InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Vampire Addiction ❯ Getting To Know You ( Chapter 3 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Driving down the street at full speed always made kouga actually love the fact humans made cars they were high powered machines driven by force which made him fall in love with the car he purchased today this black jaguar turned him into a speed demon on wheels new technology really did rock aside from television kouga loved every minute of this.
Making another sharp turn burning rubber on the asfault kouga noticed two girls on a bench they were wearing the same outfit so he knew already they were in school slowing the car down to get a better view of the two noticing the short brown haired girl with the pale skin kouga thought she was okay but not all that coming alittle more closer kouga saw the other female companion next to her attractive was one word that came to mind, but kougas thoughts were on her legs she was the sexist thing he'd ever seen.
Seeing her only made him want to get to know her beauty more. Long dark hair stopping at the beginning of her backside long shapely legs wanting to be between them coming up next to her he could also see her big breasts straining againist her uniform shirt. "Maybe I should scare them alittle" grinning like a cat kouga thought pushing the peddle slowly to keep up with them knowing that he wasn't welcomed only made it more fun, keeping his eyes on the road while trying to look his full kouga got a pretty good view of the long haired girls figure and boy what a figure large hips attached to those delicous legs of hers. If only she'd turn her face so he could see if she was as pretty as her body was, at that point she must of read his mind turning her face to the window with an scowl on her pretty features made his demon happy.
"Good god she's beautiful!" He said to himself licking his lips while looking at her hips switch making her shirt rise she was pratically dragged her friend behind her. Kouga smirked I should say hello to his new prey. Stopping the car kouga opened the door not even letting his other foot touch the ground he was greeted by a small fist to his jaw it made him stumble alittle but nothing more.
"You stay the hell away from us you fucking perv or so help me" raising her fist again to draw another punch.
"Wait hold on I'm not going to hurt you just don't hit me again." Holding his sore jaw in one hand while the other was held up to stop her attack he stepped slowly out his car shutting the door still rubbing his jaw impressed she could hit so hard. Kiyora frowned but put her arm down cautiously. She stood back shielding her best friend from harms way waiting for him to speak.
"Well don't just stand there you son of a bitch what the fuck is it that you want from us!" Looking over her shoulder to make sure sora wasn okay.
"I just wanted to get to know your ah name maybe?"
Attempting to smile but wincing when it hurt to much to do so. Kiyora raised a trimmed eyebrow crossing her arms under chest, giving him a (You gotta be kidding face).
"Hmm I see sorry though don't talk to strangers,so me and my friend will be on our way so you better back off if you know what's good for ya!" turning around she made her escape down the street, hearing his voice calling to her to wait kiyora spoke over her shoulder loud enough for him to hear her.
"Look buddy I'm flattered but I got somewhere to be and if I don't get there I'm in a whole world of trouble!"
Stopping only a brief moment before she began to walk again grabbing her friends hand in the process walking quicker now down the street. Sora looked at kiyoras retreating form knowing how she can get when the opposite sex comes a callin.
"Kiki he's actually pretty hot for a stalker maybe you should just talk to him!" Turning her head to look at the poor man leaning againist his car looking down at his shoes kicking at nothing in particular, at that point sora admired him what a brave man he must be to survive the wrath of kiyora.
"I mean you did punch him in the face at least you could do is talk to him for alittle while." glancing at her friends sour face sora just sighed "Kiyora please!"
Not used to hearing her only friend say her full name made kiyora slow down her walking. Looking back at the poor bastard kiyora then looked at sora and eyeing her critically.
"I'm surprised you of all people would say something like that after all the homicidal theories that were clouding your mind before he came out of the car."
Letting go of her hand kiyora stared at her with an inquistive look on her face.
Keeping her eye contact on her shoes sora smiled clicking her teeth.
"Well I didn't know he was so cute until he came out." Hmm was kiyoras only reply looking at him again sora said "Well he's waiting go talk to him for me please." Giving her a puppy dog look, trying to seal the deal sora added on
"I'll tell your mom your at my house studing and you'll be home before dinner starts okay!"
Kiyora looked at the man down the block not so sure if she go, starting to chew on her bottom lip finally turning her gaze back at sora.
"Alright if it will please you I'll talk to him." Giving sora an evil face "If anything happens I'm coming back to haunt you for the rest of your life!"
Slowly walking back to where kouga was leaning againist his car he looked at her coming toward him. Smiling sora knew she got her way only because her friend cared for her.
"I love you too see you tomorrow sis and call me when you get home I wanna know if he's a good kisser!"
Giggling while running away kiyora only shook her head wondering if her friend truely cared about her or was she just coo coo from the beginning. Leaving her thoughts to stop in front of kouga eyeing him from bottom to top he dressed nice that's for sure he looked alot older then the boys she knew at her school so that was okay, also from where she was standing he smelled good so he couldn't be all that bad. But boy was his face the sexiest about him besides his tall height and body wieght all muscle mind you. The only thing though was that smile of his it was suspicous like he knew already what he wanted and won't tell me until it was too late.
Seeing her size him up gave his ego another boost, looking at her pretty face kouga wanted nothing more than to jump her smiling at that thought kouga spoke his deep voice always made women wet. "See something you like princess!" grinning like a kid in a candy store, Kiyora broke her eye contact with his body moving her heated gaze to kougas face she frowned.
"Don't be an asshole we just met, first of all my name damn sure isn't princess so don't call me that or it's gonna get ugly all over again oh and last but not least what is it you so desperately wanted to know about me mr..."
Raising an eyebrow kouga knew she was a take no shit kind of girl and knowing that only added on to the fire.
"My names kouga and yours miss Hollyfield!" smiling again knowing he just annoyed her further.
"Are you always this obnoxious or is it a second nature to you!" balling her fists at her sides counting to ten in her head. Looking at her hands he decided to cool out on the name calling and get down to business well that and he didn't want her to punch him in the face again his jaw wasn't swollen but it still hurt like hell.
"No it comes to me naturally, so your name please it's only fair since I told you mines!" Giving her an disarming smile, kiyora noticed he must really like her speaking softly while looking away from his intense stare.
"It's Kiyora but everyone just calls me kiki." glancing back at him only to look away again when kouga licked his lips slowly smiling at her knowing she saw.
"Kiyora huh pretty name, if it's fine with you I'll call you kiki or gorgeous I think that suits you better." Oh man he was good kiyora knew a come on when she heard one.
Giving him a small smile kiyora said "Why thank you is my name all you wanted to ask of me kouga."
Hearing her say his name almost made him growl. His demon was going into a frenzy smelling her scent was making it hard to keep his mind out of the gutter.
"Nah need more info how old are you?" Hoping in his head right now that she doesn't say anything lower then seventeen.
"I'm seventeen now but I'll be eighteen next month on the 15th so its cool dude your not going to jail." Smiling to th remark and surprised look on kougas face made kiyora feel in charge she wanted to ask a question too.
"How old are you kouga is the million dollar question.!" Making a deep laugh which caused kiyora to chew on her lip. Catching her do that only made him want to chew her lip for her.
"I'm twenty-five, since I'm feeling up to the question game let's move on have a boyfriend?"
"Lying to her all ready huh!"
"Not really I 'am twenty four."
" Kouga human terms your twenty four in your demon form you've might have stretched that tremendously."
"Oh please being two hundred twenty four years old isn't stretching it much plus I'm not that old anyway."
"You just keep believeing that old man."
Folding his arms under his chest making the white t shirt he had on show his muscles more plainly. Kiyora couldn't help but stare alittle at how his shirt hugged his body. He definitely didn't have a chest like the boys in her school.
Licking her moist lips before speaking "umm no I don't I don't date boys much I have a over protective mother on my back so you can imagine."
Moving her eyes away from his impressive biceps, kouga inhaled kiyoras faint aroma smelling a small trace of arousal along with her natural smell jasmine and rain. Kouga's eyes darken holding back a growl he needed to know this question before he raped the poor girl.
"Is it cool for you to date or do I have to wait until your eighteen?" Hoping to hell she is allowed to date so he could get to know her body without the clothes.
"Well" pushing her hair behind her ear speaking slowly. " I dont think my mom would approve since your older then me she's pretty strict so I'm not quite sure." Looking at the her shirt hoping he wouldn't laugh at her she began to play with a loose thread wondering why he hasn't said anything yet.
"Let's fuck her right now no one's around."
"No you beast we have to take this slow most likely since she's never dated she's got to be a virgin and I don't want to scare her before we get a chance to try her first."
"Well alright...but it better be soon because were already hard from just smelling her."
Making up his mind kouga thought he had to have her no ifs ands or buts about it.
Hearing him move made kiyora look up seeing him closing in on her she started to panic trying to put distance between them. kouga caught her wrist making kiyora gasp in shock.
"Wha what are you doing s stop."pulling her to him kouga's demon smiled at how scared she looked "well she should be" kouga thought
Pulling her up againist his chest only made kiyora struggle more putting her free hand to his hard body trying her best to push him away. Kouga gave her a toothy grin before he brought his face close to her face loving the way her mouth would open slightly the more farther he got. Her cinnimon eyes entranced his demon called to him making him want her in his bed begging for him to fuck her. Kiyora couldn't help but stare back at him knowing now just how much he wanted her it alarmed her alittle. His gaze alone made her stomach do flips it was getting harder to resist him.
Whispering softly "Please let go!" He didn't answer instead kouga moved his nose and lips near her slender neck making her eyes widen in confusion stopping for a moment to inhale her smell kougas demon roared for him to make her his. Growling softly kouga bared his fangs moving his nose up her neck until his mouth pressed lightly near her ear rubbing his lips slowly againist the appendage, kiyoras eyes drifted shut shivering in delight at what he was making her feel. Drawing her closer to his body he spoke softly as his deep voice whispering to her.
"I really must get to know you kiyora because I'd be damn if I let another man touch you before I do!" His demon satisfied with the claim he put on her. He backed away from her kissing her cheek while his lips smooth over the soft skin. Leaning back againist his car watching her eyes open slowly. Kiyora couldn't believe how brasin he was to say something like that and to kiss her cheek no less, but the thing that got to her the most was how much she liked it. Seeing him smile at her made her look away too embrassed at what they just did in public.
"So how about this...I'm going to be your secret boyfriend until it's okay for me to come in and meet the parents. And of course will go on dates and I'll bring you home at a decent hour" pausing to let his eyes roam her body freely " then we'll see from there is that a deal?" Sticking his hands in his pockets he waited for her answer leaning back againist his car.
Kiyora just stared at him in thought then lowering her head to look at the ground finally making up her mind she looked up at him her face unsure.
"I...I dont know I guess it's okay if you promise me not to try and get into my pants then you've got yourself a deal." pushing her hair behind her ear again she continued on "And I only live with my mother so you'll just have to worry about her." Kouga couldn't believe his luck jumping for joy on the inside.
Calmly he asked "What's your curfew?"
"It's eleven on a school night!" Frowning kouga didn't really like ending his nights at eleven but for her he'd make an exception, nodding his head siginally she continued.
"And weekends it's one no more no less." Kouga thought he could deal with that, he just had to deal with her not staying over night with him. Kiyora glanced at her hello kitty watch and sliently cursed, time was not on her side wanting to speed this conversation up a notch.
"Any other questions you want to know before I leave it's starting to get late and I have to get home before my mom gets off from work." Looking impatiently at his towering form she scrunched her button nose at him which made her look adorable to him saying something like that was truely a compliment.
"Let me drive you home I want to make sure you get there safely!" Eyeing him warily kiyora just shrugged making a weak smile.
"Well I guess I have no choice in the matter." Looking at his face thinking that he seems normal enough so lets throw caution to the wind and see what happens from here.
"Can we fuck her now."
"Down boy."
His demon sighing in defeat. "Fine I can wait but it won't be for long I tell you that much."
Staring at her with an angry pout on her cute face made him chuckle. Stopping her foot kiyora looked him not sure why he was laughing all of a sudden.
"What's so funny."
"You are baby girl do you know your adorable when your angry."
"Can we go now please!" Breezing past him to the passengers side she waited for him to open the door kiyora made a small pout at him calling her adorable.
"Aww kiyora I could kiss that pout away if you like."
"Kouga! You don't mean that...ahh do you?" Walking behind her kouga let his body lean into her back pressing himself lightly againist her his breath warm beside her face was causing those tingles she had when he kissed her cheek.
"What if I did would you let me?" He spoke quietly his voice a deep rumble he smelled her reaction to his words happy when she leaned into his embrace letting her body enjoy the contact.
"Get in before things get bad kiki." Pushing her gently into the passenger seat he made sure her sealtbelt was fasten and closed the door. Kouga had caught himself having his hands on her thighs too long noticing he snapped his them back as if she burned him he shut the door quickly, and dashed over to the driver's side opening the door closing it right after he turned on the engine leaving a travel of dust down the street.