InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A simple question ❯ The Past Returns ( Chapter 12 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
S.S08: Hey, sry I took so long. I've been busy and I really didn't want to update this story but, here goes
Inuyasha and Mirou eventually found him. Derek was found in the snow with firewood all around him. Miroku picked him up and headed back to the hut. Once there Sango went balistic, she was so worried about her son. Inuyasha was busy tring to stop the fighting between Inuyasha and Kyria. Kagome was doing somwthing by the window. Derek finally warmed up and Sango calmed down a bit.
"Hey, something is outside" said Kagome. Inuyasha sniffed the air and nodded
"Smells like...Naraku" said Inuyasha. They looked at Miroku and Sango who looked confused
"I thought Naraku was dead. Miroku's wind tunnel is gone, remember?" Sango said looking at Miroku's hand
"Yeah, but you can't mistaken that sent. It's Naraku, definatly" said Inuyasha
They all went outside to see what was happening. The snow was melted, the sun was out, and Inuyasha could smell Naraku's sent all over the place. Inuyasha turned around
"Protect your sister! and-" Inuyasha was cut of by Kagome who put a protective sheild over the sleeping Derek. That sheild she used only worked when the person was asleep so it was the perfect time to use it.
"Thanks" Sango said smiling
"Anytime" Kagome responded
"Ok, Inuyasha protect your sister and Shippo, we'll ask for your help when we need it. Other than that protect all 3 of them!" Inuyasha said poiting inside the hut
"Got it" Shippo said and ran inside the house
Kagome had the whole jewel together again. She held on to it. Sango had already gotten her boomerang, Kagome had her arrows, Miroku had spells, and Inuyasha was ready to pull out Tesusaiga
"Come out Naraku, I can sense you!" Sango shouted. Kagome narrowed her eyes and drew her arrow, she aimed at the far left
"I can sense your there Naraku!" Kagome shouted. She closed her eyes and then they shot open. She out her arrow back
"What are you doing?" Miroku asked her.
"Thats not Naraku" said Sango. Inuyasha looked back at her
"Ofcourse it is, I can smell him!"
''Thats not what she meant. It's Naraku's spirit not him in flesh" Kagome answered
"What do you mean?" asked Miroku. Kagome looked at him, ashe drew her arrow once more and aimed to the fornt. She shot the arrow and it hit a tree in the entrence of the forest
"Why did you do that!? There's nothing there!" shouted Inuyasha.
Just watch" Kagome said a little aggrivated. The wind circled the arrow, a blue lighted arrow passed Sango's cheek and hit the ne next to Kagome's. Kagome's eyes windened
Thats not what I was expecting! Watch out!" Kagome shouted to everybody. They looked back to see Kikyo holding the another arrow, she aimed straight at the tree and shot. As soon as that arrow was sho the wind surrounded it, the light was right blue and red, The Sacred Jewel glowed bright purple. Fog came over everything, they all were together. Then, Miroku's air void shot out of hi hand again swallowing the fog. Another air void came from the hut, breaking Kagome's shield. Shippo used fox fire to prevent from being swallowed. Miroku covered his hand again as Sango covered Derek's hand. Naraku's voice as heard all over, in a flash the jewel was out of Kagome's neck. A bright light glowed firce and passed right through Kagome and broke Shippo's fox fire which was actually was strong now. Inuyasha went over to Kagome as fast as he could. Kagome got up and she was bleeding pretty badly from her side. He picked her up and took off before Kagome stopped him
"Whats wrong?" he asked. Kagome didn't answer, she pushed him away sent him flying with her miko powers. Inuyasha stood up and everybody else was shocked. Kagome's jewel glowed bright red and her eyes did too. She stepped foward and drew her bow and aimed at Inuyasha. Inuyasha came closer but, she drew him away
"I'm sorry" were Kagome's last words before she shot the arrow.....2 words were heard but, that didn't stop the arrow