InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Vampire Addiction ❯ Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Several minutes in the car in slience was enough for him he was starting to get alittle edgy so what else to do but put her voice to memory.
"So where to kiki?" Keeping his eyes forward while taping the steering wheel lightly.
"Um 32 Hill Falls...just go straight and I'll tell you when to turn." Speaking quietly, playing with a lose thread on her skirt. She didn't want to look at him he was pretty davastating up close. She already wanted him to touch her the way he did when they were standing on the side walk. I can't believe I'm feeling this way I've only had contact with him in less then one hour. He had to be something if she felt like this by just being near him.
Stopping at another redlight kouga tore his eyes away to sneak a glance at her smooth thick thighs, that school skirt was not covering much from him and that was just fine with him he enjoyed the view.
"Those plump thighs of hers are making my mouth water, just look at them there toned and there not too small not too big there just right. His demon speaking as if he'd lost all signs of control.
"I see damnmit and stop pointing out the obivious please, were sporting a big hard on right now and I personally am trying to be a gentlemen the first time I meet a georgous girl I don't know about you so let's keep quiet shall we."
"Geez okay be cool."
"Kouga turn here!" She said probably the thrid time trying to get his attention.
Oh sorry kiki." Turning the steering wheel sharply almost missing her turn. Looking at her with a apologetic face for not paying attention. Kiyora giggled smiling at him shyly telling him it was okay he was a goof. Resisting the urge to touch her face kouga sped up making a beeline to her neighborhood.
"Which house kiyora?" speaking to her in a curious tone, She pointed to a white two story house wtih green shutters and door. Kiyora didn't see her mothers car was a sign of relief she felt more relaxed now.
The big tree on the side of her house made him wonder just where would her room be located he opted to ask her alittle later in there relationship.
Pulling up to her house kouga turned the engine off his head abruptly turning to see kiyora already unlocking his door inching her way out.
"Whoa! Wait what's the rush!" Grabbing her arm he stopped her from leaving without saying goodbye at least.
"What! I thought...well you didn't say anything so I just thought I had to..." Blushing alittle kiyora turned her head away from his beautiful eyes.
Smirking at how nervous she must be kouga had a firm grip on her arm tugging her gently telling her to back. Bringing her body back in to his car kiyora closed the door with her free hand. Turning around slowly to face him only to be shocked with and surprising kiss from this handsome man. She didn't know what to do so she just did what she remembered her sister talking about one day while she was fifiteen evasdropping on one of her conversations with her bimbo friends.
Sighing softly kiyora leaned back alittle snaking her tongue out to lick his lips shyly. Daring her eyes to look at his reaction made her stomach get that sharp tingle in her lower part again.
With half closed eyes kouga moved his head breaking the distance between them crushing his mouth to hers. A tiny moan from her was all he need to lose it, wrapping his other arm around her waist he pulled her roughly to his body. Kiyora gasped at his sudden hold on her and kouga took advantage of that to steal a kiss from her sweet mouth, Groaning in pure bliss at how innocent she really was, liking the way he kissed her kiyora played tongue tag with him shyly she met up with his. Growling deeply kouga yanked her across his lap knotting a hand in her long wavy strands tugging gently to keep her head in place with his mouth asserting his dominance over her and liking the victory.
Kouga was kissing her senseless and it was making her dizzy with pleasure she couldn't explain, kiyora wrapped her arms around his neck holding him tightly againist her not wanting it to end. Feeling her full soft breasts againist him kouga wanted to do things she'd probably wouldn't be able handle.
"Fuck she feels good let's fuck her pleaseeee she's practically asking for it."
"That would be dishonorable and you know it!....besides it won't be too long before she's on her hands and knees with her own cum dripping down her thighs probably thick and sweet with her begging for us to fuck her.
"Mmmm now that's not a bad image to fantasize about better." The image making him lose control.
"Trust me she'll be ours yet."
Kiyora pulled away from the kiss leaving kouga to nip at her full lips sucking on them to just lick at them again, making her know he absolutely loved the way she tasted.
Gasping softly kiyora made a pleading noise in the back of her throat her body trembling for something she knew nothing of. Stopping his praise to her mouth kouga took his hand away from her hair to touch her cheek, gazing into her half closed eyes while soothing her heated face. Biting his bottom lip at her responding to his touch he said,
"Kiyora I must see you again...I I need you!" His voice rough with sexual frustation she made him feel for her. Clearing his throat he spoke quietly with an hungry expression on his handsome face,
"Go to dinner with me tomorrow night... I'll pick you up at seven so we can spend more time with each other...please say yes just dinner and nothing more!"
" Do you really mean that kouga or are you just saying it to get what you want." She spoke to him softly searching his eyes if he was lying to her, only made her stomach get that familiar tingle again. Kiyora thought what the hell he seems normal enough plus hot to death I'll give him a try.
"Yes I'll go with you and seven sounds just fine with me...and um I don't mean to rush but I have to go before my mother comes home." Speaking to him slowly, she saw his relaxed expression wondering if he was always this layed back.
"Hmm I should let you go before your mother finds a black jaguar parked near her house with a strange man holding her daughter on his lap huh."
" I'm going to get up now." Laughing nervsously kiyora tucked her hair behind her ear stopping midway at the feeling something poking her bottom when started moving. Narrowing her eyes kiyora brought her questioning look to his attention waiting for an answer.
Kouga gave her a husky laugh at her being so innocent in the fact she actually didn't know what part of him was touching her. We really need to have a talk then if she's thought it's something in his pocket.
He gave a slow heavy grin at her confused expression, until he pushed his hips slowly forward making sure she felt every inch of him againist her bottom hpoing she understood better.
Her confused look turned to surprised then ended with her turning ten shades of red she ducked her chin to hide her face away from his sexy smile.
"I think you better get up just for your safety babygirl, don't want to voilate you and all." He whispered roughly pulling her chin up to meet his lustful gaze, he gloated to her in a matter of fact way. In a daze from his words and eyes kiyora bobbed her head up and down slowly scooting off his lap on to her seat. Kouga sighed to himself adjusting his front pants while looking at her search through her pink and yellow backpack. Kiyora took her notebook and pen, placing the book on her lap ripping a small piece of paper out, she finally uncapped her pen writing down her phone number and address.
Kouga waited patiently for her to finish, digging in his pocket for a pack of Newport Lights the short ones he's been trying to quit smoking less each day...But having one did make him feel like he was on top of the world. Opening the pack he fished one out throwing the box on the dash board. Kiyora watched the whole scene, grimacing at the offending smell hearing the click of the lighter in his hand turn on and off, kouga exhaled a long puff of smoke blanketing the inside of the car.
Hearing her sneeze repeatedly kouga glanced at her finally catching on to why she was sneezing in the first place, reaching to his side door lowering both his and her windows down letting the smoke vaccum out the car.
"Sorry kiyora it's a habit I won't do it in front of you...if it bothers kiki too much?"
"No it's alright my mom smokes too it's just the sneezing that affects me, I'll just keep my window down..."
"Oh no! I mean I'll just won't do it in the car then, I really don't have a problem with it kiyora anything for you." Kouga put out the lighted stick while blowing smoke through his nose. Kiyora smiled brightly at how nice he was for considering that, she leaned next to him while he was distracted stretching her body towards his cheek giving him a light kiss.
What she didn't know was kouga felt her full soft breasts brush up againist his chest which he didn't mind either. He wanted to do something about it but she was handing him the small piece of paper she'd written...and just like that she was out the door before he could utter a word. Sighing softly kouga watched her walk to her door enjoying the view of her breasts jiggle up and down while she was jogging to her door, she looked back at him and made a small wave, kouga smiled with a goofy grin on his hard features driving away from her house to his home thinking of his angel from heaven. And how bad he's got it for her it scared him alittle just a alittle.
Shutting her door kiyora dumped her backpack in the living room running upstairs to her room closing the door she leaned on it with pure excitement on her heart shaped face.
"I can't believe I have a boyfriend, a cute one at that." Hopping over to her bed she flopped back landing with a bounce before lying still. She stared at her ceiling for about ten mintues now with that same dreamy smile on her face, until her daydream was interrupted by a shrill ring on her nightstand. Swiftly getting up she snatched the cordless reciever up to her ear hearing a fememine voice.
"Hey are you busy? I called like fifiteen minutes ago and no one picked up, why couldn't you call me when you got in?"
Kiyora laughed playfully at her friends worries moving to her dresser she began to strip away her uniform from top to bottom.
"First of all I just came in not to long ago..." Placing her small finger to her chin tapping it in thought "mmm about ten minutes ago to be excat." Changing the speed of her voice she continued on not before inhaling a large amount of air.
"And second his name is kouga and he kissed me and it was the best I've ever had since...never oh and I have a date too need help in finding something sexy and seductive. I'm opting to go the mall, plus I need a girls opinion and yes I'm buying the food."
Exhaling out a long breathe kiyora grabbed her hair clip from her sink wrapping her long strands up in a neat bun.
"You know I'm going to stop calling you if you ever do that again. And I don't know about this kiki it's kind of sneaky what would your mother thinking."
Scrunching her nose kiyora thought of what to say while she walked to her bathroom running her shower, checking the temperture she came up with having to tell sora the truth of her actions.
"Sora please I need your help and yes I know this is being sneaky but...I I like him alot and I really want to impress him."
Kiyora sighed to herself at how smitten she was her kouga, reaching over to her medicine cabinet she grabbed her face cream putting the small tube on her sink along with her tooth brush.
"Well then since you put that I'm I mean you are like a sister to me."
"Gee thanks sora really for everything what would I do without you."
"You'd probably be sending love letters to kouga in an all girls broading school somewhere in the mountains."
Giggling at soras reply kiyora walked out of her bathroom to her dresser taking her extra large pink and white hello kitty nightie placing the garment on her bed.
"I'll come over to your house early sora so we can walk to school together."
"Cool I'll cook breakfast...oh and see if you can get your mom to let you stay over since it'll be friday tomorrow." Sora replyed, kiyora could hear music playing on the other end knowing sora must be doing her homework.
"Alright then it's set see you tomorrow sora."
"Okay bye kiki."