InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Tale about a Tail ❯ Shippo the scientist ( Chapter 1 )
Disclaimer: I do not own inuyasha
Shippo the scientist
"Kaede?" said Shippo
"What are you making?"
"A mixture to ease a young man wounds" she replied "I must tend to his wounds now" with that the miko walked left.
`Let's experiment' Shippo thought grinning evilly
Luckily Kaede left a lot of her herbs and special waters out. Keade also forgot to extinguish the fire in her hurry.
`Kaede always always does this, there's nothing to it' thought Shippo.
`Okay, you get a bowl first, then you mix some spices'
Shippo picked up Kaede dark brown bowl.
"Okay let's add….."
So Shippo started to mix. He first added some light blue powder then pounced on some green water. He then added a touch of fine red paste.
"Now for the final ingreadiant" smiled Shippo
He dropped in a sickly glowing purple paste.
A vile smelling cloud rose, chocking his senses as he tumbled across the ground. He hit the corner of something.
"Owwww" he cried.
The object was some sort of box. It was a smooth dark brown. It seemed to be made out of wood. The cover overlapped the front for easy opening. It also had a skull on the front.
"Don't know what the skull for, oh well, it can't hurt to take a peek can it?" said the kitsune thoughtfully.
So he swuang the wooden lid to reveal more powders and waters with an battered scroll on top.
He stared intently at the scroll.
"I will ask Kagome to read it to me later" said Shippo as he threw the scroll over his shoulder.
There was a lot of strange herbs and powders in there.
`It won't hurt hurt to add a little more' thought Shippo.
With that he proceeded to add a few eerily glowing powders.
"I've never seen water this strange before, then again I have seen stranger things, like Inu-Yasha being nice" said shippo looking into bowl containing water that kept changing colors "might as well add it"
At last his potion was complete. Now a test subject…
He ran though the forest as fast as he can go without droping the liquid (which by now looked like elephant skin that kept changing shades)
He saw Inu-Yasha up a tree near the well as usual. Kagome was taking `tests' again.
He grinned.
"Inu-Yasha, Kaede said to drink this" called evil Shippo pointing to his cup.
Inu-Yasha jumped as graceful as a cat (since dogs can't) from the tree which he was perched in.
"What is it?" asked Inu-Yasha .He took the cup roughly from Shippo's hands and drank it. He paled
"Ack! What is this stuff?! It's horrible!" exclaimed the hanyou
"It is not! I made it myself" Shippo said hotly
`Opps! I said too munch' shippo panicked
But Inu-Yasha wasn't paying attention. He felt like growing a new limb. Actually he was growing a new limb!
"Ahhhh" `It hurts, it hurts so much' thought the hanyou. Then it was gone. All the pain disappeared.
`Ohh that kitsune is going to pay. Big time.'
With an undignified squeak, Shippo took off knowing it was useless.
Inu-Yasha tried to run after him but tripped.
`Huh, that never happened before' he looked behind and sow a ………….
Shippo ran for Kaede fearing Inu-Yasha. He soared into her arms with tears in his eyes.
"Help me! Inu-Yasha is after me again!"
Just then the hut burst open showing a very disgruntled hanyou, his eyes as slits.
"Inu-Yasha, did ye notice you acquired a tail?"
A/N: I have edited it . And I what to know of you think it's better or worse? Please review.
And thank you to erinlin and Aewi for reviewing my one-shots