InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Twist of Fate ❯ A Horrible Realization ( Epilogue )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Epilogue: A Horrible Realization
Here he sat, just outside the lords audience chamber; his mistress currently inside talking to her husband to be. Tetsusaiga had been returned prior to their departure, seeing as there was no need to keep the weapon away from him any longer. Simply put it was for her protection or so he was told was the reason, but that required her to trust that he was completely under her control. It had confused his at first how she could truly trust him; spells after all could be screwed up, submission could even be faked, or yet still under the right circumstances and for the right reasons reversed.
He managed to picked up bits of the conversation taking place in the next room; her description of their battle and the breaking of his will. His hand found the hilt of the sword seeking reassurance as he gave it a squeeze. Still, he had been ecstatic when he caught of his beloved weapon and that’s when it had truly hit him. He had nowhere else to go. Miroku was dead, killed before his very eyes. Kagome was in Naraku’s possession along with Shippo if the little Kitsune hadn’t been killed. On top of that not only was the cock ring placed on him permanent, but she had carried out the penalty just as she had proclaimed she was going to. Besides it was all but useless to her since she had no demonic powers needed to wield the blade properly.
He noticed the early part of the day has being glossed over so to speak. He didn’t hear any details about the bath he performed, nor did he hear anything about the rutting that took place afterwards. Eventually thought the conversation reached the point where they had left the bath chamber as Sango described what took place…
Once again they arrived back in the torture room as he was once more secured in chains in preparation. This time however it was with voluntary reluctance, instead of being bound against his will as he was given a piece of wood wrapped in leather to bite on. All that he had expected in some form or another, but he’d been surprised when asked if he wanted one last cum. He had agreed and she had sunk to her knees blade at the ready. Almost expertly she had brought him to the brink; her left hand stroking the hard flesh of his shaft and her mouth continuing to stimulate the glands at the head of his cock.
Her right hand wasn’t remaining idle, first taking hold of his sack, before forcing his balls to the bottom of his sack. She starting stretching his ball sack; first with light gentle tugs increasing in intensity and become more distinct the closer he came to his orgasm. He left hand pulled away causing him to look down locking eyes with hers, the sight of her lips wrapped around his cock pushed him over the edge as wet hot semen shot out. His last sight as an intact male was the wonderful site of his cum landing all over Sango’s face, her neck, even landing on the tops of her still naked breasts.
Almost instantaneously she went into action; the fingers of her right hand tightening as she pulled downwards, left hand bringing a blade up to the top of his stretch skin of his sack. The pain in his gut as his sack was pulled on and a flash of steal as the knife reflected the firelight was the only warning. Suddenly he felt the sharp stinging of pain as the edge of the sharp knife bite into his skin, his back arching forward as she pulled on his balls even harder as the pain only amplified his orgasm. The next moment he was lost in the all consuming orgasm, simply cumming harder and for longer than he ever thought possible.
Never feeling the blade as it the knife was pulled across the stretched skin in a swift but firm slicing action. Never feeling his balls separated from his body, coming loose in her hand. It wasn’t until he felt the touch of the red-hot iron that he finally flinched, his teeth sinking into the leather wrapped wood. The clean edges of the wound being seared by the glowing metal as the bleeding stopped.
“Now you have nothing left, I’ve taking your freedom, your voice and with it your free will, even your ability to ever procreate.” His ears were lowered in submission; licking at her chin the moment he was released, reaffirming that she was his alpha. She sighed as she allowed him to snuggle closer, accepting his submission. “Your solo remaining purpose in life is to serve me.” His balls were then unceremoniously tossed into the nearby fire like the discarded piece of thrash they now were. Both watched as they were consumed by the flames until nothing was left.
~*End Flashback*~
Three days had passed and there was still a small white scar on the underside of his cock. He had to wonder if it would ever go away, especially since he never scarred. On top of that his body was changing; he was mow noticeably weaker and gone was his endless stamina which hadn’t gone unnoticed by Sango. She had expected it and simply claimed it was another unfortunate but still permanent side effect of being neutered, and that he would most likely have to train daily. Not only while his body grew accustomed to the physical changes, but to just stay in shape.
Pulled from his thoughts, he stood and joined his mistress as summoned.
“My Lord, I present my body slave and pet, Inuyasha,” He took his queue entering with a bow before taking his place behind and to the right of his mistress.
“I’m curious, how far has his training progressed?” The young lord asked, becoming aroused at the thought of able to use the delectable looking boy.
“Thought his training has been short he has proven to be a quick learner,” recognizing the arousal in his voice she pressed on. “Perhaps my lord would like to try him out; though I must warn you beforehand that he hasn’t had any training in this particular area.”
“Yes, yes. I’m sure he’ll do fine. If you would like I can have a servant show you your chambers, your slave will join you as soon as you’re done.” She accepted his offer leaving to settle in. “Everyone else is dismissed.” They were left alone, the young lord standing in front of half demon. “Strip out of your cloths, then get on your knees.” He shivered slightly at the lord’s tone as he complied without thought, the bulge in the front of his face undeniable. “Well?” Realizing what was wanted; Inuyasha slowly untied the silk ties holding up the lords pants, allowing them to pull at the lord’s feet. Looking up he couldn’t help the uneasy feeling that settled in his gut; the sight of and smell of another aroused male this close wasn’t at all pleasant. Still, this was his life now and there wasn’t anything he could do about it.
Gently he took hold of his member with his left hand, slowly stoking up and down as it hardened. “Good, now add a little pressure and twist your hand as you roll the foreskin back and forth over the head…” The lord’s hips began flexing in time with his strokes, “…not quite so much pressure, yes…that’s it.” Carefully watching the lord face he adjusted his technique as needed. Still it wasn’t nearly enough to satisfy the young lord. “Now kiss the tip before running your tongue around the head and down the shaft.” Without pause he changed what he was doing as he planted a kiss on the head of the lord’s cock before letting his pink tongue out to lick around the glans as he rolled back the lord’s foreskin.
The taste was almost as bad as the smell, but maybe it was just him. After all Lords were known for bathing almost daily, let alone a couple of times a month like the average commoner. Still he had seen firsthand whores drop to their knees and orally pleasure the filthiest of bandits without compulsion for almost nothing, people who smelled so bad he could stand being forty or fifty feet downwind off.
Leaning closer he lifted the erection running his tongue down the underside of the shaft, bathing it with his saliva while continuing to work the loose skin with his hand at the same time. “Now play with my balls and nibble the foreskin.” Immediately he responded to the new instructions. Wrapping his left hand around the dangling sac he started slowly and gently rolling both balls. While simultaneously forcing the highly sensitive skin over the head of his cock as he gently chewed on his foreskin. “That’s it, fondle them harder.”
The young lord apparently liked it ruff not that Inuyasha cared one way or the other. He wanted this over and done with so he could join his mistress with his head buried between her legs. Even worse was that he couldn’t believe that the lord allowed his claws anywhere near his manhood, after all with a simple thought he could leave the man a eunuch and without an heir he wouldn’t be able to maintain control of his lands. Applying the slightest pressure the tip of a single claw was all it would take and his balls would be separated just like his had been. He mentally snorted at the stray thought, knowing it would never happen because he’d never do it. Sure he’d have no compulsion about dying for the crime since that would be the punishment but he couldn’t put the same fate on his mistress.
“Sango was right, you are a fast learner…now take me completely into your mouth.” Obediently he ran his tongue around the head before flattening it out as he sucked harshly on the erect member. The lord’s breathing speeding up as he sucked as much of the erection as he could into his mouth, wrapping his hand around what he could take in without gagging. “No No No! Don’t use your hands. I want my cock completely buried in your throat.” His head was gripped by a pair of strong hands forcing the cock deeper, a groan leaving the lord’s mouth as his cock finally slipped past the obstruction in the back of Inuyasha’s mouth and entering the hanyou’s throat. “Now keep doing it until I tell you to stop.” The lord set the pace and Inuyasha diligently tried to keep up after nearly panicking when he found out he couldn’t breathe with a cock shoved down his throat. Eventually he adjusted the foreign object being shoved in his mouth; the lord using a single hand placed between his ears as he set the pace he wanted, his own hands finding purchase as he kept his claws from digging into the supple flesh of the human lord’s thighs.
The sight of Inuyasha’s nose buried in the curls as his sac struck the half demon on the chin was something he never thought a possibility combined erotically with the feeling of his cock as it slid down the half-breed’s throat had almost caused him to damn near blow his load. His breathing becoming more and more labored as he neared his climax; still he somehow managed to hold himself back. After all he had one more surprise in store for the white haired demon. Who would have ever thought that the once powerful demon would be reduced to this, the neutered pet of a female demon slayer?
Forcefully, the lord pulled his cock from the warm confines of Inuyasha’s mouth, one of his large hands wrapping around his hardened flesh. “Look at me…keep your eyes open as you watch me cum.” Furiously the lord pumped his own shaft, a growl of pleasure tearing from his mouth as climaxed. At that exact moment he partially released his disguise, the scent instantly being realized by the dog at his feet.
‘It couldn’t be…,’ was Inuyasha’s only thoughts as he locked eyes with the villain. His vile cum spraying violently or his face and in his mouth as it hung open in shock. He couldn’t move, frozen in place as the lord’s eyes flashed red relieving all the milieus intent he planned to bestow upon his defeated foe. The lord forever burned the moment into his memory as he was desperately trying to catch his breath. Anything he had or ever would think up was but a mute point, all paling in comparison to this one simple act of degradation. “Clean me.” Such simple words said by the lord as he finally came down from his high. Wanting to savior the moment just that much more, he rubbed his still hard organ against the other demon’s lips.
Inuyasha complied without a moment’s hesitation, one name repeating over and over again in his head as he licked the spent cock clean, swallowing the cum gathered in his mouth as he had been trained to.
The End
Here he sat, just outside the lords audience chamber; his mistress currently inside talking to her husband to be. Tetsusaiga had been returned prior to their departure, seeing as there was no need to keep the weapon away from him any longer. Simply put it was for her protection or so he was told was the reason, but that required her to trust that he was completely under her control. It had confused his at first how she could truly trust him; spells after all could be screwed up, submission could even be faked, or yet still under the right circumstances and for the right reasons reversed.
He managed to picked up bits of the conversation taking place in the next room; her description of their battle and the breaking of his will. His hand found the hilt of the sword seeking reassurance as he gave it a squeeze. Still, he had been ecstatic when he caught of his beloved weapon and that’s when it had truly hit him. He had nowhere else to go. Miroku was dead, killed before his very eyes. Kagome was in Naraku’s possession along with Shippo if the little Kitsune hadn’t been killed. On top of that not only was the cock ring placed on him permanent, but she had carried out the penalty just as she had proclaimed she was going to. Besides it was all but useless to her since she had no demonic powers needed to wield the blade properly.
He noticed the early part of the day has being glossed over so to speak. He didn’t hear any details about the bath he performed, nor did he hear anything about the rutting that took place afterwards. Eventually thought the conversation reached the point where they had left the bath chamber as Sango described what took place…
Once again they arrived back in the torture room as he was once more secured in chains in preparation. This time however it was with voluntary reluctance, instead of being bound against his will as he was given a piece of wood wrapped in leather to bite on. All that he had expected in some form or another, but he’d been surprised when asked if he wanted one last cum. He had agreed and she had sunk to her knees blade at the ready. Almost expertly she had brought him to the brink; her left hand stroking the hard flesh of his shaft and her mouth continuing to stimulate the glands at the head of his cock.
Her right hand wasn’t remaining idle, first taking hold of his sack, before forcing his balls to the bottom of his sack. She starting stretching his ball sack; first with light gentle tugs increasing in intensity and become more distinct the closer he came to his orgasm. He left hand pulled away causing him to look down locking eyes with hers, the sight of her lips wrapped around his cock pushed him over the edge as wet hot semen shot out. His last sight as an intact male was the wonderful site of his cum landing all over Sango’s face, her neck, even landing on the tops of her still naked breasts.
Almost instantaneously she went into action; the fingers of her right hand tightening as she pulled downwards, left hand bringing a blade up to the top of his stretch skin of his sack. The pain in his gut as his sack was pulled on and a flash of steal as the knife reflected the firelight was the only warning. Suddenly he felt the sharp stinging of pain as the edge of the sharp knife bite into his skin, his back arching forward as she pulled on his balls even harder as the pain only amplified his orgasm. The next moment he was lost in the all consuming orgasm, simply cumming harder and for longer than he ever thought possible.
Never feeling the blade as it the knife was pulled across the stretched skin in a swift but firm slicing action. Never feeling his balls separated from his body, coming loose in her hand. It wasn’t until he felt the touch of the red-hot iron that he finally flinched, his teeth sinking into the leather wrapped wood. The clean edges of the wound being seared by the glowing metal as the bleeding stopped.
“Now you have nothing left, I’ve taking your freedom, your voice and with it your free will, even your ability to ever procreate.” His ears were lowered in submission; licking at her chin the moment he was released, reaffirming that she was his alpha. She sighed as she allowed him to snuggle closer, accepting his submission. “Your solo remaining purpose in life is to serve me.” His balls were then unceremoniously tossed into the nearby fire like the discarded piece of thrash they now were. Both watched as they were consumed by the flames until nothing was left.
~*End Flashback*~
Three days had passed and there was still a small white scar on the underside of his cock. He had to wonder if it would ever go away, especially since he never scarred. On top of that his body was changing; he was mow noticeably weaker and gone was his endless stamina which hadn’t gone unnoticed by Sango. She had expected it and simply claimed it was another unfortunate but still permanent side effect of being neutered, and that he would most likely have to train daily. Not only while his body grew accustomed to the physical changes, but to just stay in shape.
Pulled from his thoughts, he stood and joined his mistress as summoned.
“My Lord, I present my body slave and pet, Inuyasha,” He took his queue entering with a bow before taking his place behind and to the right of his mistress.
“I’m curious, how far has his training progressed?” The young lord asked, becoming aroused at the thought of able to use the delectable looking boy.
“Thought his training has been short he has proven to be a quick learner,” recognizing the arousal in his voice she pressed on. “Perhaps my lord would like to try him out; though I must warn you beforehand that he hasn’t had any training in this particular area.”
“Yes, yes. I’m sure he’ll do fine. If you would like I can have a servant show you your chambers, your slave will join you as soon as you’re done.” She accepted his offer leaving to settle in. “Everyone else is dismissed.” They were left alone, the young lord standing in front of half demon. “Strip out of your cloths, then get on your knees.” He shivered slightly at the lord’s tone as he complied without thought, the bulge in the front of his face undeniable. “Well?” Realizing what was wanted; Inuyasha slowly untied the silk ties holding up the lords pants, allowing them to pull at the lord’s feet. Looking up he couldn’t help the uneasy feeling that settled in his gut; the sight of and smell of another aroused male this close wasn’t at all pleasant. Still, this was his life now and there wasn’t anything he could do about it.
Gently he took hold of his member with his left hand, slowly stoking up and down as it hardened. “Good, now add a little pressure and twist your hand as you roll the foreskin back and forth over the head…” The lord’s hips began flexing in time with his strokes, “…not quite so much pressure, yes…that’s it.” Carefully watching the lord face he adjusted his technique as needed. Still it wasn’t nearly enough to satisfy the young lord. “Now kiss the tip before running your tongue around the head and down the shaft.” Without pause he changed what he was doing as he planted a kiss on the head of the lord’s cock before letting his pink tongue out to lick around the glans as he rolled back the lord’s foreskin.
The taste was almost as bad as the smell, but maybe it was just him. After all Lords were known for bathing almost daily, let alone a couple of times a month like the average commoner. Still he had seen firsthand whores drop to their knees and orally pleasure the filthiest of bandits without compulsion for almost nothing, people who smelled so bad he could stand being forty or fifty feet downwind off.
Leaning closer he lifted the erection running his tongue down the underside of the shaft, bathing it with his saliva while continuing to work the loose skin with his hand at the same time. “Now play with my balls and nibble the foreskin.” Immediately he responded to the new instructions. Wrapping his left hand around the dangling sac he started slowly and gently rolling both balls. While simultaneously forcing the highly sensitive skin over the head of his cock as he gently chewed on his foreskin. “That’s it, fondle them harder.”
The young lord apparently liked it ruff not that Inuyasha cared one way or the other. He wanted this over and done with so he could join his mistress with his head buried between her legs. Even worse was that he couldn’t believe that the lord allowed his claws anywhere near his manhood, after all with a simple thought he could leave the man a eunuch and without an heir he wouldn’t be able to maintain control of his lands. Applying the slightest pressure the tip of a single claw was all it would take and his balls would be separated just like his had been. He mentally snorted at the stray thought, knowing it would never happen because he’d never do it. Sure he’d have no compulsion about dying for the crime since that would be the punishment but he couldn’t put the same fate on his mistress.
“Sango was right, you are a fast learner…now take me completely into your mouth.” Obediently he ran his tongue around the head before flattening it out as he sucked harshly on the erect member. The lord’s breathing speeding up as he sucked as much of the erection as he could into his mouth, wrapping his hand around what he could take in without gagging. “No No No! Don’t use your hands. I want my cock completely buried in your throat.” His head was gripped by a pair of strong hands forcing the cock deeper, a groan leaving the lord’s mouth as his cock finally slipped past the obstruction in the back of Inuyasha’s mouth and entering the hanyou’s throat. “Now keep doing it until I tell you to stop.” The lord set the pace and Inuyasha diligently tried to keep up after nearly panicking when he found out he couldn’t breathe with a cock shoved down his throat. Eventually he adjusted the foreign object being shoved in his mouth; the lord using a single hand placed between his ears as he set the pace he wanted, his own hands finding purchase as he kept his claws from digging into the supple flesh of the human lord’s thighs.
The sight of Inuyasha’s nose buried in the curls as his sac struck the half demon on the chin was something he never thought a possibility combined erotically with the feeling of his cock as it slid down the half-breed’s throat had almost caused him to damn near blow his load. His breathing becoming more and more labored as he neared his climax; still he somehow managed to hold himself back. After all he had one more surprise in store for the white haired demon. Who would have ever thought that the once powerful demon would be reduced to this, the neutered pet of a female demon slayer?
Forcefully, the lord pulled his cock from the warm confines of Inuyasha’s mouth, one of his large hands wrapping around his hardened flesh. “Look at me…keep your eyes open as you watch me cum.” Furiously the lord pumped his own shaft, a growl of pleasure tearing from his mouth as climaxed. At that exact moment he partially released his disguise, the scent instantly being realized by the dog at his feet.
‘It couldn’t be…,’ was Inuyasha’s only thoughts as he locked eyes with the villain. His vile cum spraying violently or his face and in his mouth as it hung open in shock. He couldn’t move, frozen in place as the lord’s eyes flashed red relieving all the milieus intent he planned to bestow upon his defeated foe. The lord forever burned the moment into his memory as he was desperately trying to catch his breath. Anything he had or ever would think up was but a mute point, all paling in comparison to this one simple act of degradation. “Clean me.” Such simple words said by the lord as he finally came down from his high. Wanting to savior the moment just that much more, he rubbed his still hard organ against the other demon’s lips.
Inuyasha complied without a moment’s hesitation, one name repeating over and over again in his head as he licked the spent cock clean, swallowing the cum gathered in his mouth as he had been trained to.
The End