InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Sorrow Filled Love ❯ Golden Eyes ( Chapter 6 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: Hey guys just like I promised I'm updating again because I know I won't have time to do it tomorrow or Friday because I have practice after school and a lot of homework as always.
Anyway enough about my personal life lets just get on with the chapter.
Disclaimer: I don't and sadly will never own Inuyasha.
Warning: Some pretty heavy Lime a little more then kissing in this chapter but not as far as a lemon so don't worry.
Chapter 6: Golden Eyes (Revised)
Sango turned her face to the sky, letting the silver glow of the moon wash over her.
`What do I say? Why do I keep slipping up… do I really care for Inuyasha other then as a respected fighting companion?'
Sango could feel the hanyou's eyes boring into her back, and after a while she couldn't take it anymore.
She whirled around to face him. “Why do you keep looking at me?!" She said a little harsher then she meant to.
Inuyasha pulled back in surprise.
He could feel a slow blush crawling up to his cheeks at being caught staring.
“Feh! I wasn't looking.” He denied.
Sango turned her face slightly to watch Inuyasha out of the corner of her eye.
“What now?” he huffed.
“Why did you kiss me?” Sango gulped nervously waiting for his answer.
Inuyasha's head shot up and his eyes widened in surprise.
Inuyasha's brows furrowed in deep thought. They both fell silent for a while. Sango's body tensing up every second that went by without his answer.
Finally Inuyasha broke the silence.
“I don't know Sango… I've been asking myself that same question these past months since you left and I still haven't come up with an answer to it.” Inuyasha said gently.
Sango sighed, that wasn't the answer that she had wanted.
She got up and silently walked over to a nearby tree. She looked up into the branches for a minute and then jumped up to the first branch with grace. She quickly made her way to one of the higher branches and settled herself in.
Inuyasha looked up at the lounging exterminator in surprise and awe.
`How is it that she passed out a minute ago and now she is fine?'
Inuyasha thought, suspicion starting to rise in him.
“Sango how did you get that wound?” He called up to her.
Sango turned from him.
“It's the wound I got from Kohaku in my final battle with him.” She whispered almost too low for Inuyasha to hear.
“What!? That was three months ago! It should have been healed by now!”
“Please drop it; I don't want to talk about it.” She snapped. Once again silence fell over the clearing.
“Well, are you going to come up or what?” Sango asked after a while.
Inuyasha jumped slightly at the sudden break in the thick fog of silence between them, but also got up and quietly jumped to a branch next to her own.
Once again a thick silence settled between the two, no one knowing what to say to the other.
“You know…when I left I told myself it was because I needed some time to myself…but I don't think that was the reason.” Sango said breaking the silence again.
Inuyasha turned to look at her, his golden orbs steadily gazing at her upturned face.
“I think it was because I was afraid of these feelings you stirred in me.” Sango stopped again and finally turned to face him, her ginger eyes looking him straight in the eye.
“I think I needed to get away from you because these feelings you cause me to feel, made me feel weak and like a worthless women…you know I spent my whole life trying avoid being weak like men expected me to be…that's the main reason why I became an exterminator.” She trailed off.
Inuyasha lowered his gaze to the forest floor beneath.
“Sango…why are you telling me this?” he asked.
Sango turned again, her fingers drifting to her lips again, her eyes unseeing.
“Because I feel I need to explain my actions to you… I could see the pain and hurt I caused you…and I don't ever want to see that in your eyes again…I felt responsible, that is why I don't want to have these feelings for you…because either way I'm hurting a person I care about…”
Inuyasha's eyes flickered when Kagome's smiling face flashed in his mind. Inuyasha got up suddenly and jumped to the branch Sango was perched on. Taking her by the shoulders, he pulled her into a tight embrace.
“Sango…please don't feel responsible for the things you can't control…I couldn't get you out of my mind when you where gone, I can't stand to go through that again.” Inuyasha whispered into her ear.
Sango felt a shiver run down her spine when she felt his breath whisper over her sensitive ear.
Feeling her shiver Inuyasha pulled her closer to him and leaned back against the tree again, Sango still in his arms.
Sango could feel his warm breathe brush over the back of her neck, she could feel the soft thudding of his heartbeat, the heat radiating off his body.
She suddenly started to feel hot, hotter then she had ever felt. A warm liquid feeling began to pool in the pit of her stomach and she could feel her face become hot and red.
`What is this? I have never felt this way before… I feel so sensitive everywhere.' Sango thought, bewildered.
Inuyasha drew in a deep breath and his breath hitched when a sweet scent came to his sensitive nose. It smelt of chamomile, wild flowers, and a musky smell that tickled his nose.
He leaned in closer and took another deep breath, the sweet scent getting stronger.
`Is this smell coming from Sango?'
Inuyasha buried his face into the crook of her neck and breathed in once again, and almost toppled over when the wonderful smell came full blast into his nostrils. He could feel his manhood slowly awakening from its dormant state.
Inuyasha shifted uncomfortably trying as hard as he could to prevent Sango from feeling the source of his discomfort.
Sango's eyes widened and she stiffened slightly when she felt Inuyasha bury his face in her neck.
`What is he doing?'
Sango could feel the liquid feeling coming stronger and she could feel herself getting even more flushed.
`What's happening to me?'
Sango suddenly felt something hard against her lower back and she shifted her weight slightly to rub against it to see what it was. She jumped in surprise when she heard Inuyasha growl loudly behind her. She turned her head and saw Inuyasha's eyes closed and his face alive with pleasure.
Sango rubbed against the hard thing jabbing her in the back again and, when Inuyasha groaned softly she started to scoot away from him, not wanting to cause anymore of a reaction from him. But just as she was scooting away from him, Inuyasha grabbed her around the waist and spun her around. His eyes were glazed over in lust turning them deep amber.
Sango was trying to abate her own growing passion but was futile in her attempts. Inuyasha slowly moved closer to her and finally his lips softly brushed against hers. He pulled away and looked at her, when she nodded her head telling him it was okay, he again leaned into her and pressed his lips fully against hers. She could feel the two bumps of his two fangs and she again had a sudden urge to slide her tongue over them. She opened her mouth slightly and lightly touched her tongue to his lips asking for something she didn't understand. He opened his mouth and her tongue slipped in, sliding against his sharp fang. Then he slid his rough tongue against hers, causing her to gasp.
Sango could feel herself start to rub restlessly against him, Inuyasha growled in response.
His clawed hands traveled to her backside and slightly pulled her closer, giving her no choice but to straddle him. Sango could feel the bulge of Inuyasha's manhood rubbing against the inside of her thigh, and she could feel her womanhood start to get wet.
“Inuyasha what's happening to me?” Sango panted between Inuyasha's feverish kisses.
“Don't worry I wont hurt you…” Inuyasha growled out.
Sango moved closer to him, she could feel his clawed hand slide up her soft thighs and slide under her kimono, pushing it up as he went.
Sparks of pleasure coursed through her veins when Inuyasha rubbed against her exposed womanhood.
“Hmmmmmm… Inuyasha…” Sango moaned.
Then suddenly Inuyasha and Sango were yanked back to reality when they heard a gasp come from below them. Sango quickly peered down and let out her own gasp when she saw Kagome standing there looking up at them, her chestnut brown eyes over flowing with tears, her pain plainly evident.
“ K…Kagome?” Sango stuttered.
But before she could say anything else, Kagome turned and ran back into the trees, never looking back.
Thanks to my reviewers:
Ana: Thanks I'm really happy I've influenced you into joining the Inu/Sango fan club… I myself joined a week before I started to write this fic.
Gokuhuyrruha: thank you for the review and I'm glad you like my story so much.
Phat-lady: I'm so flattered. I'm glad you like it so much and I hope you keep reading.
Z.A.G: lol okay I guess you have a point about Kagome but I still think Shippou is adorable.
Big VEE: thanks for the review and about the whole kissing thing well he didn't mean to do it but it just sort of happened you know the spur of the moment thing.
Alex: thanks for the review and also I've done that plenty of time trust me, but yea I kind of think Sango and Inuyasha is a better couple even though I'm content with the Kagome Inuyasha pairing. And I'm probably going to write a Sango Miroku fic next I don't know I just don't like doing the boring same pairings.
Shinna: thanks for reviewing and I'm really glad you like my fic and I hope you keep reading.
Æ: thanks for reviewing your 1 of only 2 to review on MM and that kind of makes me sad but oh well.
Sammy: okay I'm going to be nice considering the fact that you did flame this fic, but in response for your calling me low, I think that if you really don't like this pairing so much then why did you bother reading it also I don't appreciate being called a dumb ass, but like I said I'm nice to all the people who took time to review no matter how mean they are. Other then that please just don't read fics that don't have your favorite pairing.
Punk: thanks for reviewing I'm glad you like it so much and I hope you keep reading.
Naru Narusegawa: Thanks so much for the complement it really makes me want to write more lol. Also ill put warning in the beginning of each chapter so you'll know when the really lemon stuff comes. And ill try to get an edited version of the chapter written up when it does come for all my fans that don't like that kind of thing.
Sango: thanks for reviewing and I feel honored that my fic is the fist Inu/Sango pairing fic you have read. I hope you get to like the pairing and I hope you keep reading.
A/N: Okay that's it for now thanks to all my reviewers once again for the reviews and I will be updating again Sunday, which is the only free day, I have to write the next chapter. Also I was planning to put a lemon here in this chapter but I decided to put Kagome in somewhere because of advise a fan gave me. But I think this chapter worked out pretty good. See Ya!