InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Wish By Two Hearts ❯ Decisions ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2: Decisions

Miroku looks over at Inuyasha, who is now making his way back over to his tree. Miroku looks at the surprised Sango and Shippou (but mostly Sango) and smiles.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kagome is sitting at her desk propping up her head with her hand, and fiddling with her pencil. She is trying to tone out the teacher's droning voice.


"I've decided to go back to my time today. I've got finals next week. Is that ok"

"Uh.., ya…sure... I guess."

"Ok, well, bye."


"Hn? What is it?"

"Oh, nothing."

*?!* "…Well, ok then. Bye."


**[end flashback]**

"Inuyasha was acting really weird, maybe I should go back early."

**[another flashback]**

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner with me."

"Dinner?! Well, I…"

Kagome's friends drag her into a huddle. "Are you gonna go?"

"I don't know."

"What's not to know?"

"I just need some time to think about it."

"When the hottest guy in school asks you out, you shouldn't have to think about it."

"But he asked me out to dinner. He's moving way too fast."

"That's a good thing. Just remember, don't talk with food in your mouth, don't pick up food with your hands, and don't stuff your mouth."

"But I never do that stuff."

Her friends run over to Hojo, dragging Kagome with them. "She'll go."

"What do you mean I'll go?!"

"Great eight o' clock, Saturday then."

"She'll be there."


"Great. See you there Kagome."


**[end flashback]**


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Later, At Kagome's House~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Hey, I'm gonna go pick up Sota and take him with me to go get the groceries." Kagome's mom yells.

"What?! Grocery shopping?! A boy his age has much important things to do."

"Like what?"

"Why, training to become a priest, of course!"

"But, he already said he wants to be a soccer player."

"Soccer?! He has no time for soccer. He'll be too busy training for the priesthood ."

*sigh* "Bye Dad."


Up in Kagome's room, the jewel fragments start to glow. While walking past, Grandpa ((I'm going to call him "Grandpa" because if he does have a name, I can't remember it)) notices this.

Grandpa walks into Kagome's room. He slowly walks closer to the desk the shards are sitting on. He leans over the bottle and examines it for a moment. "So this is what she's fighting for. It's so small..................... yet so beautiful." he says, staring at it with intrigue. He picks up the bottle and holds it so close to his eyes that it's touching his nose. "The Shikon No Tama."

*loud noise ((I don't really know how to put this so you decide. Could be a "bang" or "crash" or "smash". Hey, I'm rhyming))*

Grandpa is removed from his trance. He turns to Kagome's window to see what the noise was. He's shocked to see figure a large figure making its way out of the well. This thing is breathing heavily, though he can't tell where its head is. Its entire body is out of the well now and Grandpa can see how big it really is. It lets out a mind numbing scream of pain. Grandpa clasps his hands tightly around his ears and shuts his eyes trying to block out the horrible sound. When the noise stops, he looks up through the window and again the silence is broken. Only, this time it is Grandpa. He looks in horror as the thing starts to heal itself. The massive mound of flesh and bones is starting to take form. It's growing bigger, a lot bigger, and it looks like a....................

"A giant caterpillar!"

The creature is now fully healed. It notices Grandpa in the window and turns its entire body towards him, prepared to strike. "The jewel shards, you posses the jewel shards. Give them to me. Now!"

*Dun, Dun, Dun*

Note: Hey, I think this one was actually longer. I could be wrong. But I tried right.

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