InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A winter of sorrow ❯ The first snow ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
well after my fanfic "A forgotten past, a tragic present" came to what may seem like a much to soon end i thought, why dont i write a sequal, so i did i hope that my old readers will read this one. Sorry if the other one was to short. Did you like the ending or did it suck?
well this story takes place in the feudal era, kagome is still sad about inuyasha's demise. She lives with "the gang"
this story is going to be more dramatic(hope you like dramtic) but im mot going to go overboard. Im going to make the chapters longer and try to make it more like brittany's (punk rock grl) because she is good at describing. well im going to start calling you by your name "brittany" oh yea my name is nicole. My real name is "Dixie nicole goings" but i make people call me nicole b/c i dont like my real name. I also have a little sister named "brittany" and my brothers name is "timmy". NOW, i could keep boring you with my life story but lets get started shall we.
The cold snow fell from the grey stormy sky. Not to long ago it had been summer. A time to rejoice but not many did. Inuyasha was missed. Not the inuyasha that was confused and longing for the end, the inuyasha that lived in all of our past's. The grumpy stubburn hanyou that had risked so much for us all. I watched contently as shippo and miruko sat over a bubbling pot of stew. They seemed happy but it had been hard on all of us. Sango sat not to far away from me. We all were remembering inuyasha. A winter ago inuyasha had been sealed, by me. I felt somewhat guilty but inuyasha had needed to be at peace and there was no way around it. I had stayed up most of the night before thinking mostly about inuyasha. Dark circles graced my face. "kagome you look sleepy" sango said.
Sango seemed a little worried. "Was it inuyasha" she asked. I nodded. Sango understood better than anyone.
She had saw the horror. She had a distinct scar from her neck to a little lower than her chest. She and miruko had recovered quickly but none of us really ever got over inuyasha. Not me anyway. I decided that i would walk over to inuyasha's resting place, deep in the forest. Nobody ever wondered into the forest because of the horrible tales that people had told about inuyasha. No one could blame them for taking caution, but they could not understand the true story if any of us ever found the voice to explain it. Many of the villagers moved east to start new lives and recover from their loss. I remember seeing them pack and leave. Mules loaded with luggage and children covered in dirt and starving. Me, sango,miruko,shippo,and kiaria had stayed. We could'nt leave inuyasha. "soups ready" miruko said softly. "I'll eat later, im going for a walk". concern shown in miruko's eyes.
"im okay miruko, i just feel like taking a walk and thinking for a while" I reassured him, smileing warmly to convence him that i was okay. I walked out the small hut and glimpsed at the fresh sheet of snow. I stepped into the snow and began walking on where i thought that the small dirt road had been befor the snow obscured it.
I knew that it was wrong to keep dwelling on inuyasha's memory but i just couldent say goodbye. I walked slowly toward the end of the shadowed forest, where inuyasha rested. I knew that it would be better if i could say goodnight but i kept holding on. I dident want to let go even though i knew its what inuyasha would have wanted. I had now reached the forest and was working my way through the twisting trails. I finally reached the sacred tree. Its limbs were bare from the cold. The tree had let go. The tree had let go of spring. It knew deep down that it would return maybe thats why it was so easy for the tree. I lowered my gaze to the center of the tree. Inuyasha was pinned in place. The arrow stopping his heart. Stopping his pain. But all the while increasing mine. Inuyasha had a look of peace displayed that to me was reassuring that what i had done was right. It had been so long ago that i had been held tightly in his dangerous embrace. Inuyasha im so sorry. Inuyasha was winter.....Frozen, cold,dreaded, the death of warmth. I wondered if inuyasha could hear me. Could he feel me near him, sense my sorrow? I closed my eyes and pictured inuyasha before our sepperation. His silver hair shifting slightly in the wind, his warm amber stare. I opened my eyes and saw him pale and blank."inuyasha im so sorry,This isent how it was supposed to be this isent the ending that i had hoped for, it hurts me because im so close to you but im still so far away, and i dont know if i should just say so long, or hold on to." I felt childish for what i had said, childish and lost. I turned away and ran back to the village. The dark woods were scary and i felt like i was lost in a shadow. Finally i saw the white edge of the village meadow and quickened my pace. I reached the meadow relived and still dwelling on inuyasha."you there, girl" a unfamiler voice caught me off-gaurd.
"huh" I said turning to face a strange looking man. He had a long grey beard and wore a robe simmular to miruko's
but i sensed that this man was no priest. "is this the forest of inuyasha" he demanded. I dident have time to lie or question the man i merely replied "Yes it is" The man entered without another word i found it strange. What did this man want with "the forest of inuyasha" he was seeking it where as most people avoided it. I dident think much of it.
well this story takes place in the feudal era, kagome is still sad about inuyasha's demise. She lives with "the gang"
this story is going to be more dramatic(hope you like dramtic) but im mot going to go overboard. Im going to make the chapters longer and try to make it more like brittany's (punk rock grl) because she is good at describing. well im going to start calling you by your name "brittany" oh yea my name is nicole. My real name is "Dixie nicole goings" but i make people call me nicole b/c i dont like my real name. I also have a little sister named "brittany" and my brothers name is "timmy". NOW, i could keep boring you with my life story but lets get started shall we.
The cold snow fell from the grey stormy sky. Not to long ago it had been summer. A time to rejoice but not many did. Inuyasha was missed. Not the inuyasha that was confused and longing for the end, the inuyasha that lived in all of our past's. The grumpy stubburn hanyou that had risked so much for us all. I watched contently as shippo and miruko sat over a bubbling pot of stew. They seemed happy but it had been hard on all of us. Sango sat not to far away from me. We all were remembering inuyasha. A winter ago inuyasha had been sealed, by me. I felt somewhat guilty but inuyasha had needed to be at peace and there was no way around it. I had stayed up most of the night before thinking mostly about inuyasha. Dark circles graced my face. "kagome you look sleepy" sango said.
Sango seemed a little worried. "Was it inuyasha" she asked. I nodded. Sango understood better than anyone.
She had saw the horror. She had a distinct scar from her neck to a little lower than her chest. She and miruko had recovered quickly but none of us really ever got over inuyasha. Not me anyway. I decided that i would walk over to inuyasha's resting place, deep in the forest. Nobody ever wondered into the forest because of the horrible tales that people had told about inuyasha. No one could blame them for taking caution, but they could not understand the true story if any of us ever found the voice to explain it. Many of the villagers moved east to start new lives and recover from their loss. I remember seeing them pack and leave. Mules loaded with luggage and children covered in dirt and starving. Me, sango,miruko,shippo,and kiaria had stayed. We could'nt leave inuyasha. "soups ready" miruko said softly. "I'll eat later, im going for a walk". concern shown in miruko's eyes.
"im okay miruko, i just feel like taking a walk and thinking for a while" I reassured him, smileing warmly to convence him that i was okay. I walked out the small hut and glimpsed at the fresh sheet of snow. I stepped into the snow and began walking on where i thought that the small dirt road had been befor the snow obscured it.
I knew that it was wrong to keep dwelling on inuyasha's memory but i just couldent say goodbye. I walked slowly toward the end of the shadowed forest, where inuyasha rested. I knew that it would be better if i could say goodnight but i kept holding on. I dident want to let go even though i knew its what inuyasha would have wanted. I had now reached the forest and was working my way through the twisting trails. I finally reached the sacred tree. Its limbs were bare from the cold. The tree had let go. The tree had let go of spring. It knew deep down that it would return maybe thats why it was so easy for the tree. I lowered my gaze to the center of the tree. Inuyasha was pinned in place. The arrow stopping his heart. Stopping his pain. But all the while increasing mine. Inuyasha had a look of peace displayed that to me was reassuring that what i had done was right. It had been so long ago that i had been held tightly in his dangerous embrace. Inuyasha im so sorry. Inuyasha was winter.....Frozen, cold,dreaded, the death of warmth. I wondered if inuyasha could hear me. Could he feel me near him, sense my sorrow? I closed my eyes and pictured inuyasha before our sepperation. His silver hair shifting slightly in the wind, his warm amber stare. I opened my eyes and saw him pale and blank."inuyasha im so sorry,This isent how it was supposed to be this isent the ending that i had hoped for, it hurts me because im so close to you but im still so far away, and i dont know if i should just say so long, or hold on to." I felt childish for what i had said, childish and lost. I turned away and ran back to the village. The dark woods were scary and i felt like i was lost in a shadow. Finally i saw the white edge of the village meadow and quickened my pace. I reached the meadow relived and still dwelling on inuyasha."you there, girl" a unfamiler voice caught me off-gaurd.
"huh" I said turning to face a strange looking man. He had a long grey beard and wore a robe simmular to miruko's
but i sensed that this man was no priest. "is this the forest of inuyasha" he demanded. I dident have time to lie or question the man i merely replied "Yes it is" The man entered without another word i found it strange. What did this man want with "the forest of inuyasha" he was seeking it where as most people avoided it. I dident think much of it.