InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Wish By Two Hearts ❯ True Feelings ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Note: This is my first fanfic, (actually it's the first story I've ever typed that's not a school project) so I hope you like it.

I'm only going to write this once cuz I don't want to keep writing it at the beginning of each chapter:

Obviously, I don't own Inuyasha or any other characters in here, SO LEAVE ME ALONE, ok.

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"Kagome, watch out"

A huge caterpillar is heading straight towards Kagome. She is prepared to fire one of her arrows; she pulls the bow back, steadies her arrow, aims, and fires. The arrow is flying towards the caterpillar at a tremendous speed. It is heading straight towards him, like a bowling ball to a row of pins, but sometimes the floor is slanted. It appears to be heading towards the demon; however, a strange gust of wind begins to blow on this hot night. The arrow is pushed only slightly to the left and misses the demon. Now the monster is only a few feet away from Kagome.

Inuyasha, still surprised from Kagome's arrow having missed its target finally notices that Kagome is in danger. He takes out Tetsusaiga and gets in position to use the Cutting Wind. He swings it down, but nothing happens. He looks down at his precious sword, but it isn't what he expects. Instead of seeing the big transformed sword, he sees nothing but a useless rusty old piece of crap.

He doesn't take the time to be surprised about this because the monster is now just inches away from Kagome. He drops his sword, and starts to run, but he's too far away. He stretches out his hand. He knows what's about to happen. Suddenly, Inuyasha's eyes filled up with water. It pours down his cheeks, and drips off his chin. Just inches away, Inuyasha watches the demon's teeth pierce through Kagome's side. Inuyasha runs to Kagome, who is bleeding profusely. Fear runs through his entire body, fear for Kagome's life, and fear that he won't get the chance to tell her how he feels. This fear quickly turns into hate, which soon becomes rage. His heart is now filled with rage, his body controlled by it. His eyes turn an eerie red; two purple lines appear on each side of his still-tearing cheeks. He runs towards the monster and with one swoop of his claws, the monster is decimated.

Still in demon-form, he runs back to Kagome. She is lying in a pool of her own blood. He kneels down and sets her head on his lap. "Kagome, I'm sorry. It's all my fault".

Blood dripping from her mouth, she painfully says "No…it's… it's not. It's not your fault Inuyasha".

"Kagome, there's something I have to tell you. All those times I said I hated you and I said mean stuff to you, I didn't mean it. I didn't mean any of it. I lo…" Inuyasha stops. He notices that her scent is gone, her hand does not move from its spot on the cold, bloody ground, and her eyes have lost their spark. He reached his hand down, his fingers wanting, now, more than ever to feel her warm, soft skin, but they did not. His eyes were burning with pain, and the water that continued to pour from them would not make it go away, nothing would. He pulled her close to him and rocked back and forth grasping on to her cold lifeless body. He wouldn't let go. He wanted never to let go.

He couldn't breath. He felt like he couldn't breathe. It was as if someone was covering his mouth. Wait, someone was covering his mouth. The world he was in began to fade away. He opened his eyes and saw Miroku standing over him. He forced Miroku's hand away from his mouth.

"Miroku, what the Hell are you doing!" he yelled while gasping for air.



Miroku points to where Sango, Kagome, and Shippou are still asleep.

"Why were you covering my mouth?"

"You were crying again."

"!"He puts his hand on his wet cheek, and wipes away any sign of this embarrassing incident ever happening".

Miroku gets a little more serious. "Same dream?

"Ya. I don't understand why I keep having the same dream every night."

"Maybe it's trying to tell you something"

"Dreams can't talk stupid."

"*sigh* Sometimes I wonder if you'll ever find your brain."

"What's that supposed to mean!"

"Oh, nothing"


"Now, you've done it. You woke them up."


"Are you two arguing again?"

"I'm sorry Sango. I have to apologize for Inuyasha's rudeness", he looks over at Inuyasha, "Since he doesn't have the courtesy to do it himself."

"What'd you say?!"

"I said you had no courtesy."

"Who the Hell needs shmortassy when you have claws" *attacks with claws*

"It's `courtesy' you numbskull" *attacks with staff*

Kagome and Sango are watching in the background. "They're just like little kids." "Ya."

Inuyasha is on top of Miroku, ready to strike (Well, he would never really hurt Miroku, he just wants to scare him a bit), but Miroku isn't scared.

"Get off of me"


Miroku smiles a bit "If you don't get off of me right now, I'll tell Kagome your little secret."

Inuyasha gets off of Miroku "Hn. Fine. Whatever."

Kagome looks rather surprised "Hn?!... What….secret?"

Miroku glares at Inuyasha out of the corner of his eye "Inuyasha has been having a reoccurring dream. He…"

Inuyasha is now on top of Miroku beating him silly. Sango runs over to Miroku "Miroku, are you ok?"

"Yes, I'll be fine" *stroke, stroke*


Kagome is walking towards Inuyasha "You know, Inuyasha, when a person has a reoccurring dream, it's usually a message. I think you should try to figure out that message before your dream comes true. I hope that helps."


"Oh… and… Inuyasha…"


"I've decided to go back to my time today. I've got finals next week. Is that ok"

"Uh.., ya…sure... I guess."

"Ok, well, bye."


"Hn? What is it?"

"Oh, nothing."

*?!* "…Well, ok then. Bye."


Miroku walks over to Inuyasha. "You know, she is right."

Inuyasha sits back against a tree. *sigh* "I know."

"Well, if you were aware of that, why did you let her go?"

"She will be safe in her time. I'll wait for the right chance."

"Well if you were waiting for the perfect chance… um…, that was it."

Sango and Shippou walk over. "What's going on?" "What are you two talking about?"

Miroku looks over at Inuyasha, who is now making his way back over to his original tree. Miroku looks at the surprised, yet curious Sango and Shippou (but mostly Sango) and smiles.

Note: Ok, I know that this chapter was short, and I haven't gotten to the story line, yet, but I will, don't worry. Unfortunately, I can't promise that the next chapter will be any longer. I apologize to those of you who were hoping to read a long fic, I'm not very good at writing long chapters, but overall, it'll be a long story.

P.S.: tell me what you thought of my fic. It doesn't matter if you hated it or you thought it was really good (though I'd prefer you liked it), just let me know, k.