InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Absolute Sesshomaru ❯ Sesshomaru ( Chapter 2 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
AW555: OK guys here’s the next chapter. Sorry it took so long, I’m juggling three big stories around (Which the other two aren’t on here cause they wont let us have CYOAs) anyway here’s the new update and I hope you guys enjoy!*Story*Kagome measured Sesshomaru’s clothing and shoe size before heading to the mall. She needed to get Sesshomaru something to wear besides her dad’s pajamas. She looked through a men’s clothing store till she found a white t-shirt, a black jacket, and black pants, which she bought. She also bought black dress shoes to go with the outfit. When she got back to her house, she told Sesshomaru to try the clothes on. She only had 24 hours to return them If they didn’t fit. Once he came out of the Bathroom. Kagome was stunned he looked wonderful! She even got the right size!“Hm, you must like black?” Sesshomaru said. “No, I just thought you’d look best in black and I was right!” Kagome said proudly. Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow and she sighed.“Never mind we’ve got another problem. I’ve spent most of my money on your clothes, (She got two pairs of everything except the shoes) and my mom wont be sending me any more money for a week. They’ll wonder why I spent all that money if I ask them for more right now…” Kagome groaned in frustration. “Why don’t those adds on the pc have a ‘This isn’t a joke’ warning?” she asked.“Maybe most humans are smart enough to know not to order off the Internet?” Sesshomaru asked. Kagome glared at Sesshomaru then blinked. “Wait…why did you say humans? Aren’t you a human too?” Kagome asked Sesshomaru. “I’m an Inu Youkai. Didn’t you know that when you ordered me?” Sesshomaru said.She squeaked, “ NO! I just made you look like this guy I like…”“Hm, then he must be an Inu Youkai too,” Sesshomaru replied. “Inu Yasha? Pssh, yeah right,” Kagome snickered. Sesshomaru growled and Kagome blank. “What? What’s wrong?” Kagome asked. “I do not know but I do not like that name,” he replied. “You look too tense, shall I relax you?” Sesshomaru asked, and in a second had his clothes off. Kagome’s eyes widened and she shrieked, throwing his clothes at him. “NO! Now put your clothes back on!” she squeaked. “Hm, then what did you order me for?” he asked with a raised eyebrow. “For the millionth time I didn’t mean too! That’s why I’m going to return you when my 5 days are up,” she told him. “Then what am I going to do till then?” he asked, now dressed again. “Well, I guess you could go to school with me Monday…it would be nice to have a boyfriend even it he’s sort of not a real boyfriend,” she said, “But I’m hungry what about you?”“I don’t eat human food, but I will eat it if it pleases you,” Sesshomaru said.Kagome bank, “What do you eat then?”“Raw meat.”*At Mac Donald’s*“This thing you call a ‘Whopper’ is delicious Kagome,” Sesshomaru said, scarffing down a burger. Kagome giggled, know the All might power of the burger. She gasped as she saw Inu Yasha with a black haired girl in his car pull up to the drive thru. Kagome quickly pushed Sesshomaru under the table so Inu Yasha wouldn’t see Sesshomaru. Inu Yasha, luckily, didn’t see her and drove off with his order. Kagome sighed in relief then blushed as Sesshomaru’s head was very near her inner thighs. She quickly made him sit back in his seat.“Hm, for a minute I thought you had changed our mind about being pleasured,” he smirked. Kagome glared at him, “For your information someone I know drove by and I didn’t want him to see me with you.”Sesshomaru growled, “That Inu Yasha?” She blushed and nodded, finishing her fries. On the walk back home, Kagome jumped as she heard a voice. “Hey Kagome.”Kagome turned around to see Naraku, a boy she had grown up with. “Hey Naraku,” she said with a smile. Naraku looked at Sesshomaru.“Who’s he?” Naraku asked. “Oh this is Sesshomaru, my boyfriend,” Kagome replied, grabbing Sesshomaru’s arm. Naraku glared lightly at Sesshomaru.“So, you finally found a guy who was blind?” Naraku asked as he walked away. Kagome’s hold on Sesshomaru’s arm loosened and he noticed his ring had turned black. “Kagome?” he said. “Just forget about it,” she said as she kept walking to towards the shrine, with her head lowered. *At the Shrine*“Who was that man?” Sesshomaru asked, trying not to growl.“His name is Naraku, I’ve known him since I was five. He’s been really mean to me lately and I don’t know why. We used to be best friends…” Kagome said sadly. “I can kill him if you want me to,” Sesshomaru offered.Kagome’s eyes widened, “NO! Um...that’s ok I might have you beat him up one day but don’t kill him please.”Sesshomaru nodded and turned on the TV. Kagome giggled, of course the first thing a any male learns to do is turn on the TV. Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow at Kagome and she shook her head. “Would you like anything to drink?” Kagome asked Sesshomaru.“Let me get that for you Kagome,” Sesshomaru said, getting the exact drink she wanted.Kagome blank, “Um thank you.”Kagome choked on her tea as Sesshomaru flipped it to the porno section. “SESSHOMARU! Turn that off!” she choked out.He smirked, “I’d like to try that with you one day Kagome, if you’d let me.”Kagome blushed furiously, grabbed the remote, and switched it to Spongebob. Luckily, it was a Spongebob marathon! Sesshomaru watched in amazement, like a little kid. Kagome couldn’t help but laugh at him. “Hm, interesting, the little yellow man obviously runs around yelling I’m Ready, for what we don’t know, and the pink man tries to look at his forehead, interesting,” Sesshomaru said very seriously. Kagome laughed and handed Sesshomaru the remote. “I’m going to take a bath and don’t you dare come in on me ok?” Kagome said, walking into the Bathroom. Sesshomaru, not really listening to her, nodded his head and kept watching Spongebob. After Kagome got out of the bathtub, she snuck upstairs with just her towel on, knowing that Sesshomaru was more interested in Spongebob at the moment then her. She quickly got into her pajamas, not planning on going anywhere else that day. She then headed downstairs and noticed Sesshomaru was not on the couch. She blank and searched the house, then she heard meowing and followed it. Kagome tried not to laugh at the sight she found. Sesshomaru was petting Buyo, while picking his paws up so he did a dance. Buyo just meowed and purred in pleasure. Sesshomaru looked at Kagome and stood up. Then he patted Buyo on the head before walking over to her. “You look stunning Kagome,” he said.“….I’m just in my pajamas Sesshomaru…” she said.“You always look stunning,” Sesshomaru said with a smirk.Kagome blushed and mumbled a thank you before going back to the couch. She then flipped through the channels till she found Edward Scissorhands. Kagome then leaned onto Sesshomaru as they watched the movie together. Kagome’s eyes were slowly closing as the movie was getting to the middle. Sesshomaru put her head in his lap as she feel asleep. He turned off the movie and watched her sleep. A few hours later, Kagome woke up with two golden eyes peering into hers. She screamed and fell off the couch. Sesshomaru grabbed his ears and growled. “I’m sorry! You scared me!” she said, standing up. He glared lightly at her, “Hm, my ears are very sensitive.”“Oh…heh sorry about that,” she said, sweat dropping. Kagome yawned and looked for a clock. “What time is it anyway?” she asked. “5:30, you’ve been asleep for 3 hours.” Sesshomaru told her.Kagome blushed, “Did I fall into your lap? I’m really sorry.”He smirked, “No, I put your head in my lap once you feel asleep.”“Oh…well thank you,” she said with a smile. AW555: Well guys I hope you enjoyed it. Please review!