I saw my death."