InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Time to Heal ❯ The End of Day One ( Chapter 15 )
Disclaimer - Nope, not mine.
Chapter 15 - The End of Day One
Inuyasha and Kagome were watching TV when Riona came in. "Ok you two, time for dinner."
"Don't tell me you got Sesshoumaru to behave already," Inuyasha was amazed.
"Nope, he's not coming," Riona shrugged.
"What is he going to do while we're gone?" asked Kagome.
"He's going to sit and think about his attitude," Riona said unconcerned.
Kagome started laughing, "You gave the great Lord Sesshoumaru a time out."
"Now I didn't say that," Riona said with a slight smirk, realizing for the first time that was just what she had done.
"But that's what it equates to," Kagome countered trying to get her to admit to what she had done.
"True, but I didn't say it that way," Riona stated still smirking.
Inuyasha was watching the girls in confusion. "What's so funny?"
"A time out is a punishment used on children when they're bad," Kagome responded when Riona refused to.
"Ume, are you sure this is a good idea?" Inuyasha asked concerned.
"Who knows but it will keep him out of trouble while we're out." Riona sighed. "By the way, we need a quick listing of rules before we leave. Number one, Inuyasha you can call me Ume when we are in this suite, but outside of it you have to call me Riona or Rio. I really don't want to have to go into any explanations if you slip understand?" She waited until he nodded, then continued, "Number two, we will call each other by our given names and nothing else. No exceptions."
"I won't start anything if he doesn't." Inuyasha huffed.
"Just remember I can do the same to you as I can to him." Riona threatened.
"How did I know that would be your response?" Riona asked exasperated.
"You mean he has always said that?" Kagome asked.
"Yep, but anyways, I'm hungry, let's go." Riona said grabbing her jacket
"Where are we going?" Kagome was curious.
"We'll know when we get there," Riona responded opening the door.
"You don't know?" Inuyasha asked incredulously.
Riona only shrugged and walked out the door.
Some time later the trio reentered the room to a very pissed off taiyoukai.
"So, Sesshoumaru, have you learned anything yet?" Riona asked innocently.
"Wench…" was the growled response.
"Not yet apparently," Riona broke in before the Western lord could get a momentum going. "Inu-chan, Kagome, you two can have the bedroom, I'll take the couch."
"Are you sure? I mean it is your suite," Kagome asked.
"I don't mind. I've been falling asleep on the couch anyway," Riona responded while searching the remote.
"Well if you're sure…" Kagome was still uncertain.
"I'm sure. Now go to bed," Riona said pointing to the door for emphasis.
"Yes, `ka-san," Inuyasha piped in.
"Watch it pup. I will take you out if I have to." Riona practically growled.
"Come on Inuyasha, let's go to bed, you can pick fights tomorrow," Kagome said as she pulled him through the door. "Good night."
After the door closed Riona cast a silencing spell on the room the hanyou and miko had just entered.
"If you do not want to listen to them mating, then why allow them in the same room?" Sesshoumaru asked disgustedly.
"I'm not worried about being disturbed; I'm worried about doing the disturbing," Riona said simply while flipping through the channels.
"I do not see how we will be disturbing them as we will not be doing anything," stated the glaring taiyoukai.
"Please remove your mind from the gutter, Sesshou-kun," Riona said smirking slightly. "I simply meant we have always been a slightly volatile combination."
"Meaning that we either fought like… well if you excuse the expression, like cats and dogs, or we loved each other so feverishly that it seemed that nothing would tear us apart. I guess Lady Izayoi was wrong, too."
"Do not mention that ningen in my presence." Sesshoumaru growled.
"Why not?"
"She did not deserve to be his mate. She…" He started.
"You know this reminds me of when he brought her to the palace."
"And your point would be?"
"The point is we already had this conversation as pups so I'm not having it again," Riona stated turning back to the TV.
Sesshoumaru finally decided that discretion was the better part of valor and kept his mouth shut. Though he tried to deny it, he was fascinated with by the television. Watching from the corner of his eye as the scenes changed. Finally after several minutes, Riona turned it off.
"Sesshou-kun, up."
"Because I don't think the floor is very comfy to sleep on," Riona responded simply.
"There is only one of these," Sesshoumaru stated pointing at the couch.
"I know. I'll sleep in one of the chairs," She said neutrally.
"If you find this a suitable solution…" Sesshoumaru deadpanned.
"I do," Riona said as she turned off the lights, though she added to herself, `For now.'