InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Abuse, Violence, and Love ❯ Court and Surprise ( Chapter 12 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN INUYASHA!!!!.......(sigh) I wish!
Chapter 12
Court and Surprise!
-A week and 3 days later-
"Alright. I talked it over with the lawyers. The court will take place Thursday at noon. So both of you, Sango, and Miroku will have to be there. Kouga and your dad will be there too, we got a hold of them." Sesshomaru explained to Inuyasha and Kagome who had just walked in the door from school.
"Ok. Thank you." Kagome said. Inuyasha and Kagome walked to their room and threw their bookbags on the floor.
"Hey Inuyasha? Can I go to my house and pick up my things? I'm kinda tired of borrowing Sangos clothes everyday." Kagome said sitting on the bed.
"Yea sure, but isn't your dad home?" Inuyasha asked sitting next to her.
"Oh. I don't know. He's usually not ever home at this time."
"It's ok. Lets go. I'll be there if he trys to hit you." Inuyasha said clenching his teeth together.
"...Ok..." Kagome said and stood up.
-At Kagomes house-
Kagome slowly walked to her front door with Inuyasha behind her. Slowly and nervously she opened her front door only to be greeted with the smell of wine and weed, and to find bottles of beer all over the floor and the place looking a mess.
"KAGOME!?" Her fathers angry voice was heard. Inuyasha clentched his fist and tried very hard to keep his control and not attack the man.
'If he lays one hand on Kagome, Kami I swear he will pay.' Inuyasha thought.
Her father walked up to them looking like an old drunk bum ignoring Inuyasha and staring angrily at Kagome.
"Where the fuck have you been!? You've been gone for more than a week!? And you come home with a fucking guy!?" her father yelled at her.
Kagome was about to open her mouth to speak but it immediatly shut when her dads fist collided with her chin. That was when Inuyasha lost control. He stood directly in front of her father and punched him hard on the face. Her dad fell to the floor holding his face.
"That was for punching her just now! And this is for all the other times you've hit her!" Inuyasha yelled as he began kicking him in the stomach multiple times before kneeling down and punching him. After he did some punching and kicking Inuyasha lifted him up by the neck against the wall. "I'll see you in court on Thursday. If you don't come, I will find you, and drag you there if I have to. Got it?" Inuyasha asked. Kagomes dad nodded and Inuyasha let him go. He turned to Kagome who was watching the whole time against the wall holding her chin. "Baby? Are you ok?" he asked her.
Kagome nodded. "I'm fine. I'm used to it by now."
"Come on. Lets go get your stuff." She nodded and they both went upstairs leaving her father beaten up in the living room.
Kagome was packing all her clothes and other stuff quietly in her luggages. Inuyasha noticed the sad look on her face while he was sitting on her bed.
"Kagome? Are you ok?" he asked. She just nodded not being able to trust her voice and gave him a fake smile. Inuyasha stared at her for a while. "No you're not. What's wrong?" he asked again standing up from her bed and walking up to her. "Kagome? What's wrong?" he asked again when she didn't answer. He cupped her face in his hands and looked down at her. Once she looked at him she couldn't help it. She fell into his chest and cried. He wrapped his arm around her and rubbed her back untill she calmed down.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cry like that." Kagome said.
"It's ok. But why are you crying?"
"I...I don't know. I guess it's the fact that my dad hits me and the fact that I miss my mom and I'm moving from the one place where I spent my whole life at. I don't know."
"It's alright. I'm here now." Inuyasha said and hugged her tight.
Kagome continued her packing for a while. Then she remembered something. She walked over to her bed and kneeled down reaching under it. She pulled out a white square box with floral designs on the edges.
"What's that?" Inuyasha asked when she put it on the bed.
"It's memories of my mom and what's left of her." Kagome said wiping off the dust and opened it. Inside were pictures and jewelry. "My mom gave this to me before she died. She told me to keep it safe." Kagome said. She then pulled out a beautiful gold ring with three square diamonds on it. "This was her wedding ring."
"That's pretty." Inuyasha said. He looked in the box and picked up a picture that caugh his attention. The picture looked really old; in it were two people; one was anolder women. Her hair was short and she had chocolate brown eyes. The other person was a young girl about the age of 4 or 5 with long raven black hair and chocolate brown eyes. Both girls were smiling while the older women held the younger one in her lap.
"That's me and my mom. I was about 4 in that picture." Kagome said.
"You haven't changed. You're still the cute and beautiful girl." Inuyasha said. Kagome blushed and smiled. After they finished all the packing Kagome had about four bags of clothes, shoes, accesories, etc. They left in Inuyashas car and drove back to their home. At first Sesshomaru didn't approve of Kagome living there but with a little of Inuyashas begging (yea he begged lol) helped him change his mind and now Kagome and Sesshomaru became close like siblings. Once they got there Kagome unpacked and put all her clothes in her new dresser that Inuyasha bought for her. Kagomes birthday was on Saturday and everyone decided to have a surprise party at Inuyashas house. The plan was that Inuyasha would take her to an early dinner while everyone else decorated the living room for her and when she got home...well she will be surprised.
-Thursday/ Court day-
Inuyasha, Kagome, Sesshomaru, and her lawyer were all sitting at the table in the front at the court room. On the other side sat Kouga and his lawyer with two police men beside him. Sango and Miroku were behind Kagome and Inuyasha and Kagomes father was on the other side behind Kouga with two police at his side. (if your wondering about Kikyo and Naraku they didnt come because nobody found out about them.) The judge came in and sat down. Sesshomaru handed the officer some papers who handed them to the judge. Everyone was quiet while the judge looked through the papers.
"Kagome Higurashi?" the judge asked.
"Right here sir." Kagome said raising her hand.
"You are here for kidnap and rape?"
"Yes sir."
''Explain what happen."
"Ok. About two weeks ago on a Friday me and my friends were walking in the park. We went different ways and I ended up going with my boyfriend. Inuyasha and I were sitting at a bench when a purple smoke surrounded us and we couldn't see anything. I fell unconcious, but before I did I felt someone grab me and started running. Next thing I know when I woke up I was on a bed in Kougas house. He told me that he was going to make me his officially. Then he started to do sexual things and I kept trying to stop him. Everytime I tried to stop him though he hit me. Then he said "We can do this the hard way, or the easy way." I didn't say anything and he pulled out some ropes and tied me up. He was going to rape me but Inuyasha came. Inuyasha was mad and he started hiting Kouga. Kouga fought back but eventually Inuyasha won and knocked him out. That's when we got out of there." Kagome explained.
The judge nodded. "These are pictures of your injuries?"
"They look pretty bad."
(ok blah blah blah they ask more questions i think this is boring so im gonna skip part of it.)
The judge came out after talking to the lawyers in a back room. "Kouga is considered...guilty."
"I'm gonna get you back Kagome." Kouga said through clenched teeth. Kouga was handcuffed and taken through a door by the police.
"Now we will deal with your other case of child abuse. Explain." the judge said looking at Kagome.
"Yes. My dad has been hitting me ever since I was five years old."
"What happen to your mother?"
" dad beat her to death."
"Uh huh. Mr. Higurashi do you have anything to say?"
Mr. Higurashi looked over at Kagome and Inuyasha. Inuyasha sent him a death glare and he nodded no.
"Have you told anybody about your father?"
"The only people I ever told were my two best friends Sango and Rin."
"Ok. Where are Sango and Rin?"
"Sango is right here. Rin isn't here, she was busy today." Kagome pointed to Sango behind her.
"Sango? Have you seen her with injuries often from her father?"
"Yes sir. I'd say about every week she'd have a new bruise on her."
"Ok. I'll be right back." The judge went to the back with the same lawyers to talk everything out. Kagome was really nervous and Inuyasha held her hand. After about 15 minutes the judge and lawyers came back out. "Mr. Higurashi is considered...guilty." The police came and took him away in handcuffs. Kagome watched the angry face of her father leave sadly but inside she felt happy and free. She could finally live a normal life. Everyone left the court room and went to Kagome and Inuyashas house.
Inuyasha woke up at 11:18. He looked at the woman in his arms and smiled. 'I could get used to waking up to this every morning.' Giving her a kiss on her forehead he got up carefully and went to dress and take a shower for Kagomes big day. Once he got out of the shower he got dressed in some black jeans and and a red t-shirt. It was still to early to dress up for dinner. Kagome was still sleeping in bed so he went over to her and layed down ontop of the covers and waited untill she woke. About 15 minutes later she started to stir.
"Kagome?" he whispered.
Kagome mumbled something in her sleep and then open her eyes to be greeted by Inuyashas amber eyes. "Morning."
"Morning. How are you feeling?"
"Good. You should feel good. Todays your big day. Happy birthday honey."
"I hope you have something nice to wear."
"What do you mean?"
"We're going to dinner later on."
"The only nice thing I have is that dress that I wore on our first date." Kagome smiled at the thought of that and Inuyasha smiled too. "I'm gonna go take a shower."
"Ok." Kagome got up and went to the bathroom. Inuyasha waited for her on the bed. Kagome took a quick shower and came out wearing some light blue jeans and a black sweater.
"What are we gonna do untill dinner time?" Kagome asked drying her hair with a towel.
"Anything you want. Today's your day." Inuyasha replied staring at her body.
"Really? about we go to the mall. I want to buy something nice for dinner."
"T-The m-mall?" Inuyasha asked nervously.
"Yea. Come on. It's my day. I can do whatever I want right?"
'Damn. Now I gotta go to the mall with her. Damn Damn Damn!' he thought. "Sure baby. Lets go."
-The mall-
Kagome had probably been to 20 different stores and tried on 100 different dresses in the whole mall in 3 hours. Inuyasha sighed as they entered another store and Kaogme picked out 3 different dresses. He sighed again while he was waiting for her while she was in the fitting room. He looked at his watch.
'It's already 4:00. Damn she better hurry up.' he thought. "Kagome? Are you almost done? Come on, you've tried on like 500 dresses already."
"Hold your horses. I'm almost done. Don't you want me to look good for tonight?" she yelled back.
"You always look good." he said. Kagome blushed and tried on the last dress.
"I found one I like!" Kagome yelled. She was wearing a sky blue halter dress, v-neck. The top half had a lacy white fabric that covered the blue fabric. It went down knee lenth and on the right side of the dress was a glittery silver rose. She decided to make Inuyasha wait untill later to see it on her. Since she already had some white heels that she borrowed from Sango, she didn't have to buy any. Plus she had a perfect white jacket to wear. After she dressed in her normal clothes she went to pay for it, although Inuyasha ended up paying for it. He said she shouldn't waste money on her birthday.
-Inuyashas house
Kagome was in her room getting ready for dinner. She had to kick Inuyasha out after he got ready. She dressed in her sky blue dress along with her white heels and white jacket. Her hair was up in a high ponytail and with two strands at the front that were curled. Her eyelids had a light blue eyeshadow. After she finished everything she walked out to the living room where Inuyasha was waiting for her with Sesshomaru.
"I'm ready." Kagome said.
Inuyasha and Sesshomaru turned away from the t.v to look at her. "Finally. Lets g-" Inuyasha stopped when he noticed how she looked. He stared at her with his mouth open; and his eyes scanning over her body.
"You look nice Kagome. Inuyasha, please don't drool on my carpet." Sesshomaru said with his serious emotionless face.
"Thanks Sessh. Are we leaving?" Kagome asked looking at Inuyasha.
"Huh? Oh um yea. Lets go." Inuyasha said and snapped his mouth closed. He was wearing some black dress pants and a blue button up shirt with a black jacket over it. He grabbed her hand and they walked out to the car. Once they both got in the car Inuyasha leaned over and took Kagomes lips in his. She was a little startled by the sudded kiss but responded immediatly. He licked her lips for entrance and she granted. For a while they battled over dominance untill they broke apart for air. The whole time he kissed her hard, hungrily and passionatly.
"What was that for?" Kagome asked after they pulled apart.
"I couldn't help it. You just look so beautiful right now." he said.
Kagome blushed. "Oh. Thanks. You look nice too."
-Mirokus house-
Miroku, Sango, and Rin sat at his window in the living room watching Inuyasha and Kagome leave.
"Wow. Kagome looked really beautiful." Rin said.
"She wore my shoes! Those were my shoes! Where did she find that dress though it was so pretty." Sango said. Rin and Miroku laughed.
"I guess we should get started on the decorations." Miroku said getting off the couch and picking up the bags with the decorations in them.
"Yea. I'm gonna get the cake out from the fridge. Tell Sessh we'll be right there." Sango said.
Miroku nodded and left the house. Sango and Rin went into the kitchen and took the cake out of the fridge. "Who's Sessh?" Rin asked.
"Oh! That's Inuyashas older brother. You should get to know him. You asked me before if he had an older brother well you're about to meet him. Just one thing. He's kinda...serious looking." Sango said excitedly.
"Is he cute?" Rin asked.
"I dunno. You can be the judge on that."
Rin smiled and they both went to Inuyashas house to get ready for the party.
-Inuyashas house-
Miroku and Sesshomaru were sitting on the couch waiting for the girls. They turned when they heard the door open. Rin was second to walk in and Sesshomaru and her immediatly locked eyes.
'Wow. He is cute!' Rin thought.
'Wow. She's...beautiful. Wait!? Did I just call her beautiful?' Sesshomaru thought.
"Hi Sessh. This is Rin. Kagomes other best friend. Rin this is Sesshomaru, Inuyashas brother." Sango introdused them.
Sesshomaru walked up to Rin and shook her hand. "Hi." Sesshomaru said.
"Hi Sesshomaru. Nice to meet you." Rin said cheerfully.
"Nice to meet you too." Rin smiled.
"Um...Rin can you help me in the kitchen." Sango said giving her the girl-to-girl-conversation-now look.
"Ok." Rin followed Sango to the kitchen and sat on the chair. She knew Sango didn't need any help she just wanted to talk. "What do you wanna talk about?"
"So? Sesshomaru? What do you think?"
"He's...cute." Rin blushed.
"I think he likes you."
"I just met him."
"Still. He may look like he dosen't ever show his emotions but I could tell by the look in his eyes, and he kept staring at you."
"Whatever." Rin blushed again.
"Whoa. Since when did you ever blush over a guy?"
"I'm not blushing." Rin said turning away from her.
"Yea you are."
"No I'm not."
"So? What you think of Rin?" Miroku asked Sesshomaru.
"I don't think nothing of her." Sesshomaru glared at Miroku.
"Yea right. You like her." Miroku said. Sesshomaru didn't answer he just glared again. "I know you like her." And again he glared. "I could tell by the way you looked at her. You just wont admit you like her."
"Dammit. Ok I think she's pretty. Happy?" Sesshomaru said.
Rin and Sango came back a while later and all four started decorating. Sesshomaru and Rin got to know eachother a lot better than before while they were decorating.
-Inuyasha and Kagome-
Inuyasha had taken Kagome to her favorite restaurant thanks to Sangos help. She smiled brightly when she realized where they were. They sat at a table for two by a window.
"Thank you Inuyasha." Kagome said after they got their food.
"For what?"
"For taking me here. For paying for everything. For letting me move in with you. For helping me get out of my hell life. Thank you for everything."
"You're welcome. You deserved it."
Kagome smiled. They ate their food in silence and then went to the car when they were done. Inuyasha looked at his watch. It was already 7:25.
"Are we doing anything else?" Kagome asked once they got in the car.
"Nah. We're just gonna go home and watch movies the rest of the night."
"Oh ok." Kagome said with a little disapointment in her voice.
-Inuyashas house-
Everything was ready. Inuyasha said he'd be there at 8:00 and now it was 7:45. Everyone was waiting for the birthday girl to come home. When they saw Inuyashas car Sango quickly shut off the lights and everyone hid.
Kagome and Inuyasha got out of the car and walked hand in hand to their front door. "Here." Inuyasha said handing Kagome the house keys. "Open the door." he added when Kagome looked at him confused instead of taking the keys. Then she grabbed the keys and opened the door. It was dark inside so she turned on the lights. At that second all her friends popped out of their hiding spaces yelling.
Kagome jumped and looked at everyone and the decorations. "Um...Thanks guys."
The living room had balloons and streamers all over. Colors of red, blue, white, pink, green, yellow, and purple. On the coffee table were her presents from her friends.
"Happy birthday!" Sango and Rin said and hugged Kagome.
The rest of the evening they danced and ate the cake untill it was time to open the presents.
"Here. This is from Rin." Sango said and handed her a box. Kagome smiled and opened it. Inside she saw a new diary and a new light blue purse.
"I love it! Thank you Rin!" Kagome smiled.
"You're welcome."
"This is from Miroku." Sango handed her a thin small box shape. Kagome opened it and saw it was the new Usher cd.
"Thank you Miroku!" Kagome smiled.
"You're welcome."
"This is from Sesshomaru." Kagome opened it and saw a new book that she wanted.
"Yes! Thank you Sessh!"
"You're welcome Kagome."
"And this is from me." Sango said and handed her two square boxes. One was big and the other was small. Kagome opened the first box and saw two new shirts. Then she opened the smaller one and saw a friendship charm bracelet.
"Oh my gosh. Thank you Sango." Kagome smiled brightly.
"You're welcome." Sango smiled. "You still got one more." Sango said and looked at Inuyasha. She knew he was nervous. Kagome turn to Inuyasha and smiled at him. Inuyasha reached into his pocket and handed Kagome a small square box. She opened it and gasp. In it she saw the two heart shaped earings and the locket. But what really caught her attention was what was written on the hear locket. There it was. The words I love you written on it. She stared at those words with wide eyes.
"Kagome?" Inuyasha said and grabbed her hand. He continued when she looked up at him. "I-I love you."
Chapter 12
Court and Surprise!
-A week and 3 days later-
"Alright. I talked it over with the lawyers. The court will take place Thursday at noon. So both of you, Sango, and Miroku will have to be there. Kouga and your dad will be there too, we got a hold of them." Sesshomaru explained to Inuyasha and Kagome who had just walked in the door from school.
"Ok. Thank you." Kagome said. Inuyasha and Kagome walked to their room and threw their bookbags on the floor.
"Hey Inuyasha? Can I go to my house and pick up my things? I'm kinda tired of borrowing Sangos clothes everyday." Kagome said sitting on the bed.
"Yea sure, but isn't your dad home?" Inuyasha asked sitting next to her.
"Oh. I don't know. He's usually not ever home at this time."
"It's ok. Lets go. I'll be there if he trys to hit you." Inuyasha said clenching his teeth together.
"...Ok..." Kagome said and stood up.
-At Kagomes house-
Kagome slowly walked to her front door with Inuyasha behind her. Slowly and nervously she opened her front door only to be greeted with the smell of wine and weed, and to find bottles of beer all over the floor and the place looking a mess.
"KAGOME!?" Her fathers angry voice was heard. Inuyasha clentched his fist and tried very hard to keep his control and not attack the man.
'If he lays one hand on Kagome, Kami I swear he will pay.' Inuyasha thought.
Her father walked up to them looking like an old drunk bum ignoring Inuyasha and staring angrily at Kagome.
"Where the fuck have you been!? You've been gone for more than a week!? And you come home with a fucking guy!?" her father yelled at her.
Kagome was about to open her mouth to speak but it immediatly shut when her dads fist collided with her chin. That was when Inuyasha lost control. He stood directly in front of her father and punched him hard on the face. Her dad fell to the floor holding his face.
"That was for punching her just now! And this is for all the other times you've hit her!" Inuyasha yelled as he began kicking him in the stomach multiple times before kneeling down and punching him. After he did some punching and kicking Inuyasha lifted him up by the neck against the wall. "I'll see you in court on Thursday. If you don't come, I will find you, and drag you there if I have to. Got it?" Inuyasha asked. Kagomes dad nodded and Inuyasha let him go. He turned to Kagome who was watching the whole time against the wall holding her chin. "Baby? Are you ok?" he asked her.
Kagome nodded. "I'm fine. I'm used to it by now."
"Come on. Lets go get your stuff." She nodded and they both went upstairs leaving her father beaten up in the living room.
Kagome was packing all her clothes and other stuff quietly in her luggages. Inuyasha noticed the sad look on her face while he was sitting on her bed.
"Kagome? Are you ok?" he asked. She just nodded not being able to trust her voice and gave him a fake smile. Inuyasha stared at her for a while. "No you're not. What's wrong?" he asked again standing up from her bed and walking up to her. "Kagome? What's wrong?" he asked again when she didn't answer. He cupped her face in his hands and looked down at her. Once she looked at him she couldn't help it. She fell into his chest and cried. He wrapped his arm around her and rubbed her back untill she calmed down.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cry like that." Kagome said.
"It's ok. But why are you crying?"
"I...I don't know. I guess it's the fact that my dad hits me and the fact that I miss my mom and I'm moving from the one place where I spent my whole life at. I don't know."
"It's alright. I'm here now." Inuyasha said and hugged her tight.
Kagome continued her packing for a while. Then she remembered something. She walked over to her bed and kneeled down reaching under it. She pulled out a white square box with floral designs on the edges.
"What's that?" Inuyasha asked when she put it on the bed.
"It's memories of my mom and what's left of her." Kagome said wiping off the dust and opened it. Inside were pictures and jewelry. "My mom gave this to me before she died. She told me to keep it safe." Kagome said. She then pulled out a beautiful gold ring with three square diamonds on it. "This was her wedding ring."
"That's pretty." Inuyasha said. He looked in the box and picked up a picture that caugh his attention. The picture looked really old; in it were two people; one was anolder women. Her hair was short and she had chocolate brown eyes. The other person was a young girl about the age of 4 or 5 with long raven black hair and chocolate brown eyes. Both girls were smiling while the older women held the younger one in her lap.
"That's me and my mom. I was about 4 in that picture." Kagome said.
"You haven't changed. You're still the cute and beautiful girl." Inuyasha said. Kagome blushed and smiled. After they finished all the packing Kagome had about four bags of clothes, shoes, accesories, etc. They left in Inuyashas car and drove back to their home. At first Sesshomaru didn't approve of Kagome living there but with a little of Inuyashas begging (yea he begged lol) helped him change his mind and now Kagome and Sesshomaru became close like siblings. Once they got there Kagome unpacked and put all her clothes in her new dresser that Inuyasha bought for her. Kagomes birthday was on Saturday and everyone decided to have a surprise party at Inuyashas house. The plan was that Inuyasha would take her to an early dinner while everyone else decorated the living room for her and when she got home...well she will be surprised.
-Thursday/ Court day-
Inuyasha, Kagome, Sesshomaru, and her lawyer were all sitting at the table in the front at the court room. On the other side sat Kouga and his lawyer with two police men beside him. Sango and Miroku were behind Kagome and Inuyasha and Kagomes father was on the other side behind Kouga with two police at his side. (if your wondering about Kikyo and Naraku they didnt come because nobody found out about them.) The judge came in and sat down. Sesshomaru handed the officer some papers who handed them to the judge. Everyone was quiet while the judge looked through the papers.
"Kagome Higurashi?" the judge asked.
"Right here sir." Kagome said raising her hand.
"You are here for kidnap and rape?"
"Yes sir."
''Explain what happen."
"Ok. About two weeks ago on a Friday me and my friends were walking in the park. We went different ways and I ended up going with my boyfriend. Inuyasha and I were sitting at a bench when a purple smoke surrounded us and we couldn't see anything. I fell unconcious, but before I did I felt someone grab me and started running. Next thing I know when I woke up I was on a bed in Kougas house. He told me that he was going to make me his officially. Then he started to do sexual things and I kept trying to stop him. Everytime I tried to stop him though he hit me. Then he said "We can do this the hard way, or the easy way." I didn't say anything and he pulled out some ropes and tied me up. He was going to rape me but Inuyasha came. Inuyasha was mad and he started hiting Kouga. Kouga fought back but eventually Inuyasha won and knocked him out. That's when we got out of there." Kagome explained.
The judge nodded. "These are pictures of your injuries?"
"They look pretty bad."
(ok blah blah blah they ask more questions i think this is boring so im gonna skip part of it.)
The judge came out after talking to the lawyers in a back room. "Kouga is considered...guilty."
"I'm gonna get you back Kagome." Kouga said through clenched teeth. Kouga was handcuffed and taken through a door by the police.
"Now we will deal with your other case of child abuse. Explain." the judge said looking at Kagome.
"Yes. My dad has been hitting me ever since I was five years old."
"What happen to your mother?"
" dad beat her to death."
"Uh huh. Mr. Higurashi do you have anything to say?"
Mr. Higurashi looked over at Kagome and Inuyasha. Inuyasha sent him a death glare and he nodded no.
"Have you told anybody about your father?"
"The only people I ever told were my two best friends Sango and Rin."
"Ok. Where are Sango and Rin?"
"Sango is right here. Rin isn't here, she was busy today." Kagome pointed to Sango behind her.
"Sango? Have you seen her with injuries often from her father?"
"Yes sir. I'd say about every week she'd have a new bruise on her."
"Ok. I'll be right back." The judge went to the back with the same lawyers to talk everything out. Kagome was really nervous and Inuyasha held her hand. After about 15 minutes the judge and lawyers came back out. "Mr. Higurashi is considered...guilty." The police came and took him away in handcuffs. Kagome watched the angry face of her father leave sadly but inside she felt happy and free. She could finally live a normal life. Everyone left the court room and went to Kagome and Inuyashas house.
Inuyasha woke up at 11:18. He looked at the woman in his arms and smiled. 'I could get used to waking up to this every morning.' Giving her a kiss on her forehead he got up carefully and went to dress and take a shower for Kagomes big day. Once he got out of the shower he got dressed in some black jeans and and a red t-shirt. It was still to early to dress up for dinner. Kagome was still sleeping in bed so he went over to her and layed down ontop of the covers and waited untill she woke. About 15 minutes later she started to stir.
"Kagome?" he whispered.
Kagome mumbled something in her sleep and then open her eyes to be greeted by Inuyashas amber eyes. "Morning."
"Morning. How are you feeling?"
"Good. You should feel good. Todays your big day. Happy birthday honey."
"I hope you have something nice to wear."
"What do you mean?"
"We're going to dinner later on."
"The only nice thing I have is that dress that I wore on our first date." Kagome smiled at the thought of that and Inuyasha smiled too. "I'm gonna go take a shower."
"Ok." Kagome got up and went to the bathroom. Inuyasha waited for her on the bed. Kagome took a quick shower and came out wearing some light blue jeans and a black sweater.
"What are we gonna do untill dinner time?" Kagome asked drying her hair with a towel.
"Anything you want. Today's your day." Inuyasha replied staring at her body.
"Really? about we go to the mall. I want to buy something nice for dinner."
"T-The m-mall?" Inuyasha asked nervously.
"Yea. Come on. It's my day. I can do whatever I want right?"
'Damn. Now I gotta go to the mall with her. Damn Damn Damn!' he thought. "Sure baby. Lets go."
-The mall-
Kagome had probably been to 20 different stores and tried on 100 different dresses in the whole mall in 3 hours. Inuyasha sighed as they entered another store and Kaogme picked out 3 different dresses. He sighed again while he was waiting for her while she was in the fitting room. He looked at his watch.
'It's already 4:00. Damn she better hurry up.' he thought. "Kagome? Are you almost done? Come on, you've tried on like 500 dresses already."
"Hold your horses. I'm almost done. Don't you want me to look good for tonight?" she yelled back.
"You always look good." he said. Kagome blushed and tried on the last dress.
"I found one I like!" Kagome yelled. She was wearing a sky blue halter dress, v-neck. The top half had a lacy white fabric that covered the blue fabric. It went down knee lenth and on the right side of the dress was a glittery silver rose. She decided to make Inuyasha wait untill later to see it on her. Since she already had some white heels that she borrowed from Sango, she didn't have to buy any. Plus she had a perfect white jacket to wear. After she dressed in her normal clothes she went to pay for it, although Inuyasha ended up paying for it. He said she shouldn't waste money on her birthday.
-Inuyashas house
Kagome was in her room getting ready for dinner. She had to kick Inuyasha out after he got ready. She dressed in her sky blue dress along with her white heels and white jacket. Her hair was up in a high ponytail and with two strands at the front that were curled. Her eyelids had a light blue eyeshadow. After she finished everything she walked out to the living room where Inuyasha was waiting for her with Sesshomaru.
"I'm ready." Kagome said.
Inuyasha and Sesshomaru turned away from the t.v to look at her. "Finally. Lets g-" Inuyasha stopped when he noticed how she looked. He stared at her with his mouth open; and his eyes scanning over her body.
"You look nice Kagome. Inuyasha, please don't drool on my carpet." Sesshomaru said with his serious emotionless face.
"Thanks Sessh. Are we leaving?" Kagome asked looking at Inuyasha.
"Huh? Oh um yea. Lets go." Inuyasha said and snapped his mouth closed. He was wearing some black dress pants and a blue button up shirt with a black jacket over it. He grabbed her hand and they walked out to the car. Once they both got in the car Inuyasha leaned over and took Kagomes lips in his. She was a little startled by the sudded kiss but responded immediatly. He licked her lips for entrance and she granted. For a while they battled over dominance untill they broke apart for air. The whole time he kissed her hard, hungrily and passionatly.
"What was that for?" Kagome asked after they pulled apart.
"I couldn't help it. You just look so beautiful right now." he said.
Kagome blushed. "Oh. Thanks. You look nice too."
-Mirokus house-
Miroku, Sango, and Rin sat at his window in the living room watching Inuyasha and Kagome leave.
"Wow. Kagome looked really beautiful." Rin said.
"She wore my shoes! Those were my shoes! Where did she find that dress though it was so pretty." Sango said. Rin and Miroku laughed.
"I guess we should get started on the decorations." Miroku said getting off the couch and picking up the bags with the decorations in them.
"Yea. I'm gonna get the cake out from the fridge. Tell Sessh we'll be right there." Sango said.
Miroku nodded and left the house. Sango and Rin went into the kitchen and took the cake out of the fridge. "Who's Sessh?" Rin asked.
"Oh! That's Inuyashas older brother. You should get to know him. You asked me before if he had an older brother well you're about to meet him. Just one thing. He's kinda...serious looking." Sango said excitedly.
"Is he cute?" Rin asked.
"I dunno. You can be the judge on that."
Rin smiled and they both went to Inuyashas house to get ready for the party.
-Inuyashas house-
Miroku and Sesshomaru were sitting on the couch waiting for the girls. They turned when they heard the door open. Rin was second to walk in and Sesshomaru and her immediatly locked eyes.
'Wow. He is cute!' Rin thought.
'Wow. She's...beautiful. Wait!? Did I just call her beautiful?' Sesshomaru thought.
"Hi Sessh. This is Rin. Kagomes other best friend. Rin this is Sesshomaru, Inuyashas brother." Sango introdused them.
Sesshomaru walked up to Rin and shook her hand. "Hi." Sesshomaru said.
"Hi Sesshomaru. Nice to meet you." Rin said cheerfully.
"Nice to meet you too." Rin smiled.
"Um...Rin can you help me in the kitchen." Sango said giving her the girl-to-girl-conversation-now look.
"Ok." Rin followed Sango to the kitchen and sat on the chair. She knew Sango didn't need any help she just wanted to talk. "What do you wanna talk about?"
"So? Sesshomaru? What do you think?"
"He's...cute." Rin blushed.
"I think he likes you."
"I just met him."
"Still. He may look like he dosen't ever show his emotions but I could tell by the look in his eyes, and he kept staring at you."
"Whatever." Rin blushed again.
"Whoa. Since when did you ever blush over a guy?"
"I'm not blushing." Rin said turning away from her.
"Yea you are."
"No I'm not."
"So? What you think of Rin?" Miroku asked Sesshomaru.
"I don't think nothing of her." Sesshomaru glared at Miroku.
"Yea right. You like her." Miroku said. Sesshomaru didn't answer he just glared again. "I know you like her." And again he glared. "I could tell by the way you looked at her. You just wont admit you like her."
"Dammit. Ok I think she's pretty. Happy?" Sesshomaru said.
Rin and Sango came back a while later and all four started decorating. Sesshomaru and Rin got to know eachother a lot better than before while they were decorating.
-Inuyasha and Kagome-
Inuyasha had taken Kagome to her favorite restaurant thanks to Sangos help. She smiled brightly when she realized where they were. They sat at a table for two by a window.
"Thank you Inuyasha." Kagome said after they got their food.
"For what?"
"For taking me here. For paying for everything. For letting me move in with you. For helping me get out of my hell life. Thank you for everything."
"You're welcome. You deserved it."
Kagome smiled. They ate their food in silence and then went to the car when they were done. Inuyasha looked at his watch. It was already 7:25.
"Are we doing anything else?" Kagome asked once they got in the car.
"Nah. We're just gonna go home and watch movies the rest of the night."
"Oh ok." Kagome said with a little disapointment in her voice.
-Inuyashas house-
Everything was ready. Inuyasha said he'd be there at 8:00 and now it was 7:45. Everyone was waiting for the birthday girl to come home. When they saw Inuyashas car Sango quickly shut off the lights and everyone hid.
Kagome and Inuyasha got out of the car and walked hand in hand to their front door. "Here." Inuyasha said handing Kagome the house keys. "Open the door." he added when Kagome looked at him confused instead of taking the keys. Then she grabbed the keys and opened the door. It was dark inside so she turned on the lights. At that second all her friends popped out of their hiding spaces yelling.
Kagome jumped and looked at everyone and the decorations. "Um...Thanks guys."
The living room had balloons and streamers all over. Colors of red, blue, white, pink, green, yellow, and purple. On the coffee table were her presents from her friends.
"Happy birthday!" Sango and Rin said and hugged Kagome.
The rest of the evening they danced and ate the cake untill it was time to open the presents.
"Here. This is from Rin." Sango said and handed her a box. Kagome smiled and opened it. Inside she saw a new diary and a new light blue purse.
"I love it! Thank you Rin!" Kagome smiled.
"You're welcome."
"This is from Miroku." Sango handed her a thin small box shape. Kagome opened it and saw it was the new Usher cd.
"Thank you Miroku!" Kagome smiled.
"You're welcome."
"This is from Sesshomaru." Kagome opened it and saw a new book that she wanted.
"Yes! Thank you Sessh!"
"You're welcome Kagome."
"And this is from me." Sango said and handed her two square boxes. One was big and the other was small. Kagome opened the first box and saw two new shirts. Then she opened the smaller one and saw a friendship charm bracelet.
"Oh my gosh. Thank you Sango." Kagome smiled brightly.
"You're welcome." Sango smiled. "You still got one more." Sango said and looked at Inuyasha. She knew he was nervous. Kagome turn to Inuyasha and smiled at him. Inuyasha reached into his pocket and handed Kagome a small square box. She opened it and gasp. In it she saw the two heart shaped earings and the locket. But what really caught her attention was what was written on the hear locket. There it was. The words I love you written on it. She stared at those words with wide eyes.
"Kagome?" Inuyasha said and grabbed her hand. He continued when she looked up at him. "I-I love you."