InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Absolution: The Collected Chronicles of Miroku and Sango ❯ Whisper ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sango often dreamed.
Of love and honor.
Of passion and peace.
He appeared before her with stormy blue eyes and a passionate heart, wrapped in a cocoon of hurt. In her dreams, she unwrapped the bindings and took all the hurt away.
“But is it enough to dream?”
She knew she wanted to be there for him. Sango understood people sometimes fall in and out of love but she thought the bonds of loyalty to be stronger. Sango couldn't accept the idea of the betrayal by his best friend. She knew in order for Miroku to heal, he would have to confront the source of his greatest pain, the duplicity of his friend.
She ached for Miroku sometimes. Sango knew sometimes she wanted more from him than maybe he was ready to give. She pitied him for the pain he was going through and the pain he would have to go through to come out clean on the other side.
Sango knew Miroku wouldn't understand the empathy. He'd see it as mocking and push her away.
“Don't make me leave.”
Even out with Kouga, Miroku consumed her thoughts. There was so much more about him Sango wanted to know. She wanted to see glimpse of the man she sometimes saw behind the rawness of his anguish. Sango wanted the pity to stop creeping into her thoughts. Miroku was so much more to her than a being to be pitied. He deserved to be cared for and cherished.
“But does he want me to be the one to cherish him?”
Sango sighed and hung her head. More than anything, she wanted to find this friend. She would be by Miroku's side if he needed her to be but she was ready for this to be over.
“Until this is done, I just can't see what the future can be.”
And Sango was ready to take a peek into the future.