InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Valentine's Special ❯ Valentines Day Part III ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 4
Valentine's day part III
“Sango!!” screamed Miroku, they were in a dark forest and it was so foggy that they couldn't see their hands on front of their faces, “Sango where are you?!?!”
“Over here Miroku!!”
“HERE” she screeched, they had been walking in circles without noticing
“Sango!! I have been meaning to tell you something!” Miroku screamed over to where he could hear her voice coming from.
“Yes?” asked Sango
“I…….I love you” at the moment he said this all the fog cleared up, they had been right in front of each other the whole time, he noticed Sango was in the verge of crying, he got closer to her and took her in his arms. Then he looked down at her and leaned closer to her face and they shared their first kiss together.
When they parted Sango said, “but how?”
Miroku looked deep into her eyes and responded, “I know I'm a lecher sometimes, but ever since I met you I never expected that I would ever fall in love with you…”
Sango looked down and got a little sad.
He then lifted up her face with his hand and said, “But I have, and I just wanted to know if when we defeat Naraku you would like to live together with me and bear my child?”
Sango started crying out of happiness and said, “of course! I would love to!”
Miroku then held her tighter and Sango leaned up to his face and shared a second kiss, this time more passionately.
All of the sudden the trees started blooming and the flowers were falling as thought it were spring.
When they parted Miroku went to a tree and got one of the little flowers and then went back to Sango and placed it in her hair. Then they walked back to the hut, Miroku's arm was wrapped around Sango's waist.
`I must touch it…… it will ruin the moment' Miroku thought
` Why didn't he touch my ass? I hope he's changing' Sango thought with a giggle.
On top of the blooming trees
“Great job!!! This valentine's day we have done a marvelous job!” said Sayki.
“I know I think that you have earned your promotion!!” Said Saikuniko beaming
“Really boss? Thanks!!”