InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Accidental love ❯ Unlocking the heart ( Chapter 2 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Kagome hesitantly started to remove Sesshoumaru kimono thing (I forget what it's called! Anyone who knows tell me and I'll change this!) she was worried that he would wake up and destroy her for being near him. Rin stood and watching Kagome.
“Rin, if Sesshoumaru wakes up suddenly and tries to kill me,” Kagome stopped unsure if she should continue.
“Don't worry Kagome, Lord Sesshoumaru won't attack. I'll make sure” Rin smiled. Kagome nodded and proceeded to remove Sesshoumaru's kimono thing. Once it was removed Kagome could see the extent of the damage the Tetsaiga had caused. She also so saw how much his kimono did hide. Inuyasha's muscles were stringy but Sesshoumaru's were compact. `Wow' Kagome thought. The only thing making his perfect less perfect was the huge wound that still oozed blood. She took her first aid kit and proceeded to disinfect the wounds. Rin was amazed by everything and asked what everything was she didn't know; which was pretty much everything.
After about an hour, Sesshoumaru's wounds where wrapped up and Kagome had gotten the blood to stop. She ran her hands through his still red hair.
“I suppose the next step is washing the blood out of his hair,” Kagome muttered, “how am I going to go about doing that though?” After five minutes she came up with an idea and had buckets of water. And she had out her shampoo. Rin had come over to help Kagome. Kagome explained how to use the shampoo to Rin and soon both were washing the blood out. After that was done, the buckets of water were poured over Sesshoumaru's hair to wash out the shampoo. But the water was cold and cold usually got people to come around.
“Lord Sesshoumaru! You're awake!” Rin cried happily. Kaogme froze where she was and looked over at Sesshoumaru. He looked over at Kagome and something flashed in his eyes. It was confusion. Like he didn't understand why she had helped him.
“I hope you don't mind a human helped you,” Kagome's voice was hardly above a whisper. Sesshoumaru didn't speak. He merely lay back down; that was Kagome's sign that his pride wasn't hurt any by Kagome helping him. “I know you're a demon but you should still get some rest,” Kagome said then looked over at him. `He's already asleep!' Kagome blinked and Rin smiled then snuggled up close to her lord. Kagome smiled as she watched Rin sleep snuggled up close to Sesshoumaru (okay. I decided to add come stuff like this to make Sesshoumaru seem less of an ass than he does in other fics).
Around noon, Rin woke up and started to play with Jaken who squawked and called Rin a useless human. Rin seemed utterly unaffected by Jaken's insult. She just went over to Kagome and they played. Sesshoumaru watched from underneath a tree. He usually hated getting help from anyone but Kagome he didn't seem to mind. Kagome felt eyes watching her and discovered those eyes were Sesshoumaru's. She blushed a bit then returned to playing with Rin. `Why is it I blush when I looked at him? I can't possibly be falling for him. I am going to fall in love with a human from my time. Not Sesshoumaru' Kaogme thought. `She blushed? Why? Better question is why can't I take my eyes off of her? She is a human. A creature that has disgusted me for centuries' Sesshoumaru thought. He leaned back and closed his eyes. He wasn't sleeping though. Kagome smiled and sat down.
“I'm done now Rin. Why is it you have so much energy?” Kagome asked and she lay down from exhaustion.
Rin shrugged then giggled, “I just do.” She sat down in the shade. It was turning into quite the hot day. Once more Kagome felt eyes on her and again those eyes were Sesshoumaru's. Kagome blushed again.
“Sesshoumaru, do you mind if I ask you a question?” Kagome asked timidly. Sesshoumaru said nothing so Kaogme took that as a no. “Do you know anyone by the name Kikyo?” Kagome asked.
“Who?” Sesshoumaru truly didn't know anyone named Kikyo. Kagome let out a breath of relief. She walked over and sat down next to Sesshoumaru `he doesn't know who Kikyo is and therefore he doesn't know I'm her reincarnation' Kagome smiled.
Night came and all were asleep except Sesshoumaru. He looked at Kagome who slept beside him. He tucked her hair behind her ears. `She does smell nicer than most humans' he thought and inwardly smiled. Her presence wouldn't be minded. [Author ID1: at Sat May 7 15:12:00 2005 ][Author ID1: at Sat May 7 15:13:00 2005 ]
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Sorry! I can't add more until later! But when I can I will![Author ID1: at Sat May 7 15:17:00 2005 ]