InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Stolen Kiss on Sesame Street ❯ A Stolen Kiss on Sesame Street ( Chapter 1 )

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Stolen Kisses on Sesame Street

By Majicman55

“Mama,” whined the miko. “Do I have to?”

“Now, dear. Your brother has been looking forward to this for a very long time.” Mama Higurashi smiled at her time-traveling daughter. She knew her oldest child was a responsible girl, but sometimes she got too caught up in hunting jewel shards. It was bad enough that she was behind in school. Mama wasn't going to allow her to neglect family responsibilities as well.

“But he's too old! Didn't he outgrow Sesame Street a couple of years ago?” The young miko frowned. “I think he's into that anime crap and fighting games now, isn't he?”

“But it was always his favorite, and this is the first time Sesame Street Live will play in Japan.” Mama reached into her purse and pulled out a small envelope, which she handed to her daughter. “Besides, I've already purchased the tickets.”

“Ji-chan can take him.”

“Your ji-chan doesn't wish to be surrounded by a crowd of screaming children,” answered Mama. “Besides, you've been neglecting your family. Souta might forget his big sister if you don't spend at least a little time with him.”

The miko grumbled, but knew her mother was right. While it wasn't really likely that Souta would forget his time-traveling, youkai-fighting sister and InuYasha, he might start feeling left out if she didn't make some time for him. But how would she explain it to InuYasha?


“Whaddya mean you have to go back again tonight?” The hanyou squinted at Kagome, barely able to restrain his frustration.

“I promised Mama.” This wasn't going as well as she hoped, even after attempting to mollify the bellicose hanyou with an extra serving of ramen. His favorite kind, too.

“You gotta be kidding me,” growled InuYasha.

“Now, now, InuYasha,” said Miroku. “If it's a matter of family honor…”

Kagome blushed and looked down at her feet. She could hardly describe taking her younger brother to a kiddie show as family honor. But still, Mama was right that it was important.

“You should let her go.”

All eyes turned to Sango. The taijiya locked eyes with InuYasha. “You should allow her to spend some time with her little brother. One never knows…”

Even the hanyou lost his glare after that. “Keh. Fine.” But he still had his pride and determination. “I'm goin' with her.”

There was an audible “gulp” from the miko.

InuYasha's gaze snapped to Kagome and he resumed being gruff. “No funny stuff. You're comin' back with me as soon as we take your brother home!”


It worried Kagome a little that InuYasha would not be able to bring Tetsusaiga with him to the show. Not that walking in with that distinctive katana wouldn't cause its own problems, but it was also the seal that kept his youkai blood in check. Kagome sighed. At least there wouldn't be any youkai around to fight.

Kagome had almost hoped that her mother wouldn't be able to get another ticket at the last moment, but she had and the miko had resigned herself to her fate. On the other hand, even if they were taking Souta to a kiddie show, it was sort of like a date.

She flushed at that. She certainly wasn't going to tell InuYasha her feelings. After all, he was still hung up on Kikyou. But, if only for one night, she could pretend.

“Hold still, InuYasha.”

Kagome looked over to where Mama was putting the finishing touches on InuYasha's outfit. She and Mama had rushed out and purchased some jeans for the hanyou, a simple polo shirt and sandals. Kagome knew he just wouldn't wear shoes.

She blushed as she remembered when her mother had asked if InuYasha would prefer boxers or briefs…as wearing a fundoshi under jeans would be awkward. When she realized that she had unconsciously picked out tight-fitting jeans for InuYasha, she had blushed in the store.

Mama couldn't help noticing, but just smiled. “It's alright, dear. I used to pick out tight jeans for your father. He had a wonderful…I mean, he looked good in them.”

Kagome's head had snapped up and she had stared at her mother. Mama thought that way?

The miko returned from her reverie in time to see Mama fitting a concealing cap on InuYasha's head. The hanyou was facing Kagome's mother, which meant his…backside…in the tight jeans…was facing the miko.

“Close your mouth, dear,” Mama commented over InuYasha's shoulder. “People will think you're a little slow.” When the hanyou turned to look over his shoulder at Kagome, Mama took the opportunity to wink at her daughter.

Kagome had managed to close her mouth in time, but couldn't avoid blushing a little.

“Oi. What's the matter, Kagome? Ain't I wearing this stuff right?”

That made her blush even more. “W-we've got to get going.” Kagome raced past the hanyou to the bottom of the stairs and called her brother, who dutifully trundled down the steps.

“Are we ready?” Souta looked a tiny bit sheepish. He knew he was a year or two old for this, but he still wanted to go. At least InuYasha was going with them. Whatever else happened (like the potential embarrassment of running into one of his classmates), that alone made this night cool.

“We're ready.” Kagome looked from her brother to the hanyou. “Right, InuYasha?”


Miko and hanyou, together with their charge, proceeded out the door and down the steps on their way to the local train station. Mama and her ji-chan watched as the two departed.

“First date,” sighed Mama.

“Eh? What was that?” said Kagome's ji-chan.

“Oh, nothing.” Mama smiled. “I was just wondering if Kagome realized this was her first date.”

“Hmmpf,” answered the old priest. “At least I didn't have to go.”


Kagome was relieved when they finally got to the arena. There had been a few curious glances from their fellow passengers and more than one “What are you looking ats?” from InuYasha, but they had made it to the show without a major incident.

There was almost an incident when they got to the ticket-taker in front of their turnstile. While Kagome fumbled for the tickets, the impatient hanyou (who didn't really like being pushed along by a crowd) had suddenly picked up Souta and jumped over the barrier.

Kagome managed to find the lost tickets and pressed them into the startled official's hand. “He's just a little impetuous,” she burbled, followed by a nervous laugh. Before the ticket taker could respond, she pressed ahead to join InuYasha and Souta.

Hopefully, the people around them would rationalize what they had just seen and would forget all about them…so long as they could blend into the rest of the crowd quickly enough. “Hurry up, InuYasha. We have to find our seats.”


The hanyou looked annoyed, but not dangerously so. Kagome knew he always got defensive when he was afraid he had done something wrong. Anyway, it looked like they had gotten away with it when…


The miko turned towards a familiar voice and her shoulders drooped when her eyes confirmed that it was, indeed, Ayumi…along with Ayumi's little sister.

“So you got roped into it, too, huh?”

“Uhh, yeah.” The young miko beamed at her classmate, who cringed.

`”Errg. Don't give me that phony smile, Kagome,” said Ayumi. “I know you better than that. What's going on here?”

“It would have to be the smart one,” thought Kagome. “Oh, nothing. I just had to take Souta to see the show.”

“Oi! Kagome!”

Ayumi's eyes got big and she turned around to see InuYasha walking up with Kagome's younger brother under one arm. “Him!”

“What are you doing, InuYasha?” asked Kagome, momentarily forgetting Ayumi.

“He was trying to go out where the show is.” Souta looked embarrassed, but didn't struggle a whole lot. InuYasha was his hero, after all.

“Well, put him down.” Kagome reached into her purse and pulled out a small camera her mother had bought. “The kids are allowed to have their pictures taken with the characters before the show.”

Ayumi shrugged as she got out her own camera. If Kagome was fine with this, she was too. Besides, she was supposed to get pictures of her little sister. “Tell you what, Kagome. You take some pictures of me with my sister and I'll take some pictures of you and your brother and InuYasha.” Suddenly, Ayumi looked sideways at Kagome. “Does Hojo know about this?”

“Huh? Hojo?”

Ayumi spoke softly. “Does Hojo know you're two-timing him by dating this guy?”

Kagome finally realized what Ayumi meant. “N-no, it's nothing like that. I'm not going with Hojo! We're not dating!”

“So you're on a date with InuYasha.”

Kagome glanced over to see that Ayumi's sister was busy with InuYasha and Souta; then dragged her school friend aside. “It's not that! I got stuck bringing Souta to the show and InuYasha volunteered to help out.” She couldn't very well tell Ayumi that InuYasha was there only to make sure that she got back to shard-hunting as soon as possible.

Ayumi leaned closer to Kagome. “Sounds like a nice guy. Maybe he's a keeper.”

Ayumi laughed when she saw how red her friend was turning; then grabbed her sister's arm. “Our seats are over there. Maybe we'll meet after the show?”


Ayumi sidled up to the hanyou and elbowed him in the side. “Want some alone time, huh? Can't say I blame you. Kagome's a real catch.”


Kagome sighed at the puzzled look on the hanyou's face. “Come on. We'd better find our seats, too, InuYasha.” Kagome grabbed her brother's hand so they wouldn't be separated and the three started walking where the miko directed them.


“Yes, InuYasha?”

“What's a date?”


InuYasha must have wondered why Kagome wouldn't look at him the whole time it took them to find their seats, but the miko didn't want him to see her face that time, period. Her cheeks were still burning as they reached their place. Mama had gone all out. They had front row seats. Souta would almost be able to reach out and touch the characters.

She thought about how happy that would make him. Anything to avoid thinking about how she and InuYasha were on an actual date, no matter how innocent it might be.

“Oi, Kagome. You never answered me. What's this date thing? Is that like your eggs-hams?”

“Why did he have to have a mind like a steel trap?” Kagome sighed and answered without thinking. “A date is when a boy and girl go out together to see if they get along well with each other and want to stay together and might even want to think about getting married. Alright, InuYasha?” She crossed her arms and sat rigidly in her seat. “Now, watch the show!”

“And we're on this date thing?”

Fortunately for Kagome, the audience lights dimmed and the show's music began blaring at that exact moment.


Several numbers later, all of which InuYasha sat stoically through, it was time for intermission. Before going to the show, the miko had explained patiently that the characters were not youkai of any kind, but merely ningen in costumes. She wanted to avoid any misunderstandings.

But it was not this that kept the hanyou subdued. It was the thought that he was on one of those “date” things…with Kagome. He was still deep in thought when Kagome's little brother, Souta, tugged on his sleeve.

“Gotta go.”

InuYasha glanced down at the boy, who was now holding a large but empty soda cup.

“Come on,” said Kagome, reaching for her brother's hand.

Souta drew back. “InuYasha will take me.”

“M-me, brat?”

“It's embarrassing, having your sister take you.”

Before Kagome could say anything, and much to her horror, Souta grabbed the hanyou's hand and bolted for the restrooms, joining into the surging crowd. There was no help for it. She'd have to remain where she was, nervously hoping for the miracle that InuYasha would not create havoc.


It was finally their turn. Souta had managed to get both of them to the nearest restroom and the line had allowed them to go in. Souta rushed for a stall that happened to come open.

InuYasha looked around. The strong smells rather bothered him, but no more than the strong, flowery scent someone thought would cover them up.

He fought back a sneeze.

He was familiar with what Kagome called a toilet. She had taught him how to use that after his first trip to her time. But what were those things along the wall? Men and boys were doing their business in them, so the hanyou figured that they must serve the same purpose as one of those toilet things.

Unfortunately, although it was inevitable after all, one of the men chose that moment to finish and step back from his position at the urinal. The built-in electric eye reacted and there was a sudden rushing sound.

InuYasha did not do well with sudden rushing sounds.

“Iron reaver soul stealer!”

From inside his stall, Souta heard a crash, followed by the sounds of yelling and spraying water.

Fortunately, living with a sister like his had made him keenly aware of the need for secrecy. He hurriedly finished his business, zipped up and rushed out to get InuYasha.

Everyone was rushing around, trying to get out. The hanyou was glaring at the wall where a now severely-damaged urinal sprayed water over anything near it. The little boy gulped, but managed to grab InuYasha's hand and lead him away before security arrived. Just barely, though. The two had to duck into an alcove to avoid the running men.

It was the entranceway to the ladies' restrooms.

Ayumi was standing there, just letting her younger sister go in while she remained outside.


Even Souta realized this wasn't good. He was watching the activity around the men's room as security was joined by men with mops and buckets. At least there was no catastrophic reaction. Apparently, they had decided that somehow the plumbing had let go…and that was the problem.

But now InuYasha had been cornered by Ayumi. Souta didn't know if he should stay or go find his big sister. He opted for finding Kagome, knowing that she would be much better at extricating his idol from this difficult position.


InuYasha shuffled in place. Where had that brat brother of Kagome's gone, anyway? He knew that this could get him in serious trouble.

“So you and Kagome are on a date, huh?”

It would be rude not to reply. “Keh.”

“Got stuck with the little brother, huh?” Ayumi wasn't normally sly, but this guy seemed to be really shy and she couldn't resist having a little fun. She sighed to get his attention. “It's going to be tough, getting a goodnight kiss.”


“I remember my first date. It was a movie date. My parents stuck me with my little sister and we all had to go see a kids' movie.” She frowned. “Not very romantic.” Ayumi brightened. “Are you going to kiss her?”

InuYasha didn't say anything, but just stared at Kagome's school friend.

“You have to kiss her. She'll be disappointed if you don't.”

If a hanyou could hyperventilate, Inuyahsa was about to. “K-kiss her?” He was panicking. Sure, he really liked Kagome, but he owed Kikyou. It wouldn't be right to kiss Kagome.

A part of him wondered why he had such a strong reaction to the idea.

“This is fun,” thought Ayumi. She would never do anything really evil, but this was just too much fun. She wondered how far she could go with it. “You know she'll be teased about it mercilessly if you don't.”

“Huh?” InuYasha bristled at the thought of Kagome enduring a hard time because of him.

“To go on your first date and not get a goodnight kiss.” Ayumi looked InuYasha in his golden(?) eyes. “It would be a great shame for her.” Kagome's friend looked away. For a moment, looking into those eyes, she had been jealous of Kagome. She shrugged it off as she noticed her little sister emerging from the ladies' room.

“Just you be sure to give her a big kiss!”

InuYasha watched as the two retreated. He almost didn't notice when Souta showed up with Kagome to fetch him back to their seats.


The show was almost over. Despite the “I can't believe I went to this” factor, both Kagome and InuYasha had found themselves enjoying the program. InuYasha had even pointed out a superficial resemblance between Kermit and Jaken, which made Kagome chuckle, too.

“I think Kermit would make a better youkai, though,” she had mused.

Even the hanyou laughed at that.

But it was finally time to go home. The three walked outside and only had to wait a minute before Mama pulled in to pick them up, Souta getting in the front and Kagome and InuYasha getting in the back.

“How was the show, dear?” Mama asked Souta.

After the boy talked about how much fun he had, including the part where InuYasha blew apart one of the urinals, a slightly shaken Mama Higurashi asked Kagome and InuYasha if they had a good time on their “date.”

Even in the dark of the back seat, InuYasha's hanyou eyesight could tell that Kagome was blushing. So they were on a date. And Kagome was going to be embarrassed because he hadn't kissed her!

He was glad Kagome did not have eyesight like his. He wouldn't have wanted her to see how red he was turning. But he stiffened his resolve. He would not have Kagome suffering the teasing by her classmates because of him!


The miko turned towards the hanyou, distracted by here mother's question. “Yes, InuYasha?”

She leaned in close, just in case InuYasha was going to complain…

…and got kissed.

…and returned it, without thinking.


The two broke the kiss and both turned towards the front seat, seeing only Mama's smiling eyes in the rear view mirror.

They looked away in embarrassment and then looked away from each other, both blushing and neither able to stop smiling.

They didn't kiss again, but did hold hands the whole way home.