InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Vampire's Love ❯ Dreams and Swords ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha but I do own the character which I have made up which I have yet to make up a good name for.

Hello everyone I would like to say thank you to all those who have read and posted reviews * hugs and offers many snacks and drinks.* thank you so much.

Oh I order some Inuyasha posters on line and it took them like 6 weeks to get to me but I finally got them yay.

I hope everyone likes this next chapter, I would like to thank you guys once again you are great you make me feel like writing that why this chapter is done now lol so pat your self on the back.

Ok enough my my mindless chatter on with the fic.

CH.3 " Dreams and Swords"


I do not understand why this bothers me so that he has already started to claim her the wench means nothing to me. I respect her for her strength in battle for being a human and female she is very strong, but he has marked her twice if I am not careful he will mark her yet again.

I looked coldly at the wench hiding my aggravation from her eyes but someone I knew she sensed it I knew she needed to know about him but I hated even saying his name. I turned my head and locked as with her. " Wench if you wish to learn then stay quite and do not interrupt me."

" My father was a very lustful man he liked all women he loved humans the most of them all he betrayed my mother with one, but what I did not know at the time was that he had also betrayed my mother with another as well but this one was a Youkia. They are called the dark ones they hate light and feed from others blood."

" What I did not know until recently was that I had a elder brother and yes my father even at one time offered him these lands but he turned them down." " My father was a stupid fool the dark ones can not be trusted." " My elder half brother is have inu and half dark one." I knew the girl was about to interrupt me even after I told her not to.

" What does this have to do with me?"

" Human did I not tell you to not interrupt me, he wants your blood wench when he claims you with the last mark the 7th mark your blood will become mixed with his and his with yours.

Your Mekio abilities will then become some what tainted and it will not be able to purify the one you will belong to instead it will heal him of the inu blood that runs through his vanes." " You will also become a dark one."


I realized he spoke the truth I could now feel the chances that were already starting to take place within my body. "My body is already starting to change from him is it not?"

"Yes it is but until the 7th mark is given and you give yourself then it can be un done if you wish it so." "That's why he keeps asking me to tell him I am his." I watched Sesshoumaru expressionless face grow heated as is eyes turned blood red.

"You are not his you will never be his." With that statement I watched the Lord of the western lands stand and walk out of the room I was currently occupying.

~ Sesshoumaru~

I never lose control like that why would the thought of him claiming her make me react like that I hate humans I only tolerate Rin.

Maybe I should just give Kagome over to the half breed and let him deal with taking care of the other half breed of the family.

I will never be as weak as my father as to take a human for a mate. ( That's when he realized he had called the wench by her name) I will not lower my self to that level not like my father did.

I am protecting the Mekio for only one purpose to keep my brother from gaining the power he seeks. A smirk slid across the Youkia normal unemotional mask .


I ran through the forest as vines and trees slap me I quickly jumped through the trees, I could hear Sango and Miroku flying behind him be on the fire demons back. I the almost paralyzing fear was starting to consume me because Kagome scent was starting to change from frighten to arousal.

What was going on why would she be aroused. What has my brother done to her she would never mate with my brother. I shook my head and started running faster my sword started to pulse to the sound of my heart beat.

I paid little heed to the sword my mind was running rampant with things happing to the women I knew I was starting to love. She had been there for me through the hard times, took my bitching when no one else would, she understood me without me having to say a word.

~ Kagome~

The dream was different I was running through a forest the thick green vines grabbing and snagging my clothing the blood was already starting to run down my arms legs and cheek where the vines had cut me.

It was almost as if they were punishing me for the betrayal for running from him. I knew who he was he was the dark one, I was not sure how I new I was in a dream world I just knew. I could feel him behind me my body wanted to stop not from the lack of air or even exhausting because I was almost excited because of the chase.

My body wanted to stop and receive the passion the lust that I would receive from the dark one, but I knew I could not stop my mind kept screaming at me, but I feared my own body would betray me.

I felt his arms wrap around me from no where, and his hot breath blew across my neck making me shiver with pleasure. " Why do you run my soon to be queen?" My chest was heaving my heart felt like it was about to burst from the excitement and fear I was feeling. " Please." I cried gently

" Please what my soon to be mate?"

I was not sure what I wanted my body was screaming to take the pleasure he offered my mind screamed to run from this demon. " Please let me go." I felt the tears start to run down my flushed cheeks.

" I felt him turn me slowly in his arms." I was not sure why I did not run maybe my body was betraying me or maybe it was the look he held with in his golden eyes, his face still concealed by dark shadows his tongue slowly lowered to my cheek and licked the tears of my face I closed my eyes with pleasure at the small gesture.

" You want me Kagome why fight it." At his words I realized how wrong this was. I started to scream the one name that came to my mind " Sesshoumaru!"

~ Sesshoumaru~

I was restless I had tried to lay down to close my eyes to rebuild my energies and to just think but my mind kept coming back to the same someone who's door I was now standing in front of.

That was when I heard the scream of the young women that lay on the other side of the door. " Sesshoumaru!" At first I thought the wench was yelling at me to get away from the door the anger of her disobedience ran through me I hit the door to knock it open but the door would not budge.

I could now smell her fear it was almost over powering my anger was now toward the object that was causing the fear, my eyes bleed red my nails grew long I clawed at the door, but yet my nails did not touch the surface which seemed to be protected by a dark magic. I realized this must be the work of the dark one my brother.

Brother I screamed silently to myself hiding my pain behind my now angry façade. I pulled my sword from its sheath and sliced the door as my sword glowed red it was almost as if it seemed to be pulling power from something else, but my attention went quickly to the door that was now falling to the ground in ashes.

~ Inuyasha~

I don't know why I agreed to stop and rest maybe because deep down I knew they wanted to find her as bad as I but yet there human bodies had to rest.

My thoughts were quickly interrupt as my sword started to grow warm I quickly pulled it from it's sheath it was burning through the sheath leaving dark holes.

The sword was glowing a dark red I swiftly ran away from the group to make sure they were out of harms way and swung the sword I felt the energy leave the sword but yet nothing happened to the forest around me it was as if the energy was used some where else, but how could that be and why would it come to life like that on it's own.

The color of the sword was now back to it silver color and I quickly put it back in its sheath that was now completely repaired. I shook my head in disbelieve what the hell had just happened.

~ Kagome~

I felt him lower his face into my hair as his hand smoothly pulled my long dark locks away from my neck.

" Do not scream his name he can not help you now, soon you will want this more then your next breath." I felt his hot breath land on my pale neck as his tongue slowly licked at the base of my neck were my pulse beat erratically.

I felt his fangs start to bit into my skin, but at the same moment I could feel as if someone was shacking me I new the dream was coming to a end.

I watched the dark one raise his head and his eyes flash with anger the last words that enter my subconscious was.

" Do not worry you are mine Kagome he will not always be there to save you soon enough you will want this as much as I."

~ Sesshoumaru~

I kept shacking her but yet she would not wake up I realized there must have been a type of magic he was using to hold over her but yet would her Mekio powers not prevent that.

I knew the answer to the question even before I asked it. I knew that if the young Mekio on some subconscious level wish to feel the attention the spell would be able to get through the young Mekio.

I felt her blood from the wound on her neck start to run on to my fingers. I had never felt fear or hardly any other emotion accept anger and rarely that, but deep down in a part of my cold hard I felt the fear that my new half brother had won. " Stupid bitch wake up!" I roared.

~ Kagome~

My eyes quickly opened as I heard Sesshoumaru yell something about bitch. I hated him at that moment what gave him the right to call me a bitch, I wish I was back in the dream world at least he wanted me there.

The tears started to run down my face, but before I realized it I was being picked up from the bed and the silk sheets that I had been laying on. I was to shocked to protest I felt the Lord carry me out of the room and walk quickly toward a door at the end of the long hall way that was lit by candles.

" Sesshoumaru what are you doing." " I am taking you to bath wench your cloths have blood." I could not believe what I had just heard my cloths had blood on them. I raised my palm up to my neck and sure enough my hand came back covered in blood. The tears started to fall more.

" Why, why am I bleeding this never happened before when he bit me?" I watched his golden eyes look down into my worried ones.

" He was on able to finish the biting I stopped him by waking you up, at the moment I stopped him your neck stop to bleed."

" You see it's like a delayed reaction if he finish the bit you will not bleed at all in the real world but if he does not you will bleed because he was unable to finish the marking and transfer his blood into you."

" So does that mean that this mark does not count?"

" Yes it does not count." I felt his arms leave me as he said me on the ground now take your bath and I will have a servant bring you new clothing and lead you back to my chambers."

I felt my face grow red, but before I could utter a word his logic of his next words hit me.

" When I heard you scream my name I came to your room and found the door blocked by a barrier it took me several moments to brake through I am surprised to say, but I believe I will keep you in my chambers to sleep to prevent this from happening again."

I realized the truth in his words and I did not argue even though I was slightly afraid of the lord and sleeping in such close quarters with him.

I turned slowly and walked toward the hot springs. " Kagome." I froze at the sound of my name that came from him that sounded so hypnotic.

" This is a warning your Mekio power are allowing him to put spells on you, and the only way that is possible is if you wish his attention, you must stop that at once." I felt my face grow red as he left the room and closed the door.