InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A wizard tale ❯ Fast cure ( Chapter 1 )
A wizard tale
Chapter 1
There are many memories in this old ancient house, both sad and happy. These memories linger about in every hall and every room. Memories that can never be erased, never can be forgotten. Forever these memories walk the hall and room …
And from where it started , I stand still waiting for you ..
How long has it been, I wonder, since that day? I can barely remember what was the exact date but all the same, it was spring.
I was pretty young and naive at the time: twenty-two, I remember. Despite all my early age and practical inexperience, I was quite famous. People adored me. They called me genius. They called me a wonderful sight of the God . Well, they had their reason to do so.
Unlike other kids my age, I was educated prematurely : I started my education as a sorceress when I was four and finished it when I was fourteen : three years earlier than all the other normal children. As a result of my high final marks and my hard works during all those years, I was given a scholarship, a unique one. I was to continue my studying in a higher level which just a few claimed. Then, I spent the next four years absorbed in Western's chants, spells and charms. At the age of twenty, I already mastered both the Western and Eastern magic arts. The second youngest wizard who mastered those two subjects was fourty-six. I was brilliant.
I started to work for the government since my 20th birthday, but soon quitted. I realized that I was not the kind of people for political dispute. I was unemployed for about two months before receiving an invitation letter from Hogwarst, the famous wizardry academy. I accepted the offer and became a professor of Eastern ancient spell and there .. went another two years of mine spinning restlessly without such things like purposes. And then .. came the other day that started it all : the tragic change of my life…
It was a beautiful afternoon in my office, spring time, when I suddenly realized that I was too tired of this .. this restlessness. Don't get me wrong. I loved and still love magic, Western or Eastern. It was an art which I wouldn't survive without. It was just the mindlessness of others that suffocated me. I never had the chance to choose for my self. All the work I did, I did for my family … my mother… ji-chan ….Souta. I did it for their happiness, may be some kind of family pride. I tried to be good in my jobs for the expectation of people : colleagues, bosses, newspaper readers ,.. Never had I done anything for my self . Never had I have the right to choose my path. And … in that very moment , I suddenly grew tired and vulnerable. So..
I decided to stop. I wanted something to call my own: my decision, my life, not anyone's ..
But .. well … I never had the courage to. It was such a pity. All the thing I was capable to do was …
" You wanted a vacation ? "_ Sango , one of my colleagues, asked .
" Uh huh "_ I replied when sipping coffee down my throat, the sweet scent of the dark-coloured liquid made me felt better.
"Well , I suppose it is good for you to stop for a while and take a break. Judging from tons of work you've done this week, I say you deserve it. But .. tell me, Kagome, why the sudden change? Has anything been bothering you lately ? "
"NO .. no .. Nothing like that. I just wanted a vacation. You know , doing all the funny things, playing, shopping, taking a rest .. like they always do. That's all. "
" Don't try to hide it from me, Kago-girl. There must be something bothering you. You usually work like hell all over .. and now you just .. suddenly want to stop and take a break without any reason. You won't trick me with that always-do thing. Now, spit it out girl. What's the problem?"
" ….. "
" OKAY.. okay .. I'll tell . Gezz, Sango, Sometimes I wonder if I will ever be able to hide anything from you. "
" Not a chance, girl . Now , the REASON " She grinned and sent me a playful glare.
" Well…okay .. here it goes .. " I took a deep breath and groaned inwardly, then began to talk .
" Recently, I've been …. tired ."
" Huh ? " Sango looked confused
" Yeahh … I figured it out that I lost my purposes in my work , may be even in my life … I'm out of direction Sango . I no longer feel the passion for my job and I've been … lest attracted to the arts of magic. Now the only thing I feel is weariness and exhaustion .."I paused for seconds, trying to find the best words to describe my feelings . " When I first got this job, I was very happy, I was proud .. but Sango .. I really don't know if I still want it now .."
Sango looked at me. She seemed to be thoughtful. After a while , she began to speak.
"Well… it seems like you're having a big problem . And hornestly, Kagome, I really don't know the answer for it. I'm not a psychologist, I'm just a normal teacher. But I think a vacation would do some good. Like I said, you need a break, Kagome. So .. in due time.. just .. just .. losen up okay . Spend some time to relax, enjoy your life. Maybe you would figure something out . It won't be a problem , I assure you. "
" Thanks , Sugar, you are sweet ."
" No prob , pal. I hope you will recover soon . I won't want my frieng go roaming about without direction . " She giggled a bit and tried to cheer me up .
"So.. have you choose where to go …. OR still out of direction " She haft asked , haft taunted me .
I replied with a nod
" Yeah .. I think I'll go to Japan , year 2074 . They were said to have pretty good shopping sites. I'll go and book a trip to day , after this . "
" Anywhere you want to, girl . Just speed it up , will ya ? "
" Okay…okay "
" So what are you waiting for . Don't bother babbling with me here. You really need a fast cure "
"Oh .. right .. here I go" I stood up , gathered my thing and began to walk towards the door ..
" Hey .. wait .. Kagome "
I turned and looked back at Sango : " Hmm ?"
She paused for a bit , as if calculating , then ….
" Set your eyes up for some hot guy , okay . May be a husband would do the job " She smirked mischeviously at me when I threw one of my pen at her .
" Oi.. .. YOU JERK "
She dodged the pen
" "
End first chapter .